Disclaimer: Characters belong to Stephenie Meyer. Story is produced without profit.

Characters: Leah/Jasper

Status: Completed one shot

Rating: K+

Warnings: Unapologetic fluff. Jasper/Leah romance.

Inspirations: Chocolate

Summary: It seemed the whole world was asleep except them, but it didn't matter anyway. Nothing else existed during moments like these. This was their time.




It seemed the whole world was asleep except them but it didn't matter anyway. Nothing else existed during moments like these. This was their time.

She picked up a chocolate truffle and glanced over at him. He was reading again. She sighed and stretched out, the chocolate melting on her tongue. She closed her eyes savouring the taste and it sent such a thrill through her that he looked over, eyebrow raised.

The moonlight reflected off his face. The effect was strange and beautiful. His features, carved of marble, were soft as he basked in her pleasure. She smiled and crept towards him. The bed was large but she could never be close enough. She laid her head upon his chest and looked up into his eyes.

"It was Belgian with a praline centre."

He didn't say anything, he simply smiled. His golden eyes glittered. He stroked her face tenderly, his cold fingers sending an entirely different thrill through her body.

She hitched her leg around his hip and buried her face in the crook of his neck. She heard a rumbling sigh deep in his chest as he rained kisses upon her hair.

"I love you," he whispered in a southern drawl. Heat settled in the pit of her stomach as the inflections of his perfect voice and his natural accent curled around her. She knew he felt it to and she smiled as he shifted uncomfortably underneath her.

"And I love you."

His subtle smile broke, shattered by a beaming grin and he pulled her closer. His arms felt like steel around her, as strong and just as cold but it didn't matter. In the end, he always made her melt.
