vongola 0
an:nobody did my challenge so i will with minor changes no fem kyubbi so no naruto/femkyubbi
lee wil be 6 tailed green lion jinchuriki but not hated
hinata and sakura will be killed of in beginng
most people know the story of khr what they dont know is the very beginning of vongola the elemant set
fire is the most basic element and yet the most wonderful for it can make steam with water,
help lighting to make a storm,it will give warmth to the people in an ice storm,with sand it can create glass,with wind it is more animalistic ,with earth it can be calmed best friends they all work together
short but it was just a prolouge
i will wait till i get 5 reviews to continue
plz review and if you didnt like it dont read but plz tell me what i can improve on