Follow/Fav Ash's Pokemon Journey
By: lovecartoonsandanime
This Story is about how I think Ash's journey should have been. With more pokemon. Smart, Psychic and Aura Ash.
Rated: Fiction K - English - Adventure/Friendship - Ash K./Satoshi - Chapters: 161 - Words: 707,345 - Reviews: 4,639 - Favs: 3,428 - Follows: 2,930 - Updated: 6/4/2024 - Published: 5/6/2013 - id: 9268774
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1. Prologue 2. The start of the journey and Misty 3. Viridian City and Viridian Forest 4. Pewter City and Mt Moon 5. Cerulean City, AJ and school 6. Kanto Starters 7. The Lighthouse and Vermilion City 8. Adventures at Sea 9. Tentacool and the Ghost 10. Saffron City and Lavender Town 11. Celadon City, Hop Town, Scissor Street 12. Gringy City, Diglett and Fuchsia Gym 13. Pokemon Ranch, Reserve and Safari 14. Bike's, Eevee's and Dark City 15. Paras, Jigglypuff and Fossils 16. Farfetch'd, Togepi and Ivysaur 17. Princess Day, Todd and the test 18. Cinnabar Gym and The Misty Mermaid 19. Viridian Gym and back to Pallet Town 20. The Indigo League 21. Before The Orange Islands 22. Valencia Island and Tangelo Island 23. Mikan Island and Sunburst Island 24. Kinnow, Navel and Grapfruit Islands 25. Murott, Mandarin and Trovitopolosis 26. Trovita, Kumquat and Rinelo 27. Pummelo Island 28. The Lapras Pod and back at Pallet Town 29. Before Johto 30. Start of Johto and meeting Casey 31. Forest, Cherrygrove and Castallia 32. Chikorita, Primo and Violet Gym 33. Cyndaquil, Kurt and Azalea Gym 34. The pond, Houndour and Pokemon swap meet 35. Noctowl, Savage Skarmory and Len Town 36. Tyrogues, Goldenrod City and Pokeathlon 37. Bug contest, Dojo, Bug trainer 38. Fishing, Beauty and Grass pokemon 39. Burned Tower and Ecruteak Gym 40. Todd and Articuno 41. Murkrow, Dunsparce and Brock's sick day 42. Sumo, Electric and Smeargle and Kecleon 43. Lighthouse, Shuckle and Cianwood Gym 44. Start of the Whirl Islands 45. Water Poachers, Corsola and Silver Wing 46. The Whirl Cup 47. Lugia arc 48. Tomos Birthday, Aircraft and Olivine Gym 49. Ho-Oh and the legendary beats 50. Pokemon race, Phanpy and Loyal Ninetails 51. Lance and the red Gyarados 52. Lost Piloswine and Mahogany Gym 53. Dragon's den, Blackthorn Gym and Wynaut 54. Larvitar, Unown and the pokemon preserve 55. Harrison and the Johto league torch 56. The Silver Conference 57. Seperation and Back to Pallet Town 58. Before Hoenn 59. Brock and Misty home and successes 60. Start of Hoenn and May 61. May's family and return of Brock 62. Treecko, Training and Shroomish swarm 63. Lotad, Contest 1 and Wurmple 64. Rustboro Gym, Devon and Mr Briney 65. Granite Cave, Fishing and Mudkip Marsh 66. AquaMagma, Phoebe and Dewford Gym 67. Drew, Starter pokemon and Contest 2 68. PlusleMinun, Contest 3 and Mauville Gym 69. IllumiseVolbeat, Dragons and Temple 70. Misty and the Togepi Paradise 71. Nicholai, Contest 4 and Torchic farm 72. Lavaridge Gym, Phantom and Contest 5 73. SolrockLunatone, Swablu and Contest 6 74. BrendanWally, Petalburg Gym and Jade Orb 75. Contest 7, Pokeringer and Weather 76. Fortree Gym, Training 2 and Contest 8 77. Evolution fight, Contest 9 and Glacia 78. Groudon, Kyogre and Rayquaza 79. Mossdeep Gym, Drake and Fossils 2 80. Contest 10, Proud Day Meowth and Sidney 81. Contest 11 Sootopolis Gym and Contest 12 82. Meeting Morrisson and the way 83. The Hoenn Grand Festival 84. Hoenn League Torch and Meowth Match 85. The Ever Grande Conference 86. Ash meets Scott and Back to Pallet Town 87. Before the Battle Frontier 88. Start Frontier, Facility1 & K Contest1 89. Shiny pokemon, K Contest 2 and old home 90. Facility2, Day care center and KContest3 91. Lake, K Contest 4 and B Facillity 3 92. K Contest 5, Solana and Reserve 93. J Elite four, Facility 4 & Max day 94. K contest 6, Find and K contest 7 95. Stamp Rally, K contest 8 and Hunter 96. K Contest 9, Facility 5 and Ash thought 97. K contest 10, Anabel and Facility 6 98. Max & Deoxys 99. K contest 11, Pewter Gym and King 100. Battle Pyramid 1 and the Berry forest 101. Kanto Grand Festival 102. Battle Pyramid 2 May think and Ash train 103. Battle Pyramid 3 and Terracotta Contest 104. Seperation 2 and Back to pallet town 105. May & Max home, Brock home and a thought 106. Ash's Aura training 107. What Tomo did 108. Before Sinnoh 109. Dawn start, Ash and Tomo start and Paul 110. Nando, Turtwig and Bewilder Forest 111. Training, Plate and Poketch 112. Meeting Zoey & S Contest 1 113. Paul Gym, Tomo Gym and Fossils 3 114. Ash Gym, Underground and Chimchar 115. Hunter J, Unofficial contest and Poffins 116. Kenny, S Contest 2 and Valley Windworks 117. Cheryl, Gardenia and Amber Castle 118. Buizel, Lucian and Eterna Museum 119. Ash Gym 2, Tomo Gym 2 and Meeting Matt 120. Ash talk and the Battle Castle 121. Cynthia, training day 2 and electric 122. Meeting Lucas and Gary 123. Battle Hall and S contest 3 124. The Hearthome Tag Team Turnament 125. James meets, trades and Spiritomb 126. Solaceon Ruins, S Contest 4 and Leona 127. Cass and Butch, Reggie & Dawn gym battle 128. Tomo Gym 3 and Ash Gym 3 129. Team Galactic and The Battle Arcade 130. The Kidnapped Riolu 131. Jessie remembers, Sho and Wallace 132. The Wallace Cup 133. Team Rocket planning and Ash vs Paul 2 134. Great Marsh, Ash gym 4 and Tomo gym 4 135. Mansion, Gliscor & Hearthome collection 136. The Pokemon Summer Academy 137. Anniversary, Fantina and Doc Ash 138. Battle Factory and S contest 6 139. The Adamant and Lustrous Orbs 140. Griseous, Aaron and Venasaur vs Torterra 141. Barry, Tomo gym 5 and Ash gym 5 142. Lunar duo, Rotom and Mamoswine 143. RoarkvsByron, Ash battle 6 Tomo battle 6 144. Iron Island 145. Phione, S Contest 7 & Poacher 146. The Trio left Team Rocket 147. Pokeringer 2, Dawn&Mamoswine and Snover 148. Choice, S Contest 8 and Ping Pong 149. School, Tomo Gym 7 & Ash Gym 7 150. paul vs brandon, Regigigas and dates 151. Meeting Looker and Ash vs Paul 152. Recovering, Claude&Maggie & Team Galacti 153. Twinleaf Festival 154. Johto festival, S contest 9 & tag battle 155. Lake guardians and Creation trio 156. Double-training, Tutor & Barry again 157. S contest 10 and Monferno's day 158. Flint, Sunnyshore Tower & S Contest 11 159. Arceus, Shaymin and Heatran 160. Bertha and S Contest 12 161. The Sinnoh Grand Festival Next >
Ash's Pokemon Journey
Summary : This story is about how I think that ash's journey should have gone through, Kanto, Orange Islands, Johto, Hoenn, Sinnoh and Unova. Smart, a psychic and an Aura user (He'll find out about being a psyphic and Aura user later). I do not own pokemon.
Chapter 1
In a little town called Pallet Town in a region called Kanto. There lived a young boy of the name called Ash Ketchum. Ash was looking forward towards tomorrow, because tomorrow was the day of his Pokemon journey.
Ash loved pokemon and it was his dream to become a pokemon master. Ever since he was seven he had read all the books about what he needed to know about pokemon. He had read books about pokemon types and attacks, about medicine, and what the best way was to train pokemon.
By his bed was a green rucksack that Ash had packed ever since this morning. He packed a sleeping back, a fishing rod, a bag to carry pokemon food in and a bag to carry medicine in. Ash always knew that being prepared was very important. He also knew that once he left for his journey he would be on his own. But he wasn't scared; no he would have his pokemon on him and would meet new friends on his journey.
Right now Ash was watching a pokemon match on TV. It was a fight between a Gengar and a Nidorino. Gengar had just used Hypnosis and that made Nidorino fall asleep. The trainer quickly returned Nidorino and then called out his giant snake pokemon Onix.
Ash was about to cheer them all on when his mother Delia Ketchum came in to his room. "Ash you should be in bed," she said "your pokemon journey starts tomorrow and it's getting very late".
"Sorry mum," Ash said "but I'm too excited to go to bed". "Maybe so," Delia said "but if you are late tomorrow, well you won't get any pokemon at all. And you won't like that would you?
Ash knew his mother was right, like always, so he got into his green and yellow pyjamas and went to bed. "At last I'll be going on a pokemon jorney" he said to himself and went to sleep.
I don't like that both Ash, Brock and Misty were given very little pokemon. So I will be giving them pokemon that they should have ended up with.
1. Prologue 2. The start of the journey and Misty 3. Viridian City and Viridian Forest 4. Pewter City and Mt Moon 5. Cerulean City, AJ and school 6. Kanto Starters 7. The Lighthouse and Vermilion City 8. Adventures at Sea 9. Tentacool and the Ghost 10. Saffron City and Lavender Town 11. Celadon City, Hop Town, Scissor Street 12. Gringy City, Diglett and Fuchsia Gym 13. Pokemon Ranch, Reserve and Safari 14. Bike's, Eevee's and Dark City 15. Paras, Jigglypuff and Fossils 16. Farfetch'd, Togepi and Ivysaur 17. Princess Day, Todd and the test 18. Cinnabar Gym and The Misty Mermaid 19. Viridian Gym and back to Pallet Town 20. The Indigo League 21. Before The Orange Islands 22. Valencia Island and Tangelo Island 23. Mikan Island and Sunburst Island 24. Kinnow, Navel and Grapfruit Islands 25. Murott, Mandarin and Trovitopolosis 26. Trovita, Kumquat and Rinelo 27. Pummelo Island 28. The Lapras Pod and back at Pallet Town 29. Before Johto 30. Start of Johto and meeting Casey 31. Forest, Cherrygrove and Castallia 32. Chikorita, Primo and Violet Gym 33. Cyndaquil, Kurt and Azalea Gym 34. The pond, Houndour and Pokemon swap meet 35. Noctowl, Savage Skarmory and Len Town 36. Tyrogues, Goldenrod City and Pokeathlon 37. Bug contest, Dojo, Bug trainer 38. Fishing, Beauty and Grass pokemon 39. Burned Tower and Ecruteak Gym 40. Todd and Articuno 41. Murkrow, Dunsparce and Brock's sick day 42. Sumo, Electric and Smeargle and Kecleon 43. Lighthouse, Shuckle and Cianwood Gym 44. Start of the Whirl Islands 45. Water Poachers, Corsola and Silver Wing 46. The Whirl Cup 47. Lugia arc 48. Tomos Birthday, Aircraft and Olivine Gym 49. Ho-Oh and the legendary beats 50. Pokemon race, Phanpy and Loyal Ninetails 51. Lance and the red Gyarados 52. Lost Piloswine and Mahogany Gym 53. Dragon's den, Blackthorn Gym and Wynaut 54. Larvitar, Unown and the pokemon preserve 55. Harrison and the Johto league torch 56. The Silver Conference 57. Seperation and Back to Pallet Town 58. Before Hoenn 59. Brock and Misty home and successes 60. Start of Hoenn and May 61. May's family and return of Brock 62. Treecko, Training and Shroomish swarm 63. Lotad, Contest 1 and Wurmple 64. Rustboro Gym, Devon and Mr Briney 65. Granite Cave, Fishing and Mudkip Marsh 66. AquaMagma, Phoebe and Dewford Gym 67. Drew, Starter pokemon and Contest 2 68. PlusleMinun, Contest 3 and Mauville Gym 69. IllumiseVolbeat, Dragons and Temple 70. Misty and the Togepi Paradise 71. Nicholai, Contest 4 and Torchic farm 72. Lavaridge Gym, Phantom and Contest 5 73. SolrockLunatone, Swablu and Contest 6 74. BrendanWally, Petalburg Gym and Jade Orb 75. Contest 7, Pokeringer and Weather 76. Fortree Gym, Training 2 and Contest 8 77. Evolution fight, Contest 9 and Glacia 78. Groudon, Kyogre and Rayquaza 79. Mossdeep Gym, Drake and Fossils 2 80. Contest 10, Proud Day Meowth and Sidney 81. Contest 11 Sootopolis Gym and Contest 12 82. Meeting Morrisson and the way 83. The Hoenn Grand Festival 84. Hoenn League Torch and Meowth Match 85. The Ever Grande Conference 86. Ash meets Scott and Back to Pallet Town 87. Before the Battle Frontier 88. Start Frontier, Facility1 & K Contest1 89. Shiny pokemon, K Contest 2 and old home 90. Facility2, Day care center and KContest3 91. Lake, K Contest 4 and B Facillity 3 92. K Contest 5, Solana and Reserve 93. J Elite four, Facility 4 & Max day 94. K contest 6, Find and K contest 7 95. Stamp Rally, K contest 8 and Hunter 96. K Contest 9, Facility 5 and Ash thought 97. K contest 10, Anabel and Facility 6 98. Max & Deoxys 99. K contest 11, Pewter Gym and King 100. Battle Pyramid 1 and the Berry forest 101. Kanto Grand Festival 102. Battle Pyramid 2 May think and Ash train 103. Battle Pyramid 3 and Terracotta Contest 104. Seperation 2 and Back to pallet town 105. May & Max home, Brock home and a thought 106. Ash's Aura training 107. What Tomo did 108. Before Sinnoh 109. Dawn start, Ash and Tomo start and Paul 110. Nando, Turtwig and Bewilder Forest 111. Training, Plate and Poketch 112. Meeting Zoey & S Contest 1 113. Paul Gym, Tomo Gym and Fossils 3 114. Ash Gym, Underground and Chimchar 115. Hunter J, Unofficial contest and Poffins 116. Kenny, S Contest 2 and Valley Windworks 117. Cheryl, Gardenia and Amber Castle 118. Buizel, Lucian and Eterna Museum 119. Ash Gym 2, Tomo Gym 2 and Meeting Matt 120. Ash talk and the Battle Castle 121. Cynthia, training day 2 and electric 122. Meeting Lucas and Gary 123. Battle Hall and S contest 3 124. The Hearthome Tag Team Turnament 125. James meets, trades and Spiritomb 126. Solaceon Ruins, S Contest 4 and Leona 127. Cass and Butch, Reggie & Dawn gym battle 128. Tomo Gym 3 and Ash Gym 3 129. Team Galactic and The Battle Arcade 130. The Kidnapped Riolu 131. Jessie remembers, Sho and Wallace 132. The Wallace Cup 133. Team Rocket planning and Ash vs Paul 2 134. Great Marsh, Ash gym 4 and Tomo gym 4 135. Mansion, Gliscor & Hearthome collection 136. The Pokemon Summer Academy 137. Anniversary, Fantina and Doc Ash 138. Battle Factory and S contest 6 139. The Adamant and Lustrous Orbs 140. Griseous, Aaron and Venasaur vs Torterra 141. Barry, Tomo gym 5 and Ash gym 5 142. Lunar duo, Rotom and Mamoswine 143. RoarkvsByron, Ash battle 6 Tomo battle 6 144. Iron Island 145. Phione, S Contest 7 & Poacher 146. The Trio left Team Rocket 147. Pokeringer 2, Dawn&Mamoswine and Snover 148. Choice, S Contest 8 and Ping Pong 149. School, Tomo Gym 7 & Ash Gym 7 150. paul vs brandon, Regigigas and dates 151. Meeting Looker and Ash vs Paul 152. Recovering, Claude&Maggie & Team Galacti 153. Twinleaf Festival 154. Johto festival, S contest 9 & tag battle 155. Lake guardians and Creation trio 156. Double-training, Tutor & Barry again 157. S contest 10 and Monferno's day 158. Flint, Sunnyshore Tower & S Contest 11 159. Arceus, Shaymin and Heatran 160. Bertha and S Contest 12 161. The Sinnoh Grand Festival Next >
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