Chapter 29
May 1977
It had been fourteen years since they had met in Signal, and the two men were wrapped around each other in the tent, celebrating the anniversary. For the most part, Jack had been able to swallow down his guilt about Mexico, and just concentrate on being here with Ennis. This was the man he loved and nothing would ever change that.
Ennis noticed that Jack was almost his usual self on this trip, and he hoped that they were finally past the dark cloud of his divorce. He still wasn't exactly sure what had happened there; had Jack really felt so bad about that day? Ennis didn't like to think about how much he had hurt Jack by sending him away; it would only make him hate himself.
He pushed the thought away as Jack kissed his neck, as if he was trying to brand him. Right now, Ennis would have gone along with anything Jack wanted to do; he just wanted to keep him happy. "Darlin' sure seem better than before..."
Jack pulled his lips away and nodded, breathing deeply. "Guess so. Had some time to think on it'...I know it ain't all yer fault that you had to send me away last year. I know you was just scared an'...I shoulda asked you before I came tearin' up here."
Ennis cupped his cheeks. "Let's not talk 'bout it, bud. Won't do no good to keep goin' in circles...come here." He brought Jack's lips to his and felt Jack sighing into his mouth, the warm air caressing his tongue and sending shockwaves through him. He wished that they could be together every day for the rest of their lives, but he was terrified of someone hurting Jack because of it. He just couldn't lose Jack after everything they'd been through; it would be like losing a vital part of himself.
"I know it won't do no good," Jack said as he came up for air, sweat forming on his forehead as lust crept up on him. "Best to just let it lie...maybe you could bang it right outta me..."
"Mmm, maybe..." Ennis kissed him hard and grabbed his ass in two handfuls, making Jack squirm with delight.
"Fuck me, Ennis...please," he murmured in his lover's ear, needing to have this man inside him right now. It was the only way he could forget certain things; events that he wished had never happened.
"You got it, bud," Ennis replied, rolling them both over until he was on top and pinning Jack down. Both were hard and ready, their pulses throbbing throughout their bodies and hearts full of love. "You want it?"
"Yeah," Jack groaned, shifting his hips. Ennis trailed a hand down his stomach, keeping his touch light because he knew it drove Jack crazy. Jack bucked and let his head fall back to the sheet, unable to think clearly. "Ennis..." he moaned, biting his lip. When Ennis teased him like this, he was unable to do anything but just lie there and take it, praying that Ennis would take him soon.
"Tell me what you want," Ennis whispered, very glad that they were able to be like this again. Things had been very shaky lately, and he'd missed this fun, amorous side of their trips. "Tell me, Jack..."
"Fuck me," Jack half-growled, bucking again when Ennis's fingers brushed his erection. He was already leaking and he knew he wouldn't last long if Ennis kept this up. "Please, now!"
Ennis took mercy on him and moved his hand away, allowing Jack to breathe as he prepared himself. He looked down at the man before him, who could barely even move for how aroused he was. Ennis was pleased that he could still do this to Jack.
He lifted Jack's legs and pushed in smoothly, drawing a sigh out of Jack. "Thank God...thought I was gonna burst if you didn't do it soon." He wrapped his legs around Ennis's hips as the other man buried himself in deep, feeling complete at last. Ennis laced their fingers together and held Jack's hands above his head, knowing that it gave Jack a thrill when he completely took over.
He kept his movements swift and sure, sensing that Jack had had enough teasing for one go. It only took a few thrusts before he felt Jack shooting at his stomach, the warm fluid covering him. Ennis continued to thrust until he too was done and had filled Jack up, and then he collapsed onto his worn-out lover.
"Fuck," Jack breathed, staring up at the roof of the tent. "That was somethin' else, cowboy. Knew I wasn't gonna last long with you touchin' me like that...but I sure ain't complainin'."
"Good," Ennis replied as he pulled out, and he rolled off Jack onto his own side. "You doin' okay over there?"
"Mmm," Jack moaned in response, sounding very satisfied with what he'd just received. "I'm on cloud nine, bud. You drive me fuckin' crazy, you know that?"
"Thought you already was," Ennis said with a grin, and he was rewarded with the wonderful sound of Jack laughing; he'd missed that. "Hey, yer laughin'...been a while since I heard that."
Jack looked at him, his eyes full of love. There was no mistaking the emotion in those deep blue eyes, and Ennis couldn't help but look back into them. "I know. It's been kinda weird lately...but I'm gonna be alright. As long as I can still see you...that's all I care about." He shuffled over and Ennis put an arm around him, kissing his forehead.
"Glad to hear it, darlin'. You fallin' asleep on me?" he asked when he noticed Jack sinking down next to him. Jack nodded.
"Reckon so," he mumbled, tiredness taking over his body and sleep calling to him. "That alright with you?"
"Sure. I'll be here when you wake up," Ennis said softly, and Jack smiled.
"Sounds good to me, cowboy." He closed his eyes and dreamed of the man he loved; the one who was holding him so tightly as if he never wanted to let him go.