Hello all. I've been reading fan fiction for a while and have finally decided to write my first. I've had this idea for some time and finally got to writing it.

Just so you know English isn't my native language so any errors or advice would be appreciated. If there is anything wrong with the lore please point it out.

For those unaware here is a short history lesson. The Farsight Enclave is a Tau faction that split away from the Tau Empire under the leadership of Shas'O Vior'la Shovah Kais Mont'yr (better known as General Farsight) who became aware that the Ethereals is probably mind controlling the Tau. So since he knew revealing this might cause the Tau to go into civil war (their greatest nightmare the Mont'au). Since doing this will ruin everything the Tau had worked for thousands of years more or less exiles himself from the Empire ending up on the Damocles Gulf. By the way he brought along the majority of his followers, there is a lot of them, and set up the the Farsight Enclave to pursue the Greater Good on their own without Ethereal control. Be warned; Tau names are ridiculously long so I'll try shortening it whenever I can.

And just in case…

Disclaimer: Mass Effect belongs to Bioware and WH40K belongs to Game Workshop

I put the rating on M just in case. If this is incorrect please tell me.

998.M41 – Eastern Fringe of Damocles Gulf, Farsight Enclave, Vior'los

A sprawling city awaited the coming storm. Crimson architecture dominated the sprawling mass and Tau as small as ants could be seen scurrying for shelter as the distorted sky rushed to devour what was left of the normal orange, brown sky. As the miscoloured veil advanced, a lone elderly Tau, wearing elaborate red armour stood firm on a ship platform, stood against the gushing wind being brought forth by the storm. Behind him an Orca waited apprehensively as the evil looking storm edged closer and closer.

Shas'O Vior'la Shovah Kais Mont'yr looked out from the platform, anxiously eyeing the coming storm. Clouds of red and purple shades mixed together in a million shades as they covered the skies of Vior'los as far as the keen eyesight of the Tau could see. Below him Tau of all castes hurried to emergency structures seeking shelter from the sudden unnatural storm. Behind him, Fio'O Vesa, his long-time ally and friend in the Earth Caste shifted.

"'O Shovah, I urge you to hurry. It will not be long before this 'Warp storm', as the Gue'vesa call it, reaches us." Fio'o Vesa said as he moved up to stand by the general.

Turning around, 'O Shovah glanced at the sky once more. "You are correct, let us join the others" and with that the two retreated back into the Orca transport awaiting them.

A Warp storm; many of the Gue'vesa axillaries that resided in the Farsight Enclave regarded them as the work of the Chaos Gods and the daemons that reside in their damned dimension. It was thanks to them that the Enclave had at least some basic knowledge about the Immaterium and the dangers that lurked within. If what they say is true then the Enclave will be trapped in the storm for an unknown amount of time.

The eastern fringe of the Damocles Gulf was where the Farsight Enclave had made their home. Now, in a matter of hours, what had started as a minor disturbance in space near Lub'grahl, the rugged planet of memories, had soon rapidly expanded to surround the entire Farsight Enclave and several nearby systems adjacent to them.

Reports from the Enclaves fortress stations were providing sobering news. The sudden storm had spread to engulf the large portions of the Damocles Gulf, but more importantly the four systems that made up the Farsight Enclaves were now trapped within. Then the regular reports stopped coming and all was quiet and the Tau of Vior'las was alone in silence.

'O Shovah was hit with a wall of warm air as he entered his personal chamber. The room itself was filled with maps and his personal notes. Hanging alone on the wall was Dawn Blade. Its origin and design to this day still confuses the Earth Caste and most likely the reason he was alive today. 'O Shovah sat on the chair dejectedly. He could not afford to be weak, it was his decision to split from the rest of Tau Empire and lead his coalition to the fringes to after Arthas Moloch.

He had led them against the relentless Ork armies, which numbered many times his own, and had always achieved victory. He had saved his followers from the Tyranids, an enemy which can be related as an unstoppable force when victory seemed impossible.

However this time the foe was not an enemy which he could face conventionally. His brave Fire Caste could not engage the dark creatures controlling the storm until they were trapped. The Earth Caste, for all their wisdom, could not produce a counter against such a sudden occurrence as they had with the Tyranids. The Fleets of the Enclave, manned by the determined Air Caste could do nothing but withdraw from the dangerous storm. Already many ships were lost trying to navigate through the warp storm.

A knock on his door alerted him to an Air Caste messenger waiting patiently for a response. Shovah gestured for him to speak. "Shas'O the storm has now covered the system."

'O Shovah nodded as he dismissed the Kor'La and pulled up a screen from his terminal showing the warp storm completely replace the sky with waves of channelling foul energy. Looking closely he could distinctly make out forms lurking within them. It was similar to Arthas Moloch, where daemons had torn a rift in reality and had poured through in endless numbers.

The Fire Caste had already been mobilized and was stationed at evacuation centres where the majority of the civilian population had sought shelter at. Though many of those who were with him at Arthas Moloch had long perished, he was confident of his warriors ability to hold their own against these horrors despite their lack of experience against this foe.

'O Shovah prepared to leave and get into his personal battlesuit, it ended. He blinked, one moment the sky was shrouded with colours and now it had returned to normal. Deciding quickly he pulled up his radio and called for a general meeting in the war room to decipher what had happened.

Time: Unknown – Farsight Enclave, Vior'los, High Command Centre

Pandemonium ruled the room as the occupants, seated around the command table, argued over what had just occurred. Tension was high in the air as the stress and worry of being trapped for possible hundreds of years had taken its toll on occupants of the room.

One Shas'o was arguing that the daemons that they had prepared for were setting a trap by giving them a feeling of safety with the storm gone and that the clear sky was just an illusion. Opposite him a Fio'El, one of the few that were present at Arthas Moloch and among the living, countered that the creatures had shown no tactics at Arthas Moloch and he doubted that they would suddenly get smarter when they were content with dying in the droves to overwhelm them previously.

The few Gue'vesa auxiliaries were swarmed with questions on the nature and effects of the storm by Tau of all castes as they were assumed to have the most knowledge of these occurences.

"Silence!" 'O Shovah roared. Soon exactly that filled the room as the gathered leaders awaited their general to continue.

"Kor' O Doran, what news do you have from the rest of Enclave? Is the storm visible from space?" Shovah asked directing his question at the admiral of the Enclave fleet stationed on Vior'los.

"We have sent several drones up and have concluded with Gue'vesa's aid that the storm has vanished." There were mutterings of disbelief with this statement but Doran carried on regardless.

"Contact has also been re-established with the rest of the Enclave and Fortress Stations but several of our patrols in space have gone missing. They were likely caught in storm and in all likelihood they perished as the storm grew." He finished sourly.

'O Shovah bowed his head slightly in respect for the dead along with the rest of the room before bringing his attention back to Doran.

"Wait…so the other systems have also come out of the storm?" He asked as Doran fidgeted under the scrutiny of the legendary general.

"Yes sir. The other systems have been released from the storm. They have given similar reports of how unnatural weather clouds suddenly came and disappeared once the normal sky was no long visible" Doran replied.

The assembled leaders contemplated on this strange occurrence for a moment. "Do these 'warp storms 'usually end like this" asked Fio'O Vesa, directing his question towards a Gue'vesa Shas'El.

"To the best of my knowledge, no. Mind you that I have never been in a warp storm. Personally I thought that Chaos would be assaulting us nonstop once we were trapped. But now…." He gestured hopelessly. "I just…. Just have no idea what's going on anymore. Warp storms shouldn't just disappear like that."

The room once again descended into silence as 'O Shovah leaned over the table, his battle scared face full of thought as the others respectfully waited for their leader. He took a minute to think and gather his thoughts, plans already forming in his mind as he moved to speak them.

"Kor' O Doran, I want you immediately to dispatch scout drones to the systems directly adjacent to ours. Report back immediately if there has been any strange changes to the planets and the like."

Taking a breath 'O Shovah continued "'Fio' O Vesa, I need you to work with Doran and find the effects of this storm, if there are any at all. We don't know enough about these things and I want that changed."

Both gave their affirmatives to the order, saluted to him and quickly left the room to work on their objectives.

'O Shovah then turned to the human from earlier "Shas' El Mordeci, I want you to gather what information you can from your auxiliaries. There must be some among them who has more useful knowledge on this subject."

"Shas' O Arra'kon, you are to…."

2180 CE – Perseus Veil, East of Haelstrom, Geth patrol fleet

A Geth fleet, comprised of a single dreadnought with 12 cruisers and 22 frigates to support it, glided towards the distant relay. The Geth platforms were tasked with investigating the attacks on their patrols by large, green bipedal aliens who identified themselves as 'Orks' and their fleet as the "WAAAGH!". It was noted that these aliens greatly resembled the Orcs from human literature and several Geth now researched this strange link. That they attacked on by ramming their oversized 'ships' onto their raised concerns among the Geth.

As they transitioned through the relay what they saw surprised them, as much as machines could be surprised. Beholding them was a fleet of 64 oversized red ships bearing a white round insignia with what resembles a tower with a red sun at the top. Enormous Crescent shaped dreadnoughts made up a significant proportion of the fleet. Resting within the formation lay seven larger oversized dreadnoughts; each eclipsing the others in terms of size at nearly five km in length and without doubt carrying enough armaments to match their size. Surrounding the larger ships was a host of what appears to be escort ships; every one of them the size of a normal dreadnought.

Debris and asteroid fragments littered the space directly in front of them. On closer inspection, the lead Geth Prime could make out countless Orks floating in between the rubble. Many more were still being dragged into the vacuum of space from large holes scarred into the asteroids and the hulks of metal the Orks call 'ships' .

While the Geth were deliberating to reach a consensus on their next action they were interrupted by beeping from the panel indicating that they were being hailed by the alien fleet.

2180 CE – Perseus Veil, East of Haelstrom, Farsight Enclave 4th Fleet

Only 6 days ago they were surrounded by a warp storm and now Farsight Enclave no longer appears to be in Damocles Gulf. Several planets and stars which was not present before had suddenly appeared; leading many of the Earth Castes scientists to believe we had been transported to a completely new time or dimension. Several unidentified moon sized constructs located near Lub'grahl suggested this was the territory of an undiscovered alien race.

Unfortunately it appears that some warbands of Orks came with them. This is why Kor'O Kir'qath was now leading the Enclave's 4th fleet aboard her flagship: Tinek'la Or'es El'leath Shi'ur Kir'qath exterminating the Ork 'fleet' of rocks for the Greater Good before they could threaten the colonies.

Therefore after her fleet had easily destroyed the Ork armada threatening Lub'grahl; the sudden appearance of a new fleet appearing in a blue flash from the strange construct did not surprise her too much. All active fleets had been assigned a Por'El on the off chance they encounter the creators of the constructs. That provision had now paid off as Por'El Aloh, having been informed was now making his way to the bridge of the ship.

Kor'O Kir'qath observed the insectoid fleet. The alien ships were significantly smaller than Tau vessels. The largest of them only barely matching a frigate in size. Some of the others would be classified as escorts but the majority were so small they may as well be attack craft rather.

"What do the scans say on the the alien fleet?" She asked, directing her question to the Kor'La managing the flagships sensors.

"The largest of the alien fleet is 1.1 kilometers in length and possesses a main cannon of comparable size .The other vessels are all between 400 to 800 meters in length with varying degrees of armnaments. And…" The Kor'La trailed off.

"And…?" 'O Kir'quth inquired.

"There appears to be no detected life forms on board any of the vessels." The Kor' La finished.

"No life forms?" 'O Kir'quth asked, eyes widening in surprise.

"No life forms." The Kor'La repeated.

It was at that moment Por' El Aloh arrived at the bridge. The soft thud of the closing doors and light footsteps he made being the only things marking his arrival.

"I bid you greetings Kor'O Kir'quth. What knowledge of these newcomers can you share with me?" inquired El' Aloh as he stood slightler behind her in respect to her higher rank.

"Greetings to you Por'El Aloh. It appears their vessels are significantly smaller than our own that gives no indication to their on how powerful they may be furthermorethe size of the fleet suggests that it a patrol but it could also be some form of research fleet for all we know." 'O Kir'quth summarised for the diplomat.

Taking a breath, 'O Kir'quth continued "It is also likely we are dealing with an AI manned fleet."

'El Aloh pondered on this for a moment. "We shall hail them regardless, at the very least they will link us to their creators for further diplomatic talks. With your permission I will initiate contact Kor'O?"

'O Kir'quth cautiously nodded her assent. With that he quickly set about the process of initiating contact with the aliens.

The Geth platform pulled up a holographic screen to reveal a midnight blue robed grey skinned alien facing him. Behind him stood a tall and slender alien dressed in red; elaborate markings located near his collar, most likely an indication of his rank.

As the robed alien spoke the platform realised they could not understand the dialect spoken. Now certain that this was a completely new race not encountered by Citadel and therefore not likely to be affected by the AI bias; the Geth reached a consensus.

Interaction with non-hostile organic race was preferable. Observation alone was not sufficient to provide reliable experience for interaction with creators when they return. Diplomatic negotiations are therefore desirable.

The robed alien discovering the issue of language had switched to more basic techniques. Pointing to himself he loudly said "Tau" and repeated this gesture a few times. The platform understanding the move mimicked him placing its hand on its breastplate, making it the first interaction with an organic since the creators left, "Geth".

After hours of torturous waiting as the 'Geth' and Por'El Aloh made horrible attempts on communication; the language barrier was finally broken thanks to the work of the Earth Caste technicians onboard. After much work they had managed to extract all the data they needed from one of the files from Geth had sent including Khelish, the language the Geth used. This 'Codex' had provided a general overview of the known universe, surprising all that there was a largely unified galactic government in place. The lack of the devastating wars that filled their own universe was strangely absent for good or for worse.

That the Geth had driven their creators away from their homeworlds were a source of concern. Though the Codex had also stated that the Geth were natural enemies with organics and warned that they would attack organics on sight, put the reliability of the Codex as a trustworthy source of information into question.

Nevertheless, now that they could communicate the Geth had agreed to send an emissary to engage in diplomatic talks. Already a small Geth shuttle was making its way to the open hanger of the Tinek'la Or'es El'leath Shi'ur Kir'qath.

Kor'O Kir'quth was waiting patiently alongside Por'El Aloh inside the hanger. A squad of anxious Fireblades stood at attention behind them. Their tightening grips on their Pulse Carbines indicating their worry that this meeting will result in a fire fight.

Though considering almost all alien contacts in the last century resulted in conflict they have the right to be anxious. Kor'O Kir'quth thought as the Geth shuttle landed in the hanger.

The shuttle door slowly opened as 'Kir'quth and 'El Aloh stepped forward to greet their guest. A hulking white form stepped out of the shuttle, its glowing silver 'eye' wandering around the room before settling on the two Tau standing before him.

'O Kir'quth paused, having to look up to meet the Geth's gaze temporarily stunned by the size of this 'peaceful emissary'. The Shas'Ui's assigned as honour guard were now high on alert. The 4 meter synthetic appeared to be more of a war machine than a diplomat and while it appeared unarmed there was no telling what the machine was capable of.

Undaunted by the intimidating figure before him 'El Aloh quickly greeted the Geth "Welcome aboard the vessel. I bid you greetings in the name of the Farsight Enclaves."

Seeing that the Geth was not responding he calmly continued "I am Por'El Shovah Aloh Kais and beside me is Kor'O Shovah Kir'quth Mont'yr."

Silence descended on the hanger as the Tau waited for the Geth to respond. "We are Geth"

"Do you mean you represent the Geth people?" inquired El'Aloh.

The Geth provided the responded quickly in its voice devoid of emotion "Yes"

"So who are you?" 'El Aloh asked.

Responding just as quickly as before the Geth stated "Geth"

"So all Geth share the same name?" 'El Aloh inquired.

"No. We are all Geth" once again giving an ambiguous reply.

"Well then… Geth, on behalf of the Farsight Enclave I wish to extend a hand of friendship to your kind and hope that our relationship will benefit the Greater Good of all" stated 'El Aloh.

"Acknowledged, we seek no conflict with the Farsight Enclave" Geth told 'El Aloh.

Well that's a start at least. Thought 'O Kir'quth, already putting the Geth ahead of the Orks, Necrons and Tyranids in terms of how reasonable they can be.

"Would you prefer to continue talks here or shall we relocate elsewhere more suitable." Asked 'El Aloh directing his question at Geth

"Relocation is preferable, current location ill-suited for these talks." Geth responded.

Once they had moved into a meeting room set up prior to the Geth's landing on the ship. Geth and 'El Aloh began to discuss more matters, 'O Kir'quth remained silent. Diplomatic affairs were not the business of the Fire Caste and were best left in the Water Castes capable hands. As their conversation continued, 'O Kir'quth slowly receded into her own minds paying less and less attention to the conversations. Perhaps this teleporting to a different universe isn't so bad if there are more willing to talk rather than shoot first. Maybe we can finally finish off the Orks, now that the majority of them were stuck in a galaxy far far away. Maybe I can finally…

"Kor'O Kir'quth" 'El Aloh's voice interupting her internal thoughts. Looking up she saw that 'El Aloh had somehow brought up a holographic image of the Damocles Gulf while Geth was staring intensely the images.

"Yes Por'El Aloh?" responded 'O Kir'quth

"We are in need of your knowledge of the Orks, they have already attack the Geth and they are concerned about them" 'El Aloh stated.

Nodding, she began to give the Geth what information she had on the Orks even showing him footage of engagements with the Orks. This was usually comprised of her asking the Orks to surrender for the Greater Good only for them to respond with insults and threats of violence.

When the Geth then proposed joint operations to combat the Orks, both she and 'El Aloh were surprised.

"That is… surprising. For you to trust us just like that is astonishing. Tell me how can you even suggest allying yourself to a race you have known only for less than a day?" a bewildered 'El Aloh asked.

Geth stared at 'El Aloh while making his response. "Ork has attacked us unprovoked. Farsight Enlave opposes the "WAAAGH!" We too now oppose the "WAAAGH". Interactions so far suggest the Farsight Enclave is reasonable entity. Co-operation will benefit both Farsight Enclave and Geth."

'El Aloh nodded to this before he paused for a moment in deep thought. Finally deciding on what to do next he stood from his seat.

"Geth, such arrangements are beyond my authority I will have to pass this forward to the High Council. Would it be possible to arrange another meeting in the future?" he asked.

Geth, like 'El Aloh was also silent for some time before it finally responded in the same monotone voice. "This platform requests to remain to negotiate with your leaders."

"What about your fleet? I mean no offense but do you intend to bring your fleet to our worlds." This time it was 'O Kir'quth who asked suspicously, worried that the Geth may decide to attack when they reached Vior'los despite their peaceful behaviour so far.

Geth tilted its head as if in thought as it looked at her. "We have reached a consensus. This platform will go with you alone. The fleet will remain here to guard relay leading to geth space"

'O Kir'quth glanced at 'El Aloh who was thinking over the Geth's offer. "We accept this agreement for the Greater Good and thank you for the trust you have placed in us. Rest assured that you will come to no harm and will ensure that you return to your fleet regardless of the outcome."

"Acknowledged" was the only response the Geth gave.

As some may be confused by the terminology used I will try to give a brief summary:

All Tau from birth are split into 5 castes; these castes have six ranks each and are reflective of ones skill. The Farsight Enclave maintains this with the exception of the Ethereal Caste for obvious reasons. The Fire Caste makes up the army of the Tau, the Air Caste makes up the navy and maintains lines of communication. The Earth Caste are the builders and scientists and the Water Caste are the artisans, diplomats, media,etc.

The ranking goes like this:

Rank – Fire Caste (Shas) – Air Caste (Kor) – Earth Caste (Fio) – Water Caste (Por)

'Saal – Cadet – Deliverer – Apprentice – Assistant

'La – Warrior – Messenger – Worker – Bureaucrat

'Ui – Veteran – Carrier – Senior – Envoy

'Vre – Hero – Pilot – Overseer – Magister

'El – Knight – Captain – Engineer – Diplomat

'O – Commander – Admiral – Planner - Ambassador

For more info go to the Lexicanum or the Wikia.