(Like all my stories, this one presumes some basic knowledge of the next-gen Weasleys. While it should still be reasonably obvious who's who, and how everything works, if you want to have a look at a next gen family tree for clarity, you should be able to find one on Google images, and I'm working on writing one out to go onto the bottom of my profile, so soon enough there should be one on there)
(Sorry, just quickly editing out this so that the prologue is separate to chapter 1. Nothing new has been added, but I'm working on the next full chapter now, so it should be a few days, and then I'll have that done)
Turned to Dust
I grin as I walk down the station, glancing up at Dad and trying not to show just how excited I am.
"Big Day," He grins back, "All ready, Fred?"
"Yeah Dad, it's all good." I mutter quickly, searching past the crowds of people for the barrier. "Are we nearly there?"
"Yeah, here it is. Platform eight and three quarters, just like I always told you."
"Ok." I stop just in front of the brick wall, slightly nervous for the first time. "Should we wait for Mum?"
He smiles, "Nah, she'll be alright. She's probably stuck there trying to figure out Muggle money."
I nod and turn to face the barrier, glancing at Roxy, who's smirking slightly. I glance back up at Dad for confirmation and frown for a second, doubt flickering in my eyes as I see the rather evil grin he's wearing. A split second later his expression dissipates into an encouraging, if slightly too innocent smile. I turn away and shake my head, before gripping my trolley tightly and taking a run at the brick wall separating platforms eight and nine.
I hear Dad begin to guffaw, and I look up just in time for me to smash into the barrier at full speed. Next to him, Roxy is beside herself with laughter. I bet this was her idea too.
I see Mum heading over towards us from the kiosk, and smile at Dad as he turns, sees her, and runs for it, Mum chasing after him.
I stare down at the ground for a few seconds after they've all left, sitting up and quickly wiping my eyes. Of course Dad means well, and I suppose if he had done it to Roxy or James or anyone else, I would have found it hilarious.
My jeans are all grubby, and I try to dust them off, sighing and looking around at my now battered schoolbooks that line the floor and had looked so perfect lined up in my trunk a few minutes ago.
There's a small giggle from somewhere behind me, and I turn to see two girls around my age pointing at me and laughing.
I look back down again, scowling slightly, still hurt from the fact that Dad would actually do something like that to me. I bed James' Dad would never prank him.
The taller blonde one heads over to me and smiles sympathetically, unable to keep the laughter from her voice. "I take it this is your first year too?"
She offers me her hand and I take it, letting her pull me to my feet, and then help me collect up everything that fell out of my trunk. The other, darker skinned girl beds over to help out as well, lushing as our eyes meet.
"ALLE!" I jump as a deep, harsh voice bellows out across the station. "Alle Shadow get back here now!"
A tall balding man with a large beer belly strides towards us and grabs the blonde girl's arm rather forcefully. She mouths an apology to us as she's dragged away, and I notice her flinching away from the man slightly as he takes her back to a thin, sour looking witch who I can only presume is her mother. A miserable Alle shoots a pleading look at us before following her family towards the real entrance to the platform.
I turn back and grin at the shy girl, who smiles back, blushing and looking downwards, avoiding my eyes.
"Hey, I'm Freddie," I smile, holding out my hand to her. "Freddie Weasley."
She takes my hand, "Lonnie Thomas."
There's a pause as she looks around nervously. "I'm sorry, I think I have to go," She whispers. "My Dad will be waiting."
"Yeah, it's ok. I need to make sure mine's still alive." I laugh, knowing she must have seen Mum's expression as she chased after Dad.
Lonnie giggles, some of her shyness seeming to disappear, "I'll… see you on the train then, maybe?"
"Yeah," I grin, "See you on the train."
When I reach my family again they've already met up with the Potters, and Dad is sporting quite a large bruise on his arm, while Mum smiles sweetly beside him.
I make a point of glaring at Dad as I pass him, turning away and trying not to smile.
We stand still, looking at the barrier for a few seconds. I grin at Albus, and then look around at everyone, raising my eyebrows.
"Well, I'm not going first."