Disclaimer: I own nothing. Except the fluff. I own the fluff.
I wrote this as a Personalised Head Canon on a Doctor Who Facebook page that I admin. I liked it so much that I changed the name and made it into some clichéd Ten/Rose fluff :)
"Come on!" The Doctor shouted down the hallway. "We'll be late!"
"We're in a time machine!" Rose shouted back. "And I'm making you late?"
"Yes, you are," he answered before saying, "Hurry up!"
"Okay, okay," Rose muttered, hopping out of the TARDIS wardrobe as she pulled her other shoe on. "I'm here! Let's go!"
The Doctor gazed at her.
"What?" She asked.
"You look... You look lovely," he said with a smile.
Rose blushed. "Thank you."
"Come on," he said softly, offering her his arm. Grinning, she took it and they walked out of the TARDIS and into the sunshine.
Rose stared at their surroundings in awe, and the Doctor smiled down at her.
"It's beautiful!" She breathed.
"Yes, you are," the Doctor replied. She glanced at him and smiled shyly. "This way!" He added excitedly.
She laughed as he grinned and sped up slightly.
"Hello!" The Doctor said cheerfully as they approached the door of the mansion. He whipped out his wallet and flashed the psychic paper at the doorman.
"Ah, yes," the doorman said before opening the door and saying, "In here, sir, madam."
"Thank you," Rose said politely as they walked into the mansion. Servants were waiting to take their coats, and the Doctor grinned at Rose as he led her into the ballroom.
Instantly, she forgot where she was and how she got there. All she could think about was the handsome man she was dancing with. She rested her hands on his shoulders and he rested his hands on her waist. They swayed gracefully to the music and forgot about the other couples in the room.
"This is perfect," Rose said softly.
The Doctor smiled at her, kissed her tenderly and whispered, "Yes, you are."