Lost and Found by SoapyMayhem

Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.

Ok so I decided to jump on the drabble bandwagon. I know, I know... I just couldn't get this story out of my head, and it needed to be a drabble fic. So just to give a quick heads up, this story is mosty pre-written up to 54 chapters. I have about 75-85 planned all the way to a two part epilogue. The story will be written in 3 parts - first BPOV then EPOV and then back to BPOV. Be warned this story will contain graphic violence, language and a bit of lemony goodness. As always the story will have a HEA and there is no cheating! :)

Most of the story will not be beta'd for quick posting purposes, however it has been Pre-read by CaraNo,TexasBella, and my beta TwiMarti. Also, there is a beautiful banner by Annamorphos posted on my profile.

The posting schedule I plan will be 2 chapters per day, one in the morning one in the evening. I am planning a short trip at the beginning of November and that may interfere with my posting schedule.

Chapter 1


It had been three days since he moved into the place next door – an old Victorian that had fallen to disrepair. Mrs. Cope had passed away a few months ago and had left the place to her son.

Being a high-profile lawyer with a penthouse in Seattle, Marcus Cope had no need for the shabby place.

The 'For Rent' sign had been up for a while, until one day it wasn't.

I caught Oliver staring out the window. Curious as to what he found so interesting, I took a quick glance through the fingerprint-smudged glass.

A shiny black motorcycle sat in the driveway of the Cope house, and for the first time in two months, the porch lights were on.

"Mommy, I want to ride that motorcycle. Can I? Please?" he asked sweetly tugging at the hem of my dress. My heart clenched and I felt the panic well up inside.


"Motorcycles are dangerous. You could get hurt so bad, and I don't want anything to hurt my baby." I choked back a sob.

This man and his motorcycle were already causing problems – bringing back painful memories.

"Mom," he whined, "I'm not a baby."

"I know, buddy," I replied looking down at my five year old.

He was growing up so fast.


Thoughts on Bella and Oliver? Like it so far? Let me know what you think.

There will be another update tonight! For my AToH readers... don't worry this won't interfere with the AToH posting schedule.