This is a 'What if' story. There's no interview, no graduation, and no timeline regarding the books. Christian and Anastasia have never met...Untill now.

As always, I will be swapping pov's, so look out for the breaks.

These characters belong to E L James, I'm just playing around with them.


Mia, Invades.

Chapter One.




"Oh Christian, this place is amazing but Gosh, it's so dull." Mia sighs dramatically.

She's stomping around my apartment waving her arms about to enforce her point, while my mother, who is sitting on the sofa, just looks on with an indulgent smile on her lips. Mia, skips over to the vast glass windows, pushing her face up close to the glass like a child.

"If it wasn't for this wonderful view, this place would have no real appeal at all. Well, apart from its size of course. This place is huge, but God, it could do with brightening up. It's so...sterile...clinical, and I don't want to say it again but so dull. White is such a boar...ring colour, if you can call it a colour." She continues to grumble to herself while raising her eyes skyward.

Holding my tongue and my rising temper, I walk over to the fridge and take out a bottle of wine. I pour myself a glass, then drain it in one. I love my family, I truly do, but I hate these drop-in visits. I've only been home ten minutes, I have a mountain of paperwork to get through before the weekend and I really don't have time for all of this.

"Of course White is a colour, Mia." I can't help but snap back as I run my hand through my hair, trying to hide my ever-growing frustration. I love my sister dearly but she can be so overbearing at times that it's annoying. "White is at the opposite end of the spectrum to black, it's a very popular colour and suits me. So enough Mia, I... " she cuts me off with a screech, suddenly running towards me.

"Oh Christian, please let me liven this place up for you. It just needs a few colourful feature walls, nothing major. Just..."

I raise my hand in an attempt to curb her enthusiastic rant, but she just looks up at me with the sad, pleading eyes, that I've not been able to refuse since she was a small child, but no... Not this time.

"I'm happy with Escala the way it is Mia. It has more than enough colour for me." I tell her firmly. A small smile plays on my lips as I think of my colourful room upstairs. "Mom, can't you take her home already?" I ask while looking at my mother for help.

"Oh Christian, be nice. You know your sister's harmless and anyway, you only have yourself to blame for this." She states, laughing softly.

I arch an eyebrow in bewilderment. How the hell is this my doing?

"If you took time out from your busy schedule to visit us, we wouldn't have to pop by unannounced in order to see if you're okay. Would we?"

My mother aims for nonchalant but I see the cloud that crosses her face and I'm flooded with the usual guilt. I know I don't give enough time to my family. I know it breaks my mother's heart because I'm so closed off, but what can I do? It's so draining trying to pretend to be somebody I'm not. If she knew the real me, she wouldn't...

I don't want to think about it.

"Of course I'm okay, mother," I respond quickly, deliberately ignoring her pain. "Why wouldn't I be okay? You know how busy I am at the minute with..."

Once again, Mia's shrill voice interrupts me.

"Yes... Yes, we know how busy you are. There's always something, always something more important than us. We haven't seen you in weeks, Christian." Mia scolds me. "You do realize that you're getting old before your time, don't you?"

I don't bother to respond, she isn't expecting me to. I've learned over the years that you can't really interrupt Mia once she starts. Plus, the quicker this is out of her system, the quicker she will leave. I take a deep breath, waiting for her rant to end.

"You need to loosen up a bit. Your whole life can't revolve around your company."

My life isn't all business, but they can never find out about my other life.

"My company is important to me, Mia. I have a lot of commitments and..." I attempt to defend myself but I feel pissed when Mia waves her hand at me dismissively.

"Yes. Yes. Whatever, Christian. No man has ever been truly happy being married to his office. You need to live a little, please... I have a friend who.."

Mia's demeanor and tone of voice both soften. She looks up at me with hope-filled eyes and I hear myself curse internally. Fuck... Not this again. My voice is harsher than I'd like but I have to stop this now. Pushing her gently away, I take a step back, trying to hide my irritation.

"Mia, please. We've been through this before. Your friends are of no interest to me." I glance at my mother, seeking her help.

My mother smoothers her chuckling before she begins to rein in her daughter.

"Mia, you know your brother well enough to understand that this is one subject you can't move him on, so enough." She looks at me eagerly. "Christian, what are you doing next week for your birthday?" I feel a shiver of dread.

I realize, that my mother is only trying to distract Mia with a conversation change, but this is not a good subject either. Every year it's the same. My family wanting to make a big thing out of my birthday, especially Mia. Personally, I can't be bothered with it. Who has the time for frivolity and pretense?

"I'll probably be out of town. I have..." I see a look of sadness sweep over my Mothers face before she fully composes herself, but it causes me to pause. My demeanor softens and my chest feels heavy suddenly.

"Christian, we have to get together sometime. If only for dinner. Please, darling." her soft voice pleads and the hurt in her voice breaks me. How can I refuse her? I nod my head slowly, resigning myself to attend a family get together. Both the women in front of me show their delight. I return their smiles as best I can.

"Before I leave...we can have dinner." I mumble reluctantly.

I glare towards Mia with a look on my face that tells her that's all I'm willing to do before she starts to plan anything on a larger scale. "I'll check my schedule with Andrea, and let you know when I'm free." I state.

"That's wonderful darling." My mother gushes. "It'll be a joy to have everyone at home, even for just one night. Now, we've taken up enough of your time, we'll leave you to it. Gather your things Mia, it's time to go." My mother thankfully instructs.

My mother, picks up her purse from the sofa and shuffles a silent Mia toward the elevator before turning to face me. Offering me her cheek, I automatically lower my head to kiss her farewell. As my Mom steps away, Mia takes her place and wraps her arms around my waist. She hugs me tightly and I feel myself automatically stiffen. She looks up at me with such love-filled eyes that my armor cracks.

"Christian, we love you. We worry about you and just want to see you happy, that's all." Mia hugs me tightly before stepping away. I answer quietly not really believing my own words.

"I am happy, Mia. You don't have to worry about me." I don't think I convince her as she pulls her brows upwards.

"Yeah, right. You don't make time to be happy, but a splash of colour around this place might help." Mia teases. God, she never gives up.

"No, Mia. It's fine the way it is." I tell her firmly as I run my hand through my hair. An action, my mother doesn't miss it. She pulls Mia into the elevator and they both say their goodbyes, leaving me standing in the hallway feeling totally drained.

Heading back into the kitchen, I grab the bottle of wine I opened earlier, along with my glass and head for my office. Switching on my computer, I try and deal with my emails, but I find I can't concentrate. My sister's words are distracting me, echoing around and around in my head. My family loves me, I know they do, they tell me often but I just can't feel it. I won't allow myself to feel it. I don't know how too. If I did, maybe then I could be happy like Mia hopes.

I'm not unhappy.

I'm successful, powerful, rich beyond my wildest dreams, but at what cost? My family is kept at a distance, I have no close friends, no one to share anything with, but why would I want to? Why would I think for a single second that I deserve that? I'm not the person they think I am, the person they want me to be. Nobody really knows the true me. The fucked up me that has to hurt to feel. That has to punish, just to maintain control and feel some sort of self-worth.

They both would've had a glimpse of the real me if they would've turned up unannounced tomorrow night. That's when my true self comes out to play. When my submissive is naked, tied and punished by my hand, begging and obeying only me. A shudder runs through me at the thought of them ever finding out about that side of me.

It's my latest submissives last weekend with me, this weekend. Susannah. Her three-month contract is up and I've no intention of extending it. I can see the telltale signs of the lines beginning to blur, she's started to feel for me, has hinted she wants more from me. God only knows why. I've shown her nothing but my dominant nature, the true me. I've been very stern with her and realized that she doesn't have many limits. Her high tolerance to pain is welcomed by someone like me and I've definitely pushed her limits. As I will this weekend, one final time.

It's a shame that I have to end her contract, she's a wonderful sub, everything I could ever want and need, but it's happening again so it has to end. I sigh with satisfaction as images of my planned scenes with her flash through my mind. Closing my eyes I lean back in my chair, reveling in my images. A smile plays on my lips. Yes, I will definitely relieve all of my stress from this hectic week on her beautiful, compliant body. I think I'll...

I'm pulled out of my daydream by a sharp rap on my office door. "Come in." I call, before sitting back up straight in my chair. Taylor enters my office.

"Sir, Miss Grey, and your mother have both left the building." He informs me and I can hear the relief in his voice.

Taylor, also finds it hard dealing with Mia, he's another one who can't refuse her ridiculous requests so hates to indulge her. I see him physically relax in the knowledge that she's left the apartment.

"Shall I have Gail prepare you something to eat, Sir?" he asks.

"Please, Taylor. Something quick, a sandwich is fine. Is she all set for tomorrow?" Taylor nods as I continue, "I have to attend dinner at my parents' house next week for my birthday." I roll my eyes at the thought. "I'll clear Monday evening and we'll head straight to the airport after dinner, prepare everything we need. I hope Mrs Jones isn't to put out with having to spend a whole week with her sister, instead of the usual weekend?"

To my surprise, Taylor's face splits into a wide grin. I raise my eyebrows curiously to his reaction.

"Not at all, Sir. Her niece has just had a baby and is also visiting, so Gail is really looking forward to her extended visit with them. She asked me to thank you for the extra time off." I cut him off with a wave of my hand.

"There's no need, Taylor. She's not needed here while we're both away, she might as well spend the time with her family."

A strange thought occurs to me and I realize that my family's visit has obviously touched me more than I realize.

"Do you wish to remain here with them? You could spend time with her's are important. If you want..."

My voice trails off as Taylor's eyes widen with surprise at my question and uncharacteristic ramblings. I have no idea what I'm saying.

"No, Sir. It's fine. I'll spend a few hours with them when I drop Gail off on Friday, but I'll return here in time for Miss Harper's visit...but...thank you for the offer, Sir."

I can tell from his expression he's still quite bemused and before either of us can feel any more awkward, I dismiss him.

Turning my attention back to my computer, I shake my head trying to clear all my wayward thoughts. Half an hour with my Mother and Sister, and I'm totally thrown. Taking a slug of wine from my glass, I open up my email account and continue with the task at hand.




Leaving Grey's office, still slightly dazed, I walk towards the kitchen where I find my wife, rummaging through the fridge. She looks up at me as I approach and tries to read my strange expression. A worried look appears on her face.

"Jason, what is it? Is Mr Grey okay? Does he not want anything to eat?" Her tone is anxious.

I reach for Gail, wrap my arms around her waist and pull her close to me. Her arms rise and circle my neck. Leaning down, I kiss her to silence her. I only answer once I pull my lips away.

"Grey's fine, and yes, he wants to eat. Just a sandwich or something light." Gail's brow furrows as she chuffs with disgust.

"He needs more than a sandwich after working all day, you both do. It won't take me long to rustle something up." she steps out of my embrace and starts to pull a few more things from the fridge. "What's happened? You seem..." she cocks her head to one side trying to read me. I shake my head with a chuckle.

"It's nothing baby, Grey just asked me if I wanted to stay behind with you, that's all." I pause as her eyes grow wide with surprise. She processes that information as she goes into autopilot, placing a frying pan on the stove and pre-cooked baked potatoes into the oven for reheating.

After a few minutes, she gestures for me to carry on because she knows there's more.

"He mentioned how families are important and if I wanted to remain with you, I had the option." I shrug and share Gail's confusion.

She still says nothing as she starts preparing the steaks and salad. She's frowning slightly now and I can tell her brain is working overtime, mine too. What the hell has got into Grey? In all the time I've worked for him, he's never cared about taking me away from Gail before.

"Do you think he's finally realized that he's lonely?" Gail suddenly asks, but she doesn't give me a chance to reply. "Do you think he understands that these weekend relationships he has...are not really going to get him anywhere?"

My wife looks at me expectantly, but I have no reply to give.

"He's such a good man, Jason. He deserves so much more than that. He needs to meet a nice girl who'll..." Gail's eyes water as her voice falters.

I know my wife's heart breaks for Grey, and she would love to see him settle and have a proper relationship, but personally, I can't see it somehow.

The women he's had in that room of his, some of them have been beautiful, good company for him, even though he'd probably never admit it. One of them should have suited him over the years, but he's never let himself go. No matter how intimate they got with each other, his guard has always been up. They were always kept at a distance, no physical contact at all. Not from them, anyway. Whenever it happened "accidentally" he would always reprimand them, remind them of his rules, made them regret crossing his lines. It would have to be someone pretty darn special, to ever break down his walls.

The room and its occupants frighten Gail a bit I think, not that she would ever say anything but I know she finds it hard to accept that part of him. She just doesn't understand it. It's a good thing she's not here at the weekends, if she saw some of the things I've seen, she'd never be able to look Grey in the eye again. Even I struggle and I've seen a lot in my time, but hey...each to their own.

Gail is still looking at me with hope in her eyes and I know that I'd better nip this in the bud right away. Pulling her into my arms again, I nuzzle her neck to soften her disappointment.

"I don't think it'll happen, not everyone can be as lucky as you and me. Can they baby?" She snuggles closer to me and wraps her arms around my waist sighing softly. God, I love this woman, she's filled with so much compassion for others.

"Seriously Gail... We've both known Christian long enough to realize he wants nothing more than these sexual weekend partners. I've seen it, the minute they start to get close to him he gets rid of them. I don't think this new one is going to last either. She's overstepping and he's never encouraged any of the women that have done that, so please, don't waste your time wishing he would change or that he wants anything more than what he has. He seems happy with the life he's chosen for himself." My voice is knowledgeable but my roll is cut short as my wife pushes me away. She looks up me scowling and I'm slightly taken back by the anger on her face.

"What?" I question with I frown.

"Happy, he isn't happy." She spits.

"Woah...calm down." I say with raised hands.

"Sorry baby, but how can you think that?" She asks, her voice softening at my reaction. "It's written all over him how lonely he is. His whole being is crying out for love and comfort, the hard, cold exterior that people see is just a front. You and I know what a good man he is, but also how broken he is. The nightmares, the sleepless nights..." she realized her voice was beginning to carry around the room, so she takes a moment to pull herself together. She sighs heavily and looks at me with tears in her eyes. "Most nights, we hear how sad he is, well I do, you're usually snoring." She rolls her eyes at me, and I have to defend myself.

"I don't snore." I whine as she scoffs and continues.

"Jason... You don't have to understand the music he plays to be able to feel it, some of the music he plays is heartbreaking. You don't have to be Dr Flynn, to recognize a lost soul when you see one, he needs someone Jason, a proper loving person who can help him, change him, open him up to his full potential." she glances around the kitchen nervously, making sure we can't be heard. "He certainly doesn't need some old, cold-hearted bitch who likes to belittle and control him. Or some young, beautiful girl that's so screwed up herself, she needs fixing too. How can he possibly heal in that environment? He needs someone to pull him up from the darkness he feels he needs to wallow in. He..." she catches my wide-eyed expression and stops her rant, looking slightly sheepish.

"God woman, you've given this a lot of thought, haven't you? I never realized you thought this way, but Gail, it's not our place to interfere. I feel for him too, I'm not a total rock, but what can we do? It's his life, we can't change him. We work for him Gail that's all, we can't tell him what to do. He would never listen to us anyway. So please, don't fret."

"I know you're right, but.." She begins sadly.

Trying to lighten her mood, I interrupt and tease her. "Come, wench, your man is starving here."

She pulls away from me to face the stove, attending to dinner. Laughing softly, she rubs away a stray tear. "And make it quick, we have a long separation ahead of us and I intend to make the most of our last night together." My voice is full of innuendo.

"It doesn't have to be. Are you sure you don't want to stay with me?" She looks up at me hopefully.

I chuff unashamedly. Sorry baby, but you've got no chance.

"You have got to be kidding, Gail. I love you, baby, really I do, but a week of vomit, crying and crap, coming from something no matter how small an cute, is not my idea of fun. If they are my only two options, then I'd sooner deal with Grey."
