Ta-da! I updated :D Well, Little Unusual Me did, I suppose, but I'm publishing it.
So... I discovered that "The Lorax" was on Netflix, and now I'm in love with the music.
That is all.
Disclaimer: I don't own PJO. If I did, nobody would have read it.
4. Lilac
As Taylor, Nico and I stepped out of the train station, I released a breath I hadn't known I was holding. I had heard that Demigods often got attacked on those transportation systems, I believe I heard Taylor and Nico calling it a train. As there was 3 of us, it was more than likely we would get attacked but, thankfully Tyche was looking upon us favorably.
"Ok," Taylor started, "The next train for the Yukon doesn't leave until tomorrow, so, we need to waste some time!"
"Well, I'd like to know where we are, first." Nico replied, looking at the tourists and locals in the crowds.
I took out the map that one of the people gave me as I was getting off the train and stated, "We are in Sault Ste. Marie."
"Fine, is there any places on that map that seem worth visiting?" Taylor asked, trying to look over my shoulder.
"I hope you know," I huffed, turning to glare at her, "looking over someone's shoulder is very rude."
Taylor pouted, "Rude, whatever."
"Anyways," I calmed myself, "there's numerous tourists attractions like the Sault St. Marie Canal, Whitefish Island, or Pancake Bay Provincial Park."
"Did you say pancake?" Nico asked, raising an eyebrow as I nodded.
"As in," Taylor began, "The little spread out dough-y things that are delicious with maple syrup?"
I shrugged, "I guess so."
Taylor started jumping from excitement and she cried, "Let's go there, then!"
"Fine." I said, looking over at Nico, who rolled his eyes at her.
As we got to Pancake Bay, Taylor was sadly disappointed, as there were no real pancakes. But, I was pleasantly surprised. It was absolutely beautiful.
The sun was gleaming on the water, and the sandy shore was littered with people looking at the veiw, or playing. The surrounding woods were just as beautiful as the water.
"It's beautiful," I marveled, smiling at the beauty of nature, and then looking over to see the two unimpressed faces.
Taylor pouted softly, holding a bottle of maple syrup she bought on the way here and scoffed, "Beauty is so overrated. Food is where it's at."
"Lilac," Nico started, looking over at me, "there's a fault with every place. Once you see it, there's no longer beauty."
I couldn't help but cross my arms and pout a bit myself. They were ruining all the beauty of nature. Finally, I breathed, "Fine. Since you guys don't like it here, you two can go, and I'll stay here."
"You know we won't do that." Nico muttered, glaring across the water.
"That's right," Taylor cried, "The saying: Never leave a pancake behind! Wait, no. It's never leave a man behind. As I was saying, Never leave a man behind!"
"Well, where else can we go that we'd all like?" I questioned, looking at the two of them.
"Guys," Nico murmured, looking towards the woods, his eyes narrowing. Taylor and I, however, we paid no attention to him.
"Well," Taylor huffed, putting her hands on her hips, "what were those other places you mentioned, WhiteCanal Island or the Sault Ste. Marie Fish?"
"Guys," Nico said, a little bit louder, his eyes narrowing further at the woods, but, yet again, he was ignored.
"It was Whitefish Island and the Sault Ste. Marie Canal!" I retorted, also putting my hands on my hips, mimicking her.
"Guys!" Nico bellowed as something popped out of woods. It was a gigantic dog with black fur, and glowing red eyes. As it jumped at the three of us, Nico pushed me and Taylor out of the way, and managed to roll out of the way himself.
I looked at Taylor and muttered, "Looks like our first Monster Attack for this trip."
Haha, cliff-hanger! Well, I'll try to get the next chapter up as soon as I can!