Ranma ½ - Oh Mighty Isis

The Changing of Isis

Crossover Alternate

By: Dani Yanega

(Dani: Legend is listed in Profile. My profile is also where I will address specific questions or issues that readers ask about.

I do not own many of the Characters in this story though some are mine all the KNOWN characters belong to those who originally created them. Thxs.

Please also NOTE I write Alternate Universe (AU) stories whether they are crossover or not. The AU applies to ALL characters. Thus this will make them OOC to the original Story and I like it that way. So if you plan to comment that Akane is not like that sorry I write her like I like to. This goes for all the characters it makes the story more fun for me to write that way. Got to have some antagonist and some friends :D)


Fifty some odd years ago:

The battle had raged for days over the valley of pools. Warriors with heads of animals fought against the tribes of the Jusendo Valley. Amazons fought side by side with the Musk while the bird people of Phoenix Mountain fought an aerial battle with a human woman. The valley floor was littered with the bodies of fallen warriors from both sides. The pools ran red with the blood of the dead. No one noticed as the pools glowed as the blood of the dead flowed into many of the pools. As the blood mingled with the cursed water the pools bubbled with anger. The spirits trapped in the pools appeared as if in a mirror their pain and rage evident as the waters of Jusendo valley ran red.

The woman that came to help fight, had long curly brown hair flowing freely behind her. She looked to be five feet nine inches tall and had a lean athletic build with an oval face that was gentle but strong. She wore a very short white satin dress of Egyptian styling. On her feet were gold ankle boots and gold bracers adorned her wrists. On her forehead was a band of gold about an inch wide. In the middle was an amulet shaped like the sun disk worn by the Egyptian Goddess Isis. It had a round disk with a gold 'U' around the outside. The top of the 'U' tapered and curved slightly outwards. It resembled a bull's horns. Around her neck was a gold collar with turquoise, coral, mother of pearl and onyx inlay in a small rectangle pattern though it was mostly gold. The collar went from the edge of one shoulder to the other and hung down to just above her chest in the front and to her shoulder blades in the back. In the center was another amulet like the one on her head only larger. The gold belt at her waist also sported the medallion as well.

The woman flew in and out of the aerial battle fighting the half-animal half-human attackers. Her current adversary was a creature with the head of a falcon. The coloring of his body was dark brown and his head was brown with accents of white and black around the eyes. His legs tapered down into the strong talons of all birds of prey. His hands though had fingers that ended with a claw like shape and three-inch nails. On his back, spread wings with a thirty-foot span. They were brown with white and black piping at the tips. Around his waist was a black loin wrap of the same satiny material as the woman's dress. His wrap was held in place with a gold belt and a falcon head buckle. He wore gold bracers on his wrists and around his biceps were three-inch wide gold bands inlaid with turquoise, onyx and mother of pearl.

The falcon and the woman faced off, the black eyes of the falcon man started to glow a deep blood red. Two beams of energy streamed from his eyes heading straight for the woman. She crossed her arms in front of her, a golden light spreading from the center of her crossed arms. The red beams smacked into the golden shield and pushed the woman back from her opponent some sixty-five or more yards. When she finally got herself stopped, she stared back at the birdman his back to her as he headed for the circle of Amazon Elders that were preparing a spell. The falcon warrior was readying his eye beams to prevent the spell that would block his master's return.

The woman pushed her speed, as fast as she could go while she began to glow golden, using that magic to push her even faster. Her hands clasped together as one fist out in front, as she neared her target. She raised her single fist over her head. She then slammed it down onto the bird's back sending him flying down, under, and behind her onto a cliff overlooking the valley of springs below. He crashed onto the edge of the cliff, and then bounced off to the ground below where he had landed. Where he fell was not solid ground, for when he hit he broke through the vines and weeds that had overgrown the spring under where he fell and disappeared.

The woman looked down at the circle of Amazon elders, not one of them looked older then thirty. A matriarch made eye contact with the woman to give her their thanks. She had long flowing hair down to her ankles the color of a red plum. Her eyes were black as onyx. She wore green robes that clung to her like a second skin showing her as a VERY healthy woman. The woman saw the Amazon's eyes widen and she turned just in time to be missed by a female elf with long brown hair with black and white stripes and dark brown skin. The red eyes told her she should know this creature.

The elf had no wings but was still able to fly. The woman could sense ancient magic emanating from this extinct creature. The woman hovered frozen her face filled with confusion at the elf woman in front of her. The beams struck her mid-chest sending her toward the same spot she had sent the birdman. She slammed into the side of the mountain under where the birdman first fell, then sprung off and into the same pool. As the cursed water surrounded her, it mingled with her magic causing her great pain. She screamed under the water taking in gulps of the magic water. As she tried to cough, she looked up toward the surface to see the elf over the pool with a boulder. She could not move out of the way as the magic of the pool was not finished with her, the rock, was hurtled with the force of a freight train at her.


The rock hit the water at such a great speed and force it caused the spring to geyser upward towards the heavens. The water actually left the pool. The elf stared down with a malicious grin, as the boulder and woman were the only ones left in the pool. She laughed manically as the boulder slammed into the woman as she tried to fly out of the pool. Pushing her toward the bottom of the now empty pool. The elf's laughter grew as she heard the sounds of breaking bones and watched as blood splashed the walls of the pool. The elf then watched as the geyser of water finally adhered to gravity and settled back into the pool covering the gruesome sight beneath its dark waters. The elf flew away never noticing the magical medallions of the woman crushed under the boulder, nor the glow that surrounded the body of the dead warrior. A glow that slowly spread across the top of the pool then faded to invisibility.

The warrior never saw the completion of the spell that affected the rift that allowed these creatures into her world, as it slowly begun to close. She never saw as the Amazon elders lost their young and beautiful bodies becoming about two and half foot tall ghouls. She never saw as the spell sucked in all the minions of Seth back through the rift and closed it again. She never saw the warriors as they stood around the spring in which she was trapped. She never saw the tears as they peered into the dark waters. She never saw as one reached down to touch the water. She never saw the warrior jump back after a bolt of electricity struck her hand. The woman could not notice the look of shock on their faces as the pool slowly closed over entombing her at the bottom of the pool.


Fifty Years later:

The two men walked up the steep embankment, as they reached the top they stopped to look into the valley below. They could see very little as the valley was covered in a thick white fog. Periodically they could see a bamboo pole peeking through the fog at different locations within the valley. In addition, they could see the reflection of the sun as it slipped through the fog and flashed down into the pools.

"I don't know pop this looks like another waste of time just like that last training ground you took me to." The younger man in a dingy white gi with his black hair pulled back into a pigtail complained.

"Shut up boy! All training grounds are important!" The older man scolded as he smacked the back of his son's head.

"Some are more than others." He whispered under his breath, his hand reaching up to straighten his gold wire rimmed glasses and to wipe his brow under the handkerchief covering his baldhead.

"Yeah but it took an additional three years to find it and when we got there, there was nothing there!" The young man continued as he rubbed the back of his head and pointedly kept is face turned from his father.

[If it weren't for the training under Grandmaster Shen Li it would have been a total waste!] The boy thought, as he kicked a small pebble into the valley, thinking the last part.

"STOP ACTING LIKE A GIRL, BOY!" The man shouted as he picked up his son and threw him into the valley.

"I'LL GET YOU FOR THIS POP!" The younger man had shouted, and so ensued the battle.