We all know Morgoth hated the Sun and Moon. And the Void...the Void is empty. So he ponders and thinks of that which might have been...But most of all, he hates. He dreams of destruction, he dreams of Darkness. He dreams of ripping the Lights of heaven into meaningless shards of broken requiem.
Destroy the Sun! Devour the Moon!
Enslave the earth in iron bars.
And raise the all-consuming Fire
Unto the curséd stars!
Eternally I tread the paths
Within the Void and bitterly
I curse the face of Arien-
Who rent apart my sorcery.
I scarred the face of Tillion,
When long ago he first arose;
So long ago before the world
Was changed and in the shadows closed.
In swirling skeins of ash and smoke,
I veiled the stars of Varda's hand-
I held the Dark- I was the Power
That stretched across the riven land.
Yet here I am, imprisoned deep,
The Sea rolled in, the Fires died-
Beyond the Sun; beyond the Moon,
And all is quenched, beneath the tide.
Destroy the Sun! Devour the Moon!
Enslave the earth in iron bars.
And raise the all-consuming Fire
Unto the curséd stars!
Wow. I honestly never that this one would be finished. Morgoth waxing eloquent is not exactly my strength, and neither is first person narration...Come to think of it, this is the first thing I've ever written in first person. Well, there's a first time for everything...but I like third person better. And for the last time, I am NOT Tolkien! ;)
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