Charles awoke to voices talking quietly.

"Seventeen people dead, but we couldn't find him amongst the dead bodies or the rubble. It's as if he just vanished." Said the voice.

"Azazel probably teleported him out." Said another voice.

Charles listened silently, trying to tell if Shaw was among the group. He felt angry at himself for getting caught so easily again. He could tell by the jerky movements of the room that he was on a plane, and by using his telepathy he could tell that there were five people, besides him, on board.

Charles knew that he needed to escape back to the warehouse. He needed to see if Erik was still alive. He knew that he was lying down and was held by a Velcro strap going across his middle.

"I need a distraction." Thought Charles. He focused his thoughts on the pilot and grinned slightly when he felt him slump over the controls asleep.

"Hank?" Said the voices as the plane started to dip.

Charles ripped the strap off and jumping up he headed to the plane door.

Erik watched in confusion as Hank fell forward in his seat, clearly asleep.

"Hank?" Said Raven as she started to undo her seat belts.

"No keep them on." Shouted Erik as the plane began to dip. He jumped slightly when he heard a bang behind him. Looking around he saw Charles making his way towards the exit door. He quickly took off his seat belts and using his powers to anchor himself to the floor, he made his way over to Charles.

"Charles, what are you doing?" Shouted Erik.

"I have to go back." Said Charles in desperation. "I have to get his body back at least."

Erik watched in growing alarm as Charles laid his hand on the door release.

"Whose body do you mean?" Asked Erik wondering if Charles was still under Shaw's influence.

"Erik's." He put so much emotion into that one word, that Erik took a hesitant step towards him.

"Charles, I'm right here. You could never hurt me. In fact, after you realised what you had done, and you were destroying the building, you used your powers to put a force field up around us. You saved us. You saved me." Said Erik. "Charles please."

Charles slowly released his hold on the pilot, who he know realised was Hank. He felt the plane twist and turn as Hank struggled to right the it. He shouted out in surprise as he felt himself thrown off his feet as the plane twisted upside down. He shut his eyes as he crashed towards the ceiling. Having felt no impact, Charles opened his eyes in confusion and turned to look behind him. Erik had his arm outstretched and was pulling Charles back up towards him. When he reached him he felt Erik wrap his arms and legs around him, and using his fingertips , he locked them both to the roof using his powers.

Once the plane had righted itself, Erik floated him and Charles back down to the floor.

"Charles are you alright?" Said Erik as he knelt down beside him. Charles turned his head away and refused to look at him.

"Charles, look at me." Said Erik firmly. He waited patiently for Charles to look at him before he continued.

"It was not your fault." Said Erik making sure he spoke clearly so that Charles could hear him..

"You were tortured for a whole week, nobody could have held out that long, and I should know." Said Erik lowering his voice so that no one else could hear them.

Erik watched as Charles started to cry silently. He pulled him close and held him. Erik knew that Charles would ask about the seventeen men that he had killed. He knew that Charles would feel guilty and most likely have nightmares for a few weeks after this. But Erik would always be there by his side, because just like when he played chess he would always save his king.

A.N. Thank you to everyone who took the time to read my story and review it. It was much appreciated.