Alright day 2 of Phanniemay! Todays topic: Flying. Let's get this story started. Enjoy!

Danny (POV)

When anyone asks me what my favorite thing to do is, I usually say that I enjoy playing videogames. The truth is, it's not. The thing I love to do is, flying. When I ever have any free time, I sometimes change into my ghost form and fly around town a bit.

There is something about it that just makes me feel exhilarated. Just the feeling of being in the air, soaring through the clouds and stars makes me feel so free, like all my troubles and stress just went away. Its actually one of the few times I actually get to be myself.

Most of the time I'm trying to act the way I did before I got these powers. I think the closest I get to actually act like myself is either when I'm with Sam and Tucker, when I'm lying in my bed in one of my sleepless nights, or when I'm flying. Everywhere else I'm at I have to act like a completely different person. It's mostly flying that makes me act like myself.

When I'm in the air I enjoy the feeling of the wind blowing on my face and flowing between my fingers. It's just so refreshing and relaxing.

It's what freedom feels like to me. Just being able to move around in the air is amazing. And someday, I'm hoping that I will be free.

(AN)Day 2 finally finished. I know it's short but hey I got something written down. Please review and tell me what you thought of it! Until next time, bye!