
I've been reading fanfiction off-and-on for a pretty long time. I signed up for this site nearly 10 years ago. One constant through those 10 years is that I've generally avoided reading crossovers.

I never had anything against the concept itself—after all, what could be better than combining two awesome fictional properties, creating a situation where beloved characters from each have to interact in interesting ways? It's hard to think of any downsides.

The problem is that, in practice, crossovers can become very confusing. It's hard to bring two universes together in a way that doesn't strain a reader's suspension of disbelief. You can only ask so much of your audience, and you're already asking them to be familiar with two fictional properties instead of the usual single property.

So, I avoided them. I certainly never thought I'd want to write one myself.

But here I am, writing a crossover. The idea for Convergence popped into my head a month or two ago and just wouldn't get out. Soon enough I was sitting at work chewing through notepads with the ideas that popped into my head every few minutes. The wheel was turning and I prefer not to stop that flow once it's started. After all, what could be the harm in giving a Star Wars/Mass Effect crossover a shot?

So that's what I'm going to do. I'm going to give this a shot, and see where it takes me. I'm going to try to make this story as easy to follow as I can, for Star Wars fans who aren't familiar with Mass Effect, for Mass Effect fans who might not be familiar with Star Wars, and for people who are familiar with both. There will probably be a character or two—or lots of them—that you don't recognize, and I'm going to try my best to help you get to know them.

Two very important facts should be pointed out: The Mass Effect half of this story mostly follows the established game canon of a Paragon male Commander Shepard who chose to Destroy the Reapers, but there will be references to my post-Mass Effect 3 fanfiction You Came Back to Me; and the Star Wars half of this story not only uses a slightly tweaked, alternate timeline, but also utilizes characters from the Star Wars expanded universe.

If you're not familiar with the Star Wars expanded universe, and/or if you didn't read You Came Back to Me, my intent is to ensure that this story is still easy enough to follow, if the premise interests you.

If I haven't managed to scare you away, then I hope you'll join me in giving this thing a shot. Thanks for reading!