Devil In Me.
Rating: M - Contains violence and sexual content. (Depending on your interpretation, it can be classified as non-consensual at times, I'll post a warning at the start of the chapter when we get to that part.)
Pairing: Chloe/Oliver (Chloe/Green Arrow) and Chloe/Lex
Disclaimer: I play with borrowed toys, though if I could get away with it, they'd stay in my sandbox for good. Unfortunately, the sad truth is that I own nothing but the order of words on the page. Please do not copy this to other sites.
Summary: Lex makes a deal with Chloe for the identity of the Green Arrow. But can she go through with it when she sees beneath the mask?
Reference: Goes AU close to the end of Season 3 (Episode Truth). Set in Season 7 after Canary joins the JLA team (episode Siren)
Author Explanation: So, for the timeline, I'd like you to imagine the end of season 3/4, then imagine it continuing, but without Chloe's presence. I know I've probably lost a few of you already, and that's fine; hit the backspace button at your own leisure. It isn't as 'far out' as you might think from doing an AU. And all will be explained as I go along. Also, I have a mild *cough* dislike for Lana, so I'm sorry to say to all you Clark/Lana fans that it won't be happening. Clark will be with Lois, the way it should be despite the fact in setting the start of this story at season 7. Lana hasn't been tricked into marriage to Lex, in fact she stayed tucked safe in her beddy-bye's touring the world with some new honey that I could make up a name for on the spot, but I won't.
For those who haven't left the page in favour of another story, I hope you enjoy the work.
Chapter One; Name?
'The road to darkness is a journey, not a light switch' -Lex Luthor. (Season 2, episode Ryan.)
Who are you? A simple enough question, but for her it was both the hardest and easiest she could be poised with. A change of name, adjustment of clothes, flick of hair, addition of wig or contacts and she could be anything your mind could conjure. Your darkest desires, your most hated fear. She was the innocent, flirty girl next door; the straight talking executive business leader; the gum chewing, child carrying trailer trash; the street vendor with a slur; or a virginal, strict catholic, fiancé to the president.
She had more names than she cared to remember, more personalities than it was healthy and she could answer the question of who she was flawlessly without a skip of her heart in the lie.
But in truth, when you play so many roles, it's easy to lose yourself.
Who was she?
She was a woman of 5ft 3inches, golden blonde hair, tired blue eyes and born with the name Chloe Sullivan.
The Ace of Clubs: her cabby's answer to the best drinks in town. Her eyes rolled unconsciously at the pun in the name and she set her best foot forward trying to remain optimistic. The mobile sat in her left pocket, her thigh awaiting the vibration to tell her Alex had called her back. Until then she had nothing to do but waste time.
Quickly and precise she stepped into the elevator, the kitten heels of the well-worn shoes clicked twice then stopped. Her feet were partially covered by the soft creamy brown of the trousers too long for her short legs. A simple cream blouse added to the look, hugging her chest to flatter the shape God gave. Blonde curls brushed a little past her shoulder in a cut that was easily maintained and styled. Heads would turns, but she'd be dismissed just as easily. She wasn't dressed to kill, neither was she dressed to impress, nor prey on the lustful hearts of men.
The music pounded like a caged beast against the mirrored elevator then roared free as the doors parted. Lights poured from the ceiling giving an afternoon glow to an otherwise dim atmosphere. She shuffled through un-noticed by the customers at various stages of drunkenness and settled swiftly into a vacated seat at the sheltered bar. Clearly the Ace of Clubs was a popular spot and filled with patrons. Then again, it was Friday night. If you add to the equation the proximity to Metropolis University, you could fully understand why the walls were feeling claustrophobic.
But luckily, the dance floor and tables had more attention that the second smaller bar huddled in the corner. The counter was pretty vacant in this corner, an empty seat to her left, two empty to her right, then a blonde male typing across his mobile swiftly then another empty before a gang of men crowded the others. She sat her purse on her knee and flagged down the bartender from the other end, her fake ID settled in her pocket ready to tell anyone who cared she was a business woman from California that answered to Charlotte Maine. The barman didn't ask, just sent her a wink and leant on the counter before her.
"Hey doll, what can I do for you tonight?" She found herself smiling warmly back at him, he wasn't the show off sex-god muscle man who could lift you with a finger, he wasn't the university graduate paying bills for his advanced physics course. No, he was the sweet listener that would do anything to make sure a woman was pleased, even if it meant suffering himself. He was the man most women would kill to find in a city like Metropolis. But that personality did nothing for her, not even a spark of her libido at the cheeky grin or cleanly shaven jaw line. Internally she cursed her attractive to the darker side of men, the ones that screamed danger, the ones that teased her mercilessly and yet still knew when to say enough. It was the darker side of the world she had fallen for whole heartedly, and every time she saw the cute, safe and secure man it ached inside her chest that she couldn't fall for them.
"Give me something with a kick." she replied half-heartedly and set down some bills. He chuckled at her indifference.
"Bad day at work?"
"Bad year at work." She enjoyed playing different people. Today she would be Miss Maine, over-worked secretary to a large overseas company. Charlotte had just settled into town and was looking for something to relieve the huge workload awaiting her amidst the un-packing at her new home.
"Ah, I've seen it before." The barman told her with a grin. "The 'My boss is a slave driver' symptom. Am I right?" His hand slipped under the bar, taking a cocktail glass and shaking up liquids for her taste bud's delight.
"Slave driver is an understatement." she replied with a practised tiredness. It wasn't too hard to fake really. She was tired. Tired of her life, tired of her work, tired of fleeing cities and towns illegally on the back of some criminal's boat or truck. Currently, she was jetlagged past anything a human could endure and still waiting for Alex to call before she could do anything.
"Then you'll probably need this." Her bartender offered across the drink with his sympathetic and honest smile. A flicker of joy tugged on her lips as his hand followed passing her a tiny yellow umbrella to pop into her drink. It had no need for one, but she was in no place to pass up any kindness. She sophisticatedly lifted the glass then inelegantly shot the drink back, the cherry following to her mouth. She barely tasted it, but what she did taste wasn't bad at all.
"I'll probably need you to hook me up with an IV to this." she countered, earning a chuckle. "Keep 'em coming." She twirled the umbrella between her fingers, rolling it skilfully over and under her digits as he mixed her up another. She'd barely received the next drink before the seat next to her was filled and her barman had been called to the other end.
"Hey." he started. She nodded, hoping he'd just pick up her silent 'piss off' signal and go away. Clearly she had overestimated his intelligence. "You look fuck-tastic tonight." She physically turned to him, wondering if she'd imagined such brainlessness. Nope, he was staring right at her like she was his prize for ultimate stupidity. Blinking, she turned back and effectively ignored him. "You here alone?" Why was he still here? There was only one man she wanted to speak to tonight, and that was Alex… well, two men if you include the barkeep.
"I'm not interested." she spoke without turning back. Her eyes lifted to further down the bar as the blonde who had been playing with his mobile drown his chuckle in his beer, his eyes on her situation. At least he was having a good time.
"You really shouldn't be alone looking as gorgeous as you do." he tried again, skating past her dismissal like she had never spoke.
"I think you should sit somewhere else." she tried again, adding a little venom into the tone.
"No need to be rude. I just wanted to talk and get lost in your sweet eyes." She was losing patience and starting to stick him with a label of trouble. And not in the way she found attractive. Not to mention the bile rising in the back of her throat at his lines.
"I'm. Not. Interested." she repeated slowly.
"But I am." Chloe turned to him, looking from the lopsided careless smile to his dark eyes to his receding hair line and assessed just how much damage he could do to her. And in turn, how many furnishings she would have to break in order to be free of him. His hand clamped around her arm almost painfully as she tried to move seats and brush him off again.
"Listen here, Buster." she hissed, tugging at his solid grip. "You're going to leave me alone right now."
"Oh, com'on lady. I'm not going anywhere if it's not with you." Okay, now that fell into a serious category of problematic. Her free hand carefully placed the toy umbrella down to the counter and rested in her lap tightening into a fist.
"Look pal, she said no. I think it's best if you leave. We don't want any trouble." The barman spoke up, seeing the potentially dangerous situation.
"That's not your concern is it Barkeep? You just pour the drinks and she'll change her mind soon." Her fist pulled tighter, her fingernails digging welts into her palm, her knuckles showing white bone under the thin membrane of skin. "Another drink and you'll be all over me. Little light weight aren't you?" She tugged at her locked arm again, more violently this time.
"The only thing you'll get from me is my fist shoved so far-"
"Hey sweetheart." A man sat down on the other side of her, his hand slipped over hers to pull open her fist as he leant over her shoulder. "I'm so sorry I'm late. I know I said work wasn't going to keep me long, but something came up." His lips pressed soft to her cheek and her blasting anger quelled enough so she could read the situation before her. She allowed herself to relax into the man's body behind her, her fist unravelling into his fingers. "You know this guy?" he continued to ask.
"He was just leaving." she answered softly, still aware of the drastic turn that could be made in events. But her potential assailant tucked his tail between his legs and shuffled away to be caught by bouncers and thrown out. He felt her relax against him, his hand refusing to leave hers though his task was done.
"Are you alright? He didn't hurt you did he?" At his words she snapped back to life, remembering who she was and what she was doing. Her fingers broke free of his and she slipped back around to the counter freeing herself from his touch.
"I'm fine." Then remembering the situation, she touched into her rarely used manners adding her thanks to the end.
"No problem." That was when she saw just who he was. It seemed gorgeous, blonde and sexual radiant had finished with his mobile and had turned to damsel saving from his seat two down. "You looked like you needed a little help." She held back her response to the insult and just inclined her head for a few seconds. "He was right about one thing though…" She flashed her eyes up to his coffee coloured ones, reading the free spirited laughter sparkling in them. He leant in closer. "You really shouldn't be drinking alone when you're that gorgeous. You don't know who you might attract." he joked and she found herself letting out a bubble of laughter. "Besides, when you order the bartender to 'keep 'em coming' you need a lot more than just a potential stalker to talk to."
"I'm thankful for you getting rid of him, but if you're here for a cheap lay, I'm neither cheap nor up for it." The answer pleased the bartender and she watched as the lord of alcohol began to speak again.
"You heard her Ol-" The blonde cut him off with a finger in the air.
"Give me a chance." He grinned comically. "My name is Jonas, and I'm not here for sex. If I was, I'd already be leaving with the brunette battling with gravity on that table." She tilted her head back seeing a brunette too drunk to even find her way back to the bar. As far as the weakest member of the herd went, she passed with flying colours. "You might want to call her a cab." he added to the barkeep, not for a moment taking his eyes from hers. The idea stuck and her server left them, but he also left her here alone with a stranger named Jonas. "I'm here to keep you company in your misery. So… your name would be a good place to start." He held out his hand. Her gaze rested on it for a few seconds, wondering what the harm could be, then jolted back to his, trying to find something wrong with those pools of chocolate swirls that seemed to caress her with a glance. Even through the dithering seconds he didn't retrieve his hand. Finally, she met him, offering his reward.
"Charlotte." But she didn't find her hand in the grip of a sweaty handshake of a nervous suitor. This man had no doubt about his skills and no lacking in confidence as he lifted her hand to his lips. A soft tickle breezed across her and she felt the rare leap of her heart in her chest. It was possible she was falling for a good guy… or… more likely, this good guy act was nothing more than a face he put on and her attraction had found a hidden darker side to him. Whatever it was she had no objection to the lingering of his lips across her hand.
"My pleasure." he breathed in a laugh, seeing her cheeks tint pink with a blush. "Now, as one drunkard to the next, I believe the sharing of tragic stories is required." Her inner self rolled her eyes, disbelieving he came only for social contact and no big finish of taking her home.
"You're under more alcohol intoxication than me, so please. You first."
"Sorry Goldilocks but my gentleman side thinks 'ladies first' applies here. And besides, I'm only nursing my first beer while you're main-lining the colours of the rainbow."
Instead of answering she dove for a tangent.
"If you're not here for sex, and you haven't even finished your first beer. What are you doing here?"
"Work." he simply answered. She rose an eyebrow. "My office is a little crowded these days."
"You couldn't ask your boss for a new one?"
"I could have, but I'm my own boss and I'm hoping to stay away from my company for a few days." She laughed freely, pulling his own humour atop his emotions. "Alright. Com'on. Let's hear your tragedy of life."
Charlotte pulled out a response with an ease of practice. If you put her under a lie detector you wouldn't even get a flicker of the needle she done it so many times.
"First day here after 2 years in California." she started, noticing the bartender return and top up her glass. She inclined her head in thanks and continued. "Not only do I have boxes of my own to un-pack, but my adulterous boss wants transcripts of his last 6 hour meeting typed up for tomorrow. His meeting only finished an hour ago." She rolled her eyes for added effect and sipped at her drink.
"Sucks." Jonas agreed. "Sounds like you need a new job."
"I'm looking." she simply replied, feeling a little truth seep through the bitterness. It was her reason for coming here, her truthful reason, new life, new job. "So," she continued, turning back to him. "Aren't you going to tell me a little more of your story?" He smiled, knowing she'd asked out of curiosity rather than politeness.
"Me? You won't like it." She waved him forward anyway. "I'm a slave driving boss of far too many sectors who are all crammed full of too many employee's for the amount of work being done. I need to start loading the gun and firing."
"You're right. I don't like it." she laughed and turned back to her drink. "It might be easier if you go and sit somewhere else where you're not likely to be victim of my anger." He chuckled but made no effort to move from his place. Her mobile vibrated and she cast a casual glance down to her pocket, her fingers swiftly unlocking. Alex. She grinned and downed the rest of her drink, sliding her bills across to cover the cost. Jonas watched her stand.
"The boss calling you for some overtime?" he enquired.
"Something like that." She smiled to him and stuffed the phone back into her pocket.
"Charlotte." The name across his lips had her skin tingling with a special rise she hadn't felt in so long. Even though the name was not her own, she felt so much in those two syllables. Slowly, she turned to find her money in his outstretched hand. "The drinks are on me." She rose an eyebrow.
"Save your money." But his hand stayed firmly where it was. "I can pay for myself." she tried again. "You're not getting any; you shouldn't have to pay for my intoxication." He rose from the stool, his tall frame swamping hers, but as he came closer she didn't care, all she could think about was wrapping her arms around his neck and stealing his breath in a kiss. Still, his hands touched hers and his head inclined. She could feel his breath tickle her cheek as it flowed from his parted lips. Her mind rattled alive at the thought of what she was doing. One kiss and she'd be under his spell. She always had two rules with guys. Rule one; you take them home the same day for sex and you never have to call them again. Rule two; if you miss your first chance, you don't see them again unless you want a relationship. Jonas fell under neither category of men. Alex was finally returning the call and she desperately needed to speak with him, so sleeping with Jonas was out, and she physically couldn't do relationships, so seeing him again was not an option. Regretfully, she stepped back from the approaching kiss.
"Good look with your employees." she breathed and stepped back again, turning for the door.
"All the best with your boss Charlotte." he called back and settled himself into a stool.
Her eyes returned to her phone as she rode the elevator back down, suddenly finding herself agitated and frustrated with no clear explanation. Missed call from Alex, she read.
Once she was back on the cold streets she dashed her arm out, hailing a taxi cab and she shuffled herself in quickly, thanking the lucky star of timing. Hands stuffed into her pockets to escape the icy chill of the back seat only to find her drinks money back in her pocket. 'Damn drunk' she cursed to herself, but without time to go back and straighten him out all she could do was point the driver in the right directions and sulk in silence.
The bartender rose an eyebrow at him after they had both watched her walk away.
"Jonas, Mr Queen?"
"Middle name." he replied, turning back. Charming the ladies had become too easy with his first name. Too many knew it and just saw money and sex. He'd upped his game to a challenge, without the name to the faceless billionaire, could he still pull? Charlotte had resisted, but he swore, he'd have her. She'd be falling head over heels for him soon. His bedroom would once again fill with cries of his name pulled from the female throat in the grip of the best orgasm of her life.
The Luthor castle stood for the same things Lex did: terror, war and fortified walls. Hidden passages and secret doorways facilitated the lies and deceit enough to govern a small country. She couldn't help but feel a small pinch in the bottom of her stomach telling her to turn back. She'd escaped him once scar-less, but again? It was unlikely.
Each arm had a bear-fighter type security guard as she was walked to his office. It was no surprise he'd be up this late. He usually was, at least for as long as she'd known him. There was always some business crisis or event to organise. Her feet stopped in time with the silent brooding guards and the doors pushed open. Alex had obviously been informed of her entrance and told them to bring her straight in. Currently, he was talking in German on his wireless headset, his back to her as he argued his point to the window, it didn't sound like the window was getting a word in edgeways.
She could honestly say she cared very little for the German language. She could say it was because it always sounded angry and hostile to her, but in truth it was because Lex was better at it than she was. For some reason her tongue just couldn't get around the words like his could.
She settled herself into the leather sofa by the fireplace, slipping her feet out of her heels and tucking them under her legs, waiting for Lex. He turned around a few seconds later and at the sight of her a grin tugged on his lips. Guards left at the flick of his hand and they were alone. Quite possibly a dangerous place to be when opposing a Luthor. But his grin still remained, his eyes focussed on her as he sunk back to his chair behind his desk. From the little she knew of German she got the sense he was wrapping it up quickly. He was probably selling some poor soul down the river of sin.
Smiling, she lifted a glass paperweight from the end table, twisting it in her hand watching the flames in the fireplace shimmer back at her in the crystal. Not a lot had changed in the Luthor mansion, the windows were the same stained glass, the same badge of honour that was the Luthor crest fixed front and centre, the same stench of sulphur as you entered Satan's kingdom.
From the tone of Lex's voice he was winning his devilish deal. Not many people could resist the 'persuasiveness' that spews from the hell mouth of a Luthor. She herself had fallen prey to the trickery of Lionel Luthor, but since then her spine had grown beautifully and she knew almost every play in the Luthor handbook.
She sighed and dropped her head back, hoping the addition to her deal would sway the Luthor and she wouldn't leave as she had last time.
"Lex?" He turned sharp, a flash of shock claiming him as he saw she was alone in his study. It was just a flash, arguably not there at all, but she knew Lex's reactions inside and out; he never showed any weakness. She smiled, pulling off the sweltering wig and tossing loose her hair.
"Last I heard you were still in Spain." Again her grin grew; one-upping Lex was a great feat. "And you also got past my guards." he added suspiciously, probably making a mental note to talk with his security team about this, to start loading the gun and firing. Metaphorically, of course.
"Really Lex, I know every hidden passage in this old castle, probably better than you do. A few guards on a fixed rotation won't faze me." Though at that second the doors burst open and his security team had their guns pointed at her. Lex stepped forward, waving them out with a smirk that told her she wasn't as un-seen as she thought. When the last hired hand left he spoke again.
"What can I do for you? I assume you have a purpose since I haven't contacted you recently." He motioned for her to sit with him and she accepted, smoothing out her outfit with care and control.
"I have something you want. And you have something I want. I propose a trade." Lex said nothing, so she carried on with her demand. "I want my freedom." He chuckled under his breath. "I want an entire new life" she continued, making the most out of his wordlessness. "I want a home, a job, out of everything and anything associated with the name Luthor. I want all records of me erased. New name, new past, new future. More importantly; I want the papers in my hands bearing my signature." He looked at her through his lashes testing her stoic requirement.
"Quite a demand." he spoke, admirable of her guts. Her eyes followed his fingers than ran across his upper lip in thought. "And in return?"
"You know after all these years I've developed contacts in both high and low places. Out of respect I haven't broken any trusts with them-"
"But now you want to barter with the names?"
"I can give you names, addresses, associates, work sites and clientele bases. You can have arms dealers, black market traders, inside cops, mafia contacts… anything your black heart desires. You can use them however you want. You can tear down the country, or shape it on its head."
"And what makes you think I have any remote interest in your friends of the criminal underworld?"
"Because they know things you would pay generously to hear."
"I'll admit it's enticing, but for the stakes you've made it's not even close to enough. Go back to Spain. I'm sorry you've wasted a journey, but I'm not interested. You'll hear from me when I need you." She read the sign to leave loud and clear, but she needed this.
"Damn it Lex. I can't do this anymore. I have the government following my every step. I have nothing left here. I'm tired and I'm not living like this any longer."
"I'm sorry, I can't do anything. I always thought you enjoyed your work."
"I made the best from a shitty situation." she snapped quickly, but found no room in his armour. "You're hands aren't tied, they are just greedy! Damn it Lex, haven't you had your thrills of me by now?"
"Replacing you is a risk I'm not willing to take, your work is the best, and while I have you under my possession do not think I will lightly pass you over."
"Sorry I came!" she hissed and turned on her heel.
"Chloe-" But she was gone.
The German stopped flowing to her ears and Lex set the wireless device to the table. Still sat in the seat he calmly looked over her with a smile. She liked to think she was Lex's favourite out of all his property, but she knew it was only because she had no expiry date, nor limit on loyalty. She settled herself into a confident pose, one that seemed passable in the great Luthor mansion and let the wicked side of her personality loose. The side Lionel had tried to tamper down to obedience, the very same one Lex had tried to raise for his own pleasure of making his father squirm. The squirming of Lionel Luthor was a joy they both shared. Her elbow sat on the arm rest, her head casually held on the fingertips of her open palm. Lex's eyes turned bright with a glimmer of lust, and an evil smile signified he'd finished evaluating her.
"Miss Sullivan. How long has it been?" He pushed off the chair, and picked up the scotch. She declined, like she always did. She knew how many people were out gunning for Lex's blood. Drinking anything intended for him could be the very last thing she did. It never put him off though.
"Too long Lex. Far too long." He circled his desk, scotch in hand, and took the first sip. Like always, she was surprised when his throat didn't close. "Some little birdie told me your daddy had a run-in of the negative kind." she breathed calmly, preparing her proposition like a military operation.
"I've been told he's still alive, so I imagine he has." Lex spoke dismissively over his drink. A few sips went and still his heart kept beating. Maybe he had developed immunity to poisons after all these years. But, he never had any immunity when it came to curiosity. If Lex had been unlucky enough to be a cat he'd have been dead long ago. However much he could portray disinterest in anything concerning his father, Chloe knew he'd always grab hold of any inch offered to one-up him. It wouldn't take long before he tugged on her offered conversational string. "Just out of curiosity-" Chloe grinned knowingly. "What exactly has daddy dearest got himself into this time?" She had always been able to place people well. Growing up around Luthor habits had taught her the many faces of humanity. Though sometimes… Lex still managed to surprise her.
"It was a while ago actually. A little bit of theft occurred at one of his events. A necklace was taken." She slipped her feet from the sofa, her bare soles comfortable as she walked freely across the smooth wood. She stopped before Lex, perching slightly on the back of the sofa as he leant against his desk.
"I am aware." he confirmed. She didn't expect otherwise. Lex had always kept an eye on his father. Professionally, never emotionally. That care for his love had died long ago.
"As expected." she complimented with a swift incline of her head, the golden curls bouncing with the movement. "But do you know who took it?"
"Some meteor freak dressed in leather playing Cowboys and Indians." His voice was unconcerned, but she knew just how much time and money he'd spent chasing 'some freak'.
"Nope." She popped the 'p' and twirled around, dancing the floor lithely to stand against the liquor stash and turn the many bottles to read the labels. Lex had always had expensive tastes. It was good to see little had changed.
Her smile grew more pronounced as she turned around to see his eyebrows raise. When she offered no more he stepped to meet her, his new Italian leather shoes making little noise across the rosewood floors. He took her hand and guided her turn to face him. Her shoulder only just brushed his bicep. The majority of the time she didn't bother noticing height difference because it just became a nuisance. But Lex always had the upper hand with her, sometimes she just craved that bit more height. Of course, to kiss a taller man was delightful, it angled into something more potent than mere lust, it could even be used to start that romantic spark should she desire. She never did allow it that far.
Lex's eyes narrowed, testing his judgement of what he saw in her. Finally, he stabbed into the dark.
"You know who he is?" The tone was as disbelieving as his mind, but her grin offered him reason to pause.
"Of course I don't." She smirked at his exhaled breath. "But I know you want to. I also happen to know that the last 'agent' you hired to deal with your archer problem ended up on the other side of the line." She wasn't naive in thinking Lex was a white knight striving for good. No, you'd have to be stupid to think that. There were grey areas in good and bad. She saw Lex for the grey he was, but she refused to stand by anyone else. Lex had done amazing things for Metropolis and Smallville. Hell, he was changing the world with the work Luthorcorp did. Sure, he didn't care much for his staff and wasn't above lying, threatening, or blackmailing, (much like dear old daddy in that respect) but in the long run, he had nothing but good intentions for the world he lived in. Unlike this menace of an archer. Chloe knew the meteor man would end up in one of Lex's cages and probably be tested, abused and basically lost to the world outside white coat labs. She didn't like it and she didn't support it. But the man was a criminal, he deserved all he got. Lex may have twisted practices, but he kept the streets safe and there was no-one else to do that. People needed him to sleep soundlessly at night without fear of their next steps being their last. He was doing everyone a favour by keeping these criminals off the streets. The lesser of two evils. Clear streets in exchange for handing over criminals to him for his own sick pleasures.
Lex lowered her hand to her side and stepped back. He slid into his office chair, his feet up on the desk. He knew what she wanted, and he knew she'd be dealing for it. He grinned and watched her brush her fingers through her spirals of curls.
"You want to try." he accused knowingly. Chloe was a complex person, but her behaviours had motive. Usually money to fuel her expensive tastes. It usually led her directly to trouble as well.
"Not try." she corrected. "I intend nothing less than success." Lex grinned, admiring the trait. He had seen woman take over the business world with the courage, confidence and discipline Chloe showed in her stubbornness. When she got her teeth into something she didn't stop until she was down to the bone. Even then she'd search for that little extra. "But I'd much rather get something out of it," she continued "I happen to have been told an 'Oliver Queen' is back in town and if you won't agree to my conditions I could always take some money from his hands."
"Queen?" Lex repeated in disgust, anger lacing his eyes at the very name. No need to read the dislike there. The business world was vicious at best. Rivalries were like the morning shot of coffee; you had to have it to function and be successful, also, if you let it, you get to enjoy it as you drain them dry.
"Don't be offended Lex. I came here first didn't I? I'm simply saying that letting this offer slip through your fingers will be wasteful and all the victory of un-masking metropolis's villain will fall to someone else."
"Your proposition?" Lex cut straight to the chase, pulled out another grin and her eyes flew back to him. She advanced, knocking his feet from the desk and taking perch there.
"Same conditions I asked for the last time I stood here. Freedom, in all respects. Chloe Sullivan is erased and her past goes with it. Another identity rises up in a secure location with a comfortable amount in her bank and never gets spoken to by a Luthorcorp employee again." He smirked.
"And in exchange?"
"I deliver you the deadly archer's head on a silver platter." Her fingers rolled smoothly over an oddly shaped paper weight. "Figuratively." she added, leaving the decoration as it was.
"Throw in all your old contacts and we may have a deal Miss Sullivan."
"Nice doing business with you Mr Luthor." She grinned and swung down from the desk to where she'd left her shoes.
"Actually." He stood as well, following to pause at the sofa's back, his hands in his pockets casually. "We're not finished quite yet. There are some more conditions to my offer. A side job." Chloe lost all her happiness in those words. Suddenly, she found herself thankful her back was turned. Sure, he might stab her, but her grimace was hidden for those few seconds it took her to recompose her face. It was times like these she hated the deal she made with the Luthors.
"Alex…" Now it was his turn to drop the smug expression. "You said there wasn't anything you needed from me." She knew he hated the name, she used it with every intention of pissing him off. It certainly worked well.
"And you said you were coming for a social visit." he countered. "You have 4 months maximum. You'll be staying in the castle with me and we shall resume our old agreement during this time, if you still find it acceptable." Chloe felt the weight lift from her shoulders slightly, she'd expected worse. Their old agreement wasn't that bad. Just conditions and benefits that made living situations easier. Chloe nodded in acceptance. "Good. Sit down. There are other things." He inclined his head to the couch and she sat while he poked at the fire.
She always though it comical to find a fire in Lex's mansion. The only warmth thing about Lex was his fire, and even that was dying down. Though at times, when the situation called for it, he had been known to be charming to the lesser sex.
She lounged back on the seat, her small frame stretching out the travel-cramped muscles. Lex's expression turned suggestive and she shot him back an innocent smile, if he ever had seen one. Still, he always managed to find some warmth for her. They understood each other. Their relationship wasn't so much a love of passion, more convenience. She understood his quirks, his business dynamics, his loose availability and she knew how to deal with his anger. She was a brilliant outlet for any emotion he couldn't healthily deal with. He was a scratcher for an itch, a company for the lone wolf destined to die alone. He wasn't the relationship guy, nor the emotional baggage. They fit each other in a distorted kind of way, but there was never any emotion in their sexual extra-curricular. He enjoyed having another body around he didn't have to keep secrets and lie to, and she was the same. She didn't expect anything from him, nor him her. It was, in its own way, perfect for them. Lex leaned back on the opposite sofa, looking amazingly at home with his self as he spread out his arms across the back. "I need more security." he finally spoke.
"Do I look like I could barricade a door?" she laughed, toying with him. "Though I appreciate the two brutes that brought me in. Intimidating and beautifully well built. One wonders which cage fight you broke apart." she continued with a smile. He adored her smile, her simple humour was just an added bonus.
"Electronic security." he corrected himself. "There are files of great importance I need to ensure stay out of the wrong hands." Translation; I have bad man stuff I don't want leaking out. Chloe had dealt with it all before and more. It was what she specialised in. It took her all over the world, hacking, protecting. Computer magic of the highest quality. It paid nice and the buyers didn't care for names or credentials as long as you did the job, kept your mouth shut and stayed away from the police.
What kind of files? How much security? These things didn't matter, she could do anything. "What kind of accommodation?" That was the key question. The guest house maybe? Pool house? Servant's quarter? The little cottage out back the old gardener used to live in? Then again, he had probably already filled that with a new landscaper by now.
"Highest security. Impenetrable. Untraceable and unhackable." Lex answered her unspoken question anyway. It was the usual kind she liked to do. "Files range from audio, video and multiple document type. I need the protection on every electronic copy and devices I possess. Unbreakable." Chloe let out a low whistle. Lex didn't do things by halves. It made her wonder why now? What was after him? Still, everyone had skeletons hiding in their closet. Admittedly, Lex's closet was more alike to a graveyard of a serial killer, but the end justified his means.
"That's asking for quite a bit Lex. It'll cost you." she warned, but they both knew he had the money. "Accommodation?" she prompted.
"I'm sure there's a wing in the mansion you will find satisfactory."
"A wing? Wow, you must really need these files protected."
"Or I like to keep an eye on you." he offered with a smile.
"Don't strain something with your flattery Lex." she replied and made a mental walkthrough of the mansion already choosing her room.
"There's something else as well." he continued. Chloe lost her buzz yet again. "A little digging I'd like you to do."
"How little?"
"A ten minute job." Like she said, sometimes she hated the deal she made with the Luthor's. She sighed resigned and waved her hand at him. Saying no to a Luthor lead to dangerous circumstances where people got hurt. Mainly herself. She'd learnt that the very very hard way.
"Who and what?" she asked already feeling tired.
"Oliver Queen. I want his company." Lex stated like she had the power to simply hand over a billion dollar corporation.
"A little out of your reach isn't it Lex?" He wasn't offended.
"Not with you on my side." Chloe grinned and let herself relax again. Lex didn't compliment freely. "Financial records. Bank statements. Company transactions."
"Why Lex, that's illegal." she mock protested with a laugh. She breathed out a sigh. "It's simple enough. Just give me all you have and I'll do the rest." She allowed her resolve and with the feeling of concluded business in the air she stood, smoothing out her outfit.
"Chloe?" Lex's voice had her tense again. The Luthor rollercoaster ladies and gents, just when you think you're safe.
"Alex…" she hissed through her teeth. But it wasn't another favour for him, it was for her.
"How much trouble are you in this time?" She breathed out in relief and turned back with a grin.
"FBI's a little nosey. Nothing I can't evade. But the lab geeks inside the government are following my access tunnels and cheat codes." she laughed at her own phrasing; Lex wouldn't understand technology language, like she wouldn't understand business board talks. "So, hacking is a little slower these days and my programmes have to be re-routed through differ-" she stopped short at his black expression. "It would be helpful if they didn't know where I lived, or if I lived, for a little while. That's all." He chuckled.
"Go find yourself a wing. I'll have you luggage brought over this afternoon from whatever sleazy hell drain you've been staying in." She smiled and delivered the address before making peace with her new dwellings.
(I have nothing against germans. The bartender can be Jimmy if you want it to be, I didn't plan it like that, but since he won't be featured again, we can make it Jimmy. Also, the quotes are going to be a running theme I think, so I apologise if I refer to the wrong episode or add in extra words. Also, spelling mistakes are all mine, sorry. Write me if you spot one and it bothers you. I won't be offended, i'll be grateful.)
Reviews are ALWAYS welcome, even if you've just started reading this. All writers adore reviews and feedback, I'll happily take construcive criticism too, feel free to leave a smiley face if that's all you want to say. Haha.
Glad to be back writing again :D Hope you enjoyed and enjoy.