(Surprise! I'm back! Been a while mostly because I don't really know where this fic is going. I was thinking about making it more tragic but after the Season 5 finale, I got so depressed that I'm probably going to make this into a happy fic. I'm joking of course but dammit George RR Martin stop devastating us!)
Wood clashed against steel as the crowd erupted. Cersei Lannister couldn't help but snigger as Black Walder Frey was knocked off his horse and collapsed into the mud. That's exactly where he and the rest of his family deserve to be. Aunt Genna might have married one of them but only because Grandfather was a fool. That family of weasel faced upstarts didn't deserve a match with such a prominent family. Thankfully Father hadn't pawned her away as such. If Father had, Cersei probably would have killed her husband in his sleep. Assuming Jaime didn't kill him first.
Uncle Gerion Lannister held up his broken lance as he galloped around the field, the whole crowd cheering for him. The people of the Westerlands always did love him. Not as much as Father though. Cersei had no real hatred for her uncle but found it annoying he would always seem to spend more in local taverns then as court in Casterly Rock. Gerion always claimed that politics of the family bored him. They bored Cersei as well but at least she didn't degrade herself by consorting with commoners and having a bastard child.
Beside her Tyrion clapped with a smile on his face. Gerion always did have a soft spot for that little wretch. It unnerved Cersei that she needed to seated next to that grumpkin but it was expected they be seated together. As the host of the Tourney, the Lannisters were seated next to the Starks with Father seated at King Eddard's right. It was an awkward arrangement to say the least. Father and the King had little love for each other but the two remained courteous around one another. The same couldn't be said for Cersei and Tyrion who have been whispering subtle insults the whole time. Cersei would have preferred to sit with Jaime but unfortunately he was jousting himself.
"You enjoy this so much. Perhaps you should try your hand at it. At least you'd give the peasants something to amuse themselves to," suggested Cersei.
"It would get quite a laugh but not as much as you would get showing off your flat tits," chuckled Tyrion. Cersei had to resist strangling the little wretch. By the Seven, if Jaime didn't love this little monster so much…
The crowd cheered as the next contestants rode their steads onto the field. Cersei didn't recognize either of them so clearly they weren't very important. One was dressed in Northern armor with the fur coat overtop metal plate. A sigil of a bear flapped on the side of his horse. The other had an old worn down armor covered in runes. Normally Cersei would have picked the southern rider for victory but clearly the Northman was only one here dressed appropriately.
"Ser Jorah Mormont of Bear Island will take the field against Lord Yohn Royce of Runestone," the herald announced. Cersei had actually heard of House Royce. They were the second most powerful family in the Vale and was said to be House Arryn's most trusted ally. On the other hand, Cersei had never heard of House Mormont. She barely knew any Northern houses as most weren't worth remembering. Aside from the Starks, Karstarks, Manderlys, and Boltons, no other family in the North really mattered.
The challengers raced past each other the first pass barely grazing one another. The crowd awed and gasped. Show them a monkey that can dance and they'd probably do the same. Commoners were so easily amused. Mormont and Royce charged again, this time the Northman took a hit to the shield but managed to stay on his horse. The third pass Mormont made his move, shattering his own lance as he stuck Royce in the chest plate. The Lord of Runestone struggled to hold on but lost his balance and tumbled to the ground. The crowd cheered as Mormont rode around the field holding up his broken lance victoriously.
"I'm going to need to keep an eye on that one," Tyrion commented.
"Don't tell me you actually think some nameless Northman will actually win this?" scoffed Cersei.
"Just because he's not from a famous family doesn't mean he can't go far. This man wants to win and I think he will. I haven't seen someone ride like that since Jaime rode in his first tourney as a Kingsguard," Tyrion replied.
"Only someone like you could compare that to our brother," sighed Cersei.
"Jaime would have taken that as a compliment. Valor and courage are two traits he's always envied. You on the other hand always envied everything because you don't have anything worth boasting over. Well except for your cheekbones," retorted Tyrion.
If they weren't out in public, Cersei would have slapped him right there. Her eyes wondered to Robb Stark, a small boy who was destined at birth only to be lord of the frozen tundra they call the North. And look at him now, a prince destined to rule the Seven Kingdoms. How could that happen? Then again how could Aerys Targaryen not agree to marry his son Prince Rhaegar to Cersei. She was born to be Rhaegar's queen, anyone in the Red Keep at the time could attest to this. It was the perfect match. Instead the Mad King lived up to his name by marrying the prince to Elia Martell. Cersei didn't really believe in the gods after her mother died but that insane action only proved they didn't matter even if they did exist. How could let something like that happen if they were truly just?
And now history it seemed was repeating itself. Nearby seated with her mother, Robb's betrothed Rhaenys had been cheering every time a Dornishman was riding the lists. What could she hope to offer the Stark Dynasty? Legitimacy? It wasn't like the Starks had any legitimate claim to the throne as it was. Truthfully Stannis Baratheon had the real claim considering he was Robert's younger brother but who would support him? He didn't have the Lannister's gold, the Tyrell's massive army, the Martell's fierce archer cavalry, or really anything to truly elevate his family above the other Great Houses. His only real claim was that his grandmother was a Targaryen and look how well that helped him. The royal blood in his veins didn't aid him anymore then it would make Rhaenys a real queen.
But the little Targaryen wasn't the true center of Cersei's wrath. That belonged to the little Tyrell whore. Margaery was seated along with her mother, grandmother, and cousins. A whole assortment of roses and thorns. Margaery hasn't even flowered yet and despite that tried to appear like a woman. Does she really think marrying Jaime will make her special? The thought that this little harlot will one day have the same title as Mother once did infuriated Cersei. Joanna Lannister was the greatest Lady of Casterly Rock in living memory and now that little rose was being given the same honor as her was insulting.
And it wasn't just the whore that made Cersei irate. Jaime simply accepted the betrothal without a single word of protest. What happened to him? He used to be the proud lion Cersei would dream of marrying. Fuck the Faith and their laws of incest. Those same laws didn't stop the Targaryens. They were made exceptions to the rules, just as the Lannisters should be. And yet Jaime had lost his passion and zeal. He would spend so much time with Tyrion and Father when he should be with Cersei. Needing to learn how to rule he says. What happened to the same Jaime who gladly threw away his own inheritance and joined the Kingsguard just to be with Cersei? She was supposed to be queen at the time but things didn't work. Cersei left the Red Keep with Father while Jaime stayed behind to serve Aerys. Then after Jaime slewed the bastard, he came home and they should have been together. Instead Jaime had followed Father's whims whether it was visiting the endless holdfasts of the Westerlands or playing host to whatever high lord visited Casterly Rock.
While these thoughts of Jaime ran through Cersei's head, her twin brother entered the field in his golden armor. The crowd cheered loudly for their future lord. The Westerners only cheered louder for Father and Prince Rhaegar while he was still alive. But the cheers soured when they saw his opponent. The massive Sandor Clegane rode in a dark stallion. His dog helm concealed his face but it was obvious who he was. Only the Mountain, Sandor's older brother, was bigger.
"This'll be interesting," muttered Tyrion.
"Ser Jaime Lannister will take the field against Sandor Clegane," announced the herald.
Jaime rode by the audience, who greeted was with cheers and fawning. He came to a halt in front of the royal podium where Sandor soon joined him and both of them bowed to the king. He barely acknowledged them, about as interested in the tourney as he was in the feasts. Ned Stark was the complete opposite of Rhaegar Targaryen. Where Rhaegar put on a smile and cheerful face during his public appearances, Eddard Stark didn't hide the fact that he didn't enjoy being out in public like this. Cersei noticed the same disgruntled face he had during the victory feast at Casterly Rock after the war ended. How could a man not enjoy such a position in life? Maybe he hadn't found the proper queen. Cersei had met Queen Catelyn and wasn't impressed. Maybe a Tully wasn't the kind of woman to satisfy him. Cersei would have gladly taken up the challenge but life didn't work that way. Still if she had been the one seated next to the king, he wouldn't be unhappy.
The Hound turned and rode off while Jaime gave Cersei and Tyrion a nod before turning his head towards Margaery and gave her one as well. The smile that little slut had on her face made Cersei want to reach out and strangle her. What in Seven hells did Jaime do that for? Jaime rode off, not noticing the ire on his sister's face.
"What was that?" Cersei whispered her thoughts out loud.
"I'd call it being civil towards his future bride," commented Tyrion. Cersei cursed herself for speaking loud enough for the imp to hear her.
Jaime and Sandor took up positions and readied their lances. The two took off towards one another, charging down the line. Jaime managed to score a blow but Sandor blocked it with his shield and managed to stay on his large horse. The second pass the Hound retaliated by shattering his lance on Jaime's shield. Somehow Cersei's brother managed to hold on but was reeling from the blow, barely able to stay on his mount. A lesser man would have been knocked from his saddle. The third pass both men struck glancing blows to each other. Fourth pass and still neither man fell. Jaime was every bit the great knight Cersei knew he was but the Hound was proving to be a challenge. Pass after pass went by and yet both men refused to fall.
By now the entire crowd was cheering loudly, both of them receiving a standing ovation. A tenth pass and Jaime landed a decisive blow to the shoulder. Sandor was knocked back, unbalancing himself. He tried to hold on but his horse wasn't able to maintain its own balance. The large black animal tumbled to the ground. The crowd cheered as Jaime was announced the victor. The Hound meanwhile got to his feet grunting as he chased after his horse which ran off.
Seeing as her twin brother heading back to the tents to rest, Cersei excused herself and followed Jaime. He dismounted and allowed his squire to take his horse back to the stables. Jaime entered a tent to change, giving Cersei the perfect time to speak to him in private. She followed inside as he started to undo his armor. Jaime glanced behind, finally noticing her. "Sister. Come to congratulate me?" he asked.
"What did you think you were doing back there?" demanded Cersei.
"I believe I was knocking the Hound on his ass. I never took you as compassionate for dogs. Especially the ugly ones," quipped Jaime. He never did know when to stop joking.
"I mean what were you doing smiling and waving at that little slut?" snapped Cersei.
"Margaery? It was just a smile sister. I realize the two of us do when we're fucking but that doesn't mean I'm fucking her," Jaime said. Again with the stupid jokes.
"Just a smile? Who told you to do it? Father? Tyrion?" asked Cersei.
Jaime frowned at her then said, "Tyrion suggested I show her a little…"
"I knew it!" Cersei nearly screamed. "That little wretch put you up to this."
"He suggested that a little kindness I do here and there will go a long way," sighed Jaime.
"And you're more than happy to do whatever he and Father tells you to," spat Cersei.
"Tyrion is only trying to help and I'll disobey Father after you do," Jaime replied sarcastically. Again with his stupid jokes but it did have merit. As much as Cersei always wanted to get out Tywin Lannister's shadow, it was nearly impossible. Even now Cersei remained subservient to Father's every whim. He promised she would be a queen once but that changed after Aerys's foolish decision to marry Rhaegar to Elia Martell of Dorne. Now Cersei feared the day Father would force her into some marriage that wasn't worthy of her.
"So that's it then? The same man who defied Father to join the Kingsguard has lost his pride along with his balls?" mocked Cersei.
That touched a nerve in her brother. "I gave up Casterly Rock for you!" Jaime snapped. "I gave up everything to be with you!" He was referring to when he joined the Kingsguard. While Tywin was still Hand of the King during Aerys's reign, he was trying to arrange a royal match between Rhaegar and Cersei. It seemed so certain that Cersei insisted that Jaime joined the Kingsguard so they could be together. Jaime at first refused but Cersei changed his mind during the night. In the end, he had the same weakness as every other man.
"And now?" demanded Cersei.
"I'll do it all over again. Throw it all away and go as far as the other side of the Jade Sea just to be with you. Whether we'd live in a palace or a grass hut doesn't matter to me. I'll kill anyone or anything; give up everything again just so you and I can be together. Tell me you'd do the same and I'll take us anywhere you want. Father and everyone else be damned," Jaime told her.
Cersei was tempted to say yes. Just waiting for Father to inflict someone who is an heir to some worthless family who own some worthless castle situated on land no cares about. She was supposed to be a Queen, her children were supposed to sit on the Iron Throne and be princes and princesses. Cersei Lannister wasn't meant for anything less. And yet she knew it would never come true after Rhaegar married Elia Martell. So after that, it was just a matter of waiting until Father told her his plans. It amazed her he hadn't tried to marry her off already but unless Tywin could somehow manage to convince Ned Stark to marry Robb to her, his choice wouldn't be worthy of her.
But what kind of life could Jaime offer her? If they run, they'll need to run to the other side of the world to escape their father's wrath. Even if they ran tonight with loads of gold in their pockets, they would run out eventually. Jaime could sell his services as a sellsword but how much gold could he make? Not enough to buy a castle worthy of Cersei. She grew up in Casterly Rock and she wouldn't settle for anything less as grand as her childhood home. It was a pleasant fantasy to think the two of them could run away but it was just that. A fantasy.
"And where would we go? Pentos? Qarth? Even if we'd find some place Father's wrath wouldn't follow us, we'd still need to have a place to live. And I will not wallow in some grass hut like a Dothraki savage. Whatever money we'd be able to smuggle with us, won't be able to buy even a modest palace in the Free Cities. We deserve better and we'll never get it your way," Cersei stated.
Jaime glared at her. "And what would you suggest we do then?"
"Just…forgot it!" snapped Cersei as she stormed out of the tent. Sometimes she wondered why she even loved him and yet as Cersei made her way back to the tourney, she couldn't help but feel Jaime's idea might be the only way to escape her fate. She was born to be a queen, not a lady. And if she couldn't be queen then at least she could be free.
The golden and white armor wasn't comfortable. Garlan found that to be appropriate. Duty shouldn't be easy or pleasant. Yet being surrounded by the white knights of the Kingsguard gave him a sense of pride and honor he'd never felt before. The only moment comparable was the night before when Randyll Tarly tapped his Valyrian sword on Garlan's shoulders and declared him a knight. The Lord of Horn Hill was rarely satisfied by anything Garlan did as his squire. He wasn't abusive but he never gave any praise either. After participating in the rescue of his cousin Horas, Garlan could have been knighted by anyone even the king. But he insisted that Lord Tarly knight him. There was no higher praise in his mind then for that man to declare him a knight.
And now he was receiving an honor just as great. Garlan knelt before King Eddard Stark as the man held his Valyrian sword Ice. The king made him swear the sacred vows of the Kingsguard. Protect the king and his family with their lives. Obey his commands and maintain his secrets. The same oaths taken by the likes of Ryam Redwyne, Criston Cole, Aemon the Dragonknight, and so many others. Now Garlan was going to join their ranks. The king tapped both of his shoulders and ordered him to rise as a knight of the Kingsguard. Garlan stood up as Barristan Selmy approached him. He unfolded the white cloak that was worn only by Kingsguard and clasped the thread on Garlan's shoulders.
"I Lord Commander Barristan Selmy welcome you into our order and our brotherhood," Selmy spoke.
The rest of the Kingsguard had gathered around him. Balon Swann, Arys Oakheart, Brynden Tully, Mandon Moore, and Garlan's own cousin Garth Hightower. Some of them were happy for the latest addition to their ranks such as Garth, Brynden and Barristan. Others like Balon, Arys, and Mandon didn't seem excited or to care at all. None of that mattered though. He was one of them now.
Garlan turned to the crowd that had assembled inside the Golden Gallery for the ceremony. Applause erupted inside as everyone cheered the latest member of the Kingsguard. In the front row, Garlan's family looked on proudly. Mother, Willas, Loras, Margaery, all couldn't be happier. Father clapped but seemed slightly disappointed. He was proud but he had always wanted to make Garlan a lord with his own castle. Father felt he had failed in his task but he'll come around. Randyll Tarly was seated behind him and gave Garlan a respectful nod. Coming from him, that was a high compliment.
Garlan moved to embrace his family as the ceremony ended. "One of the youngest knights ever accepted into the Kingsguard," Mother said proudly as they hugged. It was true, the only person to ever be accepted into the order at a younger age was Jaime Lannister. Coincidently he was also attending the ceremony but the man had a sarcastic smirk on his face as if Garlan was on the end of a big joke.
"You just wait brother. I'm going to be a Kingsguard just like you," Loras said excitedly. He was just recently accepted by Renly Baratheon as his own squire. Renly was recently knighted and after a few conversations with Father and Mother, he agreed to taking Loras under his wing. He was easily persuaded and didn't seem to understand the real reason the Tyrell family wanted Loras so close to him. Renly was close to the king and hopefully any bond between him and Loras could allow
"Just focus on a knighthood first before donning a white cloak," Garlan advised him.
"Easy to say from one of the youngest Kingsguard in history," remarked Loras.
"Doesn't matter what age you join. It's what you accomplish once you get the job," Garlan replied.
"You look good in gold," Margaery commented.
"Well it might look good but it feels too small," Garlan admitted.
"Well done Ser Garlan. No one deserves this more than you," Lord Tarly said as he approached. That had to be the first time Garlan had ever heard a compliment from the man. Tarly held out his hand, another first.
"Thank you my lord," Garlan replied as he shook Tarly's hand.
"If only I had more men like you," Tarly remarked.
Others congratulated him one by one. Grandmother remarked he looked too shiny in that armor and that if he wanted to avoid marriage, there were easier ways. She insisted Leonette Fossoway was a lovely woman and Garlan would have liked her. Willas said he liked the armor. Garlan joked that he gets the pretty armor while Willas gets Highgarden. Father sadly smiled as he hugged his son. "I wanted to make you a lord. I thought it would make you happy," he said.
"I am happy Father," Garlan replied. Others came to offer their congratulations. Lords and knights along with their families.
"Are you ready for this?" Jaime asked him as the two shook hands.
"Oh yes," nodded Garlan.
"Oh good," chuckled Jaime. "Because you're first watch starts right about…."
"Ser Garlan," Barristan called out. "The king is leaving and it's your watch."
Garlan threw a look at Jaime who shrugged innocently. He was guessing that meant newest Kingsguard is automatically the next one on duty. Probably a rite of passage. He said farewell to his family and immediately joined King Stark at his side. "Your grace," Garlan greeted him as he bowed his head.
"I would return to my chambers to change then I have a meeting with Lord Tywin," King Eddard informed him as they strolled through the halls of Casterly Rock.
"Yes your grace," Garlan complied. The two arrived at the quest chambers and the king entered alone. Garlan stood vigil as the man changed out of his ceremonial armor and left the room dressed in brown and grey garb. Eddard Stark was king of the Seven Kingdoms but you wouldn't know it from the way he dressed. It was simple clothing any merchant with enough coin could afford. Certainly nothing extravagant like the Lannisters or even the Tyrells wore.
Garlan escorted the king to the Golden Study, the personal office of the Lords of Casterly Rock. It was here for almost a thousand years the Kings of the Rock decided the fate of their kingdoms and the ones surrounding them. It was no secret that Tywin Lannister and the king had little love or even respect between one another which meant this had to been about business. Two guards armored in crimson red and gold bowed their heads as they opened to the study.
Lord Tywin Lannister stood up as the king entered along with Garlan. "Your grace," he welcomed King Eddard though his tone was anything but. The guards closed the doors behind them, giving them privacy. Garlan didn't need to leave such a meeting, he was sworn to keep the king's secrets even from his own family and Kingsguard.
Tyrion's curiosity had grown out of proportions standing outside the Golden Study. He heard that the king and his father were having some sort of meeting but for what? His guess would be for gold. Why else would Eddard Stark deal with a man he loathed. Coin could bring anyone together if the price was right. But from the rumors he heard, the royal treasury was full and whatever debts the crown owed to the Lannisters was paid off long ago. So why ask for more unless the king had something big in mind. Father had wanted to see him afterwards but right now Tyrion cared more about what was going on inside right now.
The day had been full of surprises. A Northerner named Ser Jorah Mormont had stunned all of the Seven Kingdoms when he faced off against Jaime Lannister in the finals of the tourney. Tilt after tilt, they battered one another with their lances but both refused to fall. Then the unthinkable happened. The Northerner knocked Jaime off his horse and was declared the winner. When it first happened the whole crowd was stunned into silence. Tyrion understood how they felt. He knew Jorah was a good but winning the tournament, not even Tyrion saw that coming. Then a single clap could be heard as King Eddard was the first to applaud the winner. Shortly the rest of the crowd joined him and chanted Ser Jorah's Tyrell announced the formal betrothal between himself and Arianne Martell. A man crippled by Martell was now marrying one. Now the king had requested a private audience with Father. Will wonders never cease?
There was no shouting or any sound could be heard which meant the conversation was at least kept quiet. That didn't mean it remained civil though. Tyrion was growing restless wondering what they were talking about inside. Then the doors opened and Ned Stark walked away escorted by his latest Kingsguard Garlan Tyrell. Jaime seems to have taken a liking to the boy, no doubt reminded of himself when he was at that age. The king did not seem pleased as he passed by Tyrion.
Then Tyrion saw something he never thought possible. Inside the Golden Study, Father was seated at his desk with a smile on his face. Tyrion didn't know what was more incredible. The fact that his Father was smiling or that Tywin Lannister had one and not the king after their meeting. Something happened between them and it was might be big for Father to have such a look on his face.
"The king was almost seething when he left…" Tyrion commented as he stepped inside. Tywin's smile was quickly replaced by a scowl but Tyrion was used to it. "…and yet you look as if you were just given the keys to the Red Keep."
"In a manner of speaking I did," Tywin stated.
"Oh?" Tyrion asked, too curious for an answer as he walked up to the desk. Father handed him a paper which Tyrion quickly skimmed through it. It was contract, legally binding with both Tywin and Ned Stark's signatures at the bottom along with the stamp of their seals. When Tyrion finished, he was left completely speechless. "How the fuck did you manage to do this?"
The scowl on Father's face disappeared, replaced with a subtle smirk. Most people wouldn't see it but Tyrion had been around Tywin long enough to recognize it. "The king recognizes the needs for House Lannister's gold deposits. No matter how well prepared the Seven Kingdoms are for winter, there will always be food shortages. The lords can either pay for more food for their peasants or risk potential riots. Certain families can afford the expense but most cannot which means they'll need to borrow it," Father explained.
Tyrion was starting to understand. "And there are only two real sources of large loans for Westeros. The Iron Bank and House Lannister," he realized.
"Ned Stark is looking ahead and wants our interest rates to be kept as a reasonable percentage," Tywin nodded.
"I can understand that but…I never expected him to concede this," Tyrion said.
"He's smarter than you realize. The Starks claim on the Iron Throne is tenuous at best. Ned Stark may have secured it for himself by crushing the Greyjoys but his son and his future heirs are more in doubt. He'll need House Lannister's support to maintain his family's hold. And what better way to do that than through marriage," Tywin pointed out.
"The Martells are going to be furious to hear Robb and Rhaenys' firstborn son will marry a Lannister," Tyrion stated.
"Their opinion is irrelevant. The deal was made with Ned Stark and the man has raised his heir to honor his family's debts," Tywin replied.
"Well this means you'll finally get what you wanted all along. A king with Lannister blood," commented Tyrion. "You were originally hoping to do that by marrying Cersei to Rhaegar until Aerys shot that down."
"And look how that turned out for him and his son," Tywin said with a cold sense of humor.
"I guess you get the last laugh after all," Tyrion quipped.
"I didn't come here to be reminded of the past," Tywin said as he took the contract back. "Kevan has resigned his position as Master of Coin."
Apparently the wonders continue. "Why would he do that?" inquired Tyrion.
"He is needed here to help supervise the reconstruction of Lannisport and the Lannister Fleet. I need someone I can trust and is reliable," answered Tywin.
"I guess that leaves out Uncle Stafford," Tyrion jested.
Tywin's disapproving scowl returned, "You will be appointed Master of Coin."
Tyrion thought nothing else could surprise him today after finding out what deal Father made with the king. He was wrong. "What?"
"That position is of great importance not only to the crown but also to this family. The voices of every great house in Westeros are heard at the Small Council and a Lannister must be among them. Now lose your stupid jokes. You're not being appointed court jester," Tywin said.
Why? Father openly hated his youngest son so why would he give him such an important position. Tywin wasn't stupid. He wouldn't give the job to Tyrion if he didn't think his son wasn't suitable to the task. He wouldn't risk embarrassing himself by sending a fool to serve the king. Then it dawned on Tyrion. He was being sent away.
"You're sending me away. Why?" demanded Tyrion.
"I already told you," Tywin answered.
"No you explained why you need a Lannister on the Small Council. You didn't answer why you chose me," Tyrion replied.
"Jaime is why," Tywin said. Tyrion frowned, confused. He didn't need to ask for an explanation before his father spoke again. "He has coming to you more and more over the past few years."
"I've given him my advice and helped him whenever I can. Is that suddenly a crime?" Tyrion snapped. Jaime had been tasked with countless duties by Father. No doubt preparing him to one day be Lord of Casterly Rock. Jaime knew how to wield a sword like a knight in a fairy tale but politics was a battlefield he was ill prepared. So he often sought his younger brother's counsel in matters and Tyrion did his best.
"It is when it seems like he is incapable of making his own decisions. His overreliance on you for any political matter I assign him makes him look weak," Tywin said.
"Oh is that the only reason?" Tyrion spat.
"Those are the only reason that matter," Tywin stated.
"I disagree Father. You've wanted to get rid of me since I was a child," said Tyrion, his anger growing.
"That has nothing to do with my decision," Tywin said. He wasn't even denying he wanted Tyrion gone.
"It has everything to do with it. You just wanted to get some use out of me before you discard me! Your own son!" Tyrion snapped.
"Want has nothing to do with it. If I did what I wanted, I would have thrown you into the sea the day you were born," Tywin shot back, losing his own temper. "The only reason I let you live is because you're a Lannister. Even if you are the lowest of us, you are still my son though only because I cannot prove otherwise."
"Because the great Tywin Lannister giving birth to a dwarf proves he is fallible. How many other dwarves are born from such great noble families? None," Tyrion insulted him.
"I can forgive what you are as wretched as it is. An imp, a whore monger, a gambler. But I will never forgive you for killing your mother," Tywin snapped. That was the last straw. The thought of leaving Casterly Rock suddenly didn't seem so dreadful. Tyrion turned and stormed out. "You leave with the King tomorrow morning!" Tywin shouted at his back.
(I didn't write the scene where Jorah wins the tournament because it didn't really seem necessary and this chapter took long enough to type up. I actually found writing Cersei's POV to be the most fun I've had with this fic. I plan to skip ahead several years down the road and hope to get something figured out for next chapter. Honestly I don't even know what will even be in it so keep your fingers crossed.)