Chapter 1: 2U
It was a rainy and depressing day in the usually sunny town of Pallet. There were no people on the streets, just the drizzling sound of the rain bringing its power down. It looked as if everyone thought it was best to stay indoors, except for one person.
Ash Ketchum was walking up the wet and muddy hill of his hometown, not minding how wet or dirty he got or even sick. On his shoulder was his long-time best pal and first Pokémon, Pikachu, who was questioning the odd behavior of his trainer. The boy was wearing his soaked Sinnoh attire since he only returned two days ago from the Sinnoh Region. There was a difference though, the happy go-getter young man didn't appear to be in his best shape. He dragged himself up the hill, needing to think about recent events.
"I was so close, but Tobias defeated me," Ash sighed.
The boy was frustrated at his defeat against Tobias in the Lily of the Valley Conference. This was the farthest he had ever advanced in a league, and to ultimately lose was a hard pill to swallow for him. Tobias was a trainer who used Legendary Pokémon to win, having used a Darkrai and Latios against Ash. Tobias defeated his whole team with just those two Pokémon. Ash may have defeated Darkrai and Latios, but he still lost.
"I won't forget that battle as long as I live," he muttered to himself.
He thought about how he encountered the two Pokemon, at least once before in his earlier adventures. He remembered meeting Latios in Altomare during his Johto journeys. Ash assisted it in its endeavor to save Altomare from a tsunami and gave its life in the process, Ash would never forget the noble act of that Latios.
As for Darkrai, Ash recalled befriending one while traveling through Sinnoh. When Dawn, Brock, and he visited Alamos Town, the peaceful town had an unwelcome guest, which turned out to be Darkrai. It was a somewhat hostile Pokémon but had good intentions. Unfortunately, it was misunderstood by the Alamos residents. It gained the town's trust eventually after its residents realized how Darkrai put its best effort to stop Dialga and Palkia's battle when it put the entire town in danger. Ash remembered Darkrai fondly, just like Latios.
After a few more seconds of reminiscing, Ash went back to thinking about his recent loss.
"Pika?" Pikachu asked.
"I'm alright Pikachu, Tobias was a powerful opponent. Next time I'll make sure I'm stronger!" Ash encouraged himself and gave Pikachu a reassuring smile.
"Pikachu!" shouted the yellow mouse in agreement.
They remained oblivious to the rain as they discussed their next steps, but deep inside Ash's train of thought he didn't know where to start. He came out here to sort things out, but that didn't help him at all. Instead, it just made him wonder. All he wanted was to think, but he couldn't with so many thoughts entering his head at once. He realized that he changed over time since he won the Battle Frontier. He matured, he became more confident than ever and he became a stronger person. As his mind began to wander into thoughts about the Battle Frontier, he remembered his traveling companions from that period and it made him sad.
The end of the Battle Frontier journey brought him sadness, but for a reason, he couldn't quite put his finger on. He missed May and Max just as much as he was missing Dawn. That was the lie he was subconsciously telling himself. His mind began to fixate on the girl from Hoenn, May. When Ash thought of May, he felt an extra hint of sadness. She could get on his nerves, but in the end, she was the first trainer he ever mentored. It was all nostalgic to him as he pictured the first day he met May and the last day they traveled together. He coped with the bittersweet departure by setting his sights on Sinnoh. After hearing of Sinnoh, he tucked away any feelings for May before he could fully acknowledge them. He was determined to get into the Sinnoh League and the heartache vanished. However, his joy had gone overboard when May arrived in Sinnoh for the Wallace Cup. Then, that faint but extra hint of sadness returned when she left for Johto again. Ash still couldn't analyze the feeling. All he knew was that May was one of his best friends and he believed it only felt bittersweet because his friend left to fulfill her dream. What a dense boy.
His dream of becoming a Pokémon Master never gave him the time nor interest to understand the feeling hidden inside him; the feeling that developed from the beginning of his journey in Hoenn to the end of his travels in Sinnoh. Becoming a Pokémon Master has always been his priority and his determination didn't allow him to focus on anything else.
"Well Pikachu, I think tomorrow we should head to Professor Oak's Lab to catch up on things. I'm sure our Pokémon want to see us again," Ash said while looking at Pikachu.
"Pika pika pi!" eagerly answered the little mouse.
"We should probably head back now though, we don't want to catch a cold. I'm getting soaked and Mom is probably done cooking. Boy, I can't wait to see what she's cooked," the young trainer anticipated.
As they walked back, he thought about May and wondered if he would ever meet her again. He didn't think so, for now at least. He hadn't heard from her since the Wallace Cup and he didn't even know the results of her performance at the Johto Grand Festival. He felt slightly guilty for not keeping up with his friend's endeavors. It made him seem like a bad friend. He did care though, and he wished he knew what May was up to. He wondered if she was a top coordinator by now.
Ash thought about May's efforts and her fierce rivals but one stood out the most. He thought about none other than Drew. Drew's presence was always a mixed bag to Ash, not only due to his overconfidence but also because of his behavior towards May while they traveled through Hoenn and Kanto. At one moment, he would brag to her about his achievements and criticize her to no end, making her feel inferior to the more experienced Pokémon Coordinator. In other moments, he would try to show signs that Ash couldn't comprehend, such as handing May roses or making her blush.
Despite not knowing what those signs truly meant, he didn't like how Drew could be so hard on May at times. It reminded him of his former rivalry with Gary and how nasty he initially was. Nonetheless, he did respect Drew as a coordinator and a trainer because he was certainly skilled. He recollected his experience with Drew's abilities firsthand when he battled Drew in Fallarbor Town. When he and Tailow lost to Drew's Roselia, he was in shock and somewhat embarrassed to learn that May had seen the battle.
Ash shook his head and abruptly silenced his thoughts. He had thought enough about past losses for today.
"Look Pikachu, it's our house! I can taste the food already, but first I think I should change clothes when I get home. I don't wanna be walking around soaked," Ash chuckled while Pikachu followed his lead.
As he approached the house, he continued to think about what May would be up to now. Probably traveling with Drew or something. They must be closer than ever now that she wasn't with Max, Brock, or him. The more he thought of May and Drew becoming closer, the more he fixated on it. Pikachu remained oblivious to it. There was a feeling emerging inside Ash, but he still failed to read it.
He snapped himself out of his thoughts one more time. What started as just recalling a disappointing defeat to the new Sinnoh League victor became memories about May, but he still couldn't figure out why his mind kept replaying thoughts about her. Eventually, Ash will realize that this is something he might not be able to handle
Ash started walking up to the doorstep and slowly opened the door yelling, "Mom, I´m home!"
"Pika pi!" Pikachu followed, and Ash's mother appeared at the kitchen door frame.
"Ash, hurry up it's dinner time!" Delia ordered with a smile across her face.