A/N: First time trying free-verse.
Timeline: NextGen
Pairing: Teddy/Lily centric, although Teddy/Rose technically
Disclaimer: I do not own the wonderful world of Harry Potter.
s h a t t e r
a whispered scream
red roses, white lilies
(devil and angel)
a head of blue hair
(ethereal, unnatural
b e a u t i f u l)
y o u –
pose as the angel
paint her the devil
and hold him to be the god
the perfection
(…the p r i z e.)
questions screamed across the house
yes – you shout back
tasting a lie – you're okay
just whispered screams
(all in your head)
as your heart
c r a c k s
cleanly down the middle
but no.
it's not c l e a n at all.
rip and s h a t t e r
scream and crash
you're not the angel
she's not the devil
he's no god
no perfection
(but he's still the p r i z e)
white roses, red lilies
(angel and devil)
the angel wins
the devil loses
that's how it's
supposed to be
you knew that too.
you just thought that you were the
a n g e l
with the white wings
and the golden halo
and the pure and beautiful
h e a r t
they're arm in arm.
no more screams
because even through hazel eyes
misted with tears
you can see that they are
b e a u t i f u l.
she got the p r i z e
you got the heartache
and he got the
b e a u t i f u l girl that you never were.
with blue hair,
brown eyes
that catches your breath
that stirs at your heart
that beckons with d e s i r e
why did he chose her
and not you?
your thoughts betray you.
(you know)
and you do.
you'll never ever ever
be who she can be
s h a t t e r
and a whispered plea
(i love you but
you don't love me)
Feedback is greatly appreciated! I've never tried this before