This is it guys, it's finally over! *sob* Thanks to all those who reviewed and encouraged me. I hope you enjoy the final instalment.

Chapter Sixteen

"And the plans will be the same as last time, thus saving us the cost of architect fees. We will be paying a premium for immediate service, but I think that rebuilding the mansion is of the utmost importance," the professor said to those assembled. "So, I believe that only leaves me to propose the matter of Remy LeBeau, also known as Gambit, becoming an X-Man. I should mention that will also mean allowing a younger mutant than we are used to living here, Remy's ward, Sarah, who is six."

"Seconded!" Rogue jumped in. She didn't really understand the meeting etiquette, but she had picked up that every motion had to be seconded.

The professor smiled at her eagerness. "So before we put this to a vote, any thoughts?" he asked the group.

"I trust my sister," Kurt said immediately. "If she says we can trust him, then I believe her."

"Me too!" Kitty called out.

"Can't have too many southerners, if you ask me" Sam said, in his typical, easy going manner.

Rogue smiled at them.

"The guys a jerk!" Bobby called out, making the professor wonder at the wisdom of giving the younger X-Men both a voice and a vote at this meeting.

"You're the jerk, Bobby," Rogue said. "You're just mad that he banned you from the motorhome 'cos you stole and wore my bra!"

Bobby turned beet red and shut up. He had been hoping that the professor wouldn't have to learn about that.

The professor looked to the adults, hoping for some informed and reasonable opinions.

"I know that we are not set up to take younger children," Storm began, "However, with an image inducer, I see no reason that Sarah can't attend the local elementary school, as the others do the Bayville High."

"And if not, I'm sure Remy'd be happy to pay for private tutoring at home," Rogue added. "It's what he does now."

"As I understand it," Hank interjected. "Sarah has a visible mutation, so I think that offering her a place here would be most beneficial thing for her, especially being in the presence of others with visible mutations, such as Kurt and myself."

The professor looked to Logan.

"I ain't got no problem with the kid coming here," he grunted, refusing to offer an opinion on Remy.

Xavier looked to Scott, who was after all the leader of the X-Men, and deserved to have his opinion heard.

"I can't claim to have made an effort to get to know Gam-,I mean, Remy." Scott blushed slightly, though everyone could understand that his worry over Jean had prevented him being too sociable. "He did rescue Rogue though, and that alone should be enough that we give him a chance."

"I agree with Scott," Jean added. "Even without Rogue's vouching for him, I think Remy has more than earned a chance."

No one spoke for a few moments.

"Well then, I think we should vote," the professor said. "All those in favour?"

All hands raised except Bobby and Logan.


Only Bobby raised his hand.

"Logan, I assume you are abstaining?" The professor asked. Logan nodded in reply. "Then the motion is carried. If they are agreeable, Remy LeBeau shall become the newest member of the X-Men and Sarah shall become the mansions newest resident."

"Thank you," Rogue gasped as she released the breath that she hadn't been aware she was holding, thanking all the gods, goddesses and lucky stars for helping her.

"I for one am looking forward to trying his cooking, that I have heard so much about," the professor said with an easy smile. "Once he is feeling a little better, of course."

"Remy! Remy! You did it! You're in!" Rogue metaphorically flew into the Winnebago, only just stopping herself from jumping on him and aggravating his wound.

"I'm in?" he said with a smirk. "You would of thought I would remember something like that. Hank must've given me some great drugs."

Rogue rolled her eyes and gently sat on his lap, careful not to hurt him. Then she swatted his shoulder. "You have a dirty mind, swamp rat!"

"Hey, no hitting the wounded man!"

Rogue didn't look impressed, but kissed him anyway. When she pulled away, leaving Remy clearly wanting more, she looked anxious.

"So?" she asked.

"You even have to ask, chère? There's no way I'm letting you face bad guys without me by your side."

"And look where that got you last time," she tried to chide him, but her happiness made it a poor attempt.

"I'd take a stake to the side every day for you, chère."

"Aww," she looked all lovey dovey, a very odd expression on her. "I think that's the cheesiest line I've ever heard."

Remy laughed but quickly settled for chuckling when he discovered that it hurt his abdominal muscles too much.

"So, should we call Sarah and tell her the good news?" he said. "I haven't called in a few days, she'll be worried."

"We'll call her, but no spilling the beans, okay." She had a devious a smile. "Just tell her you'll be back in a week or so."

"You got a plan, chère?"

"Oui," she grinned.

It turned out that the X-Men had some stellar technology for speeding up healing and that, combined with Remy's own very slight healing factor, meant that nine days later he was still sore but mostly healed.

He was packing up necessities in his kitchen in New Orleans, since he knew the X-Men wouldn't have all the tools he needed to be a true culinary master, when he heard Sarah's footsteps running towards the apartment. Seconds later the door flew open and she rushed inside and into his arms.

He picked her up and groaned as one of her bony growths pressed into his abdomen.


"It's nothing, chère," he said, depositing her on the breakfast bar. "Just a small scratch."

"You sure?"

"Have I ever lied to you?" Remy grinned.

"No," she shook her head. "Rogue didn't come back with you then?"

"I told you I would try, petite, but no promises."

"I know. I'm sure you tried."

"I did, I tried really really hard."

Sarah swallowed down her unhappiness. She hadn't really expected Rogue to come back with him, but she had still hoped. Finally she noticed that half the kitchen drawers and cupboards had been unloaded.

"Why is the kitchen a mess?" She looked puzzled.

"That's a surprise, but before I give you the details, I want you to go into your bedroom and open your gift."

She nodded, doing her best to hide her disappointment at Rogue not returning as she made her way into the bedroom, Remy following behind her.

In the middle of the floor stood a large box, wrapped in pink paper and tied with a massive bow and her mood improved slightly. She tore the ribbon off, then the paper and was just pulling the box open when Rogue shot upright.

"Rogue!" Sarah threw herself into the other girls arms and Rogue held her tightly as Sarah kicked her legs in delight.

"It's good to see you again, sugar. I missed you."

"I missed you too. Remy lied to me and said you hadn't come back!"

"I said no such thing!" Remy came up to them, sounding indignant but unable to keep the smile from his lips. "I said I tried, and I did; I just neglected to mention that I was successful."

"It was my idea," Rogue confessed. "I wanted to surprise you,"

"We also have another surprise, petite."

"What?" Sarah's mood instantly changed and she was once again wary. Rogue put her down and led her over to the bed. Remy knelt in front of them and took Sarah's hand.

"You remember those friends of Rogue that we were looking for?"

Sarah nodded.

"Well, they're all mutants like we are and after we found them, they asked to come and live with them. So what do you think?"

"You don't want me any more?"

"No, no petite, I'm going too. I'm still your family-"

"Me too," Rogue added.

"We're just going to be part of a bigger family now."

Sarah didn't look convinced.

"What is it?" Remy prompted. "You can tell me?"

Sarah looked to Rogue, then back to Remy.

"What of they don't like me," she said in a small voice.

"Sugar, they will love you," Rogue assured her. "And, you won't even be the oddest looking person there. My brother, Kurt, is blue and fury!"


"Yeah." Rogue got her phone out and brought up a picture of her and Kurt. "See?"

"Wow! He looks so cool"

Rogue left Sarah and Remy packing up what they needed from the apartment and slipped away. Remy knew where she was going, but he had promised not to follow.

Rogue felt nervous as she waited for Mystique to arrive but she refrained from wringing her hands as she wanted to. Suddenly she wished that she hadn't told Remy she needed to do this alone.

She looked around the park at all the mothers and children there, and it hit her once again how poor a mother Mystique really was. She wished that she'd realised that there was a playground by this fountain in the park, but she'd just looked on the map, found somewhere in the open, and told Remy to set up a meeting. She should have asked his opinion on where to meet Mystique, after all, this was his city.

Thankfully her wait was cut short as she recognised a familiar blond walking towards her. Rogue stood up and waited for Mystique to reach her.

"Did you think this look would make me nostalgic?" Rogue asked. This was what Aunt Irene's lover had looked like when she visited the house but as pretty as she was, she never showed any genuine affection for Rogue, just interest in how well she was doing at her karate lessons, or gymnastics class, or ballet lessons and whatever other things she and Irene had decided would make her a good terrorist.

"This is the form I always use when not impersonating someone." Mystique answered, then she smiled. "It's good to see you. I'm so glad you're safe."

"No thanks to you," Rogue said. She wasn't going to fall for this kind and caring act, because that's all it was, an act.

"I paid that thief to get you out! This is all my doing!"

'How little it takes for the mask to drop,' Rogue thought at her mothers sharp tone.

"You know, I've been thinking about that and if you really cared about me, you could have rescued me yourself."

"Don't be ridiculous, I don't have the skills-"

"Don't lie, Mystique. You could have disguised yourself as one of the doctors, taken me for some testing, transferred your powers to me so I could walk out as the doctor, while you pretend to be me. I've absorbed a few mothers in my time, Mystique, and they all agreed that they'd have willingly died to keep their kids safe."

Mystique glared at her.

"Remy on the other hand," Rogue continued. "He practised picking the lock on a collar that could have exploded and killed him, he willingly got himself caught, and he risked everything to get me out of there."

"Because I paid him!"

"You didn't pay him. The money you transferred went into a bank account in my name. Remy didn't take a dime of your money."

"He gave you three hundred thousand dollars?"


Mystique actually looked shocked and her anguish showed through for a moment. "Rogue, please, all I ever wanted was what was best for you."

"Even when you were tricking me into believing the X-Men wanted to kill me so that I'd join your Brotherhood? When you tried to kill Scott? How about when you were lying to me and pretending to be some British chick? Or what about when you were letting Mesmero rape my mind? Or when you were carting me all over the world to offer me up as a sacrificial lamb to Apocalypse?"

"Irene saw that you would get great power if you had worked with Apocalypse! I wanted that for you!"

Rogue actually looked a little sympathetic for a moment. She had seen into Mystiques head a few times now, and she knew that her mother wasn't pure evil. She was cunning, selfish and immoral, but she genuinely did believe that she had done her best for Rogue, which was perhaps the saddest thing of all about the woman standing before her.

"Problem is, you never stopped to ask me if I wanted that power." She shook her head sadly. "I don't. I never did. I never will."

"Please, Rogue, give me another chance! I just want to do right by you!"

"Maybe that's true," Rogue admitted. "But you've blown all your chances already. No matter what happens in the future, you have betrayed me and used me too many times for me to ever trust you again. We can never even be friends, let alone mother and daughter. I thank you for giving me a brother like Kurt, and for staying outta his life so that he could grow into the good, kind man that he is. I thank ya for tellin' Remy that I was missing so that he could get me out, and I thank you for giving me enough money to help us start our lives together, but that's all I thank you for. I am not your daughter any longer, Mystique. You need to give up trying to do stuff for me, because one of these days you'll push me too far and I'll kill ya for real."

She vividly remembered pushing that statue that she thought was mystique over the cliff. She vividly remembered how terrible she felt, though mainly because of the pain she had caused Kurt, not because she had killed Mystique. If she had to, if Mystique hurt Kurt or Remy or any one of her friends, Rogue knew that she was capable of killing her. Maybe it wasn't the X-Men way, but then none of the X-Men had been used and betrayed like she had. She didn't want to become a killer though, and she prayed that Mystique would heed her warning and keep her distance.

"Goodbye, Mystique." Rogue turned on her heel and marched out of the park, heading for home.

A few moments later she heard footsteps running after her, she heard her name called, and she turned to see three homeless men restraining Mystique. Quite a feat for the winos they appeared to be.

Good old Remy, even though he swore to stay away and give her space, he'd sent three of the the Thieve's guards to watch out for her. Rogue smiled and resumed her journey back to the apartment.

It only took them a day to pack up what they needed and have it shipped to the mansion, then a second day to say their goodbyes before they drove back to New York, since Sarah didn't have a passport.

Most of the younger students had been sent on holiday, with Logan, Jean and Scott to supervise. There would never be too much mischief with Logan around, so Jean and Scott were sent primarily because they both needed a break and a chance to reconnect.

Work on the mansion was progressing quickly thanks not only to the professor paying over the odds, but a few of Remy's contacts who he had called in favours from. The structure was up, though it still missed a roof and of course, the inside still needed a lot of decorating.

The adults, plus Kurt and Kitty, were quite happy living in the basement now that it was far less cramped. Kurt and Kitty were given the opportunity to go with the other students, but they preferred to stay since Rogue was staying.

Sarah's eyes almost bugged out of her head as she spied the mansion.

"We'll be living there?" she asked.

"Uh huh," Remy said with a smile.

"But what if it rains, we'll get wet?"

"The roof will be on soon, sugar," Rogue laughed. "And since we're a family, the professor has offered us a suite of rooms."

"What does that mean?"

"It means that Remy and I will have a bedroom which connects to a living room, and your bedroom will have a door to our living room too," Rogue explained.


They had debated over whether to simply put Sarah in the dorm wing with the other children, but since she was by far the youngest, Remy preferred to keep her close. If the situation changed and they accepted other young children in the future, Remy was happy for Sarah to room with them if she wanted, but she was just too young to be alone right now and even though she was surrounded by teenagers, due to her age she would still be alone.

As they pulled up in front of the mansion, the professor came out to greet them. One of the first features installed was the lift, so that he didn't have to do through the rather degrading procedure of being carried up the basement entrance ladder, then wait for his chair to be carried up.

He had his usual beatific smile on his face as he waited for them to get out, and was soon joined by Kurt, Kitty and Storm. They got their bags out of the trunk and walked up to the house. Sarah seemed fascinated by Kurt stared at him as they got closer. Kurt too watched her approach, and thankfully he seemed amused by her staring rather than offended.

"I love your fur," Sarah said.

"And I love your hair," Kurt replied.

"Can I touch it?" Sarah reached out a hand but didn't touch without permission.

"Sure you can," Kitty interrupted, slinging her arm around Kurt's shoulders. "As long as I can braid your hair later. It's so pretty."

"Sure!" Sarah readily agreed, then reached out to stroke Kurt's arm.

Rogue debated telling Kitty to back off and warning her not to turn Sarah into her own personal dress up doll, but then she thought that after so much negative attention in her life, having a beautiful girl like Kitty literally fawning over her would probably be a good for Sarah, so she bit her tongue.

"Okay, now that's settled," Remy said, gently guiding Sarah away from Kurt before things could become awkward. "Sarah, I'd like you to meet Charles Xavier, Ororo Monroe, Kitty Pryde and Kurt Wagner."

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Sarah," Xavier said. "I've heard a lot about you."

Sarah stepped closer to Remy again, her shyness kicking back in.

"We've had a long journey, professor, Sarah's probably tired. Maybe Kitty could make one of her sugar filled chocolate milkshakes for her, might revive her spirits," Remy suggested.

"Yeah!" Kitty reached out and grabbed the girls hand.

"Can I have one too?" Kurt asked, trailing after them. Sarah reached out and took his hand.

Remy put his arm around Rogue's shoulder, pleased that she had already made some friends.

"I think we made the right decision," Rogue said.

They gave the trio a few minutes, then followed them down to the basement kitchen. Kitty was busy yammering on about the school and the other students while Sarah watched her, sipping in her milkshake, seemingly awed by the older girl.

"I see out newest resident has arrived. I trust you had a pleasant journey?"

Sarah stared, wide eyed, at Hank. She looked a little frightened which, considering Hanks sheer size, wasn't an unusual reaction.

"Forgive me, my name is Henry McCoy, but most people call me Hank." He offered his great big hand to Sarah.

Remy and Rogue looked at each other, both wondering if she would react with terror or bravery. Slowly Sarah reached her own hand out to take his, her eyes still wide but more with wonder than fear now.

"You're blue too!"

"Why yes," Hank chuckled, "yes I am."

Just then, Emma Frost walked in, quickly taking in the happy scene before her. Her eyes narrowed.

"Oh good, we're becoming a kindergarten," she sneered.

"What's this 'we' business?" Rogue asked, her hands on her hips. "You know, you're free to leave any time you want to." That was more then just a suggestion.

They all knew why she stayed, because she had no where else to go. She and the professor had been having many long, mostly silent, discussions about her joining the X-Men, and because he was hopeful that he could talk her around, everyone else tolerated her presence. Her attitude made it harder than it need be though.

Scowling, Emma turned on her heels and left.

"She's really pretty," Sarah said.

"Maybe," Remy said, sitting down beside Sarah and putting his arm around her shoulders. "But she ain't got nothin' on you, petite. Besides, on the inside, she's real ugly."

Sara giggled.

"Remy's right," Kitty instantly agreed. "You're ten times prettier than she is, especially since I'm pretty sure those boobs are fake."

Sarah frowned. "What are fake boobs?"

"I'll tell you when you're little older." Kitty blushed. "So anyway, drink up, then we'll find you a room to stay in. Or you can bunk with me if you want."

Sarah looked from Kitty to Remy and back, biting her lip.

"Just 'cos we got a cot for you in the Winnebago, don't mean you have to use it." Remy smiled at her. "You can stay with Kitty if you want to."

"Maybe just for tonight," Sarah hedged her bets, not wanting to hurt the man who had become her best friend, and once had been her only friend. "Like those sleepovers they have on TV?"

"You stay as long or as little as you like." He kissed her cheek. "Remy will still be there when you need him."

Rogue thought that this was the best thing that could have happened to Sarah. For the first time in possibly her whole life, a group of strangers were accepting her at face value. She would speak to kitty and make sure she didn't take her 'make over' too far though.

Soon after, Kitty dragged Sarah away, Kurt tagging along since Sarah seemed disinclined to let his hand go for too long, and Rogue leaned into Gambit.

"You're little girl is growing up," she said, only half teasing.

"Our little girl," he said, turning to grin at her. "Don't try and tell me she hasn't worked her way into your heart too, chère."

Rogue nodded her agreement, her expression a touch sad.

"Don't worry, this place is just new and exciting, that's all. She'll come back when the novelty wears off."

Rogue smiled. "If I'd know how special it'd be to her, I'd have offered to do her hair weeks ago."

"You're special to her," Remy assured her. "Besides, one trip to the mall with Kitty and she'll be begging us to protect her."

Rogue laughed. "You sure do have a silver tongue, swamp rat."

"And you sure do give me some cute nicknames, chère."

He kissed her, intending it to be one of those slow and sensuous ones, the kind that showed each other how deeply they cared for each other, but it quickly developed into something more. Hank quietly excused himself. Emma returned, tutted loudly and stomped off, muttering "Get a room."

They ignored her until she was gone, and Remy finally pulled away, his forehead resting against hers.

"Not such a bad suggestion, non?"

Rogue grinned. "Race you to the Winnebago!"

She took off, Remy hot on her heals. Regardless of who won of lost, they were both in for a pleasant hour or so.


Jean and Rogue strolled in the mansion grounds. There was still a lot of landscaping to do, but at least the weather was nice.

"So did the break do you good?" Rogue asked.

Jean shrugged, a very unlike Jean thing to do.

"Scott and I connected but... well, let's just say it didn't do as much as I'd have liked for my mental state."

"I know the feeling," Rogue sympathised. "You can run but you can't hide."

"Exactly!" Jean smiled.

In many ways, they were both suffering similar traumas, Rogue with her kidnap and Jean with the Phoenix, had left both of them with a little PTSD. It had been the professors idea that they start talking, and although Jean had been away on vacation, they resumed the sessions as soon as she got back.

"I just... I can't stop thinking about what it did, you know? I was there, I saw it all, but I was powerless to stop it."

"You couldn't have stopped it, Jean. Sometimes people, or things, do stuff to us or make us do things that we hate but can't help, and then make us feel like bad people, but you just have to try and remember that you were just a witness, like watching a television program."

There was silence for a moment.

"How are your nightmares?" Jean finally asked.

"Not too bad. Better than they used to be, even before all this with Weapon X, especially with Remy there. He's like my own personal dream catcher."

"How are your rooms coming?" Jean asked.

"Mostly done. All the furniture's been delivered but it's still rather cold. We're going shopping this weekend, see if we can pick up some homey touches, vases, cushions, pictures, that kind of thing."

"Does he still want to install a kitchenette?"

"Yeah," Rogue smiled. She didn't mind really, but she thought that they could easily use the mansion facilities. "Worst thing though, is that he spotted the old boat house the other day, now he's angling to do it up and for us to move in there."

Jean couldn't decipher Rogue's tone.

"That thing is just a shell!"

"I know, but he wants to do it up, or rebuild it." She sighed.

"You don't want that?"

"I just... I'm a little young, you know, to be settling down in domestic bliss."

Jean didn't know what to say to that, but thankfully Rogue continued, saving her the need to reply.

"It's not that I don't love him, and lord knows I feel years older than I actually am but part of me is just rebelling against becoming some cookie cutter couple, you know?"

"I think so," Jean smiled. "Just because you don't want your own home, doesn't mean that you don't love him. This mansion has been your home for years now, Rogue, in fact I'd be surprised if it was easy for you to leave."

Rogue nodded idly, still turning the situation over in her mind.

"How did you leave things?" Jean asked.

"We didn't really, just said we'd talk about it in a few months. Maybe when Sarah moves into the main dorms in a few years or something."

"Is he pressuring you?"

"No," Rogue smiled. "He's just so excited about the idea, you know? It's hard to be the one to rain on his parade."

Jean laughed.

"What?" Rogue demanded.

"Nothing, I just didn't think I'd ever see the day when you found it hard to assert your opinions."

Though she felt like she should be mad as such a judgement, Rogue knew that what's Jean said had more than a ring of truth to it.

"Yeah, I guess my ball busting days are over," she said with a smile.

"Not completely over, I hope, maybe just toned down?"

"Yeah," Rogue grinned.

They fell into silence once more. As they walked, Rogue could feel that Jean had something to say but was nervous; you didn't have to be a telepath to figure that one out."

"Sometimes I miss it," Jean finally confessed, sitting at the cliff edge to look into the sea below. Rogue sat beside her.

"Miss what?"

"The Phoenix." Jean hung her head. "I don't know how to explain it and I didn't notice it until after it was gone, but now I feel so... empty. Sometimes I don't even care what it did, it had always been a part of me and I want it back."

"Just like flying's a blessing and a burden to me. You know, no matter what they did to me, they did teach me to recall other peoples gifts and without that, I couldn't have helped you. I think that sometimes good things can come from bad experiences, don't you?."

Jean smiled slightly and Rogue continued.

"Recognising the good in bad things doesn't make you a bad person. Nothing is all good or all evil."

"That sounds like something I might have said once. Maybe I used to believe that but now? It's just so hard to stay positive sometimes."

Rogue nodded. "You know, Remy once told me that when he feels down, he makes a list of ten things in his head that he was grateful for. It was something he was told when he lived on the streets, and he said it really helped."

"A homeless boy had things to be grateful for?" Jean sounded sceptical.

"He said that as long as he stole enough to eat, could dress himself and and found shelter for the night, then there were people a lot worse off than him. Plus, he wasn't dying from some horrible disease, or stressed about bills, and if he didn't have anyone to love him, then he would never be pained by their loss. He said it was hard to feel angry or frustrated if you're feeling grateful."

Jean was silent for a while before replying. "I'm beginning to think that your Remy has more depth to his character than any of us imagined."

"He hides it well," Rogue said with a wry grin.

Jean smiled in reply and silently began composing her gratitude list. If a street kid could be grateful, then as mixed up as she felt, surely she could find ten things too.

They walked in companionable silence for a while longer, then Rogue checked her watch.

"We'd better head in and get ready."

"You go." Jean smiled. "I think I'd just like a few more moments to see if I can get my list up to twenty."

"What number are you at now?"

"17, and for the moment, stuck there."

Rogue gave her a quick hug, then headed inside the mansion.

"Seriously, Rogue, you cannot make me wear this? My reputation will be ruined!"

"Why not?" Rogue asked as she checked her reflection in the mirror. Her dress was gorgeous, if she did say so herself. A deep purple shade, it had a fitted bodice, held in place with spaghetti straps and a full, flared skirt that came to her knees in front but dipped down to mid calf at the back. There was nothing at all obscene about the outfit, though it still felt weird to show so much skin in public. She was glad that the outfit had some matching satin gloves since although she didn't need them, they were a comfort to her.

For so long her gloves had felt like a prison and she had wished for a day when she might no longer need them. She felt a little foolish wearing them now that she didn't need them, but Remy had assured her that it wasn't cowardice; they only came to her wrist after all, so her arms were uncovered. Baby steps, he called it, and somehow managed to make it sound reassuring, not condescending.

"I pick out that killer outfit for you and you're honestly going to make me wear this?" Remy asked again.

Rogue turned to look at him and couldn't help the smile that formed on her lips.

"You did agree that you would wear anything I picked out for you," she reminded him. "And it is a tuxedo."

"From the 1970s!"

In duck egg blue with darker blue piping down the side of the pants, it was indeed a throwback from a decade that fashion forgot. In fact the hideousness of the suit was only topped by the ruffled, off white dress shirt he was wearing, with matching duck egg blue bow tie.

It was so awful that not even his sexy eyes and five o'clock shadow could save his image.

"I'm gonna be a laughing stock!" he said, shaking his head in despair.

Rogue laughed. "Then maybe next time you'll let me chose my own clothes."

"But you love that dress!"

"Yes I do, but you know that you have been foisting clothes on me ever since we got to New Orleans. You can suggest things, swamp rat, but remember this the next time you try and force something on me."

"Chère!" Remy gave her the puppy dog eyes. "Mon amour, have pity on a lowly Cajun?""

Rogue tried to resist but she was a slave to the puppy dog eyes.

"All right, fine, you can change after an hour, and that's my final offer."

Remy smiled. "I think I can last an hour."

"An hour after the party starts, that is."

His face dropped but Rogue disappeared next door, through the living room and into Sarah's room, before he could try any more underhand tactics.

"How's it going in here?" Rogue asked.

Kitty and Sarah turned to her, both smiling.

"Great," Kitty said. "I'm nearly finished."

Rogue eyed Sarah's party dress that was hanging outside the wardrobe.

"You better get a move on yourself, Kitty, party starts in half an hour."

"I know. Can you help her with the dress while I go and change?"

"Sure thing."

Now that Sarah had an image inducer she had freely agreed to go shopping with Kitty for her dress, though after trying on over a dozen different ones, Sarah was beginning to see why Rogue avoided going to the mall with Kitty like the plague.

"Can I use my image inducer tonight?" Sarah asked.

"Sorry, honey, tonight is come as you are."

Sarah knew that the inducer was only for use outside of the mansion but it seemed that she enjoyed looking normal so much that she wanted to use it all the time. While the inducer was good for blending in while in public, both Remy and Rogue had agreed that it's use should be banned in the house since they both knew that she had to come to terms with who she was. They hoped that one day, she could feel comfortable enough to go out without the image inducer, though that had just as much to do with public acceptance as it did Sarah's self confidence.

Kitty placed one final clip in Sarah's hair, sprayed enough hair-spray to make Rogue gag, then sauntered off to get dressed. Rogue knew that this was her and Piotr's first official outing as a couple, so her friend was understandably nervous.

Tonight was a joint 'welcome home' to the mutants who had been away on holiday or back home with their folks, and a 'Hey look, it's band spanking new mansion' party. The mutants who had gone on holiday had arrived back yesterday morning, and other students had been dropped off in dribs and drabs by their parents ever since. The mansion still wasn't completely finished but it was just finishing touches, like the odd carpet, art work and plants still to do.

Remy and Rogue had moved into their suite of rooms about a week ago and when not working on the mansion, had turned their rooms into a homey place. Most of the furniture was bough new but some of it Remy had sent for from home, which really made it feel like theirs. Rogue didn't quite understand why items from Remys home would make her feel at home, but she was past questioning such things. Besides, the only things Rogue had ever owned which she could contribute to a room were her Nine Inch Nails posters, which had sadly perished in the fire.

She didn't really mind, she felt like she was moving beyond being a teenager now, and into a new and exciting phase of her life.

Once dressed, in a shade of pink slightly darker than her hair, Sarah looked lovely.

"Can I go show the others?" she asked.

"Sure," Rogue assured her, kissing her forehead and giving her a quick hug. "We'll meet you down stairs, okay?"

"Okay!" Sarah ran out and Rogue ventured back to Remy, who had taken to pacing the living room like a caged lion.

"Come on, swamp rat, let's see if they need any help setting up."

Remy muttered something under his breath but duly offered her his elbow as a good escort should.

There were a few people in the rec room when they entered, and each and every one of them fell silent as Remy and Rogue walked in. Remy squared his shoulders and shrugged.

"What?" he asked, causing a chorus of laughter to ring out.

He handled his embarrassment with equanimity, acting as though nothing was wrong and after half an hour, Rogue relented.

"Okay, swamp rat, you can go change, under one condition."


"Whatever you come back dressed in has got to make me swoon."

"Or what?"

"Or you'll be wearing the blue tux to every formal occasion from now till eternity."

Remy grinned, clearly seeing no problem with winning this bet. He kissed her cheek, then sprinted off up stairs.

Rogue mingled for a while, being as sociable as a loner could be. The professor would be proud. She was chatting to Amara and Kitty when Kitty stopped talking mid sentence and both girls mouths hung agape.

"What?" Rogue asked, turning around.

Strolling down the mansion stairs, looking like some kind of bad boy posing as a sexy GQ model, came Remy. His tux was simple, black with a white shirt and black bow tie, but man, did he ever know how to wear that suit. It must have been one of those $2,000 ones or something, the ones that were perfectly tailored because although it was simple, Rogue could just eat him up.

Most of the girls and women stopped to stare as he swaggered past them, his eyes glued to Rogue. She felt like he should have a sound track accompanying his entrance or something, I'm Sexy and I Know It would do in a pinch but really, he needed something much classier.

He walked straight up to her, grabbed her waist and dipper her slightly for a perfect Hollywood kiss. Logan growled but kept the volume low. To be fair thought, Rogue wouldn't have heard a lion growing right beside her at the moment. Remy then pulled back slightly and stared down at her for a second, smirking like the cat who got the cream, before he pulled her upright again.

"Okay," Rogue said, feeling rather flustered. "You win."

Remy held out his hand. "Dance, chère?"

No one was dancing at the moment, but there was music playing and certainly enough space. Besides, she doubted that she could have said no even had her life depended on it. He led her to a relatively clear section of the room then pulled her into his arms. The song changed to Queen's You're My Best Friend, and Remy smiled, remembering their discussion of Queen during their escape, and their not too melodic rendition of Gloria Estefan. Rogue smiled back, clearly having similar thoughts, though she stifled a giggle at the memory. Who would have thought that Rogue would ever have to suppress an urge to giggle?

More importantly though, who would ever have thought that Rogue could even smile about an event so closely linked to her ordeal? Certainly not Rogue herself, and she knew that she had this man before her to thank for her slightly more optimistic outlook on life. They had both suffered so much in their young lives, but somehow Remy had taught her that there was still fun to be had and pleasures to be taken, so long as you didn't let the bad overwhelm you.

A few other people decided that dancing was a good idea and joined them, but neither Rogue nor Remy noticed. It was like their world had shrunk down to just them for a few moments, and they were taking full advantage if that fact.

"I thought I took you home with me when we went to New Orleans, but it was you who took me home, the moment I met you."

Rogue smiled, feeling tears prick her eyes. "You make this place a home for me," she said. "Anywhere you are feels like home."

Remy's eyes lit up with pleasure. "I love you, mon coeur."

"I love you too, sugar."

Remy lowered his head to kiss her again, when something tugged at his jacket. He looked down to see Sarah standing there, her arms held up towards them.

"I wanna dance too!"

Perhaps they would both have been within their rights to be angry at the intrusion, but Sarah was just not the kind of girl that it was easy to be angry with. Remy stooped down, picked her up and rested her on his hip. One arm held Sarah in place while the other went around Rogue's waist again. Rogue also wrapped her free arm around Sarah, while the little girl put her arms around Remy and Rogue's necks.

"Are you having fun, mon mignon?" Remy asked.

"So much," Sarah smiled. "I love it here."

"Good," Rogue kissed her cheek.

"You are staying though, right? You won't leave me here?"

"We could never leave you," Rogue assured her.

"Non, we couldn't," Remy agreed.

Perhaps they were both too young for a family, but that was certainly what they had, and neither Rogue nor Remy could find the will to mind very much at all.