Summary: Alexis didn't survive 'Hunt' and Castle never returned to New York. 5 years later he is back. Picks up after 5x16.

Disclaimer: Don't own anything. Just borrowing!


He's not coming back.

When Martha came back from Paris telling Kate that Castle wasn't ready to come back, that he wasn't ready to face everyone yet, that he needed time to grieve by himself, that he didn't want anyone, not even Kate, to help him through this, Kate took the next flight out to Paris.

The Castle she found was a different man. Broken and angry at the world. She tried to reach out to him but he pulled back and pushed her away.

"She wasn't your daughter, Kate," he spat. "She wasn't your child and you will never know what I'm feeling. So just leave me the hell alone!"

Alexis might not have been hers but she was his and Kate loved Alexis like her own because of that. Kate also lost someone she loved.

She slapped him.


And she turned around and never looked back.

And he never followed.

And he never came back.

Chapter 1

Nathan Grey Beckett was 4 years old and he ruled the world. At least the world within the 4 walls of their apartment in New York City that is. His red Superman cape blew up and down as he jumped from one end of the couch to the other. His city needed him and he was flying around to see if anyone was in need of rescuing. Night watch as he called it.


He quickly stopped his actions and sat down before his Mommy even entered the room. But he knew that she already knew what he was doing. She always knew.

Her hazel brown eyes looked at him while his blue ones stared back. He could name colors ever since he was 3 years old but just recently at school, he learned that mommies and daddies passed on the colors of their eyes and hair to their children. His Mommy had dark brown hair and hazel brown eyes while he had light brown hair and blue eyes. He figured he must have gotten both from his Daddy whom he never met. He saw a photo once, a long, long time ago. His grandmother showed him the photo but she hid it again and he never saw it since. His Mommy never talked about his Daddy too.

"Jumping on the couch again, Superman?" his Mommy smirked, crossing her arms across her chest. "How many times did I tell you that you're going to crack your head open one of these days?"

Oh, she was not happy, alright.

"C'mon, Superman, bedtime," she motioned for him to come to her.

He quickly did as he was told, leaving the couch and ran towards her in a sprint. He ended his sprint with a jump. She caught him. She always does. He knew she always will.

"You get any bad guys tonight, Superman?" she asked as she walked them towards his bedroom.

He nodded, giving her a big grin. He raised his right hand and put up two of his fingers. Two. He caught at least 2 tonight, one under the kitchen sink and one under the table.

"You dispose of them properly?"

He gave another nod. He flushed those little critters down the toilet like he always does.

"You should really use your words, baby," she murmured as she placed a kiss on his cheek.

He just gave her a smile and leaned forwards to wrap his arms around her neck tighter. The scent of cherries filled his nose making him smile more.

"Ah, you are really getting too big for me to carry, Superman. But that wouldn't matter because in a few months or so, you'd be begging for me not to carry or hug you infront of your friends," she said as she placed him down on his bed. He'd never get tired of being carried around and hugged by his Mommy. He giggled and shook his head. "You sure about that?"

He nodded with a big grin.

"Okay then, I'd take your word for it or your nod, anyway," she gave him a wink and a smile. She then helped him remove his cape and placed it on the chest on the foot of his bed, always ready for another day of crime fighting. She tucked him under the covers and dimmed his Superman lamp.

"Good night, Nate," she leaned down and placed a kiss on his forehead.

He blinked thrice and she smiled.

"Love you back, my little prince."

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