Changes things….
Especially in relationships….
Which is why the two occupants on the bed currently were confused at their situation. Not because of sex, well not entirely. It was because absolutely nothing felt different since the incident. They still went on with their daily routine, they still slept the same way, ate the same way, and acted the same way. Nothing felt different since the act, so this explains their confusion as they both stared at the ceiling above them. Too comfortable to move and too lazy to shift. It was officially summer break, the night air was flowing through the window and the sheets moved back and forth by the small breeze. The baby of the family passed out in his little corner and his parents soon to be joining him. Midnight finally hit and the man under the woman was the first to fall asleep.
The blond female turned over to Oga and slowly ran her hand across his chest before laying on his sternum. She had her head on his shoulder and her left leg over his right. Deciding that since they had committed the final act, her need to dress was no more and was currently nude. Oga annoyingly however through a light blue bed sheet over them. Hilda paid no mind when her bare chest came in contact with his side and merely dug her nose into his neck. With a long yawn she felt her eyes feel the immediate effects as she became drowsy.
It had been a week since the incident in the bathroom and since then she's had an insatiable urge to have that happen once more. She just didn't know how to go about it, nor did she want Oga to deny her. She thought with having sex, things would have changed between them, but the odd thing was nothing did. She presumed when the world thought that of you for the longest time, it wasn't hard to get in step with a daily routine even after it did really happen. She would say one thing did change for the better, at least in her eyes, and that was the fact that Oga kissed far more often than before. Well a LOT more often than before, but she wasn't complaining.
After the embarrassing incident with his parents and even more embarrassing morning that followed which of course in the Oga family included a shit ton of teasing, the way they expressed themselves were a lot easier. They also stopped hesitated showing affection in front of his parents, how could they not really? When you're captured dead center in the act you tend not to give a damn afterward about anything pertaining to the subject. For the longest time they were assuming it anyway, finally seeing it just showed something they thought they already knew.
Hilda felt Oga tightened his arm around her hip and bring her closer into him. She of course did not fight the action as she curled into him. The blond would have a good argument in denial about that though. As she snuggled closer to him she stared at his sleeping face. Her eyes slightly narrowed as her bare chest came into contact with his own. How to have him like that day once more was gnawing at the back of her head. She had made small gestures to insinuate it here and there but the damn block head wouldn't take a damn hint. If it weren't for embarrassment she'd ask Oga's mother for advice but for some reason she feared the amount of shame she'd feel for asking that to someone's own mother.
It was odd really…
Nothing changed….
It's not like that's a bad thing either, Hilda and Oga just thought things were become at least a little more awkward. Nothing like that happened though, they were still the same as they had been before, with again, albeit far more affection. One thing that's been agitating her was how to get him to scratch that itch of hers, she didn't want Oga to push away if she messed up. With an irritated and tired hard breath against Oga's bare skin she deduced she'd had thought enough about the subject. The small breeze that made the curtains dance agreed with her as it blew just a little harder for a brief moment.
Oga scratched the back of his head as he walked with Furuichi down the side walk in the afternoon. They were in an outside mall and for some reason his best friend thought they should come here. His happy cheery unconscious skips that silver haired teen made spoke volumes how giddy he was, no doubt due to a pink haired demon. Baby Beel even gave the guy a deadpanned expression as he gripped his father's back like he always did. It was a packed day, throve with chatter everywhere. Now it was time to get on Oga's take on things, which surprisingly were pretty in tuned with Hilda's.
He like her, just wanted a little more close time like the skipping fairy next to him was. Like the blond he just didn't want to push away what they barely just achieved in terms of their relationship. The brute expected after the little stunt in the shower things would have been tense between the two for a little while, but it didn't. Which suited him just fine, but he felt like they still needed to clear up and talk about things. If there was one thing he hated however was speaking about matters unnecessarily, which is why he always bit down his tongue when he was about to bring up the subject. Quite frankly he felt he just needed to stop being such a little bitch and just blurt it out.
As they weaved through people Oga finally took noticed he had been walking by himself for a brief moment. Looking over his shoulder he saw Furuichi kneeling down in front of gift shop. Well Oga assumed it was a gift shop until he noticed it was a lingerie boutique. The father and the baby on his back both looked him deadpanned once more. Oga feeling just a tad bit sick at the back of his throat wondering what kind of perverse thoughts were running through that guy's head. Oga didn't care much for the stares they were giving Furuichi but he didn't want any unnecessary attention either.
"Oi dumbass you're scaring the locals, let's go"
The silver man put his index finger to his mouth and looked about franticly when Oga spoke. The father quirked an eyebrow when he called him over and gestured him to look through the window. Now curious the man sighed and slightly hunched down to look through the window. The red carpet floor, and red padded walls with various dresses that would make cupid blush were hung randomly through the shop.
"Over there"
Furuichi small whisper was heard and Oga saw him point in a particular direction. Oga's eyes widen when he saw a blond bun of hair he knew all too well. Next to her was someone easily evidently far shorter than her with a bob of pink hair. They were both appearing to be deep in a conversation, with Hilda's eyebrows deeply furrowed in thought. She'd occasionally nod and look down at her small counterpart.
"What are they doing here?"
Oga ignored the dumb comment as it was plainly obvious to him as they put up various dresses and lacy bras up to their person. They had a couple of things slung on their hands to show they had been in there now for a good while. The father bonked the silver head next to him while never looking away from the window when Furuichi began breathing heavy when he caught Lamia sort through very sleazy pairs of clothing.
"Well talk to them later, let's go Furuichi"
"Wait! There coming out"
"So what?"
"Oga! Let's follow them"
"Huh? Why? You're gonna see her later aren't you?"
"Oga you idiot! This a perfect opportunity to get a small grasp into the female mind"
Oga this time just padded Baby Beel at the top of his head as they both looked at him in exasperation. The baby on his back to his father's queue, gave out a small 'dah' in conformation and then began electrocuting the silver haired teen. Oga stared blankly as his body flashed sporadically.
"Hilda lets go shopping"
The blond mother gave a strained smile at that statement but none the less figured she had nothing better to do. Oga had taken the young master out and about with that human this little demon was frequently playing with. Oga's mother and sister gave her some cloths to borrow for going since they believed her being in her normal dark get up would fry by the weather. She had to admit it was impressive the human world could produce such heat and she gave a small glance to the sky. There wasn't a cloud in sight and the sky looked so blue above her head.
She was in a tan orange T-shirt, with blue jeans with a brown belt her shirt hid and black slip on shoes. Her hair was in its classic state very well tied downed and bon clipped. She ignored the various stares she received the men as they entered the outside shops district. This was one of the reason she preferred having Oga with her, simply because his demeanor makes head turn away from them. She cannot recall the last she went somewhere deeply populated in public with Oga. Now that she thought about it a day like that was long overdue. Her thoughts drifted slightly in memory the last they went to a mall. She could suppress the light chuckle at the back of her throat as she shook her head off at the recollection.
Like before she was receiving a lot of stares, more so from the men. Oga was oblivious to the envious stares the girls gave Hilda when they looked at her figure. He however was conscious of every male that looked in her path. Long story short they ran into a group of guys all looking at her when they went to eat. Oga finally fed up wrapped his arm around her waist, merely stared at them blankly and just muttered out 'mine' as he gave them a shoo away motion with his hand. They obviously looked pissed but once they realized who it was they scattered in a heartbeat. She didn't know what set him off that day, usually Oga was so apathetic about issues pertaining to the subject. Oga for the most part was very patient and tolerable when it came to the opposite sex showing their appreciation towards her but she assumed he must just been grumpy more so than usual that day. Lamia quirked an eyebrow in her direction and Hilda merely fanned her hand to show her not to worry over it.
Truth be told when Lamia came to her door that morning and asked if she wanted to tag along, Hilda thought about asking her for help. What with an overly cheery plump face she could only guess what has her in a good mood.
"…How do you get…."
"Get what?"
"How do you get that cree- Furuichi to you know…."
"Oh you mean sex!"
Hilda awkwardly gave a small smile as her eyebrow lightly twitched. Leave it to a devil doctor to just blurt out, the damn pink demon was never one for modesty.
"Hmmm… well I've never really thought it, usually when me and him are in the mood we just start playing with each other"
Hilda did her best to suppress those images from playing in her head. It couldn't be that easy and besides Oga was never one to play around, neither was she for that matter. That approach would not work.
'Cough' "I see… is there any other way?"
"Hmmm… well if he's in the mood he just starts hiking his hands up to my chest-"
"Any other way?"
"If it's me I just hop on his lap and start the engin-"
Hilda pinched the bridge of her nose as this was getting her absolutely nowhere. She guessed she didn't factor in those two have very different personality than her and Oga. That father would never out of the blue just hike his hands up to her chest. He was blunt but he'd ask permission first, it was odd really how much gentlemen qualities he unconsciously displays. The last bit might just work and wasn't a bad idea actually but Tatsumi had a lot restraint. No doubt that man would fight down his urges and besides she didn't easily picture herself grinding on him.
"Hey what's with all this about anyway?"
Hilda shook off her stupor.
"Oh are you and Oga having problems in bed?"
Hilda felt that twitch in her back of her eye once more.
"Something like that…."
"What's the problem?"
"I just…. Want to have it again…"
"You want sex again is what you're saying?"
'Lamia' Hilda thought as she lightly palmed her face.
"What in the Hell!? Oga isn't giving it to you?"
Hilda stared nonchalantly as she stayed in step with her friend as some of the people around them walked passed as they whispered. Really this small demon had absolutely no tact.
"Hilda you're gorgeous how is that even possible? Did you piss him off or something?"
Hilda was beginning have her patience wane heavily and at a quite rapid pace.
"I just don't know how to go about it alright"
"Huh? What do you mean?"
"Well I want it-"
"Yes…. But I don't how to ask him"
"What why? Just ask him what's so hard about that?"
Really this woman expected the world was as vocal and as blunt about her feelings? She was insane no doubt and Hilda sighed to herself as she thought of it had been that easy why would she need help of all things. They were now in the center of the outside mall and thankfully the cluster of conversation made there's stroll on by unnoticed.
"Have been dropping hints at least?"
Hilda thought on the question and recalled all the attempts this week prior. The time she laid on top of Oga and added just a bit of thrusting motion to her hips, it went by unnoticed. The time she prolonged their morning kiss in bed. The time she bend over to pick something up and exaggerated how long it took. All of it was blown over by Oga's damn dense block head. She loved him for it but sometimes it really got on her nerves. It was odd really, having sex was like finally being able to eat the cookie in the jar after so long, trouble was now you wanted more and one was simply not going to cut it. Back then they did just fine, they didn't know the true experience it brought but now it was very hard to revert back.
"Hmm.. Well come with me I know I little place that might be some help"
Before the woman could protest she was yanked into a shop and blinked when she recalled being in one of these type of shops before. It was similar to the one Oga's sister brought her too.
"Now I know if you dress just right, even he'll be unable to resist you nor your needs. This works on Furuichi all the time."
Hilda really didn't need to that last part as she went around. There was definitely a wide arrangement of clothing that left nothing to the imagination. The blond honestly didn't see how this would help her however since she's practically naked next to Oga all the time. The man has seen undressed far more times than she can recall and saw in what form or manner this method would work once the applicant has already had all the goods so to speak. She'd humor Lamia anyway as she went around the shop and found odds and ends.
"Hey Hilda I got an idea"
The blond walked over to her as she slung some classy dark frilly corsets. Lamia was flipping through things and wondering what would drive a certain silver haired teen wild.
"How about you and Oga go on a date"
"Yeah, it's something humans do with each other to strengthen bonds usually with the opposite sex"
"I believe the bond I have with Oga is already quite strong what'd be the purpose?"
"No, no listen it's you and him going out together alone and just simply spending time together"
"We spend plenty of time together"
"Gah, Hilda look it gets out and about, dinner and a movie, and who knows maybe you could put on one of those and really make the night special"
"Hmm, so this date…. Is a social event?"
"Yes! Between you and Oga"
Hilda furrowed her brows in thought, this 'date' thing could be just the thing.
'Why'd I agree to this?'
The brute thought for the millionth time in his head as he was dragged by Furuichi spot to spot as they trailed the two women down the street. They'd been tracking them since they left the shop ten minutes ago and Oga was getting fed up. He felt his agitation building when Furuichi shoved him into a thick bush and made him duck down as the girls came to a bench at a park. Baby Beel sat on top of his father's head as he twiddling with the twigs.
They were dead in front of them sitting next a giant tree supplying them with avid shade. The cobblestone side walk held their bags for the moment as they breathed a sigh of relief from the weather. The well cut green vibrant grass was all along the park. Various persons could be seen playing, walking, running and taking the dogs out and about.
"Furuichi you got 5 minutes of this bullshit before I personally shove my foot so far deep in your ass I pops out of your mou-"
Oga felt his eyebrow twitch as Furuichi hand covered his mouth.
"So what's the plan?"
"I believe I'll try out this date thing you referenced"
"Oh good! I hope it works out well"
"You say humans use this as a means to get closer?"
"Yes apparently they believe by being together and doing various activities they'll gain better understanding of each other"
"Hmm humans are quite odd creatures"
"I agree but I won't deny that it does produce results"
"Lamia what are you doing this evening?"
"Oh me? I'm taking for Furuichi out for dinner and of course showing him one of the many dresses I purchased today, if I play my cards right I'll have him as the human's say 'in the sack' by the end of the night"
Hilda felt her brow twitch as she stared at her friend blank faced. Doctors were known to blunt, demons were known to be blunt and the combination of both make a Lamia. The blond resuscitated those images to the dark ridges of her mind and did her best to lock them up. Really this woman did not have one tiny bit nor molecule of tact when it came to describing deeply personal matters. After small chatter they stood up and decided it was time to head on home. They both agreed to stop by some ice cream first and stood up from the bench back in the direction of the outside mall. After a long pause and the girls now appeared to be nothing but silhouettes out jumped Furuichi from the bush as he pumped his fist towards the sky. Tears ran down his cheeks as he led out a boisterous cry of joy.
Oga merely stood up slowly as he scratched the back of his neck in discomfort from how long that took. After he cracked his neck and gave a Furuichi a minute of celebration. He gave him a good hard kick to the back of his knee and the effect was immediate as the silver haired teen caved over to the floor once more as he clutched the back of his knee with both hands. Oga stared in the direction of where Hilda had just left and lightly scratched the side of his head with his index finger. 'A date huh?' he thought as he stuffed his hands in his pockets and began walking in the opposite direction of where the two women just went. He paid no mind to the groaning and cursing behind him as Furuichi rolled around in agony.
After a rather uneventful but otherwise nice walk back home he entered his home. The person he wanted to see was already in his chair reading his newspaper like always. His mother was in the back cooking something up, no doubt for his father and Misaki was out somewhere. Taking a seat next to his father and setting Baby Beel on his baby chair he turned over to his dad. Scratching the back of his head and slouching in his chair he stared over at the newspaper hiding his father's face.
"Oi old man got a minute"
"What is it Oga?"
"….How do you treat a female in a date?"
To this the man actually dropped his newspaper, felt his jaw unhinge and stared at his son like he was stupidest creature that ever lived. For god sakes the man had a baby with that woman, what does dating this far in the game matter. Creaking his neck over to his wife, Oga's mother was equally deadpanned as they both stared at Oga with disbelief. With that out of the way the man went back to his newspaper and his wife went back to cooking. Oga felt his brow twitch as he sat and pointed his finger at his father.
"Oi I'm serious here"
"Oga you've been living with Hilda for over a year and my grandson is sitting right next to you, why in all holy hell would you need advice on something that's beyond trivial for the both of you son?"
The younger father clicked his teeth together as the more he thought about it the more his father made sense. Why was he seeking help for this? What was he hoping to achieve at the end of this date he eavesdropped Hilda about to plan? Scratching his head he stood up and left Baby Beel with his grandparents as he was picked up by his mother whom she took to the living so he could watch the child show airing. The young green haired infant raised his fist in the air and squealed in joy as he knew what was going on.
As he reached his room and began getting in something more comfortable. He laid on his bed with a loose grey T-shirt and a pair of black shorts. Yawning he folded his arms around the back of his head and stared at the ceiling. Lost in thought he failed to notice his door open and was only aware of someone else's presence when he felt the edge of his bed shift. Looking down, he caught sight of Hilda taking off her jeans as she had already tossed her shoes. Off to the side were her bags from the day's activities. Like any other time she laid comfortably on his side using his armpit as a pillow. She ran her hand underneath his shirt and caressed his chest lightly. Oga narrowed his eyes at the action. As stated before they both had certain action one another did to get the other to what they wanted. Oga's was his kissing on the spot method, hers was being coy and of course manipulative. Hilda had a talent when came to that, since they've met however he was the one man that never got affected by it, well easily at least. When it came to manipulating Oga the man was surprisingly very well perceptive.
Hilda stared at him blanked faced as she kept lightly caressing his chest and paid no mind to his growing questioning face. Playing with it a little bit she hiked up her bare leg against his and ignored the warm sensations growing from his the hairs on his legs. Clad in nothing but her classic combo of a shirt and a pair of black panties she nuzzled his armpit a little more. Grouching to himself the man turned over to her and cupped her chin as he finally let loose his narrowed eyes. With an equally blank face he stared back into hers.
"Alright woman out with it, what do you want?"
For a brief second her face gave away her surprise before returning back to its normal stoic expression, she couldn't fight her eyebrows twitching however as she interlocked her legs with Oga. They've really been around each other for too long.
"I thought this evening would be a good night to go on a 'date'"
"Huh? Date?"
Oga pretended to be surprised, he knew it was coming he just thought she was trying to weasel something out of him. Whenever she did this kind of fiasco it was to get away with going to the demon world for a brief period of time. Oga always refused and demanded she stay, and she demanded he coincide with her. It usually meant she could spend the day there but he was deathly serious with her returning that same day. She could easily ignore that request and stay there, but having him angry at her for it did not out way extra time down there. That and she'd never tell him she likes how he wants her back.
"Yes, I believe in your human culture this would have me and you go through various activities"
It's not like Oga didn't want to go it was just he was honestly curious why she wanted to this all of a sudden. Like his father had stated, they have a child together, they've had intercourse if albeit it already been a week, and they've been living together for well over a year now. Why in the hell did they need to go out on a date? Hilda felt her brow twitch again and decided it was time to go for broke if all else failed one thing got him all the time. The blond mother took her hand out his shirt and brought it up it back up to Oga's cheek. The man perplexed quirked an eyebrow up at her action but instantly remembered this was on her ploys. Before he could steel himself to reject her he felt the woman peck his lips with her own.
"Please Tatsumi"
Hilda whispered closely and Oga could feel her breath on his lips. With his eyes twitching heavily and a very small hinge of red on his cheeks, he let out a big sigh.
"You win"
Walking down the brisk streets next to a lake Oga and Hilda walked side by side. The sun was setting and they had finished up what they were set out to do. They watched a movie both Oga and Hilda both didn't care for, but dinner was good at a little diner they stopped by afterward. One thing they quickly became aware of was the fact that this didn't feel any different than any of the other times they've been together. Lamia referenced that during a date you should ask questions about each other but Hilda found that pretty stupid. She knows how he likes his food, his habits, preferences and Oga had the same issue so during the whole date they just made little side comments on things happening. Oga was wearing a grey T-shirt with a pair of jeans and Hilda what she had prior that morning. Like always the mother chastised at him about the future, the baby and what they need to be doing. With the conversation being the norm Oga replied in curt short answers that either agreed with her or made it sound as if that was something she wanted to hear. Before they knew it, it was the end of the day and now here they were staring out into the lake at a local park nearby. The sun was sitting and everything was painted in a hue of reddish orange. The water shimmered as the sun cast down upon them and began to descend. All in all with Baby Beel being taking care by Hilda's in laws, it was quite a pleasant day spent with the two of them. They fell into a comfortable silence as a very small breeze blew by.
"Oga…. We've gotten old"
The man couldn't help but smile at the statement.
"Lazy too"
"We've always been lazy"
"Well we sure as shit deserve it; with all that grief that kids given us I think this vacation is long overdue"
"Hilda, what was the real reason you wanted to do this?"
"…..I feel like we should start moving forward and I thought this would have helped"
"Huh? Move forward with what?"
"Even after we finally became intimate, if feels as if that really didn't change anything other than give us something fun to do"
Oga fought down his growing blush at the remembrance of that and focused on what she was saying. He looked at the orange sky for a brief second, taking note on the stars now visible. He looked over at Hilda as she seemed in deep thought staring at the surface of the lake. The water shimmering casting them in a small glow.
"I think…. Once you're at the finish line already, walking back down the track trying to find your own foot prints too see you got there seems pretty mundane and pointless"
"Woman, we have a kid together, we sleep together, we eat together, and we know each other. If you want to move further than just…."
Hilda looked over at Oga as he scratched the back of his neck as he stared at the water trying to find the words. She felt her heartbeat slightly pick up by his next choice of words.
"Just… stay with me and let's walk together"
"I don't know woman you know I'm bad at this but you know what I mean…"
The blond mother now sat sitting right next to Oga as she laid her head on his shoulder. She intertwined that he was resting on his thigh with hers and stared over at him. They're eyes interlocked and they stayed like that a long while. Both seeing memories flash of the other, speaking of the past brought on the visions of how they both treated each other when they first met to how they were now.
Hilda stared at the collar of the man she sat next to and dug her nose in his neck. Oga became aware of her breath on his skin and in turn dug his nose in her hair. Before Oga even knew it Hilda sat on his lap and she cupped his face with both hands. She stared a long time in his eyes once more.
"Oga why haven't you wanted to be close again since that night?"
Oga had the decency to blush at that statement no matter how small it might have been.
"It's not that I haven't wanted too…"
"Then what is it?"
"… I didn't want you to say no"
"Oga do really think I would deny something so pleasant?"
Taking a move out of Lamia's playbook she felt a growing heat under her buttocks. The blond mother leaned in and began smacking her lips against the father of her child. Both gripping each other tighter as they nibbled on as much piece of flesh as they could get a grasp on with their teeth. The familiar flame returning back into their core as the need for closure enwrapped their senses. The buxom breasted mother felt Oga kneed her mounds like dough and she bit down on his neck just a tad bit harder than she normally would to show her appreciation for the feeling. Euphoria soon escalating, they failed to realize that what they were about to commit something deeply private in an open viewed area. These two however had never been ones to care. In the haze of lips, teeth, fingers and Goosebumps certain reproductive glands were exposed. Hilda got Oga's penis to protrude from his jeans by zipping down the zipper and she unbuckled her belt while dragging down her jeans to the point where her pussy was exposed.
Wanting to feel the wonderful feeling of that night a week prior she grasped the sheath of his tool and allowed it to enter her core. The feeling was immediate as heat enveloped her and small shocks of pleasure hit her at various parts of her body. The father held her tight for a brief second in an attempt to try and keep up with what exactly was going on. Both ignoring the fact that they were having sex in a public park of all things, knowing but not caring they continued on with rump. The smell of salt and skin overbearing the senses as they gyrated against one another. Hugging tightly while still trying to maintain the rhythm of their pelvises. That afternoon was recorded in their memories as they lost themselves in the other once more. Both thinking for the first time something did change between them.
They walked forward hand in hand for the first time.
The next school year
Oga was attending his junior year at his delinquent repudiated school. Hilda felt her migraine increase for the fiftieth millionth time these past two weeks. Nausea and vomiting was frequently occurring. The two female in laws had looked at her in worry and thought it was about time for her to take a test. Buying her a pregnancy test at the local shop they instructed her to go to the bathroom and urinate at the tip of the tube exposed. Hilda perplexed by the request did so as they told her it was to help them help her. Both women waited for her to exit the bathroom as they paced around in the living room awaiting the results. After what seemed like ages the blond haired buxom mother came out holding her pregnancy test.
"I do not know what it means but there are two parallel bars on this device"
Both mother and daughter hugged each other as they squealed and hopped around frantically in the living room. Hilda smiled awkwardly wondering what all the fuss was about and at that exact time Oga came inside the home with Baby Beel on his shoulder. He quirked an eyebrow up in curiosity as he walked over to Hilda and gave her a peck on the lips. Wrapping in arm around her waist he took note on the small contraption in her hands. His body instantly felt chills run down his spine as he snatched it from her grasp and looked at the thing. Shaking visibly he saw his world turning dark as he stared up horrifyingly into Hilda's eyes.
"What is it?"
The blond woman demanded now wondering the cause for his anxiety.
Both women in the background asked as they once more squealed one another.
"Oh we got so many people to tell!"
"This means you're….."
"I know, ohhhh baby shower!"
"I'm what Oga?!"
"They're definitely going to need a stroller!"
Hilda's world came crashing down as she as well dropped on her knees and began to visibly shake. Both parents clutched one another and asked this cruel world why it hated them. The nightmares of their personalities mixing plaguing their minds with horror. Adding to the fact that the young master was enough trouble as is, taxing yet another baby was just plain suicide.
"Tatsumi… kill me….."
"You first…."
Was all the two parents whispered to one another as defeat racked their very essence.
The two women yelled into the phone and the sounds of joyous laugh was heard through the other end of the phone. Baby Beel's father and mother merely cringed and held one another tightly at the statement. The green haired baby merely tilted his head to the side in confusion on what exactly was going on.
8 years later
A boyish laugh was heard coming from the upstairs as loud footsteps could be heard coming down the stairs at a frantic pace. The blond mother who was behind the kitchen counter gave a brief glance to the ceiling above her before sighing and shaking her head at the all too common occurrence at the new Oga household. The mother counted down how long it would take before a scampering bunch would run the house before making their way outside. No sooner when she did that a green mop was seen sprinting past the kitchen counter and was soon followed by another blond mop of hair. Both made a curt comment of saying hello mom as they passed.
The woman kept her eyes closed as she flipped a dish of fried fish on her skillet and merely mumbled to them in response. Two pairs of arms enveloped her waist and she smiled a small smile as she was brought closer to the owner of those arms. The sun was up bright and early filing the world with its luminescence. The woman let her back hit against the chest and looked up from her position. The father had recently woken up and was watching the children chase around each other in the courtyard. The living was scattered with various toys the kids never bothered to pick and all around there odds and ends in the home. It gave off a cozy feeling and Hilda pecked the neck of the man behind her. Oga smirked kissed the top of her head in return.
"They at it again?"
"Aren't they always?"
After Hilda slapped her hubbies ass and hearing him give a loud 'Oi' she called for her children. Two scampering bundles of energy much to the chagrin of their parents sat around the dining table. The green mop of hair and his counter began munching down the food presented in front of them. The two parents sat next to each other and observed their kids.
Beel had grown indeed, his hair still frizzled but spikey at the same time. The kid was leaner and obviously taller, no longer did he have the pacifier in his mouth but tended to have a toothpick in his mouth. Dressed in purple T-shirt and blue shorts the little rascal ate in a hurry. His sister was seen trying to keep up with him.
"Iris darling you might want to slow down"
Hilda said nonchalantly as she dabbed her mouth off with a napkin and had her eyes closed. She of course received the typical respond of she was fine and just increased her tempo to be on par with her brother. Oga merely chuckled inwardly and ate away at his wife's plate. The years had just fine tuned her cooking abilities. Their daughter named Iris was a spitting image of her mother. Blond haired and green eyed no doubt about it. Her personality however was strictly her fathers. She was headstrong, fought a lot, and was good at fighting at that. She received her mother's stubborn will and her father's need to win a fight. When referring to her people say she'll never let up when she wants things her way. The young girl had long sporadic hair that stood out at various ends. She was in a pale pink dress with a pair of sneaker on. Her right eye was covered by her blond hair opposite of her mothers.
Before she was born both parents agreed that if it was a boy Oga would name it and if it was a girl Hilda would. The father was surprised by the name but otherwise agreed it was a pretty name to call her Iris. When the man asked her why she named her that, years later, she explained it was the name of Beel's biological mother who passed away from the birth of making the next demon king.
"I'm done later Mom, old man"
"Oi! Who you callin old?"
Oga chastised as he raised a fist at Beel who ignored his father and went sprinting towards the door. Classes would start in an hour and the kid was getting an early start. The girl at the table began munching even faster and then threw her chopsticks on the table. Hilda felt her eyebrow twitch by the actions both her children were taking.
"Bye momma Bye poppa"
Iris then took a full on sprint after her brother in the hopes of catching up. She really did look like Hilda but the way she easily began catching up to her brother, spoke of who's genetics she inherited in terms of physical prowess.
"She's definitely your daughter"
They both muttered to each other and finished their plates at a much slower pace. Thank god for school or god only knows how these two would manage. Oga brought Hilda the plates on the table and walked over to the voice machine. Various calls pertaining from various different people. Oga's parents asking them how they were and informing them of how Misaki was doing abroad studying overseas. Then that led to them demanding they see their grandchildren which brought a small smile to both parents. The next message was from Furuichi informing Oga about work and Lamia adding in something about their baby shower.
Both Oga and Hilda could not wait for them to experience the joys of raising children. They often snickered to themselves when they heard all the hopes those two had for their child. With a long stretch Oga walked over and sat next to Hilda who started her morning soap opera. The blond leaned over and rested her head on his shoulder as Oga wrapped his arm around her waist.
After the show began and she once again began getting lost in the story….
"Woman how about we-"
"Tatsumi no"
Oga felt his brow twitch as he petted her head.
"I want sex after this"
"Jesus woman it's my day off"
With that Hildagarde Oga smirked to herself she got comfortable on her husband. The demonic wife intertwined the hand that Oga rested on his thigh with her own. The golden band both wore shimmered as they clutched each other just a bit tighter. The family picture resting on the stand next to the couch was now visible and next to that…
Oga and Hilda's wedding photo….
Since then they've always walked next to each other hand in hand….
7 years ago (side story)
"He's mine"
The blond said as she crossed her arms and declared without hesitation to the blue haired woman in front of her. They were in the spot when they first encountered one another. The woman in question stood still for a long time before mustering up a smile to the woman in the black dress.
"I know… and I hope you know you're lucky"
"…..Thank you"
"Take good care of him or else!"
Aoi Kunieda declared as she began walking off, she raised her hand briefly as a sign of farewell and never turned her back after that statement. Hilda for some reason felt a bit of closure and winced slightly as the baby inside her belly kicked just a bit harder. The day for her birth was drawing nearer and nearer.
"Oi this was where you were?"
Oga popped out of his school hallway and ignored all the stares directed at him. Walking up to her he gave her a small peck on her lips and stared over at the silhouette walking away.
"Ain't that Kunieda?"
"….Hey do you want to walk by the park next to the lake after school?"
Hilda quirked an eyebrow as Oga ran his hand down her belly feeling the life it carried within it. Wondering what for she agreed none the less.
The man unconsciously fiddled with the small box carrying a golden band in his pocket.
A/N: Well there it is people hope you all enjoyed this small mini-series. Hey don't get mad now I told you guys I was keeping this story nice and short. I stalled on writing the last chapter simply because I didn't want to half ass it. I hope it met your expectation and if it didn't ya'll can choke on a dick cuz it met mine and that's all that matters. Hope this makes some of you out there want to write decent Oga x Hilda pairing stories because I'm an avid fan. Hope you enjoyed the story and thank you guys for reading.