This is the fruit born by an idea I got from Riniko22 I hope you enjoy it.

This story begins after chapter 164 of the Manga or at the end of Viz volume 7.

Hey Chris did you have start your sentence the same as me?

Oh by the way this chapter has been edited hopefully you like this version better.

Disclaimer: I do not own anything pertaining to Rumiko Takashi's work. Ok I do own this story and characters not in any of the series by said author and anything that sounds like something by someone else is purely coincidental.

I'm a girl Ch 1




*Sound Affects*

{Written Words}

"Ranma hurry or you're going to be late." Akane Tendo called up the stairs to her fiancé.

From the second floor the sound of someone scrambling around yelling a string of obscenities were heard after Akane's call.

"Ranma here's a quick something for breakfast." Kasumi said as Ranma ran by grabbing his bento and the bean buns.

"Thanks Kasumi." Ranma yelled as he went out the front door.

"I hope I gave him enough." Kasumi said as she watched Ranma disappeared over the wall.

"Stupid tomboy could have woken me up earlier." Ranma mumbled to himself as he stuffed the three buns in his mouth one after the other. As he ran along the fence he felt the panel under his feet giving away. Jumping to the next he stopped and looked at the first one as it fell into the water. "That was close." Ranma said as he squatted on the next panel as it gave way taking Ranma with it. "Great just great and I'm late enough as it is." The now female martial artist grumbled as she climbed out of the canal. "I might make it if I don't stop by Tofu's place so I guess I'll show up as I am." She sighed as she ran toward the school.


"Me thinks I finally get keiki late." Principal Kuno said with a crazed grin on his face.

"To late psycho." Ranma yelled as she used his head as a springboard to get in the schoolyard before the gate slid shut. "Looks like the principal is late." Ranma taunted standing on the inside of the gate while the rest of the class cheered as the principal had been foiled yet again.

"And me thought me had keiki that time." The principal moaned as leaned against the bars of the gate.

"Good going Ranma you showed him." Daisuke said as Ranma entered the classroom.

Before Ranma could say anything the teacher walked in. "Students I have an announcement to make the gas is shut off for repairs to the supply line so there won't be any cooking in Home ec, and you'll have to put up with cold showers after gym. At this declaration all of the students groaned Ranma groaning the loudest as she lay her head on the desk.


"You can shower with us as long as you don't look." Sayuri told Ranma as they walked to gym class.

"You don't have to worry. It'll be like when the ghoul gave me the full body cat tongue." Ranma mumbled as she followed the three girls in front of her looking at the ground. Aside from Akane yelling about somebody being a pervert a few times gym class went without a hitch. Though after school let out Akane noticed that Ranma seemed down for some reason.

Akane may not be able to stand her fiancé. But she didn't like seeing Ranma down."Shall we go to the park for a minute?"

"Whatever." Ranma said not looking up from the ground. At this point Akane was really worried as she'd never seen Ranma this down before not even when the curse was locked. Ranma followed Akane quietly brooding about something as they passed the playground where a few children where currently playing.

"What's got you down?" Akane asked the downcast girl when they sat down on a bench that was across from the playground.

Watching the younger children with rapt interest Ranma began explaining "I was listening to you and the other girls talking about things you'd done when you were younger. I've heard the other guys talking about the same thing. I can't say I had much of a childhood seeing as we were on the road for most of it. I wish that I could have had a normal childhood like you and those kids over there. Associating with others my age that had similar experiences as myself. That what's been bugging me."

'It's such a shame that one so young should be reminiscing about what could have been.' A monk that was passing by thought to himself as he stopped to listen.

"As much as I feel for you there isn't anything to be done. So quit moping around and get over it." Akane said standing. "I would suggest you stop feeling sorry for yourself and let's go home. We have homework to do."

"I'll be along in a minute. You go ahead." Ranma said bringing her knees to her chest.

"Suit yourself." Akane said shrugging.

After Akane left the monk approached Ranma. "Pardon me but I couldn't help but overhear your dilemma young lady."

"So what? It's not like you can do anything." Ranma answered morosely.

"Contrary to what you may think I might be able to." The monk said.

"Really?" Ranma asked looking up expectantly.

"I said I might. There's no guaranty I'll be able to do anything."

"Anything you could do is better than what I have right now."

"I see. If you're serious about this then meet me at my shrine tomorrow after school lets out."

"Thank you sir." Ranma said as she stood up to leave.

"Don't you want to know where the shrine is?" The monk asked.

"Oh right that might be necessary." Ranma answered sheepishly.

"Follow this path to the center of the park and there you'll find a shrine. Ask for Hitoshi." The man now known as Hitoshi instructed. "I'll be expecting you. Now before you leave let me see your hand."

"Ok." Ranma answered slowly as she tentatively offered her hand.

Not saying a word he pricked her middle finger with what looked like an acupuncture needle causing Ranma to wince slightly. Withdrawing a piece of fabric from within his robes he allowed a few drops of blood to be soaked into it before he released Ranma's hand. "What was that for?" Ranma asked before sucking on her finger.

"This is necessary to begin preparations for the incantation. I'll be able to complete it when you come by tomorrow. Just come as you are. No special preparation necessary."

"Thank you." Ranma called as she left feeling better than she did earlier.

Hitoshi watched her disappear down the road before he turned to leave himself. "I just hope that she's satisfied with what I can do."

A few minutes later found Ranma entering the Tendo's home.

"I'm home." She called as she opened the gate.

"I was beginning to get worried." Kasumi said as Ranma walked into the main room. "How are you feeling?"

"I'm fine. I just had some thinking to do." Ranma answered shrugging.

"About what exactly?"

"Just about what could have happened when I was younger."

At this answer the three Tendo girls glared at Genma as Akane had filled in her two sisters on Ranma's problem. Well Akane and Nabiki were glaring Kasumi had a look that asked why.

"Um Tendo any idea what their problem is?" Genma asked his friend.

"I do not claim to know how the female mind works Saotome."

"Are you sure you're ok Ranma?" Akane asked Ranma as they walked up the stairs later.

"Absolutely." Ranma answered.

Akane didn't seem convinced as she entered her room.

In another part of Nerima a certain monk was working on how to best fulfill his promise to a certain person.

"Whoa. I sensed that she was special but wow. This definitely makes things interesting."


What makes Ranma special?

I don't know Chris you'll have to wait for the next chapter like everyone else.

Well people we just edited this chapter so if you've already reviewed please just PM me with the review. Everybody please review this story by pushing that blue button down there.