April 1st – The GIFT
Kaede Rukawa & Hanamichi Sakuragi
{} = Places
[] = Thoughts
" " = Speaking
^^ = Author's notes
= others …
Note: This fic follows the previous one titled: MARCH 31ST -- THE CHOICE
{Rukawa Manor, April 1st)
Kaede Rukawa, senior student and newly appointed captain of Shohoku's Basketball team, blindly groped for his alarm clock as its ringing easily managed to penetrate his shallow slumber. Normally, he wouldn't make use of any device to rouse him early in the morning since he usually gets up at around 7:00 a.m. to play basketball. But not today… Today he needed to be up and about earlier than that. Thus, with an enthusiasm that people who knew the impassive boy's normal waking habit would never associate him with, Rukawa heaved his semi-clad body off the bed and walked towards his closet. As he passed by the study table, his aquamarine eyes caught sight of the black box that had timely arrived two days ago. On impulse, he picked it up and opened the lid, showing the objects that he had hand picked and ordered nearly a month ago, crafted and fashioned to his taste. He was never one to adorn such jewelry but for the plan he had in mind… it was something, which he supposed, he must grow accustomed to. With a small smile, he closed the lid and placed the box inside his bag, wondering how his boyfriend would receive the gift.
Suddenly, a loud honk from outside, heralding the arrival of his parents, broke his current musings and mobilized him into action. Grabbing his robe, he dashed to the living room and waited for his parents. After he gave them a curt greeting, he immediately went back inside his room and went straight to the bathroom. His parents' presence in Kanagawa brought his focus back to the reason why he had to get up that early in the morning.
After about an hour and a half later, a fully clothed and ready raven head went out to the living room. "Dad, I'm off to pick Hanamichi. See you later ok?" He called as he swept past them to grab his car keys on the table.
In the process of turning the doorknob, the younger Rukawa spun around to face the worried expression of his mother. "Mom?"
Naomi Rukawa walked over to her impatient looking son and questioned, "Honey, are you really sure about this?"
"Mom…!" He started; he did not need to have the conversation since he didn't want to be late.
"Kaede," Shinji Rukawa interjected, standing a distance away from mother and son, "You know that your mother and I just wants what's best for you. If you think that this will really make you happy then…"
Rukawa regarded his parents with understanding and tolerance. He had been at the receiving end of this conversation once too many over the past month. Being an only child could be a drag sometimes, he thought, but he knew that his parents meant well. His decision was not an easy one to make, and even more so when he had told them about it. But he HAD decided and he WILL go through with it.
"Mom, Dad, you know that I love you guys and I do appreciate all these concern but there's no need." He tried reassuring them. But as he sensed that his mother was still a bit worried, Rukawa did what he had not done in years… He hugged her. "I love him, Mom. He is a part of my life now, a vital part." Pulling back, he stared seriously into eyes that were identical to his own, "I am going to do it! But I need to know that you are ok with it."
Turning towards his father he asked, "Dad?"
Hearing the pleading note in his son's voice, Shinji walked over to them and said, "Go. We give you our blessing."
This time, the younger Rukawa did not even linger to hear what his mother was going to say. With one last hug to both his parents, he opened the door, grabbed the bag he had dropped on the floor and ran to his car, excitement was clearly written on his face.
"Just look at him Naomi, smiling and vibrantly alive." Shinji casually told his wife as they watch their son get into his car.
"Yes. I thought I would never see him like that again, not since Kaori died 6 years ago." Naomi remarked, sadly remembering the accident that took the life of her only daughter. "It broke his heart when his twin sister died and I was afraid that no one would be able to bring him out of his solitary shell."
Shinji nodded, "Not until that boy came along." Hugging his wife, "He has changed a lot and we have Hanamichi to thank for that."
"I just hope that he'll remain that way forever." Naomi prayed as she watched her only living child drive away.
As the blue-eyed Shohoku forward drove through the still almost empty streets of Kanagawa, he again reviewed the plan he had meticulously mapped out inside his head and prayed that it would be carried out as he had hoped. There was only one thing that could make it unsuccessful… his boyfriend's refusal. Not one to dwell on negative thoughts, he just pushed his foot hard on the accelerator and sped to his destination.
Within minutes, he was already standing on the pavement that leads to the redhead's residence. Using the spare key Sakuragi had provided for him, he silently opened the door and trotted towards the bedroom. As he crossed the short distance towards the bed, Rukawa noticed that his boyfriend had not stirred from the position where he had left him last night. Smiling a little, he gently sat beside the sleeping figure and allowed himself a moment to stare at his beloved's face, reluctant to disturb the beautiful picture he made.
Sakuragi was lying on his back wearing a fox pictured pajama, his lips was slightly parted, one arm outstretched – used as a pillow by a certain fox-eyed boy the night before – while his other just laid limp on his right. But the silent teenager didn't take much notice in that, instead, his sapphire eyes took in the peaceful and vulnerable expression of his boyfriend's face. Suddenly, a feeling of melancholy came over him as a memory of what his Hana told him about his childhood unexpectedly entered his mind.
During the course of their "getting-to-know-each-other" phase, Rukawa was somewhat surprised to have found out that he was not the only one carrying a mask. Sakuragi had been without a mother since birth and being an only child, he was left to look after his sickly father and his own life alone. He had struggled, but he was able to survive because a grandmother that he didn't even know left him a small inheritance that could finance his education, and a small house just near enough from Shohoku. Then, his father had a stroke and poor Hanamichi was left an orphan when he was barely a teen. The effect of being alone at such a tender age made him wary of people and become reticent, that is, until a dark haired boy accidentally bumped into him one day and, along with three others, gave spark once again into his life. He soon became the life of any party; bubbly, carefree and always full of laughter. But there was still something missing, something that Youhei and the others knew they couldn't provide… LOVE. Even if he had his friends to support him, the people who seemed to care for him, he still needed that someone special, craved someone to love, and wanted someone to call his own. Just take into account the numerous times he had tried to find it, but failed.
Until last year… [Fate had thrown us together, and I am going to keep it that way.]
With an expression of unmasked adoration for his sleeping redhead, Rukawa slowly traced the contour of his boyfriend's face with the back of his hand and whispered, "You will always have me Hanamichi." He vowed, and then leaned down to mark his promise with a kiss on the tempting parted lips.
Just like snow white from the fairy tale… Sakuragi suddenly stirred and the first thing his brown eyes were able to focus on were the blue shining orbs which belonged to his surprisingly awaked and fully clothed kitsune. "Kaede…" He purred lovingly, wrapping his arms around the raven head's to pull him down for another kiss. "I love the way you wake me up Kitsune but… you could do better than that, right?" He teased, still half-asleep.
Captivated, Rukawa complied. Seconds later, moans echoed around the room as their kiss turned passionate, and the couple would have stayed locked in each other's embrace if not for the clock's timely chime. With reluctance, Rukawa broke the kiss and murmured, "Was that better?"
Still within a hair's breath away from each other's lips, the redhead grinned like mad and replied, "Much better."
"Good." After he gave another searing kiss to his grinning boyfriend, Rukawa unwrapped the arms around his neck and said, "Now go take your bath, I am going to take you somewhere." Standing up, he hauled the redhead into a sitting position.
Brows furrowed, brown eyes traveled over his gorgeous looking boyfriend and pointed, "Hey, that's not the clothes you wore yesterday."
"That's because I already went home and then came back." Rukawa stated and then remembering the time, "Now hurry up!" He half-shouted to the still unmoving redhead.
"When did you…?" The redhead trailed, then glanced at the clock behind him, "8:30 a.m.?! You mean to say you left late last night and came back this early?" He incredulously stammered as he watched the other took fresh clothes from his closet and handed them to him.
"Yes. I want to be the first one you see on your birthday." He explained. Yanking the covers he ordered, "Now get your perfect butt in the shower."
"But why?"
Short of carrying him to the bathroom himself, Rukawa just kissed Sakuragi's forehead and replied, "Ask me later. I'll wait for you in the living room", then went outside before a still gaping redhead questions him endless.
{Inside the living room}
Checking his watch, "I still have enough time to make a few arrangements." He remarked. But before he could even reach for the telephone, the bedroom door opened and out popped Hana's head.
"Get in the shower 'aho."
The redhead scowled but it was soon replaced by a mischievous pout. "No, I won't. You have not greeted me yet."
The dark haired teen rolled his eyes and sat on the couch, "I thought I already did." He casually remarked, resisting the urge to laugh when he saw the redhead's jaw dropped.
Still clad in his cute pajamas, Sakuragi strolled to where his boyfriend was sitting and sat on his lap. "That was not a proper greeting kitsune. Don't you even have a romantic bone on your slim body?" He questioned, eyes downcast to where his hand was fondling a button of Rukawa's shirt. All of a sudden, arms went around him and he clung for dear life as he was carried effortlessly back in his bedroom. Upon reaching the bathroom, Rukawa kicked the door open and dropped him almost at once. "Kitsune!"
The raven head silenced the irritated birthday boy with a quick kiss and said, "After you've showered and dressed, I'll show you my surprise." Then left hurriedly and returned to the living room, but not before hearing a loud, "It better be good Kaede."
[I hope so too Hana-kun]
{An hour later}
A tall, pale and very handsome raven head was pacing the living room impatiently waiting for a certain birthday boy to make an appearance, [What's taking him so long?] Unable to wait for another second, he was about to head towards the bedroom to drag his cute boyfriend, or carry him if he must, outside to his car when the phone suddenly rang. Half-startled and half-curious, Rukawa was about to answer the phone when the answering machine suddenly beeped and an annoyingly familiar voice sailed across the room.
"Good morning Hanamichi." He heard the caller cheerfully greeted. Rukawa resisted the urge to pick up the phone and slam it down hard till the caller's eardrums break. But he decided against it, instead, he clenched his fist and listened.
"I hope I didn't disturb your beauty sleep? Not that you're not beautiful already." Chuckling, "I know I know you hate being called beautiful."
"Asshole!" Rukawa felt like smashing the huge smile, which he knows would be present in the ever-cheerful face of Sendoh.
"Anyway, I hope we are still going fishing this morning, you know, the usual." A pause, "Don't tell Rukawa. He might not let you come."
"Rest assured that you'd be fishing alone today Sendoh"
"You owe me big for not telling me about him Hana. But don't worry. I'm a fair player and I don't give up that easy. Well, I'll see you later. I have a huge surprise for you. By the way… Happy Birthday Hana-kun."
"Hana-kun?" He stammered and was rooted on the spot after he had heard the endearment. [How close did they become anyway?]
Rukawa was seeing red. He had thought that after they had let their relationship out in the open that Sendoh would stop his pursuit of his redhead. Boy was he wrong. He was still caught in his jealous rage when the bedroom door suddenly opened and out came his boyfriend who looked as beautiful as Sendoh had said him to be. "You won't have him Sendoh. I will never loose him to you." He vowed. Blue eyes glinted dangerously as they raked possessively over the redhead.
Oblivious to his boyfriend's current demeanor, Sakuragi smiled and strolled towards him. "Was that Sendoh's voice I heard?" He queried, but Rukawa just stood and said nothing. Instinctively, his hand went to clasp his boyfriend's and asked, "What's wrong Kaede?"
Rukawa still said nothing but when his cold gaze locked onto the warm loving brown ones of his beloved, his heart melted and his anger slowly ebbed away. Nothing in the redhead's expression told him that Sendoh was anything else but a friend; that cheery smile and that loving gaze were all for him.
Taking a deep breath to calm himself, he squeezed the hand that was clasped onto his and replied, "Yes. He was reminding you of your fishing date for today." Though his anger might have diminished considerably, his jealousy, however, have not and to his consternation, the redhead suddenly laughed out loud.
"What's so funny 'aho?"
Pointing to him, "You are! Just look at your flushed face. I can't believe you're still jealous of Akira." He said in between laughs.
"Akira?" He choked. He did not like the sound of that name coming from his boyfriend's lips. "What's going on Hanamichi?"
Sakuragi controlled his mirth and regarded his slowly getting angered kitsune with fondness. Cupping the pale and handsome face between his hands, "You don't need to be jealous of anyone Kaede. Sendoh is just a friend, a very good friend, that's all." Kissing the tip of Rukawa's nose, "But you look cute when you're all flushed and mad." He chuckled.
Rukawa's heart fluttered and felt the weight of his jealousy lifted off his chest. Placing his hands over the ones holding his face, "He better be just a friend only Hanamichi or else…" He trailed.
Nodding his head, "I understand Kitsune." Then, Sakuragi removed his hands and went to the machine to hit the rewind button.
Blue eyes followed the movements and queried, "What are you doing?"
"Checking Sendoh's message."
The raven head scowled and snapped, "We don't have time for that Hana, we are late as it is."
But the redhead was undeterred, "It'll just be a second. Besides, I don't want Sendoh thinking that I ignored his call or something like that. It might hurt his feelings you know."
Irked by the caring attitude Sakuragi seemed to have acquired for Ryonan's ex-ace, "Suit yourself. I'm leaving." He parted, turning around in a motion to leave.
That got his attention. Whirling around, "Where are you going?"
Rukawa halted but did not turn, "Out! If you insist on wasting anymore time by calling him then… be my guest, I'm not staying."
Shocked, "What?! What about my birthday? Aren't we supposed to spend it together?"
Donning his cold mask, he turned and stared straight into honey brown eyes. "If you are so concerned about Sendoh then go spend your birthday with him. I hope you enjoy yourselves." With that, he turned and went for the door.
Sakuragi was stunned. He couldn't believe that he had heard him right. Granted that he was trying to goad him earlier but not to the point that it would actually make him leave. He watched wide-eyed as Rukawa opened the door and felt something pricked his heart when he realized that his boyfriend was serious. "Kaede!" He called, the message in the answering machine totally forgotten.
Rukawa stopped midway from stepping out of the door. His head hung low and his heart felt heavy. All of a sudden, arms were wrapped around him from behind, pulling him closer to the familiar expanse of chest he dearly loved to sleep and caress. "I'm sorry. Please don't leave. I don't want to spend my birthday with anybody else besides you. Don't you?" Rukawa heard the doubt in the question and felt a jolt of guilt pierce his heart. Gently, he wriggled out from the embrace, enough for him to turn and his heart ached when he looked straight into misty brown eyes.
Shutting the door from behind, Rukawa led the redhead back to the couch while he knelt on the floor in between his boyfriend's legs. Entwining their hands together, the raven head brought one to his lips and said. "I'm sorry Hana. I didn't mean to make you sad on your birthday." Freeing one of his hands, he gently wiped the tear that trickled down his face. "Please don't cry. I can't bear to see you cry." He implored while his face was a mask of contrition and sadness. Then suddenly, he stood up and said to the surprised redhead, "Wait for me here."
A few minutes later, Rukawa came back and was carrying something in his hand. Resuming his position, he gave the black box with a red ribbon to Hana and said, "I was suppose to give this to you later but…" squeezing the hand that was holding the gift, "… I want to give this to you now."
Sakuragi saw the seriousness in his blue eyes and couldn't help but feel nervous all of a sudden. Calming his shaky nerves, he slowly opened the box and felt his breath caught in his throat as he stared in disbelief. At a loss of what to do, he gazed up and met a pair of sparklingly blue eyes watching him intently. "Kaede…" he tried to start and say something but Rukawa shook his head.
"Hear me out first."
Rukawa took the box from him and released one ring from its clasp. "I had this ring made last month." He smiled when he saw the surprised expression on Hana's face and continued. "The designer assigned to me was rather confused by the pattern that I want crafted for this gold band. But after a few hours of sketching and explaining… we both agreed on this plain and simple design." Keeping his eyes onto the brown ones of his boyfriend, Rukawa lifted the ring till eye level and said, "Each ring has a rounded high polish band etched all the way around with two unending circles and is complemented by a gently flowing line that links the two. You know what that means Hanamichi?" He seductively asked the silent redhead. Seeing a shake from that crimson head, he continued, "The two unending circles are the two of us; the flowing line that links the two represents the bond that holds us both together… LOVE; and I chose a pure gold band to make it… unchanging." He ended, watching his boyfriend's expression of wonder.
Speechless, brown eyes could only stare. Sakuragi had never felt so… he couldn't find the correct words to even describe how he felt. All he did know was that, Rukawa had seldom showed a sense of romanticism to him, and when he did, it never failed to elicit the same response from him… utmost happiness. Fresh tears gathered around his eyes and he tried to stifle them but his boyfriend noticed it.
Smiling that now trademark sweet smile of his, Rukawa brushed back the tears that were starting to fall from his boyfriend's eyes and handed him the ring before saying, "Read the inscription at the back."
Doing as he was told, Sakuragi squinted an eye and read the carved words at the back, "Kaede and Hanamichi, Till Eternity." The last words were said softly as his breath was suddenly caught in his throat.
Still knelt on the floor, Rukawa leveled his gaze to Sakuragi and in all seriousness said, "I love you Hanamichi Sakuragi, would you… would you do the honor of marrying me?" He announced and then waited pensively for the answer that could either make or break him. Then, without warning, the full weight of the redhead was suddenly flung onto him and both of them went crashing to the floor. Feathery kisses were being rained on his face and around his neck, all the while his boyfriend was chanting, "Yes… yes… yes…"
Finally, Rukawa could dispel the last fear that was plaguing him all month. It was a huge risk and he knew it. Matching the happiness that was being showed to him by his 'fiancée', he sought to cup the wandering face between his hands and kissed the redhead for all the love that he's worth. Eons later, the couple parted in need of air but still remained gazing at each other, the love that both felt was mirrored in their eyes.
"Happy Birthday Hana-kun. I hope you liked my gift."
Sakuragi smiled down and replied, "I do Kaede. I do." He answered, rubbing their noses together affectionately.
Chuckling, "Now… could you get off me? Or do you want an incapacitated husband?"
As if noticing their position for the first time, the redhead blushed beet red and gasped, "oh." And then he stood up and extended his hand to help the slightly shorter guy to his feet. As he was dusting off his shirt, Sakuragi suddenly remembered something that he had in his hand before he flung himself on his boyfriend. "Oh no! Where's the ring?" He cried as he searched frantically for the round object.
"Here. You think I'd let a clumsy oaf like you loose something as precious as this?" Rukawa remarked, holding the ring that had miraculously landed on his palm when Sakuragi dropped it.
Sakuragi breathed a sigh of relief and grinned sheepishly. "Phew, I thought it was gone. What would you have done if I have lost it? Call off the wedding?" He teased and laughed hard when he saw the horrified expression on Rukawa's face.
Stopping short, "Hey, is that a way to call your future-husband-to-be? I would make a great husband you know." He boasted.
With a shake of his head, Rukawa went beside his boyfriend and slipped the ring onto his wedding finger. "There, a perfect fit. You won't loose it now."
Still caught in the sheer of beauty of the ring, Sakuragi touched it once more just to make sure it was real. "But Kaede, aren't we suppose to wear the rings while we are getting married?" He inquired.
Shrugging, "We could just let them see that we're already wearing the rings." Wrapping his arms around the redhead's waist, "Besides, I already felt married to you the moment you said yes."
"Hmm…" Careful not to loose much contact from his beloved, Sakuragi reached for the box on the couch and fumbled for a while before he was able to remove the second ring from its constraints. "In that case… with this ring, I thee wed Kaede Rukawa, to have and to hold, on this day forward, for better or worse, till…" He stopped, hindered by a finger placed on his lips.
Rukawa's sapphire eyes were solemn when he said, "Till eternity Hanamichi."
Brown eyes shone in agreement, "Till eternity Kaede," and pushed the ring fully onto his kitsune's wedding finger. "There, the rings are truly beautiful." He remarked, entwining their hands together.
Rukawa snorted and said, "Do you think I would choose something that was less than beautiful 'aho?"
"Kitsune! You are ruining a romantic mood here." He whined.
Before Rukawa could even answer, his mobile phone rang. Removing his hand from the redhead's waist, he answered, "Hello? Oh hi dad… no we haven't left yet… Hana's a born turtle." Rukawa quickly distanced himself away from Sakuragi when the latter made a grab for the phone. "… yeah I know, we are on our way." Then Rukawa hang up.
"What was that all about?"
Rukawa pocketed his phone and grabbed one of the redhead's hand in his, "Come on, we are already running late. Mom and Dad are waiting for us at home."
Stupefied, "WHAT?!"
Sakuragi would have badgered Rukawa endless till he saw their mode of transportation. "You're driving? Don't you remember the last time you drove? You almost ran over someone because you fell asleep behind the wheel!"
"Shut up and get in. There's no worry of that happening again. Besides you're here to keep me awake." He stated, already turning the ignition. But as he saw the redhead was still standing on the pavement, "Hana, we don't have all day. Get in."
Sighing in resignation, "Ok, but I am only doing this because I don't want to be visiting you in a hospital anytime soon."
Rukawa smiled inwardly, hiding his triumph.*************************************************
To be continued…
Additional Note: The description of the ring is slightly taken from a site where
made to order rings are accepted and the ring does exists.. If the designer or
the manufacturer of the ring have any by stroke of luck read this, I hope
he/she/they won't be offended if I used it -- sort of. Anyway, I hope I did
justice with the description. I know I should have used my imagination but real
pictures are better than imagination ne?
Honestly... your comments and criticisms are welcome.. and as always if you need
something to say that you don't want to post -- there's always email.