Because Robert Siegfried asked me to do so, this will be the last chapter. Thank you, Mr. Siegfried! I will continue my other Prayer Warrior story The Battle with the Witches, but it will not be as forceful as this one (even though I do not see what is wrong with this). I do, and my opinion matters more than yours, since people actually take me seriously. I will also like to thank Ebony Brown for proof-reading this story.
Ebony and Thomas Brown, I'll see you in hell. Noah Brown, when my Christian friends pass on in (hopefully) a few decades, I'll ask them to send you a fruit basket. You aren't allergic to anything, are you?
Behold we were in deeps of the evil Hell! Behold, I sent you there! It was really hot, and it made us sweat. TMI, Tommy-boy. In the heat we walked for what it seemed like many hours, but we knew it was only a few minutes according to Jerry`s watch. We keep turning to see all the sinners chained up, it made us happy What in the world happened to empathy? that these evil beings are being punished. Percy was glad that he had turned away from Satan`s path, and turned to God, so that he wouldn't be punished like this at the final Judgement where the heavens open up and all the Christians go up to heaven and enjoy eternity with our lord and savior Jesus Christ. "People don't go to Heaven when they die, they're taken to a special room and burned"~ Sherlock Holmes, Season 2 Episode 1 of BBC Sherlock (My friend wanted me to include that, for some reason) We soon came to a room, which was locked. So we prayed for an hour What a waste of time. Just pick the lock. that God will make the door uncork itself What is it, a door or a bottle of champagne? and open and let us enter. And God answered our wishes and the door unlocked itself and we entered. And side was Hades himself. Hi, dad! He looked even scarier than all the other false gods of the Greeks. He had burning red skin and Thomas Brown satanic horns that were so long that they went around in circles many times. He bereaved out smoke from his ungodly noises, Do I want to know? and his hands were burning with disgusting black flames. The sight was disturbing, I know, right? Burning peopleā¦ yucky. but we knew that it was not as strong as he made himself out to be, and that God and his eternal only begotten holy son Jesus Christ of Narrative, Ebony doesn't seem to be doing a very good job our lord and savior would give us great strength and courage to defeat this evil satanic enemy that should before us.
And we stood up and said, "You evil rain It's raining men! Hallelujah, it's raining men! of terror is about to end! For too long have you be sending death to all the Christians in painful ways. You have been serving Satan and that is a sin, and it is too be punished. I hope you burn in the eternal flames of hells Open your eyes, Tommy-boy. Your portrayal of him already is. because you deserve it, you evil sinner, the most devilish of them all! Because of you sins, God refuses to forgive you, which gives us no choice but to kill you. Behold your eternal fate, the eternal flames of hell! Amen!"
Hades laughed and said with an evil deep voice, "Fools of want to play fool`s game. You will never be able to defeat me. No one can beat me, not even God and his eternal begotten son Jesus Christ. They all fear me, and there is no way even a Christian can defeat me. No sword can stab me, because any stabs to me is creates no harm at all! And I am a master in sword fighting, greater than anything. I am the greatest of all the false gods of the Greek. There is no way on earth that you can beat me!"
Hades, Hades, he's our man! If he can't do it, no-one can!
And we said, "We are in hell, not on earth, Clever and we have a weapon greater than a sword." And so we dropped down and we prayed dearly to God that he can punish Hades. Why didn't you do that to everyone? It would have saved a lot of time and effort And Hades dropped to the ground and then blew up, caused by our prayer. "This is one lesson you should learn, never take on a Prayer Warrior! We will win all the time, for God is on our side!"
Too do da-do ta-tum, too doo, Can't touch this!
And so we went back to the camp knowing that we had earned a place in heaven. And so the entire camp partied in a Christian Manner know that we can worship God safely, and knowing that America was a Christian nation again. CONSTITUTION! And so we prayed and sang songs about God all night. And Percy then got married to Clarisse for they loved each other very much. I thought Clarisse died already? And Satan ran back to England. Where in the world is all this taking place?
Amen and amen
And that's the end of this rubbish. Join me for the next fic, Battle With The Witches!
Special thanks to .153, Happygirl122, Seriously, Me The Awesome, ColletteJackson, Atheist, izzy, Rosewolf Cahill, CFaDr105, and especially Yumazing.