Disclaimer: We have no claim on Harry Potter nor any characters or locations thereof. We gain only amusement from writing this.


ANThis is the end, this story is now complete. A hundred million thank you's for reading it all the way through and for all the amazing and wonderful comments. We are so happy and grateful for all the feedback and support. We hope you have enjoyed our little story, we sure loved writing it.

Please enjoy the epilogue.

Blood Quill Consequences


Sirius sat in the stands, watching as Harry and the rest of the new Marauders walked across the stage one by one and accepted their Hogwarts degrees. A fussy noise and a squirm from the little one in his lap had him shifting the amber eyed, black haired little boy and murmuring quietly. "Shhhh, just a little longer Hyperion and then we'll go see Daddy and your uncle Harry."

The toddler looked up with wide eyes. "Unca Hawwy?"

"That's right, just be good a little longer and we'll go see Uncle Harry."

That was enough to placate Hyperion James Black-Lupin, who popped his thumb back into his mouth and resumed staring at the stage as the rest of the Hogwarts graduating class of '98 received their diplomas. Sirius grinned as he looked up at his mate and bonded wearing the official robes of the History of Magic professor. Minerva had forcibly expelled Binns as he had been deeper entrenched in tradition than Fudge himself and she'd hired Remus knowing how much the children had enjoyed his teaching style and no longer had it been considered the most boring class at Hogwarts.

The TA system had been refined and extended to every class. The best seventh year student in each subject was offered the TA position for what they excelled in and the abilities of the students had grown incredibly thanks to that. Minerva had also added new classes and changed a few other things around catching Hogwarts up with the times and things were all the better for it.

Sirius grinned at the sight of Snape looking balefully at the crowd. The bat had announced this to be his last year teaching, for the time being, saying that he had a young fiancé to show the world.

The entire Weasley clan was there, cheering for Ron, Pansy and Hermione loudly and joyfully. Even Charlie had come home from Romania to celebrate Ron and his new sisters. Ron and Pansy hadn't bonded yet but Molly had taken the girl firmly under her wing after the battle and Pansy's parents being sent to Azkaban.

Remus smiled down at his husband and son and his smile widened when he saw his pack on the rows behind them. He had several of his cubs in Hogwarts as students now and more would come as soon as they turned twelve.

Harry grinned as Hermione Granger Malfoy straightened the collar of his ceremonial robes and tried to straighten his hair before he was about to take the walk and get his diploma. "Easy Mione, this is as good as it's going to get with me."

"True, your hair has always been a disaster." She beamed at him widely. "So, when is the ceremony," she glanced down at the simple ring on his hand. "And how's the hyphenation going to go?"

Harry beamed back at her, taking in her appearance. Married life suited her and Malfoy was willing to bend over backwards to keep her happy. "The ceremony will take place on the summer solstice and from then on we'll be Severus and Harry Potter-Snape." It was almost ridiculous how excited Harry was to be bonded with his beloved. He'd been waiting for years now and he was truly ready to claim the other completely as his own in the eyes of everyone.

She hummed and started ticking off on her fingers. "Okay let's see, summer solstice for you two, Samhain for Ron and Pansy, January twelfth for Neville and Luna, Draco and I are having our big ceremony at the end of next month, and fortunately Blaise and Seamus already did their thing two months ago. Good thing as there's no way Seamus would have been able to get down that aisle now." She looked over at the heavily pregnant Irishman who was sitting catching his breath after getting his diploma. When Blaise had first admitted to having knocked Seamus up both she and Draco had rung a peal over his head for being careless. They'd repeated that after learning the poor Gryffindor carried twins. Hermione had demanded to know what Blaise's intentions were and had softened when he'd admitted to trying to convince Seamus to marry him but that the Irishman was having none of it until he knew for certain Blaise wasn't doing it out of obligation, a little Veritaserum had straightened that up fortunately.

Neville came up behind them. "Weddings and babies all round these days. Did you hear about Lavender Brown?"

"No, what about Lavender Brown?" The blond Gryffindor girl had sort of faded into the background the last couple of years and Harry had no idea what had happen to her.

"Well she was seen visiting the maternity ward at St. Mungos and not two days later her father marched Dennis into the registrar's office at the Ministry at wandpoint. Dennis and Lavender came out married an hour later."

"Dennis?" Harry's eyes widened comically. The thought of that scrawny little twig of a boy even capable of producing a child was staggering. "Looks can certainly deceive. I hope they will be happy together though, for the baby if nothing else."

Harry was suddenly extremely happy that he and Severus were always very careful with protection. He wanted a family with Severus but not yet. Right now he wanted to travel the world with his soon to be husband and have some time alone with him. He was greedy that way.

Hermione pursed her lips. "Dennis and Lavender...oddly enough I think that may be a very good combination. If not a little amusing."

Pansy came over with Draco and poked at Harry's arm. "You're up Potter."

"Thank you Pansy, Malfoy." Harry chuckled when Malfoy's eyes immediately went to his wife; it was almost amusing to see how in love the git was.

Harry thought he was as presentable as he was going to get and stepped out on stage, grinning at the whoot's that rose from the Weasleys and waved at Sirius and his godson. Then he caught the eyes of his lover and from there on Harry saw nothing else, even as he accepted his diploma and hugged Headmistress McGonagall tightly. He had done it, graduated from Hogwarts. There were times when he had doubted he would.

Severus nodded at his lover as the younger man went back into the wings as the final students were called. With Zabini receiving his diploma, a seven year journey came to a close and many new ones began. The graduating class raised their wands into the air and shot off celebratory sparks before scattering and finding family and friends. He moved to where Harry had gone and was now holding the amber eyed Hyperion, talking to Sirius and Remus.

Remus was standing with his arm slung around his mate's waist chuckling as Hyperion babbled excitingly at Harry, petting his godfather with sticky fingers. "You've been sneaking him sugar quills again I see." He told his husband with laughter in his voice.

Harry caught sight of Severus and lit up like the sun. He walked over with the toddler still in his arms to give his lover a kiss. "So how does it feel to be a man of leisure all of a sudden?"

"Glorious. I believe I have a promise I made nearly two years back about sequestering you away to fulfill. Now I get to do that." The potions master leaned into the kiss until sticky little hands grabbed a hank of his hair.

"Unca Tebby!"

Snape lifted a brow at the child Harry held then lifted him from his lover's arms. "You, you little miscreant, just got sugar and drool in my hair. What do you have to say for yourself hm?"

Sirius chuckled as his son burbled and laughed at Severus' serious tone. "Absolutely did sneak him sugar Moony, it's worth it for this sight don't you think?"

"Well it is an amusing sight, I'll give you that." Remus grinned. No matter how serious Snape sounded Hyperion had him wrapped around his finger and everyone knew it. "Batty is going to make a great father when the time comes."

Harry struggled to untangle tiny fingers from Severus' hair without the help of his wand, Hyperion was a bit too young for handling a wand yet and Harry knew he would grab it instantly. "I can't wait for you to make good on that promise...Just you and me, a secluded cabin somewhere...Maybe a beach nearby." Harry smiled softly. "Oh and a basilisk and a phoenix of course, imagine if we were to leave them behind."

Severus chuckled, "There would be destruction as far as the eye can see followed by petulant hissing." Hyperion's hands were freed from his hair and he tickled the boy's side before handing him back to Remus. "Your cub sir, I do believe he needs to be cleaned up in thanks to his mother's bribery."

Sirius just grinned unrepentantly. "You look good with sugar in your hair Batty."

"He always look good Snuffles, it's about time you realized that." Harry grinned at his godfather and Hyperion bounced happily in his daddy's arms as Remus wiped him off with a moist towel he had conjured.

Sirius wrinkled his nose even as Snape stepped behind Harry and wrapped his arms around his lover's shoulders and murmured in Harry's ear. He was happy for his godson, after so many years of hardship things were good and looked to stay that way. He turned to usher his mate and child off and give Harry and Severus a little privacy.

Severus chuckled. "As annoying as he is, your dogfather is strangely perceptive."

"When he wants to be." Harry agreed and leaned into Severus' embrace. "And annoying and blockheaded as Merlin's used knickers when he feels like it. I'm glad he chose perceptive right now." He turned in his lover's arms so that he could see Severus' face. "Imagine it love, less than a month until the ceremony and then we're off to see the world...To start a brand new adventure. Gods I love you."

"And I love you. I don't know what power finally decided to give us all a new chance but I am eternally grateful it did." He leaned down and captured Harry's mouth for a soft, slow kiss that spoke of future happiness to come.


ANThat's it, all done. We really hope you liked it, please let us know what you think. Psssssst…The absolutely amazing Trulywicked and I have started on a sequel to this story. It will be called, The Consequences of Loving Well and Often. So far it is only a teeny tiny baby of a story but keep your eyes open. And before that we have other stories to post. We have a Harry/Draco veela story another Snarry one among others.

Thank you so much for reading.