Disclaimer: All characters belong to J. K. Rowling. I am simply borrowing them.

Summary: Harry and Snape get locked in a classroom and Harry finally lets go of his temper.

Locked In

Chapter 2

I had a feeling it was going to be a bad day as soon as I woke up, all I wanted to do was stay in bed and avoid whatever trouble I knew would come but alas if I listened to that feeling more I would never be in danger. Sirius had been circling my thoughts every night since he died I dreamt of him falling through the veil, him saying it was my fault. If that wasn't bad enough recently my parents had been added to the nightmares saying terrible things that made me nauseous. Things like; "we died because of you, we could be alive and happy if you had been normal, it's your fault Sirius died, everyone you love or who loves you gets killed" I woke up from a nightmare yesterday and raced to the bathroom throwing up the contents of my stomach. I was shaking and crying, begging them to forgive me that I loved them and never wanted them to die especially not for me.

I felt lower than ever and I thought the lowest I could get were when the Dursley's put me down. No that was nothing merely child's play compared to the torture of having my family blame me for their deaths. I got out of bed quickly showered and dressed just as everyone else was waking.

There was a chorus of groggy sleep filled voices calling out "morning Harry" it was quite amusing. "Morning guys, Ron I'll see you in the great hall" Ron looked at me questioningly but I ignored it and walked out of the dorm to the common room it was practically empty but there were a couple of younger years sitting down some looked to be catching up on essays. I left Gryffindor house and slowly made my way to the great hall. When I arrived it was busy but not nearly full, nodding to a few people as I passed I sat down in my usual space close to the middle of the table and started piling up my breakfast. Not five minutes later I was joined by my two best friends.

"Good-morning Harry, did you sleep well?" Hermione asked as she got her breakfast luckily she didn't see my face fall before I could put a mask back up.

"Yeah I slept fine, not brilliantly cos of this git snoring away but well enough" Hermione choked back a laugh but scrunched her nose up in disgust as Ron turned with his mouth stuffed full of food and started protesting, spraying bits of food across the table. I grimaced when Hermione started on her lecture and soon enough they were off. I swear it was like a sport for them. Thankfully though they didn't drag me into it. Soon enough it was time for DADA "come on guys, we gotta go or Snape's gonna flip his lid!" I exclaimed gathering my things Ron and Hermione doing the same.

We arrived at the DADA classroom five minutes early and quickly found three desks to sit at. The class was filling up fast and soon enough the only one missing was Snape himself. We were all waiting, quietly chatting to each other when the door opened dramatically, Snape and his billowing bat-like robes walked in. "Stop talking" he said in his creepy drawling voice as he made his way to the front I wanted to sneer at the show he puts on for the students when I'm the one he says is attention seeking.

"You will be doing non-verbal spells only use stupefy and enervate. Though I doubt many of you can summon the power to accomplish this" he looked directly at me, my temper flared but I was unable to say anything, the last thing I needed from Snape was detention "we shall never the less see as we go" Snape finished, throwing one last glare in my direction. "Pair up. Now" he added when we didn't immediately move. I paired with Dean for the lesson and soon enough flashes of light were flying not many of them were strong enough as a non-verbal to actually stun someone but eventually I hit Dean with it and he went down stunned.

Snape walked up to us "ten points from Gryffindor for hurting another student" he said with another sneer.

"But-"I started but got cut off at once "but nothing "Potter stay behind" Snape ordered I glared at his back wishing I could curse him. Enervating Dean we were about to keep going but Snape the greasy git interrupted "Class dismissed" reluctantly slowed my pace, I waved my friends off with a look saying I would tell them everything later. I was the last one in the class when Snape turned "Well come here you stupid boy" he snarled. I walked forward hesitantly even as I glared what right did he have! It's not like he knows me. He opened his mouth to no doubt make another scathing comment about some way he is sure I am utterly inadequate, when there was a loud bang and my wand was out and pointed at the doorway in time to watch as the door shut and locked.

Snape briskly walked over to the door trying to open it when that didn't work he tried using his wand to unlock or blast it. The growing sense of dread in my stomach was reaching an all-time high, I knew I should have just stayed in bed. After another couple of minutes Snape gave up and looked or should I say glared at me.

"So Potter is this one of your plans?" he asked nastily and I visibly blanched "no! why would I want to be stuck with you?!" I retorted incredulously he looked like he was going to curse me before calming a fraction "I am still your professor and as such you shall treat me as such I know your arrogance knows no bounds but I demand respect even from you 'Potter the hero'" he spat with contempt looking at me with loathing.

"Yes…sir" I replied trying to keep my anger in check. I sat down at a desk and drummed my fingers against the desk to let out my energy if only marginally. Soon enough Snape stood and glared at me walking I found myself on my feet, not wanting to feel below him. "would you stop that incessant noise I swear you and black are both the same ignorant annoying and useless!" he snarled. I saw red as soon as he mentioned Sirius and my fury just doubled.

"How dare you bring up Sirius! How dare you even say his name let alone insult him, he was a good man you git" I shouted and watched almost as if in slow motion as Snape turned and came closer so we were two feet away. "You lazy incompetent boy do not talk as if you knew him, he was along with your father an arrogant lazy good for nothing person that amounted to nothing and James Potter was worse walking around like he owned the place pig-headed and a trusting fool." He snarled in my face. When he finished he drew back slightly as he took in my expression which was nothing short of furious.

"Stop! You have no right to talk of thing you do not understand" I said quoting him but now I started I couldn't stop "I know that my father was a bully to you but where he changed and became a man you stayed the same petty child taking your frustrations of being bullied out on everyone who isn't a Slytherin, you punish me because you hate my father when I never knew him! You know nothing of me so how dare you constantly say I am just like him! You hold a childish grudge that should have went away when he died but no like the absolute bastard that you are you tormented me from the moment I arrived trying to make me feel what you did when I have done nothing but share genes with a man I barely remember! And finally don't you ever tell me my father was good for nothing! You're a bloody death eater, you hypocrite! He died for me and my mother, so she could try and get me to safety, how dare you try and make that sacrifice worthless. He may have been a arrogant but he grew up unlike you and he made something of himself he was a good man and no matter what you say he will remain that way because all anyone else is going to care about is that he protected his family with his life, you don't get to belittle that anymore!" I screamed at him releasing all the frustration that the years of his ridicule had fuelled.

Snape backed up his face blank as he took in all my words my rage calmed and I shut down my face losing all emotion. Someone outside unlocked the door I quickly got my things and started to leave "Potter…" Snape started but I had no intention of listening to him anymore I wouldn't tell anyone what happened and if he wanted to give me detention fine I didn't care anymore, I just walked away straight back to the dorm and awaited the barrage of questions from my friends.

A/N: I've just really wanted one of these stories where Harry snaps back after all of the insults. :)