Disclaimer: I don't own Mass Effect or Zero no Tsukaima
Word Count: 1709
She was falling, she knew that. It was end of journey for her, no matter what will she try there is not even one percent chance of survival reentry in atmosphere of planet in damaged suit leaking oxygen. Guess that is how she will meet her end falling down into atmosphere of planet, not while fighting The Reapers, neither protecting the galaxy from threat but by falling from her ship, her NORMANDY and by some unknown vessel. After all she had done, uncovering plot of top SPECTRE, becoming one herself, completing crew from many species, saving Wrex at Virmire, but unfortunately loosing very good solder Lt Alenko, then flight after Saren to Illos, fight for Citadel and saving the Council, and that's how her life ends?
"My name is Louise Françoise le Blanc de la Vallière."
Now she started hearing voices, this really is the end for her.
"Pentagon of the five elemental power, Heed my summoning"
She feels it there is little time left. Her mother will be devastated even if she is a solder too.
"and bring forth...my familiar!"
Just as she felt herself losing consciousness from lack of oxygen she thought about her Liara.
Weather is great, birds are singing and there is little to none wind, but none of this is calming nerves of Louise Françoise le Blanc de la Vallière for which it is last chance to prove that she is a mage and not failure. Her peers are laughing that she will fail, but they don't think what will that mean for Louise. It will mean that she is disgrace for family and only good to marry her to some noble. 'No, she will summon something great like a dragon or griffin, even common animal would be good.' She takes a deep breath and starts chanting.
"My name is Louise Françoise le Blanc de la Vallière."
'I can't fail I am Vallière I will summon something great'
"Pentagon of the five elemental power, Heed my summoning"
She felt it. Something was responding.
"and bring forth...my familiar!"
What everyone has expected was explosion, but there was none. Someone called "Ha you can't even make an explosion this time Louise the Zero"
Professor Colbert told them to be quiet, but in his thoughts he was concerned about young woman standing before him. He didn't want to fail her because he knew what it meant for her. She always tried harder than anyone else in the academy. She probably knew more about theory of magic than the most teachers here. Her only flaw in practical application of magic was that every spell that she cast resulted in explosion.
Louise felt it, she just needed to pour more will in summoning array and her familiar will come. She will show them that she is not failure at magic. She will be great.
Then it happened, the greatest of any explosions Louise cause, the cast appeared but was quickly sucked into green portal that after few short seconds disappeared. By that time on earth landed a body, which clearly belonged to a woman.
She wore some kind of armor but very strange one. It seems like it was made of some kind of material unknown to Louise. There were black metal plates around some places. Pattern on it was composed of two colors- black and red. Helmet covered almost the whole face showing only the eyes and small part of the face. The whole armor looked like it was made on person, who wears it. Metal plates were somehow bolted to material. On the hip of the woman Louise saw some kind of box, from behind her arms stick out more of these weird boxes.
"HA-Ha Zero can't even summon proper familiar"
"She killed her own familiar the moment she summoned it."
"Once Zero always Zero"
"Professor Colbert can I try again. It was mistake on my part. Just small mistake."Said in quivering voice Louise
"Louise the Zero you don't make small mistakes, You are just failure as mage."
"Miss Vallière I can't allow you to redo Summoning as it is sacred ritual bestowed upon us by Founder Brimir himself. If I allow you to summon again it would be heresy." Said Professor Colbert with conviction in his voice."Normally I would tell you to continue with contract, but in this case I don't think it is good choice."
"Professor then what should I do?"
"Best course of action in this situation is to take your familiar to your room." Said elder Professor
'What happened, last I remember is explosion and falling toward planet with damaged oxygen tank.' Thought Commander 'Then how am I alive? Well I won't know that by lying on my back.' Just as she began to open her eyes she felt something was wrong, normally if she was in med bay of some ship she would feel hum of its mass effect core. Someone would take off her armor and helmet to get better access to skin but now she could feel medigel and weight of her light body armor. When she opened eyes completely, she felt quick apply of pressure on chest and face, but it gave way to burning pain. First she felt it in amps then it traveled through her nervous system and stopped at her hand where it engraved something. In that moment she bolted upright to crouching position on what appears to be pile of hay and instinctively reached for pistol strapped to her left hip only to not find it there. She didn't panic it was one of first things Alliance taught their marines- to never panic. Instead she moved her head so she could see who was attacking her. What she saw made her blink few times, it was girl, young girl to be precise with long, pink hair. Girl was dressed in white shirt, black skirt and black cape held together with golden pedant on which is engraved pentagram. She was currently lying on her ass, in her hand was some kind of engraved stick.
"What have you done to me girl?" Said in very serious tone of voice Commander
Louise was not happy, she woke up today to summon something great and all she got is this commoner in weird armor. She deduced that the being she summoned is commoner from lack of any kind of wand and even if her armor looks somewhat weird it has seen better days. It had small tears in some places and on the back there was large cut in place where some kind of tubes should go. She saw that when being was transported to her room. When she saw commoner stir she went to work. Taping where forehead should be she started chanting:
"My name is Louise Françoise Le Blanc de La Vallière. Pentagon of the five elemental powers; bless this humble being, and make her my familiar." She positioned herself on chest area of woman for better access and quickly sealed contract by kissing bottom part of helmet. Professor Colbert recommended that when woman starts to stir Louise should seal contract.
Few seconds after sealing the contract her "Familiar" all but shoot and reached to place where that weird box was previously attached. Thank the founder for thoughtfulness of Professor, who would tell her that this could be some kind of weapon and that she should take this and the other boxes from woman. During that time she landed on her backside. When Louise looked up she saw pair of sky blue eyes, which were pinning her to ground.
"What have you done to me girl?" Said the woman coldly.
"It- It was i- in- inscribing of fa- familiar runes."Stuttered Louise then responded firmly "I summoned you as my familiar during Springtime Familiar Summoning"
"So you're basically telling me that I was saved by some occultism ritual?" Said woman skeptically. "I must have hallucinations from lack of oxygen. Then I would be still falling toward that planet and to make my last minutes better I have hallucinations but why not of Liara."Said to herself her summon."Well one way to test all theories on where I am." Continued newly made familiar "Girl I have a request, can you do something for me?"
After scaring her half to death woman she summoned started acting weird. First she started to talking about something called occultism, then she continued about hallucinations to finish with request. "And what would that be Familiar" Said coldly irritated Louise.
"Well what I want Is for you to do is simple, you just have to hit my armor."
"You want what? Me to hit your armor what kind of request is this? "Said disbelieving Louise
"Well at the moment its only way I can check if I'm not in any kind of hallucination."
"Why would you even think that you are in hallucination? Never mind don't answer, I'll just have to hit you right?"Asked rhetorically pink-haired mage.
"Yes just hit me and it will confirm everything, then I can answer any questions you will have. If you're real." Said armored woman
Louise gathered all frustrations from her life in that one hit, all her failures, all insults hurled at her, her whole being was condensed in this one hit. She moved fast, faster than before, her hand curled up in a fist she hit her familiar in most exposed part of armor. Louise hit the woman just under her breast. Then she started massaging her knuckles just after hitting. 'This material is harder than it looks.'
"Well that confirms it I'm not having hallucinations." Then blue-eyed woman rose up to her full height and was at least as high as Kirche if not higher. Next she took off her helmet and showed her hole face to Louise for first time. Her eyes were sky blue, she had beautiful red hair reaching to half of her slim neck. Her lips were black and on the right eyebrow she had a small scar. On pale skin there were some freckles."I'm Commander Jane Shepard of Alliance, commanding officer of SSV Normandy, though the last one is probably no longer true and who are you girl."
"My name is Louise Françoise le Blanc de la Vallière and I'm your master."
Author Notes
1 For those who want to know what armor is Shepard wearing it's Light Armor Colossus
2 It's my first story so don't flame me, you can criticize me and I would love constructive criticism but not flames.
3 English is not my native language but I try not to make too many errors.
4 I know Zero no tsukaima only from fanfiction so if I write something wrong then Please Inform me.