
"Gah!" Ranma yelled, fear evident in his voice. He had just woken up from a terrible nightmare, where his curse was removed from his body. On any other day he would be delighted to get rid of his curse; however the vision of him not being able to turn into a girl when doused with cold water haunted him, for some reason.

Why am I scared of losing my curse? I've always wanted it gone! He wondered to himself. He had made numerous attempts to get rid of his curse before with no regret. So why did he suddenly feel as if his world had crumbled in front of him when the curse was removed in his dream? He then realised why this was, he had lived with the curse for about two years and lived in the Tendo dojo for a year. It must have gotten to the point where it was natural for him to turn into a girl when splashed with cold water, to the point where he couldn't live without the curse.

From the very beginning, when he had fallen into the spring of the drowned girl, his pride had been wounded immensely. On top of that his male form could no longer enjoy cold water without changing into a girl. His life had changed dramatically and he wanted nothing more but to change it back to the way it was. But now it appears that his life revolves around changing gender with different water temperatures. He realised then that he wouldn't know how to react if he didn't change into a girl when splashed with cold water.

However that wasn't the only thing that happened during his trip to Jusenkyo. From that day when he was cursed, he had felt that there was more than one person inside of him, that more than one person lived within him waiting to break free. Up to this point he had shrugged of this feeling as being nothing important but with this nightmare having occurred he wondered if the spirit was trying to break free from his body. He suddenly felt sympathy for her, her spirit might be trapped inside his body forever and she had no say in the matter.

Ryoga says that I have it easy just because I stay human when I get splashed with cold water but what if he's wrong? What if I have it rougher because I feel sorry with the girl spirit? I wonder if anyone has even thought that through before thinking that I'm just a lucky person.

He quickly dismissed that thought as just being complete nonsense, which he would say was because of the fact that he has woken up at 3:00 am in the morning. Despite this, he didn't feel like sleeping, for some odd reason, even though just moments ago he was ready to go back to sleep. He decided that he might as well get some early morning training done.

"Oh why am I overreacting over some dumb dream? It has nothing to do with what's happening right now with my life." He said quietly to himself as he walked through the hallway upstairs. It was apparent that he was trying to convince himself that the dream was pointless. Despite this he couldn't shake of the nagging feeling that something had changed within him, where from something would happen that would change his life once again.