Title: Commander Shepard, You've Got Mail
Summary: Every day, starting when Garrus rejoins C-Sec up until the destruction of the Normandy, Shepard and Garrus exchange emails. After all, good friends stay in touch.
Rating: K+
Pairing: Garrus/Shepard friendship, flirting
Spoilers: All of ME1
Timeline: post-ME1, pre-ME2
A/N: I'm not sure on exact dates-when the Battle of the Citadel happened, when the Normandy was destroyed, etc. I know the Normandy blew up two months after the battle, but that's it. So I've taken some creative liberties with the dates. Just letting everyone know.
Commander Shepard, You've Got Mail
Part One
Received: 5:49 p.m. 11/30/83
Am I imagining things, or did you seriously throw a magazine out the airlock as the Normandy was lifting off? Nearly hit me in the face.
(Sent from private terminal of Officer Garrus Vakarian, Citadel Security)
Received: 8:03 p.m. 11/30/83
Do you still have it?
(Sent from private terminal of Commander Artemis Shepard, Alliance Navy)
Received: 5:32 a.m. 12/1/83
Well, yeah. What, was I supposed to sell it or something?
(Sent from private terminal of Officer Garrus Vakarian, Citadel Security)
Received: 7:58 a.m. 12/1/83
Page 72. Bottom left.
(Sent from private terminal of Commander Artemis Shepard, Alliance Navy)
Received: 4:00 p.m. 12/1/83
Oh. Hilarious, Commander. Is that supposed to be me?
(Sent from private terminal of Officer Garrus Vakarian, Citadel Security)
Received: 7:22 p.m. 12/1/83
Couldn't you tell from the clan markings?
(Sent from private terminal of Commander Artemis Shepard, Alliance Navy)
Received: 7:31 p.m. 12/1/83
Yeah, it's just... Really, Commander? "The Adventures of Shepard, Human Spectre" told in graphic novel form?
(Sent from private terminal of Officer Garrus Vakarian, Citadel Security)
Received: 10:17 p.m. 12/1/83
Apparently Udina sold them the rights to our images. A cut of the profits goes to support military funding of the Spectres. The marketing campaign is set to go viral. I pre-ordered the first copy for you.
(Sent from private terminal of Commander Artemis Shepard, Alliance Navy)
Received: 3:02 p.m. 12/2/83
How... thoughtful.
(Sent from private terminal of Officer Garrus Vakarian, Citadel Security)
Received: 3:13 p.m. 12/2/83
Well, we can sue them if they do anything... untoward. With our images.
(Sent from private terminal of Commander Artemis Shepard, Alliance Navy)
Received: 4:48 p.m. 12/2/83
Untoward? Such as?
(Sent from private terminal of Officer Garrus Vakarian, Citadel Security)
Received: 9:19 p.m. 12/2/83
Drawing you in the shower? I don't know. Joker's driving me crazy. Hiding pictures all over the place and claiming he had nothing to do with it. I thought we solved this back in June.
(Sent from private terminal of Commander Artemis Shepard, Alliance Navy)
Received: 11:00 p.m. 12/2/83
Trust me, Commander, no one wants to see a turian in the shower. I'd be more worried about your modesty. Pictures? What sort of pictures?
(Sent from private terminal of Officer Garrus Vakarian, Citadel Security)
Received: 7:36 a.m. 12/3/83
Why would they want to see me? Embarrassing pictures. Old Alliance photo-shoot. Had my wardrobe picked for me.
(Sent from private terminal of Commander Artemis Shepard, Alliance Navy)
Received: 1:29 p.m. 12/3/83
This I have to see. Now you're just fishing for compliments, Commander. What are you wearing?
(Sent from private terminal of Officer Garrus Vakarian, Citadel Security)
Received: 2:02 p.m. 12/3/83
I'm not sure that's an appropriate question, Garrus. But if you must know, I'm in uniform. Had to dress up for a conference call with the Council.
(Sent from private terminal of Commander Artemis Shepard, Alliance Navy)
Received: 4:25 p.m. 12/3/83
I meant in the picture!
(Sent from private terminal of Officer Garrus Vakarian, Citadel Security)
Received: 6:59 p.m. 12/3/83
None of your business. If I wanted people to know, I wouldn't be chewing out Joker about the pictures.
(Sent from private terminal of Commander Artemis Shepard, Alliance Navy)
Received: 9:23 p.m. 12/3/83
Ouch. I cut my thumb yesterday. Need to restock on medigel, so I used a Band-Aid. Felt pretty Old World.
(Sent from private terminal of Commander Artemis Shepard, Alliance Navy)
Received: 2:31 p.m. 12/4/83
(Sent from private terminal of Commander Artemis Shepard, Alliance Navy)
Received: 8:04 p.m. 12/4/83
Sorry, Commander. Security stakeout. No communication. What's a Band-Aid?
(Sent from private terminal of Officer Garrus Vakarian, Citadel Security)
Received: 8:49 p.m. 12/4/83
Adhesive bandage. Did you get your target?
(Sent from private terminal of Commander Artemis Shepard, Alliance Navy)
Received: 9:32 p.m. 12/4/83
Yeah. Caught him red-handed. Feels good to be back.
(Sent from private terminal of Officer Garrus Vakarian, Citadel Security)
Received: 11:19 p.m. 12/4/83
Really? How good?
(Sent from private terminal of Commander Artemis Shepard, Alliance Navy)
Received: 11:27 p.m. 12/4/83
Well, maybe not so good right now. Broke my arm and the medi-gel hasn't kicked in yet. But overall, pretty good.
(Sent from private terminal of Officer Garrus Vakarian, Citadel Security)
Received: 12:11 a.m. 12/5/83
Oh. Are you okay?
(Sent from private terminal of Commander Artemis Shepard, Alliance Navy)
Received: 1:22 a.m. 12/5/83
I'm fine. Do you sleep at all, Commander?
(Sent from private terminal of Officer Garrus Vakarian, Citadel Security)
Received: 1:47 a.m. 12/5/83
Sometimes. Why? Are you tired?
(Sent from private terminal of Commander Artemis Shepard, Alliance Navy)
Received: 2:03 a.m. 12/5/83
A little, yeah.
(Sent from private terminal of Officer Garrus Vakarian, Citadel Security)
Received: 2:17 a.m. 12/5/83
Don't let me keep you up.
(Sent from private terminal of Commander Artemis Shepard, Alliance Navy)
Received: 2:32 a.m. 12/5/83
I don't mind, Commander. It's nice talking to you.
(Sent from private terminal of Officer Garrus Vakarian, Citadel Security)
Received: 3:01 a.m. 12/5/83
(Sent from private terminal of Officer Garrus Vakarian, Citadel Security)
Received: 3:02 a.m. 12/5/83
You said you were tired. Go to sleep.
(Sent from private terminal of Commander Artemis Shepard, Alliance Navy)
Received: 3:16 a.m. 12/5/83
Oh. Right. Good night, Commander.
(Sent from private terminal of Officer Garrus Vakarian, Citadel Security)
Received: 9:31 a.m. 12/5/83
Enclosed: picture message
(Sent from private terminal of Commander Artemis Shepard, Alliance Navy)
Received: 10:50 a.m. 12/5/83
That's... really pretty, Commander. What planet is that?
(Sent from private terminal of Officer Garrus Vakarian, Citadel Security)
Received: 11:19 a.m. 12/5/83
(Sent from private terminal of Commander Artemis Shepard, Alliance Navy)
Received: 11:20 a.m. 12/5/83
And don't cheat. No looking it up.
(Sent from private terminal of Commander Artemis Shepard, Alliance Navy)
Received: 12:27 p.m. 12/5/83
Hmm. Hydrogen-helium gas giant... Rayleigh scattering effect... azure tint from methane... Sharblu. Arghos Rho, Gorgon System.
(Sent from private terminal of Officer Garrus Vakarian, Citadel Security)
Received: 12:42 p.m. 12/5/83
Correct. I'm impressed.
(Sent from private terminal of Commander Artemis Shepard, Alliance Navy)
Received: 1:37 p.m. 12/5/83
Well, you know, geography lessons in school and all that. Plus, I think we passed through that system a few months ago. What are you doing there?
(Sent from private terminal of Officer Garrus Vakarian, Citadel Security)
Received: 2:14 p.m. 12/5/83
(Sent from private terminal of Commander Artemis Shepard, Alliance Navy)
Received: 4:49 p.m. 12/5/83
How is everything?
(Sent from private terminal of Officer Garrus Vakarian, Citadel Security)
Received: 8:19 p.m. 12/5/83
Boring. Quiet. Want something to shoot.
(Sent from private terminal of Commander Artemis Shepard, Alliance Navy)
Received: 8:21 p.m. 12/5/83
Better yet, want you here.
(Sent from private terminal of Commander Artemis Shepard, Alliance Navy)
Received: 9:17 p.m. 12/5/83
Should I be flattered?
(Sent from private terminal of Officer Garrus Vakarian, Citadel Security)
Received: 10:45 p.m. 12/5/83
Kaidan won't snipe with me.
(Sent from private terminal of Commander Artemis Shepard, Alliance Navy)
Received: 11:01 p.m. 12/5/83
With all due respect, Commander, you're on a moving vessel. There's only so much sniping practice you can get.
(Sent from private terminal of Officer Garrus Vakarian, Citadel Security)
Received: 11:37 p.m. 12/5/83
You know how we used to do it. Line up shots across the cargo bay.
(Sent from private terminal of Commander Artemis Shepard, Alliance Navy)
Received: 11:59 p.m. 12/5/83
Yeah, and it drove Joker crazy.
(Sent from private terminal of Officer Garrus Vakarian, Citadel Security)
Received: 12:18 p.m. 12/6/83
I forgot that part. Let's do it again really soon.
(Sent from private terminal of Commander Artemis Shepard, Alliance Navy)
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