Bad Reputation
Author: UTsSQ
A/N: So yeah. Lots of naked Undertaker, so be warned. There is a lot of sex in this fic, to make up for the 50 some odd chapters of Snow that had barely any.
By the way, there are going to be typos. I have extra typos in my smutty stuff. So yeah, odds are if you see it, then I have seen it and fixed it on my own copies. I can't have smut brain and flawless spelling. I am not wired that way.

Read, enjoy, whatever.


Well, her day had started off all right. She should have known something would happen to screw it up.

It was Sunday night, and the end of a very long week. The pay-per-view was coming to an end, and most of the guys had already left to drive to their next venue.

Dallas was leaning against the wall, keeping an eye on the action through a gap in the curtain. Her current helpless grown man was in the ring, getting the crap beat out of him. That was all right with her. He'd been a pain the ass all week. She was a personal assistant. And her duties rotated weekly. It was rare that anyone needed a PA more often than that. Several years before, there had been wrestlers who needed full time assistants. Now, there were four of them, and they rotated to whoever had the most pressing need that particular week.

"Craig's running late this week." Rachel, another PA, spoke from beside her. She was a petite redhead with dark eyes and creamy skin. Next to her, Dallas felt like an Amazon. And she was considered average.

"Yeah, what else is new?" Dallas yawned. The deal was, the four assistants would gather Sunday night at 9 to get their new assignments. That usually gave them time, if they needed it, to find out what sort of travel arrangements they would need to make with their wrestler of the week. And here it was, nearing on 11, and Craig – the guy who did their schedule – was nowhere to be seen. "Obviously it is bad news, he's too afraid to come out and tell us."

Rachel laughed at that and winced as loud music filtered through the curtain. The pay-per-view was officially over. And as Dallas predicted, a harried looking Craig appeared, carrying two folders.

"Sorry guys. We've had a change in a few schedules, and Will is gonna be out for a couple of weeks." Will was one of the other PA's. "I trimmed it down to the ones who needed it most." He handed them both folders and then he was gone.

"So what about Lisa?" Dallas yelled after him. Craig looked over his shoulder and yelled back something, but she couldn't hear it.

"I think she's already got her assignment." Rachel said, opening her folder to see who she would be helping out.

"Heaven forbid she should mingle with us peasants and wait like we do." Dallas tapped her folder against her leg. Lisa was another assistant, but unlike Dallas, Rachel, and Will, she did it out of some perverse desire to screw as many famous men as was humanly possible. They all knew the term ring-rat, and no one had ever applied it to an employee, but Dallas figured it was a good place to start.

"Wow. I managed not to get stuck with Cena this week. It's a miracle!" Rachel said, raising her hands up.

"Oh yeah? Who'd you get?"

"Phil." Rachel smirked. "Finally. He'll be lucky if I don't rape him before the week is out."

"That's gross, Rach." Dallas said, but she was laughing. Phil and Rachel spent more time flirting with each other than actually working together, so at least she would have a fun week.

She opened her folder, prepared for the worst. Actually she had just spent a week being an assistant to John Cena, after being nice and trading with Rachel. She'd given up an easy week of Paul Wight for a week of non-stop running. She expected something huge as payback. It wasn't that Rachel didn't like Cena…

Well. Yeah. It was exactly that she did not like Cena. Dallas didn't care either way. He was a talker, which was annoying when she was trying to get stuff done, he also apparently never slowed down. He did everything. Appearances, matches, promos, guest spots on movies…The list was ridiculous. At least the week went by fast.

Dallas looked over the first page in the folder. And she raised an eyebrow. "Oh, great."

"What? Cena again?" Rachel was flipping through the pages in her folder, checking the schedule that was already made out for Phil.

"No. Worse."

"Worse? Oh no. Did you get the other Paul? I know you can't stand him…"

"Fuck no. I wouldn't be standing here. I would be on my way home, after spitting in his face and kicking him in the balls." Dallas did not hide the fact that she thought their 'boss' was something of an asshole.

"Um. Let's see…" Rachel closed her folder and tapped it against her chin. She smirked. "That would leave your buddy. But he's been out since April." Dallas gave her a look. Rachel started laughing. "Taker's back? For real?"

"That is what this says." Dallas waved her folder.

Rachel snorted, trying to hold in her amusement. It wasn't that Dallas and Taker did not get along. It was more like there was a lot of tension between the two of them. The sexual kind. There had been debate, even when Taker was off getting married, that the two of them were screwing around every chance they got. According to Dallas, the rumors were not true. But she only denied it to Rachel. Anyone else would just think she was being defensive.

"So how…did you…get that lucky?" Rachel couldn't breathe, she was laughing so hard.

"Fate hates me." Dallas snapped he folder shut. Although she did not want anyone she actually half-way liked to be injured, it had been a relief of sorts when Taker had left after their big spring pay-per-view. He was rehabbing his knee, or his shoulder. Yep. He meant so much to her that she couldn't remember exactly why he was gone.

The last time she had actually seen him was during the week before that pay-per-view. Dallas was PA'ing for Kane – Glen – another wrestler. He would often hang out with Taker – Mark. Dallas wasn't sure why her presence was required…oh wait. Sure she did. She was by process of elimination their designated driver on those nights when they could find a place to sneak off to where fans would not bother them much.

Taker had been particularly morose that Thursday night, and he didn't drink much. Mostly he just stared into his glass of beer and brooded. Glen spent most of that night talking politics or some related bullshit to one of the locals who was griping about something on the television. So Dallas had ended up trying to draw him out. He just looked at her inscrutably, as if he did not know her.

It wasn't like they were complete strangers. They got along all right. At least he had not managed to piss Dallas off at the level some of the guys managed. They would spend a few days talking, watching movies, goofing around, and then they wouldn't see or hear from each other for a couple of months. And yes, Dallas found him attractive, and was a little curious because of the stories she'd heard, but that was the extent of their relationship, rumor mill be damned.

It was when Glen excused himself to use the restroom that Dallas finally leaned forward and asked Taker what was wrong.

And got another one of those weird looks, like she had done something and he was trying to figure out how to break it to her. He never answered either. He just went back to staring at his beer as if all of life's answers were in it.

Dallas gave up. If he wanted to sit and be grumpy, well so be it. More power to him. She went back to sipping her soda and wondering when Glen was going to notice that his friend was in a funk. It didn't happen. She drove them toward the hotel an hour later, shaking her head when Glen offered to buy them a late snack at the hotel restaurant. The loud music and smoke from the bar had given her the beginnings of a headache. She just wanted to go to take a long hot shower and go to bed.

She said goodnight, and got on an elevator. She was walking up the hallway when she heard someone walking behind her. She turned and there was Taker. He had another odd look on his face, one she hadn't seen before. She couldn't place it though. He didn't say a word.

"What's wr…" Dallas didn't get to finish he question. He grabbed her shoulders, pushed her back against the wall, and kissed her. It wasn't the first time it had happened. Hell, they had shared a couple of pretty intense make-out sessions before. But that was all that had happened. Nobody had taken off any clothes, in other words.

Instead of being indignant or upset, Dallas cupped his face in her hands and kissed him back. He was a good kisser at least. No slobber, no trying to swallow her whole face. She considered that a bonus.

Dallas forgot where they were for a good two minutes while he sucked on her tongue and his hand moved down from her shoulder to cup her breast and squeeze. He slid his hand just a bit, caught her nipple between his thumb and forefinger, and pinched lightly, drawing a moan from her.

The elevator dinged. That was what broke them up. Taker stepped backward and worked on getting his breathing under control while Dallas crossed her arms and touched her lips. Whoever got off the elevator did not turn down their branch of the hallway. But it had ruined the moment.

It was a damn good thing too. Taker was married. Dallas didn't fuck with married guys. Especially when they were famous and their wives were of the trophy type who were insane when it came to the men they had latched their claws in to.

And something must have shown on her face because Taker heaved a sigh, shoved a hand roughly through his long hair, and shook his head. "I'm gettin' a divorce."

Was she supposed to say something to that? Congratulations? She had no idea.

She didn't have time to speak anyway. Taker turned and walked away. Dallas took a step after him and made herself stop. He didn't want her to ask him what was wrong. He might want to finally screw her and stop playing around. But she sure as hell wasn't going to be his outlet for his anger at his wife. Or soon to be ex-wife, if she believed what he'd said.

Dallas shook her head at the memory. Rachel was still hitching in breaths like she wanted to laugh more. And she wondered again just how it was she managed to pull this particular assignment. Taker almost always got Will if he needed an assistant because Will had been with the company the longest and did not need any direction. He practically memorized the entire rosters' schedules. Of course Will was gone for a few weeks, so it got passed on.

Dallas sighed and started walking down the hallway. Rachel could either walk with her or go away, she did not care. She caught up and wiped the smirk off her face. Rachel had no clue why Dallas working with Taker was a bad idea. She just knew that her friend would have a hard time killing the rumors from this assignment. It would be fun to watch though. Sometimes the road got boring.

Rachel had to go find Phil, if he were still around. "Crap. I gotta go. If Phil's gone, can you give me a lift to the hotel?" She said, sounding regretful. Dallas just raised an eyebrow at her.

"I guess. I'll be outside in a few. Text me so I don't take off without you."

Rachel walked on. Dallas found the locker room most of the road crew was using. It was empty. So Craig had dropped the folders off and was gone. That figured.

She spotted Michael, one of their bookers, walking toward the exit. "Hey!" Dallas got his attention. Michael turned and grinned.

"Dal. Where have you been hiding? Haven't seen you around in a while."

"I've been babysitting Cena." Dallas said with a grin. "I heard an evil rumor that Taker is back. How true is it?"

"Extremely." Michael liked Taker, and had been one of the writers for his character since he started. "He's gonna meet us tomorrow at the arena. You ever been his PA?"

"Nope. Just wondered if he was already here." Dallas sighed. Michael either didn't know about the rumors, or ignored them. She thought it was probably the second option.

"Will must be out. Just get to the arena about an hour before the schedule says. That's Taker's usual start time. He's pretty set in his ways. Gives him time to go over his day, I guess. So I guess you get to take the night off."

"Awesome." Her sarcasm went right over Michael's head. "Thanks. I guess I'm gonna head out then." It was at least a three hour drive to their next venue. She wanted to get it over with.

"Drive careful." Michael held the door for her and Dallas stepped out into the nearly deserted parking lot. She pulled her phone from her pocket and messaged Rachel. She had found Phil, and he wanted her to ride with him so they could go over his week on the drive.

Dallas didn't mind a bit. She felt sort of down. Maybe because she didn't like to think about the last time she saw Taker. Not that it was so bad. But after that little incident in the hallway she had felt a little uncomfortable around him. And that was new. And he kept looking at her, with a mix of confusion and something she could not define. It seemed like…blame? Accusation? She did not like that much either. Maybe it was just a guilty conscience on her part. Or his. She did not know because after that weekend, he had gotten cleared for rehab-time. He left without so much as a goodbye to anyone, including his closest friends. It was odd for him to just disappear. Last time he was on the injured list, he had popped up to visit on occasion, keeping up with what was happening on the road.

Dallas pushed her weird thoughts aside. It was going to be an interesting week. That was all she knew for sure as she settled in for the long drive ahead of her.