Chapter 25
November 1975
The days were cold, but the hearts of the two cowboys in the tent were full of warmth as they lay together, lazily kissing. At this time of year, they didn't get fully undressed; they just pushed their pants down to their knees. It was the only way for them to have sex and still keep warm. But they weren't about to let the weather spoil their time together; that happened back in 1963 and they didn't want a repeat of it.
Ennis pulled Jack a little closer and nipped at his neck. He was so lost in Jack's body and scent that he could think of little else - especially not his marital problems. Things with Alma were getting worse, and had been over the past few years. They didn't really talk; she nagged at him for this or that and he just didn't listen. He was doing the best he could for the girls but she was making it difficult.
Logic told him that he should stay away from Jack and instead focus on his marriage, but his heart told him the opposite. He knew that he needed to see Jack as much as possible, and it was all he could think about when they were apart.
He switched off these thoughts and let his hands roam over Jack's body, feeling the hard muscles under his shirt. Despite the chill in the air, they were warming up right now and he was itching to get Jack's clothes off. "Jack..."
"Ennis..." Jack pinned him down and stared down at him, desire building up inside him. "God, you drive me crazy..."
"Thought you already was," Ennis commented with a grin, and Jack retaliated by biting his neck. "Hey now, not so hard," he added, wincing a little. Jack kissed the sore spot and nuzzled his face.
"Think you deserve it for that," he told his lover, eyes glittering. "Got a mind to give you what for..."
Ennis looked up at him, thinking. The offer was tempting, but he wasn't too sure if he was up for Jack topping him right now. Jack just seemed to be easier with it than him. "I, uh...I dunno, Jack. Don't reckon I'm up for that..."
"Oh," Jack replied, feeling a little disappointed. But he had to be mindful of Ennis's feelings; no matter what they felt about each other, there would be times when Ennis was uneasy about being taken like that. "Right..."
"I mean, it ain't that I don' it," Ennis continued, pressing a hand to Jack's warm chest in reassurance. "I just...don't think I can do that right now."
"Do you wanna fuck me?" Jack asked him softly, willing to do whatever Ennis was comfortable with. The shy cowboy did seem more relaxed when he was the one in control. But Ennis shook his head.
"No...but I was thinkin' know that rubbin' thing we've done before? I thought maybe..." He went slightly red and looked away, but Jack touched his cheek.
"Hey...don't gotta be embarrassed. We can do that if you want." He rose up and pulled his shirt off, smiling. He helped Ennis remove his shirt and spent a few minutes kissing his stomach, feeling the soft blonde hairs and noting how thin Ennis was. It was clear to Jack that Ennis didn't eat much in Riverton, and that it was likely to be a money issue. He so wanted to offer help, but he knew that Ennis would never take it; the man still had his pride and it would only cause arguments. The fiasco with the rifle was proof enough. But when they met up, he made the effort and ensured that the trip was special. He brought lots of good food and whiskey for the pair of them, and he knew that Ennis appreciated it.
When their jeans had been removed and thrown to the corner of the tent, Jack sank down until his body was covering Ennis's and he lightly pressed a kiss to Ennis's lips. "You ready, bud?" Ennis nodded and wrapped his legs around Jack's calves. Jack rocked his hips against Ennis's, making sure that their groins were pressed together in a way that would drive them both crazy.
As they moved together, Ennis closed his eyes and blocked out all thoughts that didn't involve Jack or what they were doing right now. He couldn't worry about Alma's attitude right now, not when he was with the man he loved. It was a horrible situation they were in, but there was nothing else for it but to simply try and cope.
Afterwards, Jack lay on Ennis's stomach and drew circles with his finger, watching the blonde hairs move. He loved everything about Ennis's body, and always had. There was nothing quite like having sex with this man, and he never wanted to be with anyone else ever again. Ennis was the love of his life, and he knew that in his heart.
"Yer real quiet over there," he remarked, looking up at Ennis. He knew when his cowboy was thinking about things and worrying. "You okay?"
Ennis nodded. "Yeah, guess so. Just...thinkin'."
"Dangerous, that," Jack said with a grin, and Ennis smacked his ass lightly.
"Shut up, asshole. Could be thinkin' about you, ya know." It was a bold statement coming from him, and Jack smiled.
"Really? You do that a lot?" he asked, stroking Ennis's face.
"Uh huh," Ennis answered, feeling nervous. "Sure when yer in Texas an' I'm in Riverton. Miss you a lot, Jack..."
Jack sighed and moved closer, kissing him. "I know. I miss you too, bud. But we're here now, an' that's all I care about. The other stuff don't matter right now."
"Yeah..." They kissed again and Ennis held him close, wishing that he could keep Jack in his arms forever. This was where they were supposed to be, and he never wanted to let Jack go ever again. If he ever lost Jack, he didn't know if he could go on.