Final Fantasy VII: Patiently Waiting
Chapter 5 Written by Vincent Noble Valentine...
"...Yuffie, please refrain from trying to knaw my forehead off with your teeth"
Suffice to say, Yuffie has not been in a pleasant mood ever since she arrived. I think admitting as much was quite the under-statement as I have never seen the young Shinobi in such a fury in all my time serving in AVALANCHE. To the others she may have seemed carefree, perhaps selfish and somewhat bratty, I as will mentally admit have seen her act like. But concerning her skills and her ability within battle she is quite the fierce warrior for her age that proved her usefullness within our ranks.
But despite the point of that fact she is as Cid would put it 'acting like a bitch in heat'. Never before did I truly approve nor agree with Cid's comments while on our journey but I'm beginning to see it from his point of view, although grudgingly I still do not approve in his choice of words. This is not turning out to be the most pleasant experience I've had in decades, grumbled the ex-Turk mentally while trying to politely pry the ninja off his person.
Still try as he may, regardless of how gental he was trying to be with her, Yuffie inturn would not be removed from the beating she was giving him to the point that she had her legs latched furiously around his waist in a vice like grip that in Vincen't mind reminded him of a snake trying to squeeze the life out it's prey before devouring it. This was a situation that the lone gunman would have liked to avoid if he wasn't so fatigued in using all his MP to destroy the ShinRA mansion but unfortunely for him Yuffie picked the most opportune time to come waltzing into Nibelheim on her chocobo, finding him on his knees gasping from breath and then for her to tackle him into ground unsuspectingly like it all seemed like a playful wrestling match.
But Vincent was exhausted and Yuffie was being anything but playful.
"What did I tell you Vinnie Valentine! throws a punch into his chest I told your ass to STAY IN CONTACT! adds another fury of punches at his chest again before trying to strangle him But do you? Nooooo! You simply punch leave punch and you punch don't punch say punch GOODBYE!"
'I think she's angry at you'
'Thank you for the observation Chaos, I must have simply forgot the last five minutes when Yuffie was trying to beat me to death' growled Vincent in retort mentally
'Don't be a grouch fool, it was simply a suggestion'
'...Your enjoying this aren't you?'
His response from the demon came into loud fits of laughter from his demon counterpart, causing Vincent to mentally scowl at him while the demons mirth continued to flow freely into his mind.
'I'd say it's quite the kinky situation' replied the demon smirking wider
'Yes I thought you would think that as well, I mean how long has it been since you had a young woman with her legs latched around you? hehehe'
Before Vincent could berate his counterpart any further Yuffie had continued her relentless assault and had further forced Vincent onto the ground on his back, while she was now ontop straddling his waist while she continued to beat him senseless, her form bouncing up and down on him causing his body to stir awake slightly.
If anyone walked into Nibelheim now of all times, he wouldn't hear the end of it.
After a few more minutes Yuffie had finally stopped briefly, looking down at him breathing hard and still looking as furious as ever, while he was looking back at her with wide eyes, like a deer caught in a car's headlights. He really didn't need to be in this situation, not now!
'OOOOO this is definetly getting interesting wouldn't you say? Actually I've changed my mind, she definetly likes you'
came the usual reply
'...And if I'm not mistaken I'd say you like her too...or your 'body' does' chuckled Chaos, his last comment making Vincent seem more startled at the sudden revelation of what certain body part he was refferring to.
Regaining her breath the young shinobi continued to glare down at her prisioner until she noticed his eyes holding some startled expression that literally screamed 'oh shit!' at her. An expression that Yuffie had never seen before from his usually cold and stoic demeanor, placing her hands on his chest she cocked her head to the side looking down at him curious and shifted her straddling form slightly before her eyes too held the same bewildered expression Vincent had.
Now Yuffie knew that wasn't part of her body and she definetly knew that Vincent had no bumps on him before, so her brain started to tick away at the possibilities while she shifted again, feeling the bump moving against her ass, a blush slowly lighting her cheeks as if the answer was remaining hidden within her mind, not fully registering while she somehow knew what it was on the tip of her tongue. Experimentally, she moved a hand from his chest and slowly behind her back, the teenagers eyes never leaving his until she softly padded and patted the offending bump that was prodding her rear end.
The result was instant as a yelp of suprise quickly immitted from Vincent's mouth and sudden realization dawned on Yuffie as the blush on her cheeks turned a crimson red of bashfulness, Yuffie wasn't a blonde ditz but her mind was definetly slow on this subject as she left her hand on his crotch to linger for a bit, trying to trace the offending object before her mind screamed her to stop. That definetly was NOT a bag full of materia!
No quicker than a heartbeat, they both bolted away from each other looking like 2 teenagers caught out by their parents in their first love making session. Yuffie was looking at the gunman in a daze, words seemingly no longer registering what had just transpired, looking bashful and embarrassed as ever. Vincent looked and felt violated, as the crimson hue, although hidden within his dark recesses, continue to spread like wildfire over his usually pale complextion. Frantically trying to use his red cape to cover and hide his arousal from her but failing miserably.
Never had anyone been that close to Vincent, never in his life did he feel anyone would do such an imtimate act as Yuffie had done. Yet subconciously she had and it all came from her trying to beat him up in the first place.
Coughing slightly but with some redness in her cheeks she looked at her partner, finding her voice once more, "Um...sorry about that...I didn't mean too..." she said quietly, her eyes trailing downwards not fully realizing she was oogling him again.
Vincent however caught where her eyes were trailing instantly and he turned away from her, his back facing her as he rearranged his clothing and cape before looking at her out of the corner of his left eye, nodding once before turning away to the Nibelheim surroundings.
(Well...that was awkward) she mumbled mentally, not knowing what to do or say to him now.
"...What...are you doing here Yuffie?"
"Wha? You know why you dolt! You didn't stay with us to say goodbye!" she growled remembering instanly.
"...And your trying to beat me to a pulp?"
"...Well err...that was for fun?" she replied meekly, a sweatdrop forming on the back of her head.
"Ahem, anyways you only have yourself to blame. I did say if you ran off on us I'd come and get ya!"
"...and so you did"
"hmph, jerk!"
This conversation was proving pointless to Vincent and Yuffie both. She would continue to nag and blabber at him with endless questions, while he would just remain silent and listen to her consistant jammering. Vincent had the patience of a saint when it came to most situations, but Yuffie was a different case altogether. Much different indeed after the recent incident that just happened.
Dusting himself off once he turned facing her, his usual cold demeanor returning along with his unblinking gaze as he took a minute to study her before walking right past Yuffie as if the last five minutes that occured hadn't even occured at all.
"H-hey hey! Where are you going!"
"...Out of this hellish town forever" came the cold reply.
"Huh? But what about the ShinRA mansion aren't you gonna--" Yuffie turned once and her mouth hung open as she blinked once and then twice not seeing the said mansion in sight anywhere, all that was left was a smoldering crater of smoke.
It was then and only then that maybe she should have reconsidered trying to deck her silent friend within in inch of his life before getting into the town in the first place after seeing what little remains of his handiwork. Gulping slightly she turned back to see his retreating form becoming distant before she grabbed her Conformer and ran after him. She didn't want to lose him a 2nd time.
Author's note: Hehehe, a little serious with some mixed fun inbetween. Things are heating up between the unlikely pair. How will this affect their friendship here on out? Sorry for the wait on this chapter but I'm doing more chapters on this and different stories as we speak. A special thanks to Gothic DJ for her kind review of my fic and that she is doing great on her fanfiction as well, I really enjoy it.
If anyone wishes to contact me on Yahoo, I RP as Vincent Valentine so you can add me if you like under: VincentValentine7777
Signed Vincent Noble Valentine...