This chapter's a bit different. It's like a montage, meant to show the passage of time in Lucy's life since her relationship with the Master actually lasted about two years. This chapter shows a few months of their life very briefly, before any major plot points occur. There are going to be a few of these sprinkled throughout the story, during transition points in her life, so I hope you don't mind that it's a little short. I'm also putting this chapter up today instead of tomorrow because I'm going to not post anything for a few days. I'm on vacation, and that means no Internet connection! I will return though, don't worry, so I hope this holds all of you over while I'm gone. Please, as always, read and review and make sure to check back. Enjoy!
April 17th, 2006
Dear Diary,
Time feels like it's passing a different way with every different hour. Work seems painfully long and my time with Harry seems to be growing shorter and shorter. Every time I see him it's never enough time, and one of us always has to rush off. I'm becoming more involved in his politics, and more and more magazines and papers are asking me for interviews. It's not something I'm very happy about, but as long as I'm with him I doubt anything could go wrong. With him I'm always so safe.
- Lucy
April 24th, 2006
Dear Diary,
Today was another PR day, and I must've had my picture snapped one hundred times. I'm still not completely thrilled with the idea, but I know that he needs me to cooperate. He never makes me stay longer than necessary though, and if I tug on his sleeve hard enough he knows to yank me away. We've gone on a few dates since the last one I thoroughly wrote out, but I never seem to find any time to write them down. My life has become a whirlwind of work, PR events, and time with Harold Saxon, but as far as whirlwinds go they're the most lovely kind imaginable.
Our dates aren't so private anymore, but a few times we're able to sneak away. I never know how he's truly feeling when he's in front of a camera, but every time we're alone I just know he's genuine. It was the same with today. Exactly a month after I first met him, can you imagine? It seems like so much longer. The press wanted a bit of us, but we were able to steal two glorious hours for ourselves and they were by far the best two of the day. With him, everything's perfect.
May 5th, 2006
Dear Diary,
Not much to report, although I haven't been keeping diary entries nearly as much as I did before. I've just been so busy. Work all day and spending evenings with Harry, by the time I get home all I want to do is fall asleep and wait for the next day. Not to mention he still has a habit of calling me too early every once in a while. Eight o'clock, it's not that hard to learn! No matter, no one's one hundred percent ideal. I'll gladly take this negative in return for everything else he's added to my life.
- Lucy
May 13th, 2006
Oh my, I really am such a lazy writer nowadays. I used to be so good at this! More of the same I suppose, everything's wonderful. My parents have began to call me up and ask for opportunities to meet with Harry, but I'm still rather hesitant. It's been less than two months since I met him, and my father's rather.. business attitude towards our whole relationship could throw Harry off entirely. I don't even want to think of what he'd want to discuss. Things at work have calmed down substantially. No one's asking me questions anymore, which is a relief.
He's got this practice of tapping his fingers in the same four beat rhythm wherever he goes, and it only dawned on me today that I don't notice it anymore. Often I feel myself tapping along with him, and it's gotten to be a very bad habit. Oh well, as far as bad habits go I'll take this one; it seems rather harmless. Not to mention I just feel so comfortable every time he does it, so cozy and quiet in my mind. It's like he knows just what to do to put my whole body and all my thoughts at ease. He's just, amazing.
- Lucy
May 22nd, 2006
Dear Diary,
I really should write something, but I have nothing to report that hasn't already been said. More of the same then I suppose. More of my mundane life and him making it better. More of me falling for him with every passing word. More photographers, more interviews, more speeches, and more phone calls from my parents. I don't know how long I'll be able to properly hold them off. I managed six months with my previous boyfriend, and coming up this week I've been with Harry for two. Except Harry is different, so this is going to be harder.
I can't believe it's only been two months. It certainly seems like longer, but that's just how you feel when you're in love I guess. He's promised me a special dinner, free of press, for it. I sincerely hope he can manage an entire evening without us being ambushed.
- Lucy
June 14th, 2006
Dear Diary,
My friends are saying they see a change in me, although I don't think it's a bad thing. They say I'm more confident and I seem to carry myself with more authority. I don't see it, but I'd be lying if I said that I didn't feel more important. Harry makes me feel that way about myself, and no one's been able to do that before.
- Lucy
July 18th, 2006
Dear Diary,
I've almost considered not writing anymore, because all my diary entries look the same. It's not like I have anything new to write down, and I don't remember many specific details when I get home anyway. That was always me though, "never especially bright, never could remember much of anything." It's a wonder I even learnt Italian, though that might have to do with my parent insisting they get their money's worth on my special schooling. I didn't ask to got to such a prestigious school, it was their idea!
- Lucy
August 3rd, 2006
Dear Diary,
Got another phone call today from my parents. I don't know how long I can keep this up, and now Harry's beginning to ask questions. Easy for him to say, his parents are dead. He doesn't have to worry about them potentially screwing up his relationships. I've stopped ignoring the calls now, because they're getting worried. I've resorted to excuses, and it seems to be doing okay, for now at least. I really hope they let this go.
- Lucy