The soft breath of someone very close to him was the first sound Naruto heard. Gentle, even, soothing, it came in tender puffs that tickled the end of his nose. A very light smile pulled at his lips, his mind still caught in that hazy realm between sleep and wake. He sighed, the deep breath altering the breathing rhythm of his companion. Very slowly, he opened his eyes to see a blurry face smiling at him.
"Morning, sleepy head."
Naruto grunted and signed again, snuggling down into the covers. Fingernails started dragging their way through his hair and he melted further into the mattress. He let out a soft grunt and the light giggle of Mirajane pleasantly replied. Tipping his head forward to help the fingers reach further back, it put his nose under the covers and he took a huff of the bed sheets by accident. Immediately committing it to memory, the teen though, 'I like this smell almost as much as Ichiraku Ramen. I wonder if I can bottle it and take it home with me.'
At the thought of food, his tummy let out a weak gurgle, signalling it was ready to be filled after the small dinner last night. Groaning, he pulled his head back above the covers and looked blearily into the warm gaze of Mirajane. "Ahhh… this sucks. I wanna stay here but I'm getting hungry and the guild will need you soon." He began to pull himself up. "I guess we should start moving."
A hand gently pressed itself to his chest and guided him back down. Looking over at Mirajane, she wagged a finger at him as she winked mischievously. "Not today we don't. I may have sent a note in saying I feel a little under the weather and may have had to take the day off, pending how I feel."
"How cheeky of you," replied the boy, most happy with the news. Burying his face back into the covers, he huffed the smell some more. Bliss.
Mirajane giggled when she realised what he was doing. "Enjoying that, are you?"
The teen nodded comfortably. "I didn't know such a yummy smell could exist. It's not like a food yummy though, it's… hmm… I don't know how to explain it. A nose yummy?" Mirajane giggled again. Naruto shrugged. "It's just yummy and filling."
Feeling one slender arm curl around his shoulders, Naruto looked up as Mirajane began pulling herself over to him. "I can say the same thing. My bed has never smelt like this before and it's just as you describe. Yummy. I dare say I know where this smell is coming from though…"
Closing in on the nape of Naruto's neck, Mirajane then took a deep breath in through her nose and sighed radiantly. "Ahhh… as I thought. You smell of yummy."
She then dipped her head into his neck and huffed again. Snickering, Naruto wriggled at the titillating feeling. "S-stop that, it tickles! Sniff another part!"
Looking up from her target's neck, Mirajane saw Naruto's flushed cheeks and smirked. "Hmmm, nope."
She promptly buried her head into his neck, inhaling deeply. Naruto let out a startled squawk, flailing awkwardly in response. With a firm grip on Mirajane's shoulders, he quickly flipped her over, eliciting a squeal. Pressing his chest tightly against her back, his arms pinned hers securely to her sides, rendering her completely immobile. She laughed and kicked playfully, her efforts to escape deliberately half-hearted. "Nooo that's not fair! I wanted more of that!"
Clamping down tighter, Naruto buried his head in her hair and growled. "You had your chance. Prepare for revenge."
Naruto then dug into the abundant locks of Mirajane's hair and went straight to the top of the girl's neck. She screeched in laughter as the tickling sensation of Naruto's breath on her skin made her flap about like a fish out of water. "Ok, ok, ok, I give, I give! I surrender, STOP!"
The tempting thought of going on the offensive twice as hard crossed his mind, however hearing the erratic panting of the girl in his arms make him choose the mercy option. Pulling his head from her hair, the teen blew away a few clinging strands from his face and rested his cheek against the top of her head. His arms remained right where they were though.
They then fell into a peaceful silence, Mirajane opting to drag her fingernails over Naruto's forearms. The sensation roused goosebumps all up and down his arms and Naruto decided he thoroughly enjoyed this side of the girl. Squeezing her, Mirajane whimpered softly and pulled his arms in tighter.
They stayed like that for a long time, neither moving much. It was so peaceful in fact that Naruto found himself drifting off to sleep again. Almost dropping off, a small sniff brought him around. 'Did I hear that?'
Another sniff followed. "Hey, what's wrong?"
Mirajane shook her head slowly. "N-nothing, it's dumb."
Naruto gave her a gentle squeeze. "As dumb as last night? Come on, you should know you're able to tell me anything by now."
The girl sniffed again and sighed. "I… I'm just so sad, but weirdly I'm so happy at the same time. Like, this, right here, this is just too perfect. I can't believe how well I fit into your arms and how safe and reassuring your chest feels against my back. However…" She trailed off again to compose herself, sniffing again.
"However, knowing you're going to be leaving soon for I don't know how long… it aches so deeply in my chest that it feels like my heart is going to collapse. The dumb thing is that the more I lay here and enjoy this moment, the more the pain grows in my heart! The dumbest part, and there's a lot of dumb parts, is I wonder if it would hurt less if we simply stopped all this and went back to how we were! It's a double-edged sword, one I am totally not ready to face." She sniffed again and Naruto knew she was crying at this point. He just let her pour her heart out though and held her tight.
"The idea that you're going to disappear, possibly never to return… it hurts like when I thought Lisanna died in my arms!"
Naruto's eyebrows raised. This was the first he'd ever heard of this and immediately picked up it was a very sore topic for the girl. "The job we took… I won't go into details, but Lisanna got badly hurt. So much so that when I came to her rescue, she was as weak as a kitten. We were only able to exchange a few brief words together before she disappeared in my arms. I have never cried as hard as I did that day. I know now, thanks to you and the rest of Natsu's team, that she'd been sent to Edolas. That saved her life and I am beyond blessed to have her back. You though…"
She shuddered as a sob wracked her body. "I don't know what hurts more, the unexpected vanishing of my sister, or knowing in a few weeks you will do the same! It's like a knife slowly being pushed into my chest and twisted. Like, it feels like you're going to die soon and there's nothing I can do to stop it!"
As much as what she said cut his heart to pieces, Naruto was totally helpless to refute it. What she said was the truth, there was no guarantee he was coming back yet and time was running terribly short. Biting his lip, the teen felt his own eyes water a bit and he clamped his lids shut. Hiding his face in her hair again, he shook his head and breathed in her scent as much as he could. Eventually, he was able to bite out, "Even if, and I say this with a VERY big if, if I can't come back, I promise you, I'll never, ever forget you."
Mirajane gently shook her head and sighed unhappily. "You can't hold onto my memory forever if that happens. You'll have to move on with your life at some point. I couldn't ask you to cling to me like that."
"You don't get to decide that for me!" Naruto's harsh rebuke caused the girl to flinch. He gripped her tighter though, not allowing her to turn around. "You have NO idea just how important you've become to me, even if we weren't curled up like this!"
The dam broke, and Naruto's words came spilling out—things he'd always wanted to say but never had anyone to listen. Over a decade of pain poured forth, directed into the back of Mirajane's head as he clung to her.
"You've given me something I've wished for my entire life in these few short months I've known you. Something I've never had and I can never fully explain how deeply I cherish this. I never had a mother to hold me, or a dad to play catch with. I never had a friend to wrestle with or siblings to fight. The only thing close to a friend I had for the longest time was the owner of a ramen store! He's the only guy who wouldn't kick me out the second he saw me, or bump the prices up tenfold as a 'nuisance tax'. That loneliness, that rejection—you don't even know what it felt like! It was so painful..." His voice wavered, his arms adjusting around her to hold her stomach as well. "I remember sitting on this stupid swing at school, all by myself, for hours. The 'Dead Last' of the grade. Just watching the other kids get picked up by their parents. How I wished I could be them. How much I envied them for having everything I didn't!"
He let out a bitter laugh, though it held no humor. "Whenever I saw one of them throwing a tantrum at their parents, I'd grit my teeth so hard it felt like they'd crack. I wanted to scream at them, to tell them how lucky they were. But I couldn't. If I so much as opened my mouth, I'd get shouted at or chased off the grounds." His voice rose, a snarl forming in his throat. "I hated how they treated their parents like that! How dare they?! Did they even realize how lucky they were? How blessed they were to have someone waiting for them, day after day, no matter the weather?"
Naruto buried his face deeper into Mirajane's hair, his breath hot with anger and unchecked emotion. Mirajane gently pulled his arms tighter against her chest, holding him in a silent gesture of comfort.
"All I ever wanted was a hand—just one hand—to reach out to me! I didn't want much, just to play with the other kids like anyone else!" His voice cracked; emotion burning in every word. "But the moment I even got close to another kid, their parents would drag them away. They'd say the most hurtful things, things like, 'Don't hang out with that boy!' or 'He's trouble. Stay away from him!'"
Naruto's voice hitched, and his next words came out as a near growl. "They didn't even call me a boy. No, I was always 'that thing.' Just a thing they didn't want their kids to 'get involved with.' They only ever saw me as the fox, not the frustrated little boy I was."
His shoulders trembled with the force of his fury. "I tried SO HARD for years to find someone who'd accept me. But no, not once. Not one single time did any of the parents allow it. So, it was back to that wretched swing time and time again. Sitting there at the edge of the playground… watching everyone else leave…"
He then let out an abrupt laugh, causing Mirajane to jump in surprise. "I don't even know why I'm unloading all of this, it's such a mood killer. It's in the past, and I've dealt with it. Besides, I'm not alone anymore. After becoming a Genin, I was lucky enough to meet a few classmates from my grade who were willing to accept me. I even got a best friend I'm currently trying to drag back to Konoha! And right now? Life is better than I ever imagined. I've got an absolute babe in my arms and for once, there's no enemies lurking in the shadows trying to kill me. Honestly, what could I possibly complain about?"
Rubbing his nose gently against the back of her head, Naruto took a steadying breath, regathering himself. "Back to the point," he murmured, his voice soft but earnest. "You've given me something I've craved my entire life. In just a few months, you've shown me more love and acceptance than almost anyone else I've ever known." His tone turned wistful as memories of her kindness flooded his mind. "You've hugged me, teased me, cared for me, patched me up when I've been hurt, and even nursed me back to health after drinking that vile concoction Cana made me try. And that's just the tip of it… you've done so much more than you even realize."
The memories of everything the girl had done for him during his stay at Fairy Tail intensified. Every memory ended with her wide smile beaming at him, offering him the unconditional love and acceptance the teen had been chasing for years.
"So you don't get to decide whether I remember you or not." Naruto's breath felt like fire on Mirajane's neck. "Simply by being you, you've etched yourself into my life forever. I never forget those who accept me, and among them, you have a very special place in my heart." His voice dropped to a whisper. "So don't you dare say I can't remember you."
Eyes brimming with tears, Mirajane could only manage a soft hum of understanding. Naruto's early life sounded extremely isolated and sad. That the blond was even remotely as normal as he was, was a testament to just how resilient he was. More resilient than she was…
Turning over in his arms, she gazed up sorrowfully into Naruto's pinched eyes. Swallowing thickly, the girl tried to speak over the lump in her throat. "When… when they were saying such horrible things to you, did you ever think something was wrong with you?"
Naruto snorted and rolled his eyes, mind easily going back to his early childhood. "All the time. I would spend hours sitting in my room thinking about what I did wrong and how I could be better for everyone. Eventually I just gave up and became more trouble for the town because that at least gave me some form of attention." He then chuckled. "That's the whole reason why I'm so good at traps. I would set them all over the town to spring on the police or any particularly nasty adults."
His eyes then widened as a particularly fond memory came to mind. "Oh, the best prank I managed was painting the Hokage Monument! We had this huge cliff that overlooked the city and we had the four previous Hokage's faces carved into the rock. I managed to paint graffiti over the whole mountain, right under the noses of the police and Shinobi Corps! Not bad for a twelve year old!"
Taking a guess that Shinobi Corps were something ninja related, Mirajane giggled, enjoying the change in Naruto's demeanour. "It sounds very impressive! I don't think even Natsu is capable of something like that, and he's almost as naughty as you!"
Naruto grunted in pride, very happy with his work. "You're damn right. You have the Number one troublemaker in all of Konoha right here in your arms! You better recognise how lucky you are."
Burying her head into Naruto's chest, Mirajane hummed softly and gave him a squeeze. Holding him for a moment longer, she then whispered, "So you never thought you were a monster?"
Raising an eyebrow in contemplation, the teen considered his younger self's thoughts. "Hmmm… never seriously. Even after I found out about the fox, it wasn't something I ever really believed. Actually, after I found out about Kyuubi, it helped a ton because I suddenly realised it wasn't me the adults hated, but what I held. They're still dumbasses for provoking the literal container of such a powerful creature to anger every day though. Like, honestly! Even I know that's a terrible idea!" He rolled his eyes in disgust. "It's like they wanted to be attacked again."
Mirajane then sighed and mumbled something Naruto missed. Raising an eyebrow, he leant down closer to her, ear tipped towards her mouth. "What was that?"
"I said you're stronger than I was," came the clarification. Leaning back so she could see Naruto's face, Mirajane's smile wavered.
"You and I are almost two peas in a pod. You remember my Take Over ability?"
Naruto snorted and nodded. "Yeah, you seemed way more cranky in that form."
Mirajane frowned and pushed back with, "Yes, as did you in yours."
Realising she was trying to make a point, the teen remained silent, simply opting to nod. Taking a breath, the girl continued. "I… I was run out of my home town when I was younger. A demon, the demon I now contain, it attacked my village."
Naruto's eyes widened as Mirajane's story unfolded, the situation being eerily similar to his own. "I was young, only twelve or thirteen. It was only my siblings and I since our parents had died during a supposedly easy mission a year and a half earlier. This thing attacked the church in my home and everyone in the town, Elfman, Lisanna and I included, went out to fight it."
'That's just about the exact same age I was when I learned about Kyuubi!' Naruto's thoughts were drawn back to L's hypothesis of multiverse refraction. While Natsu might have been this world's boisterous version of Naruto, it sounded like Mirajane unfortunately carried the cursed part of his life.
"We fought it and were bring pushed back. There wasn't anyone who was strong enough in the village to beat it and I hadn't discovered my magic yet. Not until that night in any case. During one particularly crazy moment, Elfman and Lisanna were thrown into serious danger. I freaked out and that's when my magic released. Take Over, the ability to overpower and absorb the body of a target." The girl chuckled emptily. "I fought this thing so hard. I don't remember the struggle itself, only that I was using every ounce of my being to not be taken over by the demon. Obviously, I triumphed, and it was absorbed into me."
Her voice then took on a darker tone, pain evident in her voice. "Unfortunately, as you have seen, when I use the power of the demon, I take on not just its strengths and abilities, I also take on an element of its appearance and personality. When the villagers saw me like that, they lost their minds."
She sniffed, swiping at her nose with a trembling hand. "Lisanna and Elfman stopped me from killing them right then and there. The raw surge of emotions that came with the Take Over brought me so close to erasing our hometown from existence. The villagers... they turned on me. They stopped attacking the demon and started attacking me, convinced it had possessed me instead of the other way around."
She then smiled slightly, her heart bursting with gratitude towards her siblings. "Lisanna and Elfman knew different. Somehow, they knew that was me. I dare say that because they each have a Take Over variant for themselves, they instinctively knew the truth. They rescued me from the villagers and even from myself. If I'd hurt any of those villagers, I honestly don't know what I'd think of myself now!"
Naruto nodded along unconsciously, agreeing wholeheartedly with every word the girl said.
"It was so hard, but I was incredibly lucky to have Lisanna and Elfman with me. They saved me from the spiralling black pit of despair I was falling into. I could not even begin to imagine how you must have felt having no one there!" She clung to his chest tighter, arms shaking in fear for what could have been.
Naruto closed his eyes as feelings threatened to overwhelm him. Not only was this girl offering him the attention he'd desperately craved for years on end, she actually understood what he went through. She could see Naruto's struggle from both sides of the spectrum and that was something he honestly never expected to find in his life.
She continued, unaware of the emotions running around in Naruto's chest. "You've heard a little about how I was a rebel before you came to the guild. Well, that was me struggling with my identity." She looked up through teary eyes and smiled, poking his nose with her finger. "You somehow were able to have the self-confidence to never doubt your humanity. I… I suffered with an identity crisis for years. I didn't know if I was Mirajane, or the thing I absorbed. Was I a monster, or a human? Were the townspeople correct… or were my siblings correct?"
She paused to wipe her eyes. "It wasn't until Lisanna disappeared in my arms that I became sure of my humanity. Even at death's door, my sister still managed to save me." She smiled weakly at the memory, her fragile emotions only just clinging on by a few threads. "She… she said… she said that I had to be a human! A monster wouldn't cry over her sister. A monster wouldn't grieve the loss of her darling little sister. A monster wouldn't be screaming, 'I'm sorry, I'm sorry', over and over!"
Tears began wetting Naruto's shirt but he paid it no heed. "It was at that moment that I gave up the tough-girl persona and went back to how I was before; how I am now. In the deepest moments of anguish I've ever experienced, I found my humanity. I was able to let go of the uncertainty and self-doubt. All thanks to her."
Squeezing her tight, Naruto let the girl begin crying heavily into his chest. His own eyes misted up in sympathy, easily putting himself in her shoes and understanding every emotion she was struggling through.
Between the sobs, she made out, "I-it t-took the loss o-of my s-s-sister for m-me to r-regain my humanity! H-how did you d-do it b-by yourself? How did y-you n-not lose yourself to the fury? HOW?"
Naruto swallowed thickly. While not fully trusting himself to speak, he licked his lips and answered regardless. "I… I don't know… it… it was…" He sighed exasperatedly, "I just clung to my goal. With the possibility of finding even one friend… that's all that drove me forward. I don't know what I would have done if I'd given up on that. What… what I would have become…"
His eyes shut with the pain of old memories. A soul–deep sigh escaped as he murmured, "It was all just so…"
They looked into each other's eyes for a moment, then whispered in unison, "HARD."
Squeezing his eyes tight shut, a single shuddering breath ripped itself from his mouth as he tried his best not to break. She understood. She understood! SHE UNDERSTOOD PERFECTLY!
Gripping her painfully tight, he heard her squeak as the air was forced out of her lungs. He grit his teeth, slammed his eyes shut and curled his lips in raw emotion as he clung to her.
"Y-you understand," he croaked out, voice tight.
Unable to answer as the tidal waves of her own emotions crashed over her, Mirajane could only manage a thin, "Mmm-hmm" before she was enveloped by the teen.
In the quiet of the morning, they embraced.
Pain, sorrow, loneliness, rejection and a myriad of other emotions surged from the depths of their hearts to be healed, unravelling in a tide of raw desperation as they clung to one another. Each tear shed, each trembling breath shared, was a release long overdue. Their separate journeys had brought them healing in their own ways, but nothing had prepared them for this. An intimacy so profound blossomed with insight so uniquely understood, it was as if their souls had found a mirror.
Entwined in the safety of each other's arms, they held on as if the world might pull them apart. Fingers gripped skin till they went white and every suppressed ache found its voice in the presence of the other. It was a catharsis neither had dared dream of, a unity of shared pain and understanding that only the chance crossing of distant dimensions allowed.
They simply held one another, each clinging to the other for what felt like hours. Eventually, coming back to the surface of the moment, the two souls caught their breath and finally pulled away.
Riding the waves of emotions he'd never experienced, Naruto looked into the hazy gaze of Mirajane for guidance. "So… so what happens now? I always dreamed this would happen, but what comes next? This is all so new and crazy…"
She smiled, a warm blush across her cheeks at the innocence of the question. "Whatever we want to happen. We go as fast or as slow as we want. We do what we want, when we're ready."
When he was sitting with Natsu all those months ago chatting about Lucy, offering the advice seemed so easy. Now being on the other side, any experience Naruto claimed to have was thrown out the window. Mind not quite working properly, the boy furrowed his brow, trying to bring his thoughts into line. "So there's no set way of doing things? Isn't there marriage before some parts, or after other things? I have seen couples walking around holding hands and things like that, but what happens between those moments?"
Giggling at the confusion, Naruto's consult simply answered, "What would your old teacher say?"
"Uh… he'd say… oh heavens…" Lighting up bright red, Naruto's eyes widened and he buried his face into the pillow next to Mira's head as the girl burst out laughing at the reaction.
Gasping through giggles, Mirajane pried, "Your old teacher really was a perv, wasn't he?"
Naruto nodded into the cushion, ears still burning. He said something that was totally muffled, to which Mira tapped him on the back of his head. "What was that? I couldn't hear you through my pillow."
Naruto turned his head enough so what he said could be heard. "I said… I don't think I'm ready for that step. That's… that's a lot of commitment. Un-unless… you… wanted… to…"
"Nawww!" Squeezing the boy, Mirajane's heart burst with the knowledge Naruto was willing to try something so daunting for her sake. Nevertheless, she shook her head reassuringly. "I don't think we're ready for that either. It is far too early." The deep sigh of relief from the teen was enough to confirm she made the right decision. "We still have a lot to learn about each other and a lot to heal from I think."
She then wiggled up to Naruto's ear with a mischievous smirk. Whispering, she offered, "Perhaps, instead of that, you like to start it slow by actually dating me first?"
A range of expressions crossed the teen's face as he tried to process the offer. It eventually faded from a giddy smile to a more sombre contemplation. With downcast eyes, Naruto murmured, "What about me going home in only a few weeks? What about you feeling like it might be easier to go back to how things were? Wouldn't this just be…" he struggled to find the words. Failing, he hesitantly edged, "I don't mean this to hurt you, but because I'm going so soon… wouldn't it be… pointless?"
Eyes sad but still with a smile, Mirajane nudged him with her forehead. "All the more reason to make these last few weeks special then, right?"
That was all it took to seal the deal for the blond. Big, happy tears welled up in his eyes and a wide smile broke out on his face. "We-well, if you're wanting to make these the happiest weeks of our lives, you've come to the right place! It won't be boring, I promise!"
Smiling serenely, a tear slipped down Mirajane's cheek as she rested her head on his chest. "That sounds just wonderful. I'll be looking forward to all we can do."
"Heh, damn right!" Rubbing his nose and wiping his eyes, the grin Naruto currently sported could have cut his head in half. Pressing his cheek into the top of her head, he sighed happily and asked, "So what did you want to do to make this official?"
Pulling back, Mirajane's hazy eyes of bliss gazed into Naruto's. "I think I know just the thing."
Leaning up, the girl captured Naruto's lips with her own and pushed him into the bed sheets.
"Mira-chan, everyone is giving us weird looks."
"I know, I told you they would. You knew they would, even if I didn't say anything. Why, do you want to stop?"
"Not a chance."
Squeezing Mirajane's hand tighter, Naruto and his new girlfriend walked into the guild. The attention they were gathering grew rapidly, surprised whispers running rampant as two of Fairy Tail's most famous members made their debut as a couple. Naruto held his head high, proud as punch to have Mirajane's hand in his.
The two had already spoken about what would happen when everyone knew about this development. They were borderline celebrities, so rumours were guaranteed to fly. As such they agreed that no matter what was said, they would confidently approach it together.
The very first person to actively voice his surprise at the development was none other than Macao. His eyes were wide, drink paused half-way to his mouth. Blinking several times, he looked to his partner in crime Wakaba and voiced, "Wow, with all that hand holding going on you'd get the impression there's something going on between them."
Cigarette ever present in his mouth, Wakaba's usually squinting eyes were wide open. "You're not wrong! What did I miss? When did this happen?"
Full of bravado, Naruto just grinned smugly and held his nose up high. "One could say this has been a long time coming. Only the best, for the best. Right, Mira-chan?"
The bar maid simply giggled demurely into her hand. Truth be told, she had been expecting Naruto to sweep her off her feet and run to the top of the guild to shout it from the rooftop. This was a much more reserved version of what she'd readied herself for. "Yes, yes, of course. Quickly now, it's getting dark and I don't think Master will be about much longer. We need to let him know of the plan."
Striding past the two men, they, along with the rest of the guild, watched the couple head to the bar and up to Makarov.
To his credit, the old mage simply cracked an eyelid as they drew close and looked them up and down disinterestedly. "Hmph, about time. I was about to order the two of you to just make out already."
Blushing slightly, Mirajane offered, "Don't you mean make up?"
The Master shrugged. "Either/or. Don't really care. The tension between the two of you was bugging me, even if no one else could see it." He then sighed and picked up a mug of beer. Staring into the murky liquid like it held the answers to the world, he asked, "So what do you two plan to do now?"
Locking eyes with Mirajane for a moment, Naruto spoke up. "Well, since I don't have long before I need to go, I was going to spend some time with Mira-chan at Akane Resort to make the most of our time left. Whatever money I've made here will be pretty useless to me once I'm gone, so I thought why not blow it and make it a trip to remember?"
The Master raised an eyebrow. "That's fine. You do remember you must be over to Tenrou Island before your mission though, correct?"
Both teens nodded their heads. "Of course, we only just spoke about it yesterday. How could have we forgotten?"
Makarov inclined his head. "Stranger things have happened with young love. You tend to forget the world exists during the first few weeks."
Chuckling, Mirajane patted Naruto's chest. "While that may be true for most, I don't think either of us would be that negligent. We remember our duty to the guild."
Satisfied for now, Makarov grunted. Pointing his mug at the two, he then asked, "So when's the trip going to happen? Any idea how long you were going to go?"
Naruto hesitated a moment. "Well, I was thinking about leaving now and staying a week before I head straight to Tenrou if I'm bring honest ."
Looking past them and out the door, the Master confirmed to himself it was indeed falling dark. "And how, pray tell, do you intend to do this? Akane might be open all hours, but that's a massive trip."
Slightly lifting off the ground, Naruto grinned. "Courtesy of Air-Naruto, it won't be a problem! So can we go?"
Shrugging, the old man took a big gulp of his drink. "I get the impression you were going to go regardless. I'm surprised you even came and asked."
Eyes softening a bit, the new couple shared a glance. Looking down shyly, Mirajane answered, "Well, truth be told, we wanted to get the feeling of permission before we left. You've been that much of a mentor to us that we thought you might give us your blessing before we go."
Makarov stared at them with a poker face. Then, smallest crack of a smile broke through the mask and he nodded. "If that's what I need to give you pests to get out of my space and let me drink my beer, then take it. Be blessed. Good luck to you both. Now clear out, I have an evening to enjoy."
Both teens grinning widely, they bowed their heads to the Master. "We will be back in time for the challenge, we promise. Thank you and see you soon!"
Turning, the two then ran out the front door with a laugh, still hand in hand.
Watching them disappear, Makarov shook his head in amusement. "Did you hear all that?"
Yajima wandered around from behind the bar, a knowing smirk on his face. "Hear what, old friend?"
Rolling his eyes, Makarov rook another drink of his beverage. "I swear, I could feel the very teeth in my head rotting. Those two are far too sweet. Good riddance to them, I couldn't stand to watch them make eyes at one another."
Jumping up beside his companion, Yajima grabbed a mug of his own. "Lies are rather unbecoming of you, Ma-bo."
The old Master's expression relaxed as he stared into his mug again. "Don't make me think about it too much. They don't need a sentimental old sap like me to bless anything."
"Well, you do call them all your children." Yajima mused. "I couldn't think of why a couple of orphans would want their surrogate parent to see them off."
Turning from his fellow mage, Makarov looked over to the far wall so Yajima couldn't see his eyes mist up. "Stop sprouting nonsense you old fool. You're just reading into things."
Humming understandably, Yajima just took a drink from his own mug and fell silent.
Arriving back at Mirajane's house, Naruto made the two of them a pot of tea while the girl scurried about to put the house in order before they left. She was only packing light since anything else they needed Naruto already confirmed he'd buy for them at the resort.
Letting the tea steep, Naruto stared at the steam as it curled out from the kettle. Hearing a thud as something was dropped onto the bed, he called out, "Did you need to tell Elfman or Lisanna anything before we go?"
"No, that's all taken care of," came the reply. Mirajane kept chatting from the room as she thumped and bumped about. "While you were in the mosh pit of mages at the guild being congratulated after the announcement, I spoke with them. They weren't going to be around for long as they had been selected as partners for the S Rank trials. They're each pretty powerful in their own right so I wasn't expecting them to hang around long."
Mirajane then disappeared into the bathroom; voice muffled by the walls. "I said my goodbyes to them then. I'll probably leave a note here in case they come back for whatever reason, but I doubt they'll see it. They probably left this morning with their training partners. We will be seeing them over there on Tenrou Island."
Pouring two cups carefully, Naruto called back, "Is that why we didn't see Natsu, or Gray, or any of those guys?"
Carrying her bag into the lounge room, Mirajane dropped it onto the couch with a huff. Sticking her hands into her lower back, she stretched backwards to loosen the muscles. Accepting the tea gratefully, she nodded and sat down. "Yes, they all left. After the S Rank challengers are announced, everyone usually dashes off to start training immediately. They all want to be in the best shape possible for the trials and with only a few weeks to prepare, they try maximising every second."
Blowing the steam off his own cup, Naruto was about to take a sip when he remembered something and snorted irritably. "Ah damn it, I didn't get to chat with Levy about the Runes. How am I meant to know now if they're progressing?"
"Heh, it's a good thing I planned ahead then, isn't it?" Giving Naruto a crafty wink, Mirajane took a satisfied sip of her tea. "I thought you'd be too fuzzy headed to remember anything after the congratulations you received. I caught up with Levy after I spoke with Elfman and Lisanna to see if there was anything I could do to help. She said to just leave everything with her. Apparently, the toad you left with her gave her all the help she needed to get a theoretical rune established. However, there were a number of…" Mirajane tapped her forehead in thought, trying to remember the words. "What was it… a number of script variables between your… seal functions and her rune format… that she had to find unity between… before she could confirm anything, so don't get your hopes up just yet."
Understanding almost none of what was just said, Naruto shrugged and relaxed into the chair. "Honestly, that stuff just flies over my head. I wish I could make sense of runes and seals, but for the most part I can't make heads or tails of it."
Mirajane nodded. "You're absolutely right. Even the words she uses are confusing. I couldn't even begin to decipher her runes, let alone some reverse teleporting thing from a whole other world in a completely different language!"
Naruto snorted. "When you say it like that, it really drives home just how smart she is. Damn I'm happy she's looking into this, I wouldn't have a hope."
Tipping the rest of his drink down his throat, the blond then stood up to wash his cup. Scrubbing away, he felt a pair of slender arms encircle his waist from behind and a soft body press up against his. "I think we all are. Everyone wants you to come back one day."
Smiling softly, Naruto rested a hand against the arm holding him. "Thanks, Mira-chan."
Taking her cup, he finished washing both and put them out to dry. Wiping his hands down, he watched as Mirajane did one last survey of the room. Finally satisfied everything was in order, the girl pulled her backpack on and held a hand out. "So how about it handsome? Ready to make a move?"
Sweeping her off her feet with a squeak, Naruto carried her out the door and kicked it closed. "Damn right I am! Next stop, Akane Resort!"
A swell of chakra blossomed under his feet before a mighty leap catapulted the duo into the early evening sky.
Landing gracefully on the park's grand doorstep, Naruto set Mirajane down with a playful flourish, though the moment was slightly marred as he flicked a bug off his cheek—collateral from their high-speed flight. The faint buzz of cicadas mixed with the distant hum of theme park rides, hinting at the night's growing stillness. They had made excellent time, but the deep shadows stretching across the park masked a lot of its features.
Thankfully, the reception desk remained warmly lit, and a cheerful staff member welcomed them without hesitation. A flash of Naruto's Saints Badge was all it took to transform the transaction into something extraordinary. Not only did they secure a penthouse suite for the week, but they also received a generous discount and complimentary access to the park's exclusive package.
When they arrived at their suite, the sight awaiting them all but stole their breath. The room was a testament to decadence. In the center of the vast space stood a bed so massive it seemed fit for royalty—or giants. Its plush, snow-white bedding all but invited them to sink in and never leave. Floor-to-ceiling windows framed the room on every side, offering a mesmerizing, panoramic view of the illuminated resort. The sprawling park stretched out below like a miniature city of lights, bustling with life, yet their perch in the heavens gave them perfect solitude.
Every detail of the suite oozed luxury. A fully stocked, gleaming bar sat off to one side, its polished glasses and glinting bottles ready for a mixologist's touch—if they desired one. Mirajane waved off the suggestion of a bartender with a confident grin, declaring herself more than capable of handling that station.
The bathroom was a marvel in its own right. A space fit for a palace, it featured a bath the size of a small lagoon, shimmering under soft, ambient lighting. Overhead, rainfall showerheads promised indulgent cascades, while a spa and sauna-cold plunge combo offered ultimate relaxation. The monochromatic elegance of speckled black-and-white tiles tied everything together, reflecting just enough light to give the room a serene glow. Rows of meticulously arranged soaps, oils, and cloths lined the walls, offering a variety so indulgent even Mirajane (a seasoned connoisseur of self-care) paused to marvel.
Naruto whistled low, running a hand through his hair. "Wow. If this is what heaven looks like, I'm sold."
Mirajane chuckled, trailing her fingers along the smooth counter of the bar. "We could stay in here for weeks and not run out of things to do, or ways to relax."
Naruto smirked. "Challenge accepted."
Flopping onto the bed with a satisfied sigh, Naruto sank into the mattress like it was a cloud. Meanwhile, Mirajane set her bag down on the vanity and began pulling out a change of clothes. Tying her hair back into a loose ponytail, she glanced over her shoulder at him. "I'm heading for a shower. It's been a long day, and I'm pretty sure something unspeakable got into my hair on the trip over. What will you do for now?"
Naruto shrugged, arms sprawled out dramatically. "Plan? Oh, you know… absolutely nothing. Maybe raid the fridge." His grin turned mischievous as he added, "Might even enjoy the scenery for a bit before I take my turn in the shower. You know, make the most of it."
Mirajane didn't even hesitate, grabbing a towel and lobbing it straight at his face. "Like teacher, like student. Why am I not surprised?"
Naruto's muffled laugh came from beneath the fabric. "I don't know, Mira-chan. But as I said, whatever you signed up for, it sure won't be boring."
Shaking her head with an amused sigh, she headed into the bathroom. "Do whatever you want. I won't be long."
"Heh, Mira-chan is the best," Naruto muttered, pulling the towel off his face. He was deeply thankful his new girlfriend seemed to have a pervy streak of her own. The banter made things all the more enjoyable. His grin widened as he rolled onto his stomach to admire the lively view outside the window. The resort was a kaleidoscope of energy—rides flashing and spinning, the casino teeming with activity, and bass-heavy music thumping from a distant party. He watched it all with lazy contentment, losing track of time.
After what felt like forever, Naruto glanced toward the bathroom door, frowning. "She said she wouldn't be long…" Stretching, he got up and wandered over. Instead of knocking, he opted for the direct approach. "Hey! Mira! Is this your idea of 'I won't be long'? The holiday's halfway over by now!"
There was a beat of silence before a hesitant voice called back, "Uh… I'm fine, but… I might need some help?"
Naruto's eyebrows shot up. "Help? Right now? What happened?"
More silence, then a frustrated huff. "Just… come in. But you cannot laugh, okay? Promise me!"
"I promise nothing. Coming in!" Naruto opened the door. The moment his eyes landed on her, he slapped a hand over his mouth, struggling to hold back laughter that threatened to burst out.
Mirajane sat perched on the edge of the tub, her usually sleek, gorgeous hair transformed into an unruly puff of tangled chaos. Somewhere in the disaster, a single comb protruded proudly from where it had gotten firmly tangled in the knots. She glared at him with red cheeks and crossed arms. "Not. One. Word."
Naruto wheezed, tears glistening in the corners of his eyes. "Mira-chan… what did you do to yourself?"
She huffed and pointed at her hair in exasperation. "The flight left my hair a knotted mess and trying to get the bugs out just made it worse. Finally, this stupid comb betrayed me and now I can't get it out!" She gestured dramatically to the offending tool stuck in the tangled mass.
Biting back another laugh, Naruto stepped closer and carefully tugged at the comb. The girl squawked and grabbed his hands. "Gentle, gentle! You'll pull my hair out!"
Crossing her arms tightly as the teen stepped back, (who was thoroughly enjoying himself) she muttered, "Well? Will you help me fix it, or are you just going to stand there and laugh?"
Naruto circled her like a toddler inspecting a puzzle. "Honestly? I have no idea where to even start. This is… impressive. Like, award-winning impressive. Any suggestions?"
Moaning irritably, Mirajane pointed at the bench. "There's a bigger comb over there. The trick is to start at the ends and work your way back to the scalp. I couldn't reach properly, and… well, here we are."
Chuckling, Naruto grabbed the comb. "Don't worry, Mira-chan. I've got this. Probably."
The next half hour was a chaotic symphony of groans, laughter, and the occasional yelp of pain. By the end, Mirajane's hair had transformed from a tangled mess to a massive, fluffy mane. Naruto, plucking the last remnants of bug bits from her locks, stood back to admire his work.
"Well, it's not perfect, but I think I nailed it," he said, grinning.
Mirajane glared at him as she attempted to wrestle her hair into submission. Unfortunately, the combing and static had turned it into an untamed beast. After a few futile attempts, she let out a defeated sigh. "Are you just going to stand there and laugh, or are you actually going to be useful?"
Naruto folded his arms, feigning offense. "Oh, and the last thirty minutes of my life don't count? Do tell me more about how unhelpful I am."
Growling under her breath, Mirajane fidgeted with her hair, but her efforts were useless. Finally, she looked away, cheeks flushed. "I… I wasn't planning to ask you this, but I think you might need to… wash my hair."
Naruto raised an eyebrow, grinning. "And how exactly do you plan to keep your dignity intact while we pull this off?"
Her eyes darted around the room until she spotted some bathrobes. "We'll wear those. Problem solved." She rushed over and grabbed a robe, tossing another at him.
Naruto caught it with a laugh. "I like the sound of this. So, how are we doing this? You first? Me first?"
"YOU are going outside while I change." She stomped toward the door, shoving him out into the bedroom while he snickered the entire way.
Finding him standing in solitude, the teen quickly changed in preparation. Slapping his hands together in thanks, he muttered a soft, "Itadakimasu" before stepping up to the bathroom door. A few minutes later, Naruto heard her call out, "Alright, get in here!"
He opened the door and stepped into the bathroom. His grin widened when he saw her sitting in the empty tub with hair spilling everywhere, the showerhead in hand.
"Funny," he said, smirking. "I don't remember the bathrobe looking that good on the hanger."
Mirajane shot him a look, though a smirk tugged at her lips. "You'd say that even if I was wearing a paper bag."
"Especially if it was one of those little lunch bag ones," he replied with a cheeky grin.
She snorted at the unexpected comeback but quickly recovered. "Alright, alright, calm down. Focus on the hair. For the moment, eyes up here," she added, gesturing pointedly to her head.
Sliding forward to make room, she patted the edge of the tub. "Come on, you've got work to do."
Naruto sat behind Mirajane, gripping the showerhead as she started issuing instructions. She explained how to wet her hair evenly, which angles to avoid pulling at, and how to prevent tangling all over again. Naruto nodded along, trying to focus, but her damp bathrobe clinging to her curves made the task borderline impossible. He was almost certain she was moving just so—subtle shifts, teasing tilts of her head—purely to mess with him.
By the time the ordeal was over, Mirajane's hair was clean and free of knots, a soft cascade of silver once again. Naruto, however, felt as though he'd endured a mental battlefield. He was both proud of his handiwork and completely undone by the gentle, relentless teasing. Still, all good things must end, and he knew when to bow out gracefully. Rising to his feet, he stretched, his legs aching slightly from crouching in the now-filling bathtub.
"Well, mission accomplished," he declared, rolling his shoulders. "That was definitely an adventure, but I hope I don't have to do it again anytime soon." He grinned, catching her eye. "As much as I'd love to stay, I think it's time I made my exit. Leave the water in, though, I'll hop in after you're done."
He turned toward the door, but before he could reach it, the lights clicked off with an abrupt click.
"What the—?!" Naruto froze mid-step, his eyes darting around.
The sudden darkness was interrupted by a faint, ethereal blue glow emanating from the edges of the room. The light was soft, almost dreamlike, casting delicate shadows against the tiles and illuminating just enough to see without tripping over anything.
Naruto blinked, momentarily captivated by the otherworldly ambience before fumbling to find the light switch. "Sorry about that, Mira-chan. I'll fix it. Give me a sec—"
The single word stopped him cold. Her voice was soft, barely above a whisper, but it carried a weight that rooted him in place.
"I turned the lights off," Mirajane admitted quietly.
"...Eh?" Naruto's articulate response earned him a soft giggle.
Turning his head, he found her in the bath, her silver hair spilling over her shoulders and the faint glow highlighting her serene expression. She crooked a finger, beckoning him with a gesture that sent his heart into overdrive.
Naruto hesitated, every instinct warring within him. "M-Mira-chan," he stammered, scratching the back of his neck. "I mean… isn't this a bit fast? It's just our first night here, and you're already…" His voice trailed off as his thoughts scrambled for coherence. "I mean, you're inviting me in?"
The water rippled softly as Mirajane shifted, her expression briefly hidden by the silken strands of her hair. Her voice, when it finally emerged, was low and tinged with vulnerability.
"Well… we don't have a lot of time together before you leave." Her words faltered for a moment before she took a breath and pressed on. "And I want to make the most of it. We can… stay in the robes," she added hastily, her tone awkward yet earnest. "That's fine. I just… can you sit with me? Please?"
The room fell into stillness, the faint glow painting them in hues of quiet intimacy. Naruto swallowed, his pulse hammering in his ears, as her words settled over him.
"Well," he chuckled nervously, "no time like the present, right?"
Padding softly across the tile, Naruto slipped into the warm water with barely a ripple. The gentle heat embraced him and Mirajane moved closer, her head finding its place on his shoulder. An arm snaked around his middle, pulling him in as though she feared the moment might slip away.
Naruto could feel the tension in her touch, the quiet vulnerability beneath her boldness. She hesitated, her voice barely above a whisper. "If… if you'd rather wait a few days, I'd understand. I don't want to push you, Naruto. I just… I just want to make as many beautiful memories as I can before you have to leave."
Her words hung in the air, fragile but sincere. Naruto let out a slow breath, the weight of her longing settling over him like a warm blanket. "You're not pushing me, Mira-chan. You're right… I want memories like this, too. I've already made so many here, but it still doesn't feel like enough."
Turning slightly, he pulled her closer, one arm circling her waist while the other came to rest over her hand on his stomach. The intimacy was quiet, unspoken, but it felt like the most natural thing in the world.
"How about this?" he murmured. "We stay right here until we're all pruned up. I don't need anything else."
Mirajane giggled softly, the sound as light as the steam curling in the air. "That sounds perfect."
The two settled into the stillness, the outside world melting away. Beyond the windows, the vibrant hum of the resort continued, a bustling contrast to the quiet serenity within. The glow of the city lights danced faintly on the water, reflecting a moment of peace neither of them would soon forget.
The week at Akane Resort flew by in a blur of laughter, excitement, and pure bliss. Every day was a new adventure, each one brimming with endless possibilities. From soaring high on rollercoasters that made their stomachs drop to indulging in food that seemed to taste better with every bite, the duo soaked up every moment. The lively shows and jaw-dropping attractions brought them together in ways they hadn't even imagined. Their hands brushed, their laughter echoed, and every glance reflected the joy of the moment.
In the mornings, they'd race to be the first in line for the newest attraction. By midday, they'd be lost in each other's company, roaming the sprawling park as the sun warmed their faces. By night, they would wind down with more intimate moments. Laughing over meals, stealing sweet kisses or simply sharing quiet, serene moments beneath the stars, it all blurred into one long, happily unending day. Time felt like it was playing tricks on them, the days stretching and contracting as they got lost in the glow of one another's company. Sadly though, time is a cruel prankster and within what only seemed moments, they found themselves at the final night of their stay. It was hard to believe that such a perfect, magical week could ever end.
As night fell on their last evening, the two found themselves nestled on the bed. Mirajane had called in that massage favour Naruto had promised her a few months prior multiple times through the week. It had become a nightly ritual at this point after Mirajane complained that her shoulders were killing her after the first big day of walking. Coincidentally, Naruto had discovered an uncanny ability to channel his chakra into the muscles, making the knots in her shoulders disappear far quicker than any masseuse could manage. It had become her favourite part of the day, the moment where she could release the tension of the world, if only for a little while.
A deep, frustrated groan escaped her as Naruto worked his fingers into one particularly stubborn knot. Her face twisted with discomfort, but when it finally let go, she melted into the pillows with a contented sigh. "That one was a doozy!"
Naruto, who was seated on her backside, nodded in agreement. He rubbed more massage oil into his palms and got back to work, his fingers kneading into the soft muscle of her shoulder blade. "I genuinely don't know how you manage to regrow these things the day after I get them out. What on earth are you doing to yourself?"
Mirajane, ever the sassy one, poked at the flesh squished out from either side of her chest. "It's from carrying these damn things every day," she grumbled, her voice tight as he dug deeper. Then, with a slight laugh, she added, "It's a love-hate relationship, you know?"
Naruto smirked. "Heh, I know. I love them, you hate them, right Mira-chan?"
With a swift swat, she aimed for his knee, but Naruto was too quick and dodged it. "Hush your mouth and focus on the knots," she said, clearly trying to hide the smile tugging at her lips.
Chuckling under his breath, Naruto dug deeper into the soft, delicate skin of her back. His fingertips pressed against the muscle, making her grunt slightly with each press. He worked until the last knot finally loosened, then slowed his pace, shifting his technique to something more soothing. His hands glided slowly down her back in long, deliberate strokes, the pressure firm but comforting.
The sigh that left Mirajane's lips was one of pure contentment. She allowed her body to sink deeper into the bed, her muscles finally giving in to the relaxation Naruto had worked so hard to bring her. She sat up slowly, crossing her arms under her chin and closing her eyes as a peaceful hum filled the room. Her voice was soft and sweet, barely audible, but the melody was a simple one — calm and serene. The world outside felt distant, irrelevant, like a dream fading with the rising dawn.
Finally leaning back, Naruto finished the session off with a light pat on her back. "There you go, one limber Mira-chan, as requested." He jumped off her back, landing lightly on his feet and grabbed a bundle of clothes off to the side. "Here's your top."
Throwing the blouse at her, the girl caught it nimbly and swiftly pulled it over her head. Naruto may not have seen anything too incriminating, but the view from behind was always a personal favourite. The soft fabric hugged up against her skin and she stretched, letting out a satisfied breath. "That's SO much better. Thank you, sweetie!"
Leaning over, she gave him a quick peck on the cheek. She then fluffed her hair out from the shirt before moving toward the bar, rolling a shoulder around as she went.
Each night after, as a reward, Mirajane made her now-signature carbonated soda for him at the bar. Naruto had to admit, as she promised, it was the best soft drinks he'd ever had, and every sip was like nectar.
Their bond was deepening, not just in these little acts of kindness, but in the way they'd slipped into each other's worlds so effortlessly. They were letting each other become a part of their own little world, a piece of joy that they'd carry with them wherever they went.
Dropping into a plush sofa, Mirajane patted her lap invitingly. Following her mindlessly, Naruto flopped down into the massive thing as well, his head landing in her lap with his drink in hand. The absurdly long curly straw lazily transferred the bubbly liquid to his mouth as Mirajane began scratching the blond's scalp. "Hmmm… tha's real nice Mira-chan…"
Smiling sadly, the girl nodded slowly. "I'm so happy I'm able to do this for you. I'm just so sorry this week is almost over. I really don't want this to end." She then chuckled. "One traitorous part of me wants to skip the S Rank trials altogether and just stay here!" She cupped a hand to her cheek, abashed at herself. "What would the Master think?"
Staring up at the girl, Naruto took another long sip from his drink in contemplation. "Well… you know I do have that clone and transformation thing yeah?"
"Oh you precious boy." Hunching over, she kissed his forehead. "Unfortunately though, they'd be able to tell if anything was off. The Master has a knack for those things."
The blond looked away with a pout. "It was worth a shot."
Giggling, Mirajane wiggled the tip of his nose with a finger. "I appreciate the idea at least."
The two fell into a quiet, melancholic silence. The joy of the past week still lingered in their minds, but the inevitable passage of time weighed on them both, reminding them of the duty awaiting them tomorrow. They sighed in unison, glancing at one another. Naruto frowned and, with a pout, stated, "This sucks." His simple words carried the weight of their shared feelings.
Breaking the moment, the elaborate cuckoo clock on the wall chimed pleasantly, marking that it had just struck eleven pm. Frustrated, Naruto kicked his legs like a child throwing a tantrum. "I don't wanna go to bed yet! I'm having way too much fun! Mira-chan, can you learn any magic that rewinds time?"
Mirajane rolled her eyes with a smile and gently eased herself out from under him. "Unfortunately, no. And even if I could, it'd probably be classified as forbidden magic."
Naruto groaned and face-planted into the soft couch. "Damn it, I should just get Ultear-chan to teach you that stuff."
A pillow suddenly landed on the back of his head, courtesy of an amused Mirajane. "Whatever you're mumbling about, knock it off. I know you're just coming up with excuses to stay longer."
Naruto moaned into the couch, kicking his legs into the armrest.
Giggling at his antics, the girl took the moment to change into her silk night gown. "Come now you poor, bereft thing. We still have a little bit of time left before duty calls. Now get over here and give me a hug."
Torn between continuing his sulk and obeying her gentle coaxing, the allure of Mirajane's warm embrace eventually won him over. With a reluctant sigh, Naruto dragged himself over and dropped into the bed, allowing himself to be drawn into her arms. Though he surrendered to the comfort, he continued to pout, his defiance still lingering. He felt a deep, unshakable frustration that this time they had together was about to end, and he had no qualms about letting the whole world know.
Squeezing him like a cherished stuffed teddy, Mirajane pulled Naruto into her chest and rested her chin gently on the top of his head. She stroked him soothingly as she hummed a nostalgic tune from her childhood. Gradually, his arms snaked around her waist, returning the embrace. A soft smile played on her lips as she continued to hum, charming him into a peaceful sleep. His steady, deep breaths warmed the skin on her chest and she gazed down at him with a glowing smile.
Brushing a few stray locks of hair from his forehead, Mirajane's eyes lingered on Naruto's tranquil face. Tears, warm and unbidden, stung at the corners of her eyes and she let out a soft sigh. "I'm going to miss this too, you know?" Her voice trembled slightly as she whispered, "These few days have meant more to me than anything else. You're the best thing that's ever happened to me and… and I don't know how to express it enough."
Leaning down, she pressed a tender kiss to his forehead, her lips lingering as her heart swelled with emotions she couldn't fully articulate. Tightening her embrace, she paused before mustering the courage to whisper softly, "I… I love you," as a blush crept across her cheeks. Though their time together had been brief, the feelings blooming in her heart had developed rapidly.
Grateful that he was soundly asleep and spared from witnessing her awkwardness, she stroked his hair gently, a wistful smile gracing her lips. "Sweet dreams, beautiful," she murmured, her voice barely audible over the quiet of the room. "I'll see you in the morning."
Settling beside him, she tucked herself against his chest, her hand resting lightly on his waist. Slowly, as the steady rhythm of his breathing lulled her, she let the weight of the day drift away and surrendered to sleep.
The following morning proved to be one of the hardest for the couple. Mirajane tried her best to put on a strong front, but deep down, she wished she could throw a tantrum like Naruto, kicking, pouting, and grumping about their departure. It was oddly endearing how much he wore his heart on his sleeve. Here was a mighty Wizard Saint, dragging his toes and crying openly about how much he didn't want to leave. If she wasn't so determined to be the adult in the relationship, she might have joined him.
Naruto stood outside the resort's reception area, looking utterly dejected as Mirajane handed in the keys and did one last sweep of their belongings. There wasn't much to stocktake, Naruto's scroll carried everything he needed and Mirajane had made use of the walk-in wardrobe's offerings during their stay.
"...Makeup, toothbrush, toothpaste, deodorant, wipes... Yeah, that's everything," she murmured to herself before glancing at Naruto. "How about you? Got all your things?"
The blond was slumped against a stone pillar, tears still running down his cheeks. He nodded silently, unable to speak in his grief.
Sighing softly, Mirajane swung her backpack over her shoulder and approached him. Placing a gentle kiss on his cheek, she gave her best attempt to rouse him. "Come on now, this is just the next part of our trip, right? You've got traps to set! We'll have Tenrou Island practically to ourselves for the next week before the contestants arrive. The sooner you're done, the more time we'll have together." She leaned closer, lowering her voice to a playful purr. "And I can think of a few ways to spend that time... I hear the beach is incredible this time of year. Perfect for a dip, don't you think?"
Naruto's tears paused mid-flow as the thought of Mirajane in a bikini sparked a flicker of strength and motivation. Straightening up, he gazed toward the horizon. "That... doesn't sound too bad. Where's the island again?"
Mirajane giggled and without warning, leapt into the air toward him. Naruto yelped in surprise, scrambling to catch her before she hit the ground. "Oi! Be careful! What if I dropped you?" he protested.
Wrinkling her nose in an adorably teasing manner, Mirajane smiled. "But you didn't, did you? Best not to overthink it." She pointed toward the horizon, her tone shifting to something more practical. "The island's roughly east-southeast. If we get high enough, we should be able to see it without much trouble."
Grumbling halfheartedly, Naruto walked toward the road to give himself more space for takeoff. Just as he prepared to jump, Mirajane let out a sudden, "Oh!" and crossed her arms, fixing him with a stern look. "Speaking of things I've been meaning to ask... What happened to your diary? I keep forgetting to bring it up, but it's been on my mind!"
Naruto stiffened, a bead of sweat trickling down his temple. How was he supposed to explain that he'd gotten rid of it ages ago? Eyes thinning as his mind went into overdrive, he made a show of pretending to think. "Uh, my diary? Hmm... I think I might've left it in my room? Maybe on the nightstand?"
Mirajane's finger poked into his chest, her expression unyielding. "Well then, mister, I think we'd better go back and get it! You're long overdue for an entry!"
Naruto's eyes widened in desperation. "Oh no! The day's getting away from us! If we don't leave now, we'll never make it to the island before nightfall. We really must go!"
Before Mirajane could respond, Naruto propelled them skyward, the abrupt lift-off drawing a startled scream from her. Her voice trailed off as they soared into the distance, leaving the resort's patrons frozen in wide-eyed disbelief.
Leading the overly enthusiastic blond into the next room, the Toad Guide dropped its clipboard onto a table at the entrance. It did its best to ignore the barrage of questions Naruto pelted it with about Gildarts. Closing its eyes and praying for patience, the Toad Guide finally cut him off with an exasperated tone.
"Mr. Naruto, if you would please stop asking me about Mr. Gildarts, we can proceed to the next part of the test. Kindly stand on the mark over there so we can begin."
Naruto paused mid-sentence, noticing the red cross on the floor. "So, what's this part?"
Settling behind a control board, the Toad Guide pressed a few buttons. The rear wall whirred, flipping over to reveal an array of nozzles resembling gun barrels. "This is a reflex test. The rules are simple: dodge everything. If something hits you or you step off the mark, that will count as a 'death,' and the test will end."
Naruto's eyes lit up with excitement as he bounded over to the marked spot. "Oh, this is gonna be fun! I'm really fast, so I hope you've got something challenging in there." He gestured enthusiastically at the nozzles.
The Toad Guide, choosing to let the results speak for themselves, pressed a button labelled Launch. "Prepare yourself. We're starting with a standard human benchmark."
Naruto crouched, his face alight with anticipation. The first tennis ball shot out, traveling at the speed of an average serve. Standing twenty meters away, Naruto's face dropped and he simply sidestepped it with an apathetic expression. "Uh, not that I'm complaining, but I hope this isn't your best."
"We start slow to establish a baseline," the Toad Guide replied flatly, adjusting the controls. "We'll increase the difficulty from here."
"Oh, got it!" Naruto grinned and turned back to the wall, his stance more eager now. "Let's break some records, shall we?"
The next ball fired out at twice the speed. Naruto moved effortlessly, gliding out of its path. He glanced back at the Toad Guide with a mischievous smirk. "Come on, can we skip a few levels? This is way too easy."
The Toad Guide raised an unimpressed brow but silently cranked the difficulty to levels that surpassed most mages. When the next ball shot out with a loud bang, Naruto's laughter echoed through the room as he dodged with ease.
"Now we're talking! How'd that look to you?"
The Toad Guide blinked. Truthfully, it hadn't seen anything. The blond had moved faster than its eyes could track. Thankfully, a monitor descended from the ceiling, replaying the action at several hundred frames per second. The camera clearly captured Naruto easily sliding past the ball, eyes tracking it without a problem.
Naruto gawked at the screen, his excitement bubbling over. "Oh wow! That's so cool! I've never seen anything like that before! But… does this thing go any faster?"
The Toad complied wordlessly, upping the difficulty and hitting 'Launch' again. The compressor wound up once more, the creaking of pipes sounding out as an absurd amount of pressure loaded up the equipment. A mighty BANG rang out, much like a gunshot and a shredded ball hit the rear wall.
Laughing gleefully, Naruto skipped over and picked up the smoking remnants. "Damn that was insane! I've never seen anything break apart like that in the air before!"
He then looked up to check the replay. Even in slow motion, the actual movement of the blond on the screen was a blur. He was standing there one frame, the next he was a smudge of movement on the screen, then the next he was back in place. Looking over to where the camera was pointing at him through the wall, Naruto frowned. "You got anything that can run faster? I wanna see what I look like."
Swallowing, the Toad nodded and walked out of the room. "Give me a moment please."
It wasn't long before a larger camera lens replaced the old one. Settling back down at the control board, a bead of sweat formed on the Toad Guide's temple. It adjusted the controls again, cranking up the speed and difficulty to beyond what it normally dare to test even verified Saint Tier mages with. "We'll see how you handle maximum settings. Prepare yourself."
The compressor behind the wall groaned ominously, building pressure for an unprecedented launch. The Toad Guide froze as the wall began to bulge under the strain. Suddenly, a nervous thought entered its head. 'When was the last time this machine was serviced again?'
Suddenly, a pin snapped with a deafening ping, and chaos erupted. Every nozzle discharged simultaneously, releasing a torrent of tennis balls with violent force. The Toad Guide dove behind the desk, screaming in terror as ricocheting balls shredded the room. In seconds, thousands of projectiles emptied from the machine in a cacophony of destruction.
When the noise finally ceased, the void of silence was deafening. Trembling, the Toad Guide peeked over the desk. "M-Mr. Naruto?"
Naruto stood in the center of the room, surrounded by hundreds of destroyed tennis balls scattered at his feet. He turned toward the Toad Guide, his blue eyes glowing with concern. "Yo, you okay? I gotta admit, you took me by surprise, I wasn't expecting you guys to have something that challenging here!"
The Toad Guide stared, slack-jawed, at the replay on the monitor. There, running on loop, was Naruto moving so fast his movements were still blurry even on thousandths of a second framerate.
What really surprised the Toad though was the incredible feat the teen was achieving in the middle the chaos. He was catching the balls faster than the eye could follow and throwing them into any balls that were aiming for the Toad, redirecting them away from impacting the desk. The only way his movements could be seen was because of the strobing effect the flickering of the screen allowed.
Naruto, for all his irritating tendencies, had just saved the toad and the desk from being annihilated.
Naruto, oblivious to his own heroics, wiped sweat from his forehead and grinned. "You've got one hell of a machine back there! Mind if I grab a drink before we move on?"
The Toad Guide slowly rose from behind the desk and bowed stiffly, its voice stuttering. "Y-Yes, of course. Anything you'd like." Pausing, the Toad then murmured, "And… thank you."
Omake II
Naruto reclined in the cozy pod swing suspended near the window, the gentle swaying motion a soothing counterpoint to the adrenaline-fueled day. He and Mirajane had just returned from their fourth day at the resort, and while Naruto was still riding high on excitement, his energy reserves were thoroughly depleted. They'd spent the day tackling the resort's seemingly endless collection of roller coasters, determined to ride every single one. Despite their enthusiasm (and Mirajane's gleeful egging on) they'd barely scratched the surface.
Letting the seat lazily pendulum back and forth, Naruto's peace was interrupted by the faint sound of scratching at the door. A moment later, he heard the click of the lock and turned just as Mirajane strode in, her smile as wide and mischievous as ever.
Without hesitation, she crossed the room and plopped directly into his lap, disrupting the swing's smooth rhythm. The sudden shift sent the pod chair wobbling erratically before finally settling into a wider, more chaotic arc. Naruto let out a grunt, though he didn't protest.
"Well, well, well," Mirajane teased, wriggling herself into a snug position beside him. "You'll never guess what I just found!"
Naruto arched an eyebrow as she reached into her top, rummaging with a flourish before triumphantly producing a rolled-up magazine.
"See, this is why women's clothes need more pockets," Naruto quipped, making space for her.
Ignoring him entirely, Mirajane flipped through the pages with purpose, her hum growing smugger by the second. Finally, she stopped on a spread near the middle, folded the magazine back, and thrust it into Naruto's hands with a proud grin.
Curious, Naruto glanced down, only for his eyes to widen in surprise. The page was filled with candid photos of him and Mirajane, clearly taken a few days earlier while they'd been running through the crowds.
"Whoa," he whistled, flipping through the article. "They already put this together? That's fast—even for paparazzi."
Short captions accompanied each photo, speculating wildly about the nature of their relationship and dubbing them a Fairy Tail power couple. Naruto chuckled at a few of the lines but froze when one phrase in particular caught his eye. His face darkened.
"'Orange Rocket'?!" he growled, glaring at the offending words as though sheer willpower could set the page ablaze. When that failed, he shredded the magazine into pieces, bits of glossy paper fluttering to the floor.
Across from him, Mirajane was doubled over in laughter, clutching her sides as tears streamed down her cheeks.
"Who the hell gave them that name?" Naruto snapped, glaring at her now. "Was it you? Are you playing tricks on me again?"
Mirajane waved her hand frantically, trying to catch her breath. "N-No! The second I saw it—I had to show you!" she managed between giggles.
Naruto leaned back into the swing with a long-suffering groan, his face etched with frustration. As Mirajane continued to laugh, he cast a rueful glance out the window toward the sprawling resort.
"Even after all this time," he muttered under his breath, "that stupid nickname still haunts me."
A/N – holy fluff. So much fluff. Am I sitting under a cut tree? Because I got sap in my hair. I feel sticky.
In all honesty, this will be the last chapter of the story with this kind of vibe, so I really went all in. It was a chance to explore the whole character-refraction-between-dimensions theory and dive deeper into Naruto and Mirajane's backstory before Naruto's departure. After all, we've got to give him a compelling reason to want to come back, right?
Next up, we're heading to Tenrou Island, and there won't be much room for soft moments like this. For those who might be getting a little tired of the fluff, don't worry, this is the last big dose. Maybe a small tender moment here or there, but it's pretty much full throttle from here on out.
The final arc is coming together in my head, and I'm honestly so excited about how the climax is shaping up. I really think it'll be the perfect ending for this journey. That said, life is busy as always with work, time, and the ever-fickle muse mean updates happen when they happen. I'll be traveling for work interstate soon, but I'm determined to keep the momentum going because I need to see this story finished. Hopefully by the end of the year? We shall see.
As always, I appreciate every review! It's amazing to see the chapters still getting so many views, and your feedback, encouragement, and even critiques mean the world to me.
Until next time!
Lanky Nathan