Ranma 1/2:

Ranma No More

Alternate History

By: Dani Yanega

(Dani: Legend is listed in Profile. My profile is also where I will address specific questions or issues that readers ask about.

I do not own many of the Characters in this story though some are mine all the KNOWN characters belong to those who originally created them. Thxs.

Please also NOTE I write Alternate Universe (AU) stories whether they are crossover or not. The AU applies to ALL characters. Thus this will make them OOC to the original Story and I like it that way. So if you plan to comment that Akane is not like that sorry I write her like I like to. This goes for all the characters it makes the story more fun for me to write that way. Got to have some antagonist and some friends :D)

Chapter One

Two figures exited a line of trees; they stood on a cliff that overlooked a huge mist-covered valley. The mist rolled around the valley, though the beauty was lost on them. As the mist, moved it exposed the hundreds of springs of varying sizes and shapes. Each of the pools contained bamboo poles of differing heights, diameters, and numbers, depending on the size of the pools. Two-thirds of the valley had a lush, dense forest that circled it while; the last third was the cliff where they stood. The young man looked down into the valley below. His face showed how he felt about visiting this new training ground, his sapphire blue eyes told all who looked that he felt this valley was lacking. The man with him had not noticed as his attention was on a small booklet. He looked at the booklet then down at the valley as if he was looking for something in particular. His eyes suddenly lit up and a smile that would frighten a demon appeared on his face.

"Jeez, pop this doesn't look like a dangerous training ground. You sure you read it right?" The boy asked as he glared at his father from the corner of his eyes, his father straightened and standing a little taller responded to his son.

"Insolent boy, I know what I am doing, just because it doesn't look dangerous doesn't mean it isn't." The man stood with his arms crossed over his massive chest looking out over the valley with a stony glare.

The young boy shrugged his shoulders as he rolled his eyes. He had heard his father's bolstering all his life and was extremely tired of it. Both men were wearing dingy white gi. The older man was tall and overweight, but toned with years of fighting and training. There was however, the starting of a paunch. He wore a white bandana over his head to cover his lack of hair. It was tied in place with another bandana. This one was however rolled up. There was also a pair of wire-rimmed glasses perched on his nose. He appeared to be in his early forties.

The boy was about sixteen, with raven black hair tied into a short pigtail, with eyes as blue as the bluest sapphire. He stood five feet nine inches tall, with an average build. He was carrying a loaded backpack like his father, but his was much larger. He looked out over the valley, with skepticism, his posture was relaxed, but he seemed coiled like a cobra ready to strike. He exuded confidence, and power, as he turned toward the path that led down into the valley. As the men headed down into the valley, a rustling came from the bushes behind them but the men had not noticed. While from the bushes a pair of dark brown eyes glowed with the fire of anger while they watched as the men left.

[I got you now Saotome! Revenge will soon be mine!] The rustling slowly moved to follow the two men.

The rustling moved away from the path. It slowly dwindled in volume and then stopped suddenly. A loud *CRACK* filled the air. It sounded as if a pile driver just smashed into a brick wall; it was however, the young spy as his fist slammed into an ancient tree. The tree fell adding a *CRASH* to the quiet of the valley. Then his voice rang out overflowing with rage.

"WHERE THE HELL AM I NOW! SAOTOME THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT!" The creatures in the forest around him were the only ones that heard his shout of desperation.


The two men entered the valley; off to one side they noticed an old hut. When they reached the edge of the spring, they dropped their packs and made ready to do battle. As they jumped on top of the poles in the two springs closest to them. An old Chinese man wearing a dark sage uniform came out of the run down hut. His eyes opened wide as it always surprised him that no one ever asked about the springs before they started fighting over them. He shook his head in disgust, as Jusenkyo would have its victims. He quickly disappeared back into his hut, he returned a few moments later carrying a still whistling teakettle. He ran toward the fighters as he marveled at the skills they possessed. When the guide reached them he shouted to the fighters, only the young boy seemed to be paying attention to him.

"MR. CUSTOMER, PLEASE TO WAIT!" The guide shouted as he came running up, panting heavily, and waving his empty arm in a warning gesture.


"Ok, Ranma my boy let's see what you got!" The words could be heard from the older man as he and his son started fighting, Ranma responded with a condescending tone, and sneer on his face.

"More than you can handle oyaji." The two fighters leapt from pole to pole, with graceful, fluid motions.

The two fighters started to shout taunts at each other. All the while, they traded punches. As they, leapt from one spring to another. They would lightly land on the old bamboo poles under the father's weight the ancient bamboo would bow but it never broke, as the old fighter would quickly jump to another pole. The younger man would gently land on the poles his weight never displayed by the poles as he moved from one to another. As the old guide ran up, he tried to get the fighters attention and shouted another warning but it was cut off, the guide winced, when he saw as the boy had turned toward him and was hit by his father for the distraction.


"Oh, please Mr. Customers _very dangerous_ must not fight at Jusenkyo must stop before fall in...!" It was too late at his son's distraction Genma using a spin kick hit his son in his solar plexus with the heel of that foot. He sent his son flying toward a spring, the breath leaving the boy's body.

The father smiled evilly as he watched his son fly toward the spring that would keep the boy tethered to him as his slave for the rest of his life. Genma jumped down next to the guide as he watched his son as he flew toward the spring he knew would make the boy his slave. He pulled out the book of 'Forbidden Training Grounds', knowing this was the best chance he had of keeping the boy tied to him. He stared at the map in the book and at the spring Ranma was about to splash into when the guides said something that caused him to freeze and pale in shock.

"Oh map in book no good. Spring flood every five, ten years. As water, recede spring change location. Jusenkyo prevent powerful curses." The guide walked away as Genma stared down at the 'Printed in 1928' on the cover page.


Into the valley came a young man about sixteen and very muscular. He had short black hair with deep brown eyes that were full of rage, hate, and depression. He stood five feet ten and half inches tall. He wore a yellow and black leopard printed bandana that was tied around his head. He also wore a yellow shirt, with brown pants, which had leather ties crisscrossing the lower half of his legs it stopped at his ankles. He wore a pair of black battle slippers. He carried a huge backpack with a red umbrella on top. He entered the valley and saw the two men fighting. His face lit up as it was their fighting that helped him in finding his way to them. He focused on the younger man, and growled, as he narrowed his eyes.

"Now I will get my _revenge_, Saotome!" He reached up, as he took hold of the umbrella he withdrew it, and started forward until he saw the other boy fall into one of the springs.

His eyes went wide as he stopped dead, at what he saw and heard next. He stared frozen to his place as Ranma left the pool coughing up water, but it was not Ranma. It could not be. The boy stared in awed disbelief as he looked up at the boy's father as he saw the disgust in the man's eyes. His own brown ones narrowed to tiny slits. He could not believe the callous disregard for what was happening to his son. Ryoga then had an epiphany, it was at war with what was the truth, and what he wanted to believe was the truth.


Ranma hit the water with a loud splash, his body slowly sank; he tried not to swallow the slimy stagnated water but since his father kicked the air from his body, he on reflex tried to breathe in air before he sank. He instead breathed in water. He stared up to the surface through muddy water. He just made out the sun as it shimmered at the surface like a golden yellow diamond. He reached toward the surface and tried to kick himself up toward the light. However, he was unable to make his body respond to what he wanted; it was as if a thousand hands were holding him under the water. He tried to panic but there was a strange calming influence. It surrounded him almost as if he was in a loving embrace. He closed his eyes and relished the sensation of safeness, he burned it into his memory so he could compare it later with others knowing this embrace was the one he wanted to spend his life in. He came out of his catatonia as he began to need fresh oxygen. He felt something happening to his body. He felt a tingling sensation as if his entire body had fallen asleep. He next felt as his body was shifting and compressing. It was not painful but it was interesting. He wondered if he would ever feel that embrace again. He noticed the _hands_ had released him. He then kicked toward the surface of the pool. He broke the surface of the water, she heard the guide speaking as she struggled to the edge of the pool. As she pulled herself out of the water, she was still on her hands and knees she tried to cough up the filthy water she had swallowed when she fell in the pool.

"Oh, so sorry Sir, Mr. Customer fall 'Spring of Drowned Girl'. Tragic story girl drown fifteen hundred years ago. Now when, splash with cold water take body of girl. Hot water change back!" Ranma stared at the old leathery man before her.

She could have sworn the man had two heads. She stared dumb struck as she saw but did not want to see the rage, disgust, and loathing in her father's eyes. She tried to ignore it but she could not as it hurt her so much. She moved farther from the edge of the pool, in order to rise to her feet when she felt something that she did not have before as it brushed against her left arm. When she was finally standing, she stumbled slightly as she nearly fell back into the pool she just left. She noticed that her center of balance was no longer, where it should be. She looked down and opened the top of her gi. Her mind went numb, as she no longer saw a toned muscular chest, but instead there was now a pair of very well endowed breasts. She reached a hand down to feel between her legs finding that, what should have been there was not. Ranma's eyes stared blankly ahead. She had not moved as the numbness slowly settled on the rest of her body.

Ranma stared angry at her father. He was in shock and was unmoving then the stare turned to a glare. She watched him as she checked for her old body parts. She watched as the shock wore off and returned the flash of disgust she saw earlier. She now knew that this was not a dream. She turned her back on her father and the guide. It was then that she noticed the other boy frozen in mid stride. She saw the look of horror on his face. Ranma stared at him with fear, horror, and disbelief; the other boy began to slowly back away from the spring as fear permeated his entire body.


As Ryoga moved backwards, he kept the beautiful red haired girl in his sights. He felt he was betraying her as he backed away from the pain, horror, fear, and depression that played across her elfin face. He could not believe what his eyes were telling him that his mortal enemy had just been changed into a girl. The new information broke through his anger. It made him realized if he stayed there, he would be cursed too. He stopped as a movement caught his eye. He looked up and saw the redhead's father as he began to grow angry. Ryoga watched with seething anger, as it seemed the man's rage was directed at the neo-girl. He watched as her father's shock turned to disgusted and loathing. He watched the man as he walked up behind Ranma, and then punched the back of her head, knocking her to the ground. She struggled to get to a kneeling position, while clasping her head.

"Stop acting like a weak little girl, boy, take this like a man. You must make sacrifices for the art!" Her father snorted with disgust as he towered over the struggling girl.

Ryoga snarled in anger. He forgot the danger and began to move forward umbrella at the ready. All he wanted now was to beat some sense into the unfeeling man. When something strange started to happen to Ranma, she began to scream and clutch her head as if she was in great pain. She leaned forward putting her forehead to the ground. As Ryoga watched in shock as Genma drew back, his leg then kicked his screaming child in the stomach. His kick lifted her off the ground a few feet. She landed on her side, still holding her head and curling into the fetal position, while silently screaming. Ryoga gasped and his eyes went wide when Genma, a look of pure loathing on his face, leaned down and grabbed the girl by her bright red pigtail. He jerked hard on her hair trying to haul her to her feet. Ryoga did not think he could get any angrier with the man, when a great red aura flared up around the girl. It exploded into existence knocking the guide to the ground just inches from one of the springs. The girl's father was not that lucky as he took the brunt of the fiery blast and was knocked smoking, backward and into one of the pools. When he emerged, water was dripping off his seven-foot tall black and white fur covered body. The guide stood up shaking his head and 'tsked'.

"Oh, sir you fall into 'Spring of Drowned Giant Panda', very tragic story of panda drown in spring two thousand years ago." The sarcasm was lost on everyone, as this time the guide did not apologize for the victim's curse.


Ryoga's eyes went even wider. He nearly dropped his umbrella. He watched as a Panda emerged from the small pond, he turned and ran from the valley of Jusenkyo, hoping he never saw it again. A small twinge of guilt built in the back of his mind, for leaving Ranma to the sadistic man and for placing his misguided rage at her feet when it should have been put at her father's. The thought was only fleeting as the eternally lost boy prayed to the Kami-sama that his family's directional curse kicked in quickly and took him far from this horrible place.


Ranma watched the boy go, through her mind's confused haze she finally recognized the fleeing boy. He was her friend from junior high Ryoga Hibiki, what she had not understood was why and how he got to China. She slowly got to her feet. Ranma breathed a sigh of relief, when she noticed that the screaming voice in her mind had subsided to a quiet whimper. It felt as if her mind was being shredded into tiny pieces then put into a blender on puree. She turned to face the guide and panda. Ranma suddenly felt she was being pulled away from where she was but she knew she was not moving. Ranma watched as if she was watching a movie scene being played out in front of her. The guide had retrieved the teakettle he had dropped the water still hot and poured it on the panda that returned him to human form. He then tried to do the same to Ranma but she stopped him, as the guide explained.

"See sirs hot water turn back, so sorry cold water change again. So sorry again not use Jusenkyo to cure curse, once cursed by spring, no other spring work." The guide spoke directly at Ranma for some reason he was frightened of her, he thought it might be the fact her blue eyes were now purple and glowing.


Genma took a step back from his child as he saw the ice cold stare of hatred looking at him. His eyes widen in fear as he realized, it was not his son's eyes alone that looked back at him but the eyes of a stranger, mixed in with his son. Ranma slowly advanced toward her father.

"You have hurt him for the last time, as of this moment on; to you he does not exist." She said with deadly calm.

Genma stared dumbfounded at his son turn daughter. He slowly froze as his mind went into shock. That had not sounded like his son; her voice was heavy with a Chinese accent. Then what Ranma was saying registered, and his eyes went even wider as he started to sputter out, as he spoke, he kept a close eye on his child as he realized this Ranma before him would not hesitate to kill him.

"Bu...but you are my heir what abou...about the joining of the schools, you mus...must fulfill the agreement, you can...can't do this!" Ranma raised an eyebrow at the new information she stared suspiciously at the wet and sweating man, she asked him.

"Joining the schools, fulfill the agreement? What agreement?" Genma realized he was saying too much and tried to divert Ranma's attention.

"What has happen to you son you're supposed to be a man not this _weak_ little girl." Genma had not noticed as the more shallow pools began to freeze, the guide however did and slowly started to move away.

Genma crossed his arms and glared at his 'daughter'. Genma smiled inwardly, as he knew what buttons to push to get Ranma away from a subject or revelation he had not wanted him to have. Ranma looked at her father then smiled a smile that contained so much feral anger that Genma backed up a couple of steps, as he was reminded of what happened with the Neko-Ken training. He did not pay attention and started to topple into another spring. Waving his arms, he was just able to catch his balance, when Ranma jumped at him. She grabbed her father by the throat and pulled him down to face her. This was a real feat for a girl of five feet six inches, considering Genma's bulk. Ranma's voice was cold and unemotional, as she snarled out some words quietly to herself, while staring into her father's eyes. Genma gulped as he saw as his son's eyes started to glow with a lavender fire, then he screamed as his mind was being torn apart. Ranma suddenly dropped Genma and backed away. A combination of great emotional pain and disgust filled her eyes. She narrowed her eyes as she growled out her warning to Genma, with a voice that promised _death_ if he refused.

"There will be no joining of the 'Anything Goes Martial Arts' Schools, or a fulfilling of an agreement made by two _drunken_ fools. As of now, you have no son _you_ have killed him. Ranma's part of the pledge you gave to his mother has been fulfilled. You will fulfill all the other pledges you have made for he _will not_." With that, Ranma spat at the ground in front of her father.

She then turned and headed off into the mountains. The guide watching all this just shook his head with some confusion, he then noticed the direction the young girl was headed and tried to warn her. The fear for her safety showed on his face only no one was there to see it.

"Sir please to be careful you head to Musk territory very dangerous for female persons!" Ranma stopped and turned, she looked at the guide he stepped back from the anger he saw there.


Ranma's eyes flared with angry fire, she said nothing, only nodded at his warning but continued in that direction, as she left the valley. The guide slowly turned back to the now standing Genma. Neither man saw as Ranma picked up both backpacks. The martial artist moved quicker then at the speed of lightning, she was gone. The guide then marveled at the speed of this overweight fighter. Genma grabbed a hand full of the guide's shirt and screamed into his face.

"WHAT HAPPENED TO MY SON!" The guide looked at him with pity and shook his head.

"I no know Mr. Customer this never happen to victim of 'Drowned Girl Spring' before." The guide told him as he pried the man's fingers from around his neck.

"Is there someone who _would_ know? I need to get my son back." Genma shivered as he remembered the look of hatred his son leveled at him.

"It seem son no want back with you." The guide stated flatly, as he tried to brush out the wrinkles, Genma put in his shirt.

"Elders at Joketsuzoku village of Amazons might know." He told the man who seemed to have not heard his previous comment.

"Take me there." Genma told him a look of distraction as he stared toward the direction his child had headed.

The guide led Genma in the opposite direction his son had taken. Their leaving had not, gone unnoticed. Ryoga was hiding in the bushes while all this played out in front of his eyes. The eternally lost boy watched as Genma and the guide left Jusenkyo. He waited until they disappeared down a path into the forest. Ryoga came out from the bushes and stared in the direction the guide was taking Genma. He glared as a sickly green and yellow aura formed around him and he too spat after the disappearing form of Genma. He then turned and started after the boy turned girl, making sure he kept the springs to his left and staying as far from them as possible. As he followed the altered boy Ryoga tried to figure out why his family's curse did not take him from this place.


The guide and Genma were ushered into the Amazon village by one of the guards. Genma looked around, he found the village wanting. He wondered though if they had anything worth _borrowing_. They were taken to the center of the village where he saw there was a tournament of some kind being fought. A young purple haired girl of sixteen was fighting a mammoth of a woman twice her age. The girl carried two smooth mace type weapons; Genma snorted in disgust at her use of weapons. She feinted with one giving her the opening she needed to knock the woman off the log. Genma snorted with disgust as he looked around and saw they were all weapon users. Then Genma paused as his nostrils went under assault, he turned and spotted a banquet table laden with dozens of different kinds of delectable foods although to Genma all food was delectable. His mouth started to salivate, as he ran straight for the food. He reached his grubby hand out for a large roast duck, when a gnarled staff came down hard on his wrist.

"OOOWWWW!" The overgrown martial artist screamed as he rubbed his throbbing wrist as he looked around for his attacker.

"=Who are you and what are you doing here?=" Genma turned at the gravelly voice behind him.

He stared into the ghoulish face of a, two foot five inches tall what he thought was a woman but it reminded him of his old master as he shuddered. Her eyes were large, cold, and as black as the onyx they were also very large and bulbous. Her hair was pure white and pooled on the ground at her feet even when she stood on her six-foot staff of hawthorn there was at least another ten feet of hair. Her body was covered in tight wrinkly skin. She had a round face that had the appearance of rough old leather. Her nose was short and a bit wider then thin. Her lips were thin though not cruel. There was nothing of her beauty left at her over three hundred years. Her tiny formless body was covered in in forest green colored robes of satin with long flowing sleeves that clung to her tiny arms. The tiny woman then jumped to the top of the walking stick; she stared directly into Genma's eyes. He gulped and slowly took a step back from the old mummy as images of the hard cold burning eyes of his son now daughter appeared in his mind's eye.


Genma turned to face the voice and saw a woman, at least he thought it was a woman perched on top a six-foot long staff. Her age, he could not guess, but a walking mummy came to mind. The guide ran up to the ancient woman fear on his face as he looked at the old woman, anger as he glared at Genma. He bowed respectfully to the mummy-sickle, and then started to talk to her.

"=Elder, I am sorry, I brought him here. I did not know he would be so rude.=" The Elder glared at Genma, who shrank away slightly from her, as a memory of an equally as old and small man appeared in his mind.

"=Why did you bring him here, Ta Nge.=" Genma looked lost while his head moved back and forth between the guide and old woman as they talked.

"=He and his son were just cursed at Jusenkyo, but something went wrong with the boy, Elder Ku Lon. Something went _very_ wrong!=" Ku Lon looked intrigued, and waved to the guard that brought them into the village, while still eyeing the fat martial artist with undisguised disgust and suspicion.

"=Come you can tell me what happened. Pa Fum, escort _this_ to the guesthouse, feed him and keep him _contained_.=" Ku Lon's face showed she did not want the man in her village, she finished, pointing at Genma.

Genma had not noticed the rage that filled the little woman's face as his attention was still on the food-laden table. The guard tapped him on his shoulder to get his attention, and then Pa Fum motioned Genma to follow her. He looked nervously at the guard then to the guide. Ku Lon rolled her eyes as Ta Nge talked with Genma.

"Is ok Mr. Customer they take you get food, and allow you rest here. I talk with Elder Ku Lon about problem with other Mr. Customer." He finished pointing to Ku Lon.

Genma was finally in an area he was comfortable with 'chauvinism'. He stared hard at the old woman balancing on the staff. The look he gave, told the elder he thought little of her status and even less of her skill. He knew she was a fighter, but in his mind how good a fighter could a weak woman be. He shivered involuntarily as the 'mummy' released the tight hold on her power for the briefest of moments. She smiled as she saw the pompous ass shiver. She then turned as she regarded Genma as nothing more than dirt beneath her staff and even less, as he was unworthy to walk on.

"Cologne? How could these _weak women_ help my boy?" He was disgusted at having to ask a woman for help it was evident on his face and in the tone of his voice, Ta Nge looked horror stricken at his reply.

Ku Lon turned to face the arrogant fighter her eyes flashing red with rage. Genma's eyes widen as the old woman disappeared in a flurry of motion, he then cowered as he felt her staff as it came down hard on his head. He then felt points on his legs being touched. He collapsed in a heap, as he lost the use of his legs. He looked up and saw Ku Lon balancing on her staff, glaring down at him.

"We know more about Jusenkyo than anyone living, so show respect when addressing us, _male_." As the elder spoke angrily at him, she then spat at him as she waved the guard to take him away.

Ta Nge watched as the guard dragged Genma away by the collar of his gi. He did not like dealing with the Amazons but they were the safest of the three tribes that lived within the valley. Ku Lon led the guide to her home. As they settled in, her great granddaughter joined them with a tray of tea. She was the young winner of the tournament. She served her grandmother, Ta Nge then herself some tea. She had brought out some of the cookies she had made earlier for the feast and kept some back.

Xian Pu stood five feet nine inches she had long flowing curls of lavender hair to her waist. She wore two small partial ponytails on each side of her head on the side but near the top. She held them in place by decorative rubber bands the ones she wore today had a half dozen tiny bells hanging from each side. Her lush hair surrounded a soft oval face. Her eyes were large and almond shaped they were a unique color of red plum. Her nose was short, thin, and perky. It rested over a pair of medium thick lips. She was very shapely at thirty-six -twenty-four - thirty-four. She had long shapely legs that were not muscular though were strong as the rest of her body due to her training. Her muscles were well hidden in her in voluptuous form.

Xian Pu wore a Chinese style pantsuit that hugged her every curve. It was a light pink in color and had a one-inch high collar around the neck that met in the front at the base of her neck where he collar met the top. The collar was angled away from each end making a small 'V' opening. At the base of the collar there was a teardrop cut out where the lower part of the tear drop was four inches wide. at the tip of the tear drop point hung an amethyst oval shaped stone. The pants were tight but still loose for ease of fighting and at her feet were a pair of dark pink battle slippers.

"=Please Ta Nge, tell me what happen.=" Ku Lon said refilling Ta Nge's tea cup and handing him another saucer full of cookies.

He slowly took a thoughtful sip of tea, gathering his thoughts. He looked sadly up at the old woman and her granddaughter. His face showed he finally allowed Jusenkyo to get to him. He lowered his head again at the gasp from the young fighter. He took another sip of tea then let free a deep sigh. He knew he had to retell what befell the young fighter but it was hard to repeat. He then looked back up and stared the elder directly in the eyes. The raising of her left eyebrow was the only acknowledgment of the pain and despair in the eyes of Ta Nge.

"=It was as it always is Elder, they did not listen.=" He shook his head, Ta Nge again sighed deeply and drank a little more of the relaxing brew.

"=They fought over the spring.=" She stated, nodding her head, the guide sipped his tea and nodded in return, her granddaughter rolled her eyes at the stupidity of males.

"=It was what happened after the young Mr. Customer came out of the spring that brought us here." He took another sip of tea.

Ku Lon and her granddaughter looked on expectantly waiting for Ta Nge to continue. Ta Nge sat and stared into the teacup. The images of what happened earlier that day flashed in the brown liquid that was in the bottom of his cup. He had not seen the impatience of the two women before him. However, only Ku Lon understood his dilemma. She put a hand on her granddaughter's arm as the young girl started for the guide to shake more information out of him. Ku Lon decided to prod the old man for more information but her great granddaughter could wait no more.

"=Which spring did he fall in?=" Asked the purple haired girl, excitedly, Ku Lon glared at her, while Ta Nge just looked at her over the rim of his teacup.

"=Granddaughter you are here to learn not interrupt.=" The young girl hung her head in shame.

"=Sorry Great Grandmother, I just wanted to help.=" Ku Lon reached over and patted the young girl's arm.

"=I know child, I know, please go on Ta Nge. Xian Pu is just excited, she won the tournament today.=" Ku Lon finished smiling proudly at Xian Pu; the guide nodded congratulations at her, as she beamed back at him full of pride.


Ryoga chased after his gender-shifting enemy. He saw her in the distance and tried to keep her in his sights. He knew that if he lost sight of her he would be lost. She stopped at the base of a mountain and was about to start her climb when Ryoga called to her. He was gasping for air as he neared her.

"Saotome, wait! You owe me!" Ryoga saw the girl stop.

Ranma turned to face her one time friend her eyes glowing again the fiery lavender. Ryoga stopped dead; breathing heavily, fear in his heart. Ranma walked toward him, when she was but inches from him she gently laid her small delicate hand upon his shoulder. Ryoga tried to scream but he had no voice as his brain was sifted through. His memories flashing through his mind, memories he needed to remember, memories he never wanted to have. Just as soon as it started, it ended. Ryoga fell to his knees. Ranma leaned down and softly spoke to him.

"He is not your enemy Ryoga, he waited for you for three days. He would have waited forever. He didn't want to leave his friend when he had none. Go from here Ryoga it is a dangerous place." Ryoga shuddered as the girl's hot breath brushed seductively over his ear as she finished her whispered statement.

Ranma turned and started her climb. Ryoga blinked as he rose shakily to his feet. He watched as Ranma disappeared up the mountain, by jumping from ledge to ledge like a gazelle. He stumbled to the base of the mountain and started up after the red head. He moved quickly to keep up with her, as she climbed rapidly, it was getting harder to keep her in sight. Ryoga panted while he sped up his ascent. They climbed for hours, finally, when dusk arrived; they reached a plateau large enough to camp on for the night. As Ryoga crawled onto the ledge, he looked back down the mountain all he saw was the mist of the valley. Still panting he looked around the small plateau he saw Ranma building a fire. Setting a pot of water to boil, she dug through her backpack and pulled out a couple of instant ramen packets she had hidden from her father's gluttonous fingers. Ryoga sat down next to the fire. He searched through his backpack and pulled out some freeze-dried meat, to add to the ramen. The plateau was small with a few scattering of bushes and trees. Coming from a crack in the side of the mountain was a small fountain of running water. While the ramen finished, cooking Ranma dished out some for Ryoga and herself. They ate quietly for a while, until Ranma broke the uneasy silence.

"Why did you follow me Ryoga, I won't fight you if that is why your here, you can go ahead and kill me now, I am dead anyway." Her voice was full of despair and sadness.

Ryoga looked at the red head. He recognized the emotions that were playing across her pretty face emotions he knew very well. His face filled with confusion, as he could not understand why she had these feelings. She was the best fighter he knew and at least she had been with her father. He could not even find his way home. He then realized this was not, the way Ranma acted and there was more to this then he knew. He glared at her he wanted answers and he would get them.

"What is happening Sao...Ranma! This is not like you!" Ryoga asked but it sounded more as if he demanded.

"What is happening doesn't concern you, and staying in this area any longer will only increase your chance to receive a curse?" Ryoga slowly chewed the food still in his mouth; his mind in turmoil, Ranma watched him as he sorted through his thoughts.

[Why _did_ I follow her? Why _didn't_ I just leave after what happen?] Ryoga swallowed and then looked into the crystal amethyst eyes of Ranma Saotome with determination, he told her.

"You said it at the base of the mountain Ranma, we're friends and you're in trouble, I want to help, I need to help. What happen back there at...at...?" Ryoga tried to get the name of the valley but realized he had never heard the name.

"Jusenkyo." Ranma told him.

"Yeah that is it, Jusenkyo." Ryoga finished he had a thankful smile on his face; one that looked out of place for the lost boy.

Ranma sighed; she hung her head as she could sense the change in Ryoga's emotions from the rage and hatred he was filling when he entered Jusenkyo. To the total confusion, she was feeling at the base of this mountain. Then finally, to an uneasy friendship that blossomed in front of the campfire. Something she had not been able to do before Jusenkyo. What had happened to her?

"Why do you need to climb this mountain?" Ryoga's question broke into Ranma's thoughts.

"I don't know exactly, but I need to get to a plateau higher up." Ranma said as his consciousness slipped through for the briefest of moments.

"Why won't you change back, I saw the guide offer you a way to become male again?" Ryoga asked as he stared over the bowl of ramen.

"I...I'm not sure exactly, but I have this feeling, my knowledge of where I need to go is stronger in this form. I also sense if I go where this feeling leads me; I will find answers and help. So I am going." Ranma finished with a shrug, as Ryoga watched her small elfin face for any signs of deceit.

"As for what happened I don't know for sure. When the old man knocked me into the spring...!" The girl looked up her eyes overflowing with uncertainty.

Ranma shuddered in remembrance. Ryoga watched as the horror of the last several hours played across her face. He felt sadness for her but was surprised he had not felt pity. He would think on that later though. Ryoga tried to imagine how it must have felt. To change from what you knew to be to the unknown. He shuddered as; he realized he would not be as calm as the girl that sat before him. Ranma sighed drawing him from his musings and continued her explanation.

"I could feel my body shift and tingle with the change. I went into shock, when I realized I was a girl. Growing up I had it pounded into me to be a '_Man among Men_' and now I was a girl. When I crawled out, I couldn't look at the old man. I knew there would be disappointment on his face. That was when I began to feel this pain in the back of my mind. I was being successful in keeping it down until the old man punched me." Ranma sighed as she stared blankly over the ledge.

She never really noticed as the sun cast a rainbow of color across the sky as it set. Ryoga watched his companion, for a moment. He knew the pain Ranma was speaking of he felt it at the base of the mountain. He wanted to know more he needed to know more as he looked up at Ranma. He then cleared his throat, bringing Ranma out of her deep contemplation.

"Sorry, when he hit me and started spouting his usual speech of girls being weak, something exploded in my mind. It was like a screaming banshee, tearing through my mind, ripping it apart as if looking for something. It sifted through all my memories, making me live through them again. That was how I recognized you. I wouldn't have if it weren't for that happening. Then I felt the old fool kicked me, whatever was in my head got so angry it exploded. The rest is kinda hazy like a dream, until I got here." Ranma took a deep breath; she then took a small bite of her ramen, as Ryoga watched her sadly.

"That must have been when the red aura formed around you, and knocked your dad into the 'Spring of Drowned Panda'." Ryoga told her, Ranma looked up at Ryoga with some confusion.

"What red aura? What do you mean 'Spring of Drowned Panda'?" Ranma's face showed the shock and confusion she was feeling.

"Yeah it formed around you just after your old man kicked you. It knocked the guide off his feet. He almost fell into a spring, and it threw your dad into the panda spring." Ranma lowered her head as she tried to remember.

Ranma's eyes went wide. Her face suddenly filled with fear and remembrance slowly crept across her face, then she gasped. She stared up at the lost boy denial slipped into her visage to soon be replaced with the horror again as she could not stop the memories or hide from them.

"I remembered a woman's voice in my head; she called me great grandson, and said I was safe now. Then I got off the ground, but...!" She paused and gulped, then stared horror stricken at the lost boy.

"But Ryoga it wasn't me, it wasn't me that told pop all that about not being his son anymore and when I read his mind like I did yours it was her, from the spring. She is the one leading me up the mountain, but _who_ is she?" Ranma's eyes brimmed with tears she would not allow to fall.

Ranma asked her companion, as confusion, fear, and anger passed across her pale face. She had not expected an answer. However, her eyes begged for one from the boy across from her. Ryoga watched as the powerful fighter before him fell apart. Neither he nor she understood what was happening, and he could see she desperately wanted answers, answers he could not give her. Ryoga felt pity for the small girl; he decided a change of subject might be the best tactic at this point.

"Ranma let's start getting ready for bed. If you want to reach the top tomorrow we will need to get up early." Ryoga said as he pulled his tent from his pack.

He hoped this would distract the changed boy away from the myriad of emotions that he saw building in her. She paused and Ryoga breathed a sigh of relief as he watched her calm. She whispered to him but kept her face turned away from him so he would not see as she blushed.

"Alright." Ranma whispered as she moved slowly under Ryoga's watchful gaze.

Ryoga sat up his two-man tent and offered half of it to Ranma. She was not sure at first, but decided to go ahead and share the tent. Since, it was cold at that altitude, they were staying fully clothed for additional heat. Ranma took her sleeping bag and spread it out in the tent. She and Ryoga then crawled into the tent to settle into sleep, after the day's events Ranma began to fall asleep quickly. As she started to dose, she looked at Ryoga and smiled a lopsided smile at the lost boy.

"Thanks, man." Ryoga stared at her for a moment then smiled.

She then rolled over and went to sleep. Ryoga had, laid there for a few minutes wondering what was happening. He came seeking revenge and now, he was in a tentative friendship with his mortal nemesis. His exhaustion from the speed running and climb over took him and he was soon asleep. If he had stayed awake a few minutes longer, he would have seen the red glow forming around Ranma. He shuddered as he rolled over and draped a protective arm over his companion. Though the glow had not covered him where he touched her. It did however have an affect on him. It altered his dreams so he saw what Ranma saw.


Inside Ranma's subconscious, a lot was going on. Ranma in male form looked around the blackness of his mind. He heard the yowling of the Neko-ken he kept locked away, he looked frantically around fearful it had escaped.

"The Neko-ken is still locked up where you put him great grandson." The soprano voice told him.

Ranma spun around to face where the voice was coming from taking a ready stance; when out of the darkness stepped his female form. She was dressed however, in a red Chinese satin shirt, black cotton Kung Fu pants tied at the ankles and waist, plus black Kung Fu slippers. Wearing a loving smile, she walked up to Ranma and placed her hand gently on his cheek.

"You make me proud of my line grandson although I cannot say the same of your father. At least he is _not_ of my blood." The girl wrinkled her nose in disgust.

"Who are you? What do you want with me?" Ranma asked as he stared at her in wonder.

She smiled at him then sat and offered the space next to her for him to join her. When he sat down, she began. Ranma watched, as it seemed hard for her to put her story into words. He had not known where it came from but he reached out, took the redhead's hand in his, and gave it a gentle squeeze. She looked up and smiled gratefully at him then placed her free hand over their two clasped ones.

"Well the fact that I am here makes me believe you are my descendant, that and you swallowed the water of my pool. Not to mention there are far too many greats to count. So I will either call you grandson or great grandson." She smiled sweetly as shock appeared on his face.

"But wh...wh...who are you?" Ranma asked again.

"I was once called Ra Koh, fifteen hundred years ago I was a member of Joketsuzoku a tribe of Chinese Amazons, and I was the village sorceress." She smiled at the shock on his young face.

Ranma looked at her skeptically. He wanted to deny her statement but the day's events stopped him. His mind rallied and decided she was wrong. This just had to be a dream, no a nightmare. He had no curse and when he woke up, he would be sleeping under the stars his old man snoring next to him. He looked up and saw her staring at him an eyebrow quirked. He then looked down at their clasped hands as he felt her tighten her grip on his hand. The disbelief wavered as she saw it in his eyes before he tried to push it away. She laughed her laughter was like a soft lullaby. She sighed as she shook her head.

"You do not believe I am a sorceress, while you carry a gender changing curse?" She smirked.

She asked while raising an eyebrow. Ranma looked a little sheepish at her. He then hung his head in shame, but she gently raised it and looked into his sapphire blue eyes. A demanding look came through her violet orbs.

"Sorry." Ranma spoke softly his cheeks red with embarrassment.

"Sorry, _what_!" Ra Koh asked her tone demanding respect.

She responded with a curt tone, Ranma's head snapped up looking at the cute red head in front of him. Her arms crossed over her chest and her eyes narrowed menacingly at him.

"S...Sor...Sorry Great Grandmother?" She nodded and smiled at him, and Ranma sighed with relief.

"I was killed in that spring fifteen hundred years ago. I was near Jusenkyo gathering some herbs for a healing potion, for one of the village healers. I was attacked by the Musk. There was a small advance guard of twenty or so. They told me they planned on using me to create a drowned girl spring so they would be able to always have wives." Ra Koh shuddered with the memory.

"I fought but there were too many, I always felt my magic would be enough, it should have been enough, but it was not. If I was better at my martial arts, I might have survived." Ra Koh sighed as she stared off in the distance.

The tears started to roll down her cheeks and Ranma never being taught how to handle girls, but hating when they cried reached over taking hold of his great grandmother in a loving embrace until she took control again.

"Thank you, grandson." She patted his arm as she sat up.

As she, pulled away from him wiping her eyes. Ranma kept her in a loose embrace, he liked how it felt to give comfort, and to have someone let him.

"Grandmother, if I am descended from you how did my family end up in Japan?" Ranma asked his grandmother.

"I am not sure but I believe after my death your great grandfather who was of Japanese descent might have taken our children and went back home." Ra Koh got a sad wistful look on her face, as Ranma watched her he gently caressed her back while tightening his hug a little.

"I never got to see my children grow up, I had them when I was quite young. Back then we were married by the age of thirteen. I had triplets, two girls, and a boy when I was fourteen. They were beautiful with coppery red hair and beautiful blue eyes much like yours." She sighed heavily as a single tear rolled down her cheek. Ranma reached up and gently wiped it a way, he quietly asked her.

"What was his clan name, grandmother?" She looked at him confused for a moment then nodded in understanding.

"You are no longer Saotome Ranma, but you are now Takashi Ranma." Ranma thought for a moment then smiled and looked at his grandmother.

"Takashi Ranma, I like it!" He exclaimed as his grandmother smiled back at him.

"Uh, umm grandmother how come you're here now? I mean how come your spirit did not enter the others that must had fallen in your pool?" Ranma asked afraid she might leave and he would be alone again.

"Well...!" She took a deep breath to gather her thoughts, Ranma was still embracing her, it was as if he let her go, she would disappeared and he did not want that to happen.

"I think part of it is because you are of my blood. However, when you fell into the pool I was set free, and because you swallowed some of the water, I joined with you." She stiffened as if waiting for the explosion

She then looked sadly at her grandson. Ranma did something he would never have done before Jusenkyo, he noticed the change in his grandmother, and became apprehensive. He looked her deep in her red lavender eyes and though he had not wanted to, he asked her to tell him what was wrong.

"What is it grandmother?" Ranma's face showed the apprehension Ra Koh felt.

"Ranma we cannot stay like this, of two minds we will go insane if we do." Ranma pulled away slightly and looked at her fear clearly showing in his eyes.

"Wh...what should we do." He asked not really wanting to hear the answer.

"We need to merge our souls. Now do not look so frightened, since this is your body you will still be the dominant personality, I would be the enhancement." She smirked at his confusion.

"Enhancement? What do you mean?" Ranma's face showed the curiosity that was in his voice.

"Well I am sure you have noticed a change in your speech and attitude, already. Have you not?" Ranma thought about it for a second, as he remembered small changes in his behavior since he fell into the Nyanniichuan.

"Yeah, I have." He admitted.

"Well that is me, when we merge I will bring my magic, martial arts knowledge and good manners, but mostly I will change your archaic attitude toward women, this will help you to become the well rounded individual you would have been if you stayed with your mother." Ranma thought about it, he then looked at his grandmother, his gaze became a little saddened.

"What do I bring?" Ra Koh saw the uncertainty and lack of self-assurance in her grandson's face.

"Well, skill in the Art for one, knowledge of this world today not to mention the two bodies you now have. Also, grandson even though you do not know it, you are a prodigy. You can use that genius skill for learning to learn other things other than the art, if you so choose." She told him lovingly as she placed her hand on his shoulder.

"But I don't want to be cursed! Mom will kill me if I turn into a girl." Ranma looked at her with fear, and shuddered as he thought about the promised to commit seppuku Ra Koh pulled from his father's mind.

"I would not believe everything in his mind although she might be upset. If she did try to force you to commit seppuku then we will stop her and make her see reason, if that does not work you are a Takashi now, so the pledge has been fulfilled." Ranma sighed deeply, as Ra Koh patted his shoulder tenderly.

"How do we merge and when do we start?" Ranma asked wanting to get it over with before, he backed out.

"Well I think now would be best, this way you can turn back to your male form and still find my laboratory." Ranma looked up at his grandmother.

"Laboratory?" His face looked at her with confusion.

"Yes where I work on my spells, study scrolls of martial arts techniques, there is one I learned which will come in handy since we need to carry all my spell books, scrolls and equipment back with us." She stated as she smiled sweetly at him.

"HUH?!" She smiled at his look of dread, and then patted his hand.

"Do not worry grandson you will be fine." He looked at her sadly for a moment then lowered his head.

"Grandmother is there another way other then merging?" He asked his head hanging low preventing him from seeing the disappointment on his grandmother's face.

"Why?" She asked, he heard the hurt in her voice and looked up at her.

"I...I don't want to lose you, it is like I have a friend with me all the time now, it...sounds selfish, don't it?" She smiled sadly at her lonely great grandchild.

"Do not worry Ranma; we can still have these little visits. While we are awake we will be one person, if you wish to talk like this just meditate and we will be able to talk." Ranma smiled broadly at her.

"What do I have to do?" He asked glad he would still have her to talk too.

She stood and took his hand. He stood as well. She grasped both hands in hers intertwining their fingers. Then she summoned her energies. This included her Ki, chi, and magical energies. Ranma watched as first a white blue aura surrounded his grandmother then it changed to purple as a red one mixed with it. Ranma called up his battle aura as if by instinct. He was then surrounded by a bright silver white blue aura. She then finally added the silvery white of her life force. As they stared into each other's eyes, the auras started to merge as they blended. Where they touched the purple became slightly darker purplish silver blue until, finally, the purplish blue white silvery light surrounded them both. They heard the Neko-Ken howling in fear and anger. Ranma shuddered at the memories of the Cat Fist training. His grandmother's grasp tightened giving him the strength to ignore those memories. The light around them became darker and darker until it was almost as black as their surroundings. Suddenly the dark purple light shattered leaving only Ranma standing alone, as he glowed, a medium purple color. He fell to the ground in his mind unconscious.


In the tent, the red light glowed around Ranma, following along with the change in color until it finally rested at the medium purple, and then faded completely. Ryoga never woke up. His face however showed he had dreamt, and his dreams were that of Ranma and Ra Koh. He pulled the female Ranma closer to him as if trying to comfort her and let her know she was not as alone as she feared.

In his sleep, he began to smile as he realized he was not alone as he thought either. As they travel together, he was sure their friendship would grow and like Ranma would have a friend he could count on to aid him when he needed it. The two glowed softly as they fell deeper into sleep.


The next morning Ryoga woke to the sound of fists punching wood. He got out of the tent and looked around, a little way from the campsite he saw Ranma practicing, she was punching a tree trunk until the tree snapped in half. She then started her kata. She was poetry in motion, fluid and graceful, yet powerful and unyielding. He gasped when she leapt into the air thirty feet and just hung suspended kicking and punching an imaginary opponent. Then she landed gently, not even disturbing the loose dirt on the ground. As she finished her kata she opened her eyes, Ryoga gasped even louder, where once had been sapphire blue eyes were now eyes the color of crystal amethyst. Ranma heard the gasp and turned to face her friend with a warm smile.

"Good morning Ryoga, there is some ramen on the fire help yourself. We need to get going as soon as you finish." She then turned to complete her morning practice.

She then sat in the middle of the clearing and started to meditate. Her aura sprung to life surrounding her in the now purple color. Ryoga ate the ramen and watched, as Ranma's aura faded just after it appeared. Then Ranma started pulling things out of thin air. Rocks, sticks, and branches, when she looked satisfied she stood up and started collecting her belongings. Ryoga watched with his mouth agape, while her things disappeared into thin air.

"Are you done, I am going to leave you if you don't finish soon." Ranma asked tapping a foot on the ground as she stared down at Ryoga.

This snapped Ryoga out of his shocked stupor. He had not wanted to be left on the mountain alone. He downed the rest of his ramen and washed out the bowl then started packing his backpack and taking down his tent. Ranma doused the fire and made sure no embers were left alight. As she stood, something sparkling caught her eye she walked over to it and found a white crystal with streaks of red, blue, yellow, green, orange, and purple running through it. It was the size of a goose's egg, she felt she knew what it was but could not put a finger on it. She decided to check her books when they got to her lab. She pocketed the stone in her new dimensional space smiling ruefully. She was going to like having a dimensional storage space. She continued looking around in case there was anything else that might be interesting. There was nothing, but she did pick up several large pieces of flint plus a couple of smooth oval stones for strikers, and then placed them in her storage dimension as well. As she returned to Ryoga, she found two more flint stones and a striker stone. As she, reached him she handed him the flint pieces and striker rock. He looked at them confused then put them in his pack and put it on.

"Well, let's go, we should be there by this evening if we move fast and don't stop for a rest." Ryoga looked at her then up the mountain with dread.


"=That was what had happened Elder.=" Finished Ta Nge, as he took a sip of his now cold tea.

"=Are you sure about what you have seen the child do to her father?=" Ta Nge nodded as he sipped his tea; Xian Pu looked on in surprise.

"=Yes, I am. Then she told him her male side was dead and that she was no longer his child and spat at his feet. The funny thing was, and I don't think the father noticed, she talked about her male half as if he was _not_ her.=" Ku Lon raised an eyebrow, while her granddaughter stared at him with confusion.

"=What do you mean?=" Xian Pu could not contain herself as her curiosity rose to the surface again.

"=Well, she said something to the effect 'I will not let you hurt him anymore, he is dead to you.' and something about 'You will fulfill the promises for he will not.' That is not exactly what she said but it is close and that is how she referred to her male side.=" He finished trying to think if he was leaving anything out, when suddenly a memory came to him and before Ku Lon responded to his previous statement he spoke again.

"=There is one more thing elder. I just remembered as the father watched as his son flew to the spring of drowned girl he kept looking at a training manual that had listed Jusenkyo. He had circled on the map of springs the locations of all the cat curses. When I told him that map was out of date due to Jusenkyo flooding from time to time he paled and became frightened." Ta Nge told the elder as she nodded sagely Xian Pu looked even more confused.

Ku Lon rubbed her chin in thoughtful contemplation. Ta Nge poured himself another cup of tea then waited for Ku Lon to speak. Xian Pu sat in contemplation of what the guide just told them. She wanted to ask him a million questions but she knew her grandmother would be angry since she was there to learn.

"=Now that is fascinating, and her eyes glowed lavender, when she held him by the throat?=" Again he nodded while taking a sip of tea.

"=Why would he want to curse his son with a cat curse grandmother?=" Xian Pu asked as she stared at her elder her curiosity finally getting the better of her.

"=I don't know granddaughter but that is for later. Wait here, please Ta Nge.=" Ku Lon asked as she rose.

The old woman disappeared into the inner sanctum of the house. Both Ta Nge and Xian Pu could hear her use some ancient Chinese curses, then a loud crash was heard. Xian Pu rose to go check on her when she reappeared carrying a tome that was bigger than she was. She waved her great granddaughter off. Xian Pu recognized the book, it was the Tome of Amazon Ancestry, Ku Lon's family had the honor of being in charge of keeping it updated though, the updates were always made in the presence of the council.

"=What is it grandmother?=" The young warrior asked her eyes shone brightly.

"=Something Ta Nge said about the girl sounded familiar. Ta Nge I might have an idea what is happening but I need to know are you certain the boy drank the water of the pool!?=" Ku Lon said as she headed for the dining area.

"Yes elder her father had knocked the air out of him before he hit the pool and when he came up he was coughing up the water from the pool." Ta Nge explained as he remembered what had happened at Jusenkyo that morning.

Ku Lon laid the book on the table. She then started flipping through the pages, stopping every now and then. Both Xian Pu and Ta Nge stood behind her eager to learn what was happening. Ku Lon stopped about midway through the tome and read nodding her head, then closing the book she faced her granddaughter and the guide with a smile liken to that of the cat that ate the canary.

"=Well, well, if I am correct this young child is of Amazon descent which means either that _pig_ of a father is an Amazon or the child's mother.=" Xian Pu gasped, Ta Nge nearly dropped his teacup in surprise.

"=_NOT_ him grandmother he is so...so...!=" Xian Pu could not finish the thought.

Xian Pu shuddered at the thought of Genma being a blood Amazon. Ku Lon patted her granddaughter's arm then turned to the guide.

"=Thank you Ta Nge but this is now Amazon business, a hunting party will be at Jusenkyo shortly to follow the path the child took, please prepare for us.=" Ta Nge nodded his head and left, followed by Ku Lon and Xian Pu.


Ku Lon stood in front of the council chambers as she rang the council's summoning bell. She and Xian Pu waited for the council to arrive. When, all members of the council were present they entered the council chamber taking their seats. Ku Lon relayed what the Jusenkyo guide had told her. She then told them what she found in the Amazon Ancestral Tome, and what she suspected had happen to the boy. However, she could not verify it without the child. The council wanted more information from the father before they would believe the wild tale. Ku Lon had expected this. Genma was then brought in front of the council. He stood nervously before the council, looking for any escape.

"Genma, it is Genma is it not." Ku Lon stared down the nervous martial artist.

Ku Lon asked, Genma in fluent Japanese. Genma nodded, as beads of sweat trickled down the side of his face. He stared at them false bravery oozed from every pore. His eyes flittered around the room as he looked for a way to escape. However, Amazon guards blocked all avenues. He cursed his son for becoming a girl and not a cat or panther, as he had wanted. This was all, his ungrateful son's doing. When he got him back, he would make the boy pay.

"The guide has explained to me what has happen to you and your son. I believe we might be able to help you _but_ the council needs some additional information. Might I ask if the clan Takashi is a part of your heritage?" Genma started slightly.

Genma recognized the name; but not from his family. He looked suspiciously at the room filled with old women; he opened his mouth about to spout out some inane lie, but instead decided to answer truthfully. With their help, he might get that insolent boy back. Then he could be on his way to a life of leisure at Tendo's home.

"Ah, no, the Takashi clan is that of my wife." Genma noticed that all thirteen of the old women let out a collective sigh of relief.

"Why do you want to know about my wife's family?" Genma's suspicious nature took over.

"We are just clarifying some information we have found. We are assembling a hunting party to look for your son. The guide has given me a description of him in both forms. It will be faster for us if you remain here. Pa Fum and Ro Gae will look to your needs. We will bring your child here to you." Genma liked this idea, as he would get free food a comfortable bed and the Amazons would do all the work of bringing his wayward child back to him.

"Ah, Cologne, is there a cure for the curses?" Ku Lon narrowed her eyes at the fool's familiarity.

"No, there is no known cure for a Jusenkyo curse." Genma's shoulders sagged slightly, as Ku Lon waved the guards to take Genma back to the guesthouse.

"=Well, then this Ranma is an Amazon and a descendant of Ra Koh.=" Remarked an elder that was just as old looking as Ku Lon.

"=This means that if the true secret of Jusenkyo is to be believed the boy has awakened her spirit from the pool. Which means the magic we lost when the Musk took her can now be returned to us.=" Came a comment from one that was not quite as old.

"=Yes, but, what if the child refuses to stay in the village. He is an Amazon and has all rights especially since he is of her blood and possibly has her soul which now makes him her only heir.=" Ku Lon nodded, sadly.

"=Well we might be able to get Ranma to stay for a couple of years by teaching him the Amazon Techniques then while we teach him, he can teach us Ra Koh's magic. If he decides to return to Japan we can help set him up in his own home and Dojo.=" Ku Lon mused as ideas flooded her mind.

"=_WHY_ would we do that? We don't want him teaching Amazon secrets.=" Ku Lon raised a calming hand.

"=He won't. We tell him he can teach only Amazon secrets to Amazons, including his magic. Remember he is a martial artist in his own right. This way we can use his home as a safe house when we send our sisters out into the world for knowledge or for a retrieval.=" Several of the council nodded at this.

"=Yes but what if he refuses? You know we cannot battle the power of Ra Koh's magic. We lost that part of our heritage when the Musk killed her.=" Ku Lon thought for a moment, nodding sagely.

"=We can only hope that Ra Koh's loyalty to the Amazons will at least keep him here long enough.=" They all nodded.

"=Now, I feel that I and Xian Pu should lead the search for him since we are also descended from Ra Koh. That connection might be very useful.=" One old woman rose, she looked to be about the same age as Ku Lon.

She was the same two feet tall, she also had long flowing white hair, and her eyes instead of black were a deep brown with copper flecks making her eyes glow like fire. She was wearing, raspberry robes as she proclaimed to the other council members.

"=I too will go and will bring my great granddaughter La Si.=" A regal looking elder stood, she looked to be older then even Ku Lon.

"=Agreed, but take two more guards with you. You are heading into Musk territory.=" Ku Lon and the elder Mas Cra agreed.

They left the council chambers after selecting an Amazon named Mys Ta and the other guard was the woman Xian Pu had beaten in the tournament Dou El. Their party complete and provisions gathered they all headed toward Jusenkyo. Genma watched from the window of the guesthouse where he was staying, smiling while stuffing his face with food.


The Amazons arrived at Jusenkyo, late in the afternoon. Ta Nge was standing outside his hut waiting for them. Ku Lon pogoed up to the guide balancing on top of her staff, behind her the other elder Mas Cra followed also balancing on her staff.

"=So Ta Nge which way did the boy go?=" Ta Nge led the Amazons to the path that the young martial artist took when he left Jusenkyo as a she, Xian Pu and La Si checked the path for a few yards then they returned to the elders and guide.

"=The one we seek may have gone this way, but it is hard to tell, someone or something is following him.=" La Si told the elders, the guide turned to the elders, with a look of understanding and explained.

"=Ah, yes, I remember now, another came to Jusenkyo. He did not get cursed but saw what happened. Maybe he followed Mr. Customer?=" Ku Lon nodded, as she rubbed her chin in contemplation.

"=Well at least he left us a well-defined trail to follow. However if it starts to vanish we brought Mys Ta she is the best tracker in the village.=" The hunting party turned and headed into the forest following the trail of their new sorceress.

The six Amazons bid goodbye to the guide as they headed down the path. By the time the sun had set, the Amazons were setting up camp at the base of the mountain that Ranma and Ryoga had set up their camp.


The Amazons moved quickly and silently. They followed the trail led by Mys ta as a Musk hunting party looking for game as they followed the hoof prints of a dear had obliterated part of the trail. Mys Ta found the tracks she sought and headed toward the large mountain in the distance. After several hours of running they stopped at the base of the mountain as the sun started to set. The elders decided to make camp for the night, as it would be an arduous climb in the morning.

"=Look elder!=" Came the call of one of the guards.

One of the Amazon guards pointed up the side of the mountain; the others looked up and saw a fire. They then noticed the fire was more than half way up the mountain. The party stared for a few moments in awe of the skill of the young fighters and at such an age. The two elders began to contemplate the boon to their families if they could marry them off to their great granddaughters. Ku Lon had the boy who carried Ra Koh's soul she could marry the other to Xian Pu.

"=They must be very strong and agile to get that high up the mountain so quickly!=" Gasped Xian Pu, the others nodded their agreement.

"=Come let us get to sleep, we will need to climb a great deal to catch them.=" After eating the Amazons went to sleep but not before posting guards and setting up a rotation for guard duty.


As the sun rose, two figures were seen half way up the mountain climbing to the next and final level. The Amazons watched for a few moments as they quickly disappeared from their view. As the hunting party at the base of the mountain, quickly finished packing up the camp. Four young Amazons and two elders started their ascent. The younger Amazons were in awe at the fact the two diminutive elders were pogoing up the side of the mountain like a pair of mountain goats.

"=Come young ones, can you not keep up with your elders?=" Mas Cra goaded their charges.

Ku Lon stood a short way up from Mas Cra though she tried she was unable to hide her giggling from the scowling warriors. Ku Lon shook her head and chided Mas Cra. Though it was only half hearted as she still giggled and when she looked at the expressions on the faces of the younger warriors her, giggles broke out again. This time though Mas Cra joined in. The two elders finally got their composer and looked at their frowning war party.

"=Now, Mas Cra, it isn't nice to tease the young ones.=" Mas Cra mocked glared at her, as she started laughing heartily Ku Lon shrugged still chuckling she conceded.

"=Well ok, it is fun, yes, but it isn't nice.=" Mas Cra smiled triumphantly.

Both elders started laughing and continued up the mountain. The climb was uneventful. As the sun started to set, the six Amazons reached the plateau that Ranma and Ryoga camped at the night before.

"=Let's set up camp we will begin again at first light.=" Ku Lon ordered, and the Amazons set up their camp making use of the now dry fire pit the two climbers had used the previous night.


Ranma and Ryoga had reached their destination, a plateau that was nearly at the top of the mountain; they had two hours before the sun would set as they stepped onto the final ledge. Ranma walked toward a solid granite wall. Ryoga watched as she raised her arms then mumbled some words Ryoga could not hear or understand even if he could hear them. Ranma started to glow with her new purple aura. Suddenly a cave entrance appeared and Ranma walked in, Ryoga gaped then when Ranma disappeared into the cave, Ryoga ran to catch up. Just as he entered the cave, the opening closed up again.

"What is this place Ranma?" Ryoga asked as he reached out to touch where the entrance use to be, he quickly pulled his hand back as if burned, when he touched solid stone.

"It was Ra Koh's laboratory." Ranma said with a shrug of her shoulders.

"Ra Koh? Who is that?" Ryoga asked as he stared around him in awe as an image of Ranma's grandmother floated in his mind.

"She is the spirit that merged with me after I fell into the 'Spring of Drowned Girl'." Ranma told the lost boy.

"Well you can tell me all about it over dinner." Ryoga said as he looked around the dark cave.

Suddenly the cave was suffused with a light purple glow. Ryoga turned and saw Ranma glowing purple and lighting the way to some torches. Ryoga went over and lit one torch then took it to light the others. He marveled at the expanse of the cave as he slowly turned in a three hundred and sixty degree circle his mouth opened with shocked awe.

"What about fresh air to keep them lit?" Ranma pointed to the ceiling.

Ryoga looked up and saw tunnels only big enough for a field mouse to use, around the upper level of the cave. He held up the torch and found the small holes went all around the interior of the cave. Now that he saw them, he began to feel the cold air as it came into the cave. He turned to Ranma as she headed toward a shallow alcove in the cave wall.

"Those small tunnels are opened at the other end; fresh air is constantly coming into the cave, which is also why this place is so cold." Ranma moved deeper into the cave.

After Ryoga finished lighting, the rest of the torches Ranma's glow disappeared. She had gotten a fire going in the alcove which started to warm the large cave a bit. Ryoga looked around the cave it was quite large and had several alcoves. Two of the alcoves were set up as bedchambers.

"Had many guests?" Ryoga asked her.

Ryoga pointed to the extra bedchamber when Ranma looked up. Ranma looked then a faraway look came to her face as soon as it came it was gone. She suddenly laughed her musical laughter. Then a sad smile appeared on her gentle face.

"My great grandmother would bring her children here once in a while." Ranma said as she stared at the small guest room.

"The spirit was your ancestor?" Ryoga asked in awe, Ranma nodded her head.

"Yeah, she was." Ranma shrugged.

In four of the other five alcoves were shelves with books and jars of herbs, and items Ryoga assumed to be magical. In the fifth were about two dozen-cubby holes, each filled to exploding with scrolls. Ranma headed to a large desk where a large book was laying she sat down and gently touched the tome.

"Well fifteen hundred years were not kind to my books." Ranma sighed as she checked over the tomes.

"Could you cast a spell or something to make them ok again?" Ryoga asked as he looked over her shoulder at the dusty old book.

"It's possible, but I don't know one." Ranma told him as she turned to face him.

"So what are you going to do?" Ryoga asked as he gently touched the tome, as he tried not to cause damage.

"I guess rewrite the ones that I can still read." She sighed as she looked back at the book.

"Let's have something to eat then I will secure them to take with me and rewrite them later."

"I could help I mean with the two of us doing the copying we can get them done quicker. I know I probably won't understand what I am reading but I am good at drawing. You can double check my work then fix only what needs fixing." Ryoga wanted to be helpful to this new person before him.

"We will see Ryoga I do know that if you could help it would make it a bit easier on me." Ranma told him as she rose from her desk.

Over dinner, Ranma told Ryoga what had happened the night before. While, he slept. Ryoga's eyes widened in surprise and shock. She told Ryoga how she now had all of Ra Koh's memories and knowledge in magic and martial arts. She just needed to practice to gain the skill. Ranma noticed the strange look on Ryoga's face.

"What is wrong man you look like you have seen a ghost?" Ranma asked as she stared at the lost boy.

"Ranma, when you woke this morning what did you notice?" Ryoga asked changing the subject.

"Well I didn't want to say anything, but you were draped over me nothing sick I am sure it was more like you were trying to protect me." Ranma quickly explained not wanting to make his tentative friend angry.

"Ranma because I was I saw and heard your discussion with your great grandmother." Ryoga was sweating as he spoke.

"You're kidding; really man that is so cool. It was probably because of Ra Koh's magic. Don't sweat it man. It will be nice to have someone I can talk to about what is happening to me. I mean if you don't mind." Ranma clarified thinking Ryoga might not want that responsibility.

"No I don't mind it will be nice for me not to be alone for a while." Ryoga said with a lopsided grin.

"Uhm, ah Ranma could you teach me the techniques your grandmother gave you?" Ryoga asked eagerly as Ranma shook her head sadly.

"I wish I could but my memories about the Amazons say no, if I do it could get you killed, the Amazons are very protective of their secrets. Now if you were to become an Amazon then maybe." Ranma said a thoughtful look in her face.

"How could I do that?" Ryoga asked his interest peeked.

"Well I am not sure a lot of Great Grandmothers memories are still fuzzy but I am sure it will clear up soon then I will let you know. We can train each other in our own art though." Ranma said as she patted his arm as he nodded.

They finished the rest of the meal in silence. When they were done, Ranma took some of the hot water and returned to his male form. After which Ranma started preparing the items in the cave for transport. There were several trunks of animal skins and pouches. He used the skins to wrap up the books and scrolls. There were forty books in all and some looked even older then fifteen hundred years. The scrolls were numerous Ranma had lost count on their number. When Ranma finished wrapping the books, he stacked them on the desk and piled the scrolls back in the cubbyholes they came from, and on the rapidly emptying shelves. Ryoga watched from his bed, in one of the alcoves as Ranma packed up everything. Yawning while he stretched, he asked his busy friend.

"Are you going to go back to the village, Ranma?" Ryoga watched as Ranma paused for a brief moment.

"Probably not, they wouldn't believe me about the spirit and I don't feel like facing the outsider laws in either form." Ranma shuddered slightly as that memory flashed through his mind.

Ryoga looked at him confused. Ranma sighed then stood to face the lost boy. He stared at his feet as he formulated the new information that was slowly filtering into his mind. He was beginning not like being part of this tribe of Amazons. They were to prideful and that tended to lead them to stupid and petty laws. He felt his grandmother's agreement more then hearing it.

"Amazons follow many honorable laws it is what kept their society functioning, even though they had no basis in modern society, or outside the village. Two of these laws were the outsider laws and marriage by combat laws. The second is for Amazons tribe members alone. The other is for people like us. If an outsider beats an Amazon warrior in combat, by accident thoigh not at tournament then the Amazon will give the Kiss of Death. She must then hunt down the warrior that had beaten them and kill them." Ryoga looked horror stricken, as Ranma continued with his explanation.

"If an outsider of the opposite sex beats an Amazon then they must give the winner the Kiss of Marriage, and must marry him whether he wants to or not." Ryoga's eyes got even wider with that, and he whistled in disbelief.

"Well I am glad you told me, if I come across them I will be sure not to fight _any_ of them." Ranma chuckled while he shook his head.

"Sorry man, but it doesn't work like that." Ranma said the smile on his face never reached his eyes.

"Huh?" Ryoga looked at his friend confused.

"If the Amazons think you will make a good catch _they_ will challenge you to the match. Then attack not giving you a chance to turn them down." Ryoga's shoulders slumped in defeat.

"The last outsider law is why I cannot train you, well at least until I can study the Amazon laws better. If they are trained in outsider techniques they are to formally calm those techniques as Amazon property and then kill their sensei and all who he taught." Ryoga fell off the bed at that one as he scowled deeply at his friend.

Ryoga decided he did not want to talk about the narrow minded Amazons any linger. He decided to change the subject. Ryoga asked a question. As this growing changing person in front of him has peeked his interest and since they were becoming friends and not enemies, he wanted to know as much as he could.

"Ranma do you know why did Rako curse your dad?" Ryoga hoped this would be a better subject.

Ranma sighed; he stared into the fire for a moment then turned to face his tentative new friend with a set jaw and clenched teeth. Ryoga immediately was sorry he had asked his question and tried to figure a way to change the subject again. The problem was that he wanted to know his curiosity had been peeked.

"First please call grandmother Ra Koh not Rako. I don't think she likes that pronunciation and will help you. It's a long story, and I would prefer to talk about it later ok?" Ryoga tried to hide his disappointment.

Ryoga nodded as he saw the anger as it grew in his friend's amethyst eyes. While Ryoga watched, as Ranma collected all the books, and paraphernalia then either wrapped it in a skin or put it in one of the many pouches. Ryoga slowly succumbed to the day's exertion from the climb and he finally let sleep take him. Ranma noticed this as he walked over and covered the eternally lost boy with the blanket that was on his bed. Several hours later, Ranma had finished with packing everything. He stretched to release the tension in his back, and then he went to the other bed and fell into a fitful sleep of night terrors.


The Amazons began to settle in for the night on the same plateau Ryoga and Ranma vacated that morning. While the elder Mas Cra started a fire in the same fire pit used by the previous occupants, they discussed the guard rotation for the night. They had not noticed, however, that they were being watched. On a precipice up a little higher and about twenty yards to the left of them, was an advanced guard of soldiers, watching them. They had already sent a runner back to the Musk Citadel to see if they should capture, kill, or follow the women. The runner also carried information about the red hair girl and her companion. Thus, they informed headquarters that they went higher up the mountain but got out of sight before their destination could be determined.


As the sun was peeking over the horizon, the Amazons started preparing for the next leg of their climb. While in a cave some ways up, a young pig-tailed boy was using a new technique he learned at the merging of his soul with that of his great grandmother. He was 'hiding' forty tomes, over five hundred scrolls, and about one hundred and fifty plus bags of herbs, gems, magical items, gold coins, and potions. At first Ranma was going to leave the four of five trunks but decided to use them to hold some of the smaller or more fragile items and put them into his storage space. Those he had to wait with each trunk for the spaces to expand to hold them.

[At least I will have money to start a new life when I return to Japan.] Ranma thought as he picked up a bag of gold coins and hid them in his storage space.

When he finished all that was left were the torches and furniture. Ryoga just watched with amazement as his companion was able to hide a large mountain of stuff without showing any signs of it causing any problems for him. Ryoga then caught site of something flashing in the torchlight in Ranma's hands.

Around Ranma's neck was a silver locket he had found in the top drawer of his desk. He also found Ra Koh's Amazon Law booklet with it. He opened it to reveal the profiles of four very special people. The profiles were made of hand carved ivory, and then placed on a background of abalone. To Ranma the four people were ancestors. To Ra Koh they were those whom she loved dearly. Ranma wore the locket under his gi next to his heart on a sturdy leather cord.

Ranma then put the locket back under his gi. He frowned wishing there were clothes left here but he had not finished looking. Ranma then picked up the law book and began to read. Though, he flipped quickly it was as if his grandmother wanted him to see something. As he read the passages, he felt she wanted him to read she smiled. He then scanned more of the same type of laws and his smile grew even larger as he found a loophole he could use to train Ryoga and protect him he hoped.


The Amazons started the next leg of their climb, still unknown to them; the Musk soldiers were tailing them. Their orders were brought back to them along with a General of the Musk army. Four Amazon warriors and two Elders would give the Musk great power over the Amazons in their battles with them. If they captured the other two, well, the girl would be a wife for a soldier and her male companion would just need a dip in the Nyanniichuan. The soldiers stayed about thirty feet lower then the Amazons as they followed them up the mountain being sure to keep them in site. The General had sent one soldier ahead of the party to keep a closer watch on their prize.


Ranma and Ryoga decided to stay one more night in the cave before heading to the coast and going back to Japan. When Ra Koh read Genma's mind she gleaned all the information about Ranma's mother from it and Ranma decided to go home to her. He also decided to look for a cave there to setup another laboratory to continue with his magic. He might even try to create the spell he needed to fix his tomes and scrolls.

Ranma began sparring with Ryoga although he refused to teach Ryoga any known Amazon techniques he did teach him some of the basic Anything Goes style. While Ranma taught Ryoga, Ryoga taught Ranma some of his chi techniques. He showed him, the Shi Shi Houkou Dan (Dani: Yes I know was taught later after Ranma was in Nerima but hey it is an alternate story line and that means EVERYBODY), but did not release it in such a small area. Ranma could not manifest the depression needed to feed this attack. Though it did not mean if he ever felt that amount of depression and anger, he could not do it then. Therefore, he set about to find out which was his stronger emotion. After many tries and with the help of Ryoga, Ranma found that his confidence was the strongest, this enabled him to create the Moko Takabisha (Dani: See comment above), and although still not perfect, it was something to work on.


After supper Ranma sat in the middle of the cave and started meditating as his breathing calmed and his heart rate slowed, he began to glow his now standard purple color. Ryoga watched from his alcove, while Ranma went into a trance to talk to his great grandmother. After a few minutes, Ryoga was bored and settled in to sleep. He could not believe, the turn of events, he came to Jusenkyo to exact revenge on Ranma Saotome. He instead watched the martial artist be cursed and was abused by his father's hand. He saw as he left and in following found, a friend he had sorely missed. There was much more to the cursed boy if the nightmares Ranma had the previous night had been any indication. As he watched Ranma, Ryoga had decided he would be the one thing the lonely boy did not have, a friend. Maybe together, they could ease each other's lonely existence.


Ranma walked out of the blackness that was his mind, he then sat, and waited for his grandmother. As he sat, he looked again at the locket he now wore. He could see the resemblance, between himself and the four faces in the locket. He gently rubbed his fingers over the smooth ivory surface, as if by touching it he could absorb who they were and what they were like.

"They were a wonderful family. I hope Hiroshi was able to find someone else to love him and my children." At the feeling of a presence, Ranma turned and saw his grandmother standing over him.

She was looking at the locket, tears rolling down her face. Ranma saw she was trying to stem the flow, but they kept coming. He stood and wrapped his great grandmother into a warm embrace. He held onto his grandmother until she cried out her tears of grief for her lost family. After some time Ra Koh quieted down and pulled away from her grandson.

"Thank you grandson, it is nice to see you are not your father's son." Ranma's brow knitted in distaste.

"And I hope I never am again!" As Ranma pulled away a bit he the shut the locket, as it fell to his chest, and they sat down to talk.

"Well grandson, have you been practicing your Amazon Wa Shu fighting?" Ra Koh asked as she looked into his purple eyes.

"Yes, grandmother I have, and I have been working with some of the special techniques as well. However, some are hard to practice in a cave. I will work on those on our way back to Japan." Ra Koh looked at her grandson sadly, although before his melding with Ra Koh Ranma would never have noticed the change in her expression, he had noticed now.

"You want to visit the village don't you?" She nodded, and sighed heavily, eyes brimming with unshed tears.

"But it won't be safe for you or your friend with the Amazon laws. I also believe your father is there. That is where the guide would have taken him since you did not act normally after being cursed." Ranma thought for a moment, then his eyes narrowed dangerously.

"We can go if you want; I can stop my old man if he gets in the way." Ranma cracked his knuckles; his eyes shone brightly.

Ranma smiled demonically at the thought. Ra Koh shook her head and was about to comment when she stiffened and began glowing in her bright purple aura. Ranma looked around in fear, as he feared his Neko-Ken had broken free of its prison; he jumped to a fighting stance when he saw the horror and fear as it filled his grandmother's face.

"What is it grandmother?" Ranma asked as he placed a hand gently on her shoulder.

"There are Amazons nearby on this plateau and they are under attack and…oh no! Two of them are my descendants (Dani: Yes, it is possible she knows this. They did DNA testing on Mongols and found Ghangis Khan was a very busy Mongol)!" Ra Koh rose ready to break the link to run and help her family, but Ranma stopped her showing the positive side of the merging.

"Wait, grandmother, we will help them but is there a different way out of here?" Ranma asked as he looked sternly into the eyes of his grandmother.

His grandmother looked at him quizzically. She then understood they needed to show up from elsewhere so that if they needed to hide they could do it without revealing the cave to the Musk. She nodded then Ranma woke. He jumped up and woke Ryoga; he told him what was happening and that he needed his help. He then had him follow him to the second exit near the ceiling of the cave.


The Amazons were just settling in for the night, after reaching the ledge where Ra Koh's hidden Lab was located. They were deciding guard rotation for the night, when suddenly Ku Lon and Mas Cra stiffen, then in a blur of movement they were standing about five feet away from where they were sitting, two darts embedded into the ground where they had been. The other Amazons were up with their weapons drawn. Soon their attackers made their presence known. Twelve Musk soldiers came out of the darkness with weapons drawn for the attack. The four Amazon warriors charged to meet them. The General kept the two warriors he brought with him back. This was in an effort to bring down the Amazon elders with drugged darts. He knew no one in the Musk Dynasty could fight the centuries' old warriors and win. He gave the order to start firing repeatedly at the elders in the hopes they could overwhelm the old women. To put fear into the Musk they were battling the elders did something they normally would not they shouted the technique they planned on using. They knew the Musk knew very little about their techniques. They only knew the Amazons were unstoppable because of them.

"=KACHUU TENSHIN AMIGURIKEN!=" A few of the fighting warriors froze as they did not know exactly what to expect only that they had no defense for Amazon techniques.

The darts disappeared in mid air only to land at the elders' feet. The General was about to give the command to start another volley when he heard his men as they screamed in pain. He turned and saw as they were clutching their bloody hands, on the ground next to each man was a yellow and black spotted bandana each covered in blood. The General looked around, for the attacker. He then heard an Amazon war cry that had not been heard for nearly fifteen hundred years. A war cry that all Musk was told of since they could talk and one that sent cold chills down their spines.


Ranma and Ryoga climbed to the top of the cave using small niches cut into the rock. When they reached the top, they found a small crawlspace. They entered the space and crawled for about a dozen feet when they came to a dead end. Ranma started glowing and the solid rock face disappeared. When Ranma crawled out, he crawled right into a puddle of ice-cold water, to which he became a she.

"Damn!" She muttered under her breath as she stood up.

Ryoga came out next looked at the changed boy and just shook his head. Ranma quickly closed the exit up again. They continued to the edge of the small plateau they were on and looked over the edge. They saw about twelve soldiers rushing the young girls in the group. What looked to be the leader and two others were trying to turn the two old women with them into pincushions. They heard the shout of the old women.

"=KACHUU TENSHIN AMIGURIKEN!=" They watched mesmerized.

Ranma smirked at the awe plastered on Ryoga's face at the speed the women's hands moved they looked almost invisible. Although Ranma knew of the technique and its speed this was the first time, she had seen it. Ranma tapped Ryoga on the shoulder and broke the spell. She pointed at the two guards with the blowguns. Ryoga nodded and removed two bandanas from his head still leaving one left. He spun them on his fingers until they started to glow very lightly and stiffen to razor sharp steel. He then let them fly; they went straight to their intended targets. The cloth shurikens cut deep gashes into one of the hands of each of the soldiers causing them to cry out in pain as they clutched their injured hands. The General turned to see his men injured and two bloody bandanas on the ground. When he started looking around for the attacker, he heard the war cry of an angry Amazon, but could not locate her, until he was sent flying.


After Ryoga let loose the bandanas and they did their job Ranma stood and jumped from the plateau she was on. She did a flip then aimed an extended foot at the unsuspecting General, letting off a loud, war cry as she descended.

"AAAALALALALALALALA!" The shout had the desired effect.

Everyone stopped and looked around at the cry then the Musk soldiers saw a red and purple blur hit their General and knock him flying into the distance toward...

[_Uh oh_!] The general had only a short time to think as he flew off.

...Jusenkyo, Ranma shrugged her shoulders. The two matriarchs smiled an 'IT COULDN'T HAPPEN TO A NICER GUY' smile. The two soldiers that were with the General came out of their shock as they lunged at the pretty redhead. It should had been easy to overpower her, since she was concentrating on the other twelve soldiers; it should had been easy they thought as they lost consciousness from being hit with a titanium reinforced red bamboo umbrella.

The two fighters next jumped into the battle with the last dozen soldiers, fighting with the already exhausted Amazons. The Elders decided to stay back and watch the skill of the two young martial artists. Ku Lon and Mas Cra smiled as they noted a few Amazon moves mixed in with the redhead's normal style. They watched as the newcomers jumped, kicked, and punch many of the soldiers, but since they were Musk, they were a lot tougher than most. They surprised the General and the other two, which gave them the edge they needed to, defeat them so readily.

The matriarchs then noticed eight of the soldiers had surrounded the boy and girl while the other four kept the young Amazons busy. They were back to back in ready stances, talking to each other the Amazon elders strained to hear what was being said and just barely made out what they said over the fighting.

"Well, Ranma, do you think you're ready to use your new attack?" Ryoga asked as he parried a thrust from the Musk warrior in front of him.

"I had better _be_." Ranma told her fast growing new friend Ra Koh's influence had eased a lot of Ranma's cockiness and pride to levels that were more respectable.

"Ok, then let us show these idiots who they are messing with." Ryoga said as his stance changed.

The Matriarchs' eyes went wide as they saw the couple as they started to glow with great power. The girl purple blue and the boy greenish yellow, then they heard the twin shouts and ducked for cover behind a boulder where they could still watch the party.



They each got a guard, knocking them over the edge of the plateau. Ranma felt the drain of the attack and fell to one knee, this was the first time she actually used her chi blast, and had not built up a resistance to its draining effects. The remaining Musk decided to take advantage of this by rushing the tired girl. It was then that the last six collapsed to the ground soon to follow were the four fighting the younger Amazons. Ryoga helped Ranma regain her footing and they looked at the fallen soldiers, each one had a dart protruding from their necks. They looked to the Amazon Elders who just stood there looking innocent. Then they heard the call of one of the other warriors. They looked to see the three younger warriors' unconscious on the ground and the fourth about ready to collapse. The four of them rushed to the aid of the fallen women. Ranma directed they each pick up a fallen woman and she would help lead the almost unconscious one to the rock facing of the plateau. Mas Cra was about to start shouting when Ranma again glowed purple and the rock disappeared. Mas Cra's words died on her lips as her jaw dropped in surprise. They all entered and Ranma closed the wall behind them.

She and Ryoga led them to the alcoves and deposited two Amazons per bed. Then the elders started examining the wounded women. They had lost a bit of blood but not enough to be life threatening. The elders started pressing shiatsu points to stem the flow of the blood. They also pressed the pressure points to speed in healing and increase the regeneration of the chi they expended. The last one they used on Ranma as well. As the four wounded women slept, the others sat down for a long needed talk.


As the elders and Ryoga sat at the large dining table Ranma added more wood to the fire in the cooking alcove, she then placed a kettle of water over it to heat, for tea. She sat next to her friend and watched the elder women closely. Ku Lon was the first to speak.

"Am I addressing Ranma Saotome or Ra Koh?" Ranma's face showed surprise she quickly suppressed it, but not fast enough that both elders did not catch it.

She looked at Ryoga from the corner of her eyes and he nodded to her to go ahead. She sighed, as she did not want to be in this situation. She feared they would kill her because they would refuse to believe the truth. She looked back at them and responded.

"I am neither and both." The redhead told them cryptically.

Each of the women raised an eyebrow at the young girl, when she rose to serve them tea. Taking what was left of the hot water, she debated if she should pour it over herself and revert to her male form. She decided not to at this time although she was sure they knew she was cursed. The memories of her great grandmother told her, that she would have better luck dealing with the Amazons as a female then as a male.

"As of now Saotome Ranma is dead. I am Takashi Ranma now, I have merged my soul with that of my great grandmother's, and we are one person." The elders nodded while they sipped their tea.

"Now who are you I know you are Amazons, Grandmother told me so." Ranma saw the skepticism on the old faces before her.

They looked at Ranma questionably. Ranma sighed then tried to explain the best she could since she was not very sure of it herself.

"For the most part we are one person, but...!" The loneliness could be seen reflected in the young girl's eyes.

"When I need to speak with her, I go into a deep meditation and inside my mind we are two separate people." The matriarchs looked slightly surprised as in all of the three hundred plus years of life and the History they had of Jusenkyo, this had never happened.

"Did Ra Koh say how this happened to you child?" Ku Lon asked the girl sympathetically.

"Well, I asked her and she thought it was because I am her descendant and that I drank some of the pool's water might have also helped with our merging." The buxom redhead told her guests.

"That makes sense as you would have her genes which could wake her spirit." Mas Cra stated, as she looked thoughtful for a moment.

"Though we are not sure what will happen because you drank of the pool's water." Mas Cra continued an even more thoughtful look on her face.

Ryoga listened and watched the old women; he did not trust them very much. Then he popped up and asked them a couple of questions of his own. However, he felt they did not like him being so forward.

"Why are you here? Why are you looking for Ranma?" Ryoga stared them down his eyes narrowed and flashed with barely controlled rage.

Mas Cra looked at Ryoga as if he was nothing more than a bug to be squashed. Only two things stopped her from doing that, one was Ku Lon's hand on her shoulder; the other was a bright purple aura that just flared around an angry looking Ranma.

"Ryoga is my _friend_. He _will_ be treated with respect." Ranma's voice was as cold as ice.

She knew from her melding with Ra Koh, how some of the women warriors felt about men, and knew it probably held true even today. While Ranma worked on cooling down, Ku Lon looked around the cave noticing the empty shelves and two broken trunks. She also noticed that items use to be on those shelves had been recently removed. However, before she could ask about it, Ranma asked her a question.

"Which of you are descended from Ra Koh? She told me two of you were her descendants." Ku Lon smiled at the redhead.

"I am, child." Ku Lon answered, with a proud smile.

"As is the purple hair girl over there, she is my great granddaughter, Xian Pu." She finished pointing to the alcove, which held Xian Pu and La Si, Ranma nodded then asked another question.

"From which child are you descended?" The eagerness in Ranma's eyes and voice was not hard to miss.

"We are the direct descendants of Ra Koh's youngest Mai Toh." Ku Lon told her as she watched the young boy turned girl closely.

"What happened to her family after she died?" Ranma asked, but it was Ra Koh who really needed to know, though she knew they survived, as Ranma was evident of that.

"You ask a lot of questions for a male _boy_!" Mas Cra snarled at the cursed boy.

Ranma looked at her with eyes filled with longing and depression. Mas Cra gasped at the pain she saw there, she hung her head in shame. She realized that, although they have merged their souls. Ra Koh had pushed her dominance forward so she might learn what happened to her family. Ku Lon sighed as she patted Mas Cra's hand and continued.

"According to the Amazon records, her husband took his two daughters and son to Japan after Ra Koh's death. He raised them there, and he never remarried." A tear trickled down Ranma's cheek.

"After they were grown the two daughters Ti Lum and the youngest, Mai Toh of the triplets returned to the village after traveling for several years. Bringing to the village, much needed knowledge, and new techniques. They brought with them their husbands." Ku Lon told the girl as she watched her closely. Through the tears, a smile crossed Ranma's face.

"I am sorry though, Ti Lum died from a malady she had picked up in her travels and had never given birth." More tears flowed from Ranma as she sat stone-faced.

"What of Rentaro?" The boy was the only one with a Japanese name in honor of her beloved husband.

"He stayed in Japan which is probably who you are descended from." Ranma nodded then stared into space while tears continued to flow for Ra Koh's family, finally the tears stopped and Ranma stared at the Elders.

"What do you want? Why are you here?" The change shocked both elders.

Ku Lon was surprised at the abrupt change of topic. She then realized she was now talking to Ranma's spirit. It seemed he either reasserted his dominance or Ra Koh did not want to talk anymore. Ku Lon took a deep breath before continuing.

"Actually, your father was brought to the village by the guide. We came to find you for him." Ku Lon watched as Ranma's visage darkened.

"Well, you have found me, but getting me back to him isn't going to be easy." Ranma snarled, as both he and Ryoga started to glow.

"Do not worry boy, we have no intentions of forcing you back with your father, but why do you now refused to be with him after...what, ten years, I think is what he told us?" Mas Cra held up her hands in a placating manor.

Ranma sighed and felt the strength her great grandmother was giving her. She knew Ra Koh was encouraging her to tell her story, after all Ku Lon was family. Ranma however was not sure. She could tell by the lust in their eyes they only wanted her because of Ra Koh's soul and powers she now had. She also feared for the safety of Ryoga because of the outsider laws. Ranma decided then, and there she was not going to be a Chinese Amazon. However, she would be helpful to them in Japan but their laws would not suit her in Japan, well some of them anyway.

"It's a long story and a lot of it is not pretty." Both Mas Cra and Ku Lon nodded, Ryoga just looked at her questioningly, Ryoga then placed his hand on her shoulder as a gesture of support; Ranma smiled her thanks to her friend.

"Ranma, you are an _Amazon_ by birth and even more so by the merging of your spirit and Ra Koh's. You are also my _family_. I can legally take you from your father here until you are of legal age to return to Japan." Ranma thought about it, she then shrugged her small shoulders and told her story.

"When I was five my father took me from my mother to begin training me in the Art, but his Art also included thievery, lying, cheating, and dishonor. When I was old enough to understand this, I refused to do that stuff anymore. Now remember, some of the things I learned, I got from searching his memories...!" Ranma frowned as she began her life story.

Ranma talked for hours, she told them of, Ukyo and how he thought _she_ was a boy and how Genma agreed to let Ukyo and him marry. Then Genma stole her dowry and abandoned her. Genma never planned on going through with the marriage because he had agreed to merge the Schools of Anything Goes with marriage to one of the daughters of his friend Soun Tendo. Ku Lon raised an eyebrow at the name of Ranma's school, but said nothing. Ranma told them of the Neko-Ken training, both Ranma and Ryoga had to scoot back from the Elders as their battle auras flared. Ryoga asked what was so bad about the training in a powerful technique. Ranma explained the training to him. Ryoga turned green with sickness and flared his aura

"Ta Nge the guide told me he had the cat springs circled in his training manual but because Jusenkyo floods to prevent people taking on powerful curses. So he planned on getting you a cat curse to control you!" Ku Lon said more then asked both she and Mas Cra glowed brightly in rage.


The wounded Amazons slowly began to return to consciousness. They heard the voices of their elders talking in a strange language. Xian Pu and Dou El understood much of what was being said so they translated Ranma's story for their bed partners. All four became both angry and ill at Ranma's description of the Neko-Ken training and they began to think of tortures for a certain panda-man.


"When I was six, just after he abandoned Ukyo, he trained me in the Neko-Ken. You first dig a pit, and fill it with hundreds of ca...c...cats. Then you let them starve for a few days to a week. At that time, you take the trainee and wrap them in fish sausages. The next step is to throw them into the pit with the ca...c...cats. Then cover the pit, leaving the trainee and c...ca...cats in darkness. Well since, I didn't learn it the first time, oyaji kept throwing me in every day for several days. Then, when he found I had developed a fear of c...ca...cats, he threw me in many more times to get me over my fear. Being six, I couldn't count how many times he threw me in but I knew it was a lot." Ryoga and the eavesdropping Amazons turned green as their stomachs turned they also narrowed their eyes in rage.

Ryoga turned green and it was not just from the fact his greenish yellow aura was now glowing brightly around him. He cracked his knuckles as he quietly pledged to himself.

"I will kill that bastard when I see him again!" Ku Lon raised an eyebrow, at Ryoga's whispered promise, then looked at her great nephew, and asked her.

"Great Nephew did you learn the technique." Ranma nodded as Ku Lon sighed sadly.

"You are indeed strong if you can keep the madness at bay." She finished, shaking her head sadly.

"Well, great grandmother is helping me with that now." Ranma offered, Ryoga looked lost and Ranma told him the downside of the powerful Neko-Ken Ryoga's face went pale with horror.

"As I mentioned before, after the training I now have a deadly fear of ca...ca...cats. I can sense them and they sense me. Hell, they'll even seek me out. If I can't get away from the ca...c...cat, my mind will shut down. I am told I become a...one of them things, but I have no memory of it." Ku Lon nodded and continued for Ranma.

"That is correct great nephew, your strength, speed and agility increases, plus you get ki claws that can rip through steel. The only problem is you are no longer human. You will kill anyone your primal instincts perceive as a threat. I am sure your father found that out the first time you went Neko. You _probably_ attacked him." Ku Lon asked in a form of a statement, as she already knew the answer.

Ranma nodded with an evil grin on her face. Ranma then continued with what else she had learned from her father's mind. She told of the other engagements for food, her visit to Junior High where she met Ryoga and the stupid bread feud, and missed duel. That was the reason Ryoga was at the Cursed Spring. Her arrival to China, it included the time up to the time of receiving the curse. Finally, she told them of the promise her father tricked her into signing at five years old. It was about how she and her father would commit Seppuku if she _was not_ a man among men.

To say the Amazons were livid was an understatement. Ku Lon and Mas Cra were thinking of tortures for Genma Saotome; Xian Pu, La Si and the other two warriors were wondering how nice a panda rug would look in their homes. The Elders were about to continue their conversation when Ranma held up a hand.

"It is getting late, we should get some sleep. There should be room for the two of you with the girls. Ryoga and I will use our sleeping bags." Ranma told them as she waved them to the bedroom alcoves.

The Elders nodded then retired to the sleeping alcoves. While Ranma and Ryoga set up their sleeping bags, Ryoga asked her a question.

"Ranma, those nightmares you have they're about the Neko-Ken training aren't they?" Ryoga watched his budding new friend out of the corner of his eyes.

"Yeah, they are. They'll be gone when the stress goes away. Don't worry about it." Ranma told him as she set up her sleeping bag.

When they finished setting up their sleeping bags, they laid, down and went to sleep. The matriarchs went and laid, down in their beds, neither sleeping. They were thinking of what they just learned, and both feared that, if the boy were correct, Ranma's mother would kill him if he returned to Japan. Normally they would not care, after all, he was just a male, but now he was a male with the spirit of a female Amazon in him, one that was a sorceress and an ancestor. Finally, they were all able to drop off to sleep as exhaustion from the battle and climb up the mountain finally claimed them. About three hours into everyone's sleep. It was not long after the Amazons fell asleep they awoke abruptly by a female voice screaming.

"NNNNOOOOO, Poppa I don't wanna learn it no more, pease, I want momma. NNNNOOO! AAARRRRGGGGHHHH, MAKE 'EM STOP POPPA, PEASE, AAAARRRRGGGGHHHH!" Ranma thrashed in her sleeping bag as her screams filled the cave.

Ryoga was at his friend's side talking calmly to her as Ku Lon appeared next to the screaming girl. She watched the scene before her, sadness, and anger showing on her face. She reached down and pressed a few spots on Ranma's body. Ranma instantly quieted down and went into a deep dreamless sleep.

"_What did you do to her_!?" Ryoga growled, angrily and began glowing, as she put up a calming hand, Ku Lon answered him.

"I just pressed a few shiatsu points, the child will sleep quietly for the rest of the night. Does this happen every night?" She asked as she gently moved a strand of her fire engine red hair from her face.

"It has been since we left Jusenkyo, but she said as soon as she wasn't in as much stress, they would stop." He told her as he watched over his friend nervously.

Ku Lon nodded; there was another mark on the revenge against Genma list. Ku Lon returned to bed, she watched as Ryoga watched over his friend for a while then saw him as he went back to bed. She soon succumbed to her tiredness as well. Visions of tortures only the Amazons' could develop and deploy to the fullest of pain, danced in her dreams as they were used against a large panda with wire rimmed glasses and a stupid white bandana on top of his head.