Disclaimer: I do not own Doctor Who, Rose, The Doctor, or, obviously, Verona. Or anything else of any concern. Except my own, because I like the things I own...
This is just a funny pointless story about The Doctor and Rose in Verona. Obviously. I hope you like it though!
Rose Tyler stepped out of the TARDIS, her eyes scanning the beautiful landscape. "Where are we?" she called to The Doctor, who was still inside the TARDIS. "You never told me!"
The Doctor emerged from the TARDIS, shoving Rose into the open field. "You mean you don't know? Didn't they teach you anything in school?"
Rose shrugged. "Yes? But not joe to identify countries-or even planets-but looking at a field. Can anyone do that?"
The Doctor grinned. "I can. It's a very rare gift. But then, I'm very rare, too. One of a kind."
Rose giggled. "That's actually true. But I still don't know where we are. Can't you just tell me?"
The Doctor grabbed Rose's arm and gestured for her to look all around. "We're at a vineyard in Italy! Can't you tell?"
Rose shrugged. The Doctor used his sonic screwdriver to scan around, then said, "If we walk two miles this way, we will reach the outskirts of Verona. That's where Romeo and Juliet happened."
As they began to walk, Rose said grumpily, "They taught us that. I always wanted to go to Verona."
"Then lighten up!" The Doctor exclaimed, starting to run down the road, his hand in Rose's dragging her with him. "We're here! Ready for adventure!"
Rose ran to keep up, her platinum hair flying behind her and crashing around. "But what adventure?" she yelled as she sprinted down the old Italian road, trying to keep ahold of his hand. "Wait!"
The Doctor stopped so fast Rose had to grab him to stop them from crashing. "What?" The Doctor asked. "Don't you just love adventures?"
Rose couldn't help but laugh. "Yes, but where are we going? I know you said Verona, but this doesn't look like it... And what are we going to so here?"
The Doctor shrugged. "We are going to Verona. But what does it matter what we do here? Just hang out. I like hanging out."
"In Verona?" Rose said doubtfully. "Okay. Let's go!"
The walk to Verona was a lot quicker then The Doctor had estimated, and fairly soon Rose began to point out sculptures and soon big buildings. "There's Romeo!" she shouted as they approached a cluster of trees and a statue. "This is beautiful!"
The city got busier as they got to the main areas. Yet it was beautiful beyond belief. Rose clung to The Doctor's arm as she stared at all the sculptures and monuments. As she pointed out the Ponte Pietra, the famous bridge, The Doctor began to grin even more. "Are you ready to thank me? I knew you'd love this. I seem to know everything."
Rose rolled her eyes. "Don't push it," she said. Then she laughed. "But thank you, Doctor. I do love it. Can we go to the bridge now?"
The Doctor rolled his eyes and smiled, but allowed himself to be dragged to the Ponte Pietra.
Did you like it? I hope so! Please review!
Please no reviews about grammar, spelling, etc, though! I think all that is really important, but unfortunately I write most of my stories on my phone and auto correct and typing issues make my stories not always the best in this respect. So I apologise in advance but I can't help it!
Linley =)