Two Wrongs Equals A Right

Author: Amethyst Raindrops 16

Disclaimer: Percy Jackson and Harry Potter are not mine.

Chapter Ten:

The Layers of an Onion

POV: Harry Potter

I know what is like to have people's expectations and judgments weighing on you better than most wizards and witches. I understand that being told of magic, and of your famous heritage (positive like mine, or negative like Percy's), is confusing and frustrating.

The magical world is a constantly changing labyrinth of nonsensical traditions and odd quirks… or at least it can seem that way to an outsider. Wizards are not the most patient of people, either. They expect you to understand policies without ever fully explaining them and Merlin help you if you ever ask why something is the way it is. You will never get a straight answer from us.

Whether you are eleven or seventeen or twenty-two, I don't think it would ever be any easier. Yet, with all this being said, we take care of our own.

From an outsider's view, it might seem like we are segregated and exclusive, but I would bring up the point that the wizarding community is vulnerable. Not so much in that we are not properly trained to defend ourselves (although if what Hermione was suggesting about Ministry interference at Hogwarts was true, I do not know how long that will last), but more against social threats.

If muggles were to learn of our existence, I doubt their reaction would be one of open-armed acceptance. I think I remember learning something in primary school about a witch-hunting incident that happened in America, and the accused were not even real witches. We are also vulnerable to individuals like Voldemort; people so hell-bent on domination and control that people will become swayed out of pure self-preservation instincts.

Because of this, we form groups for protection. Everyone is entitled to their secrets, I will grant Percy that much, but I think there is a point in which the desire for privacy bleeds into a game of deception.

Now that I have gotten that disclaimer out of the way, I just can't pinpoint exactly what I think about Percy. Part of me feels bad for him (see above disclaimer). If you catch his expression when he doesn't think anybody is watching, it looks haunted and lost.

But the cynical and suspicious part of me (the part that some people call their "survival instinct") hardens. It feels like the more you talk to Percy, the less you get to know him. The guy has more layers than an onion and more masks than a masquerade ball, and it is exhausting.

I was not expecting to have him bare his soul to us, but I had thought that – once it was made clear we were here to help – Percy would open up a little. Maybe Hermione is right in saying that I have issues with authority, but something about how Percy looks at us, like we are naïve children who have been coddled and sheltered while he had had lived lifetimes of experiences, rubs me wrong. I feel like he has a secret, something beyond that terrorist kidnapping tale, but one as dangerous and worrying as the grandson of Voldemort himself.

I know that I am hardly one to talk, but Percy seems flighty and unpredictable. If you were in the middle of a strangely new and busy shopping center, one potentially filled with magic-wielding persons of unknown power who might attempt to kill or kidnap you for your grandfather's reputation, would you wander off away from your protectors without telling anybody? Not unless you had been hoping to do something (or meet somebody) said protecting group would not approve of.

I do not think it is an unreasonable doubt to be skeptical of Percy's Good Samaritan motivation. One does not get scratched and dirty paying back Ollivander.

I was at war with myself. I knew that because of simply being who I was (the Boy-Who-Lived), people wouldn't necessarily take me as seriously if I expressed my suspicions about Percy. It wasn't like they had taken me very seriously ever before, though.

Whenever we were around Percy and adults, I could practically feel the desperation. Everybody wanted so badly for Percy to be good like he said he was. I suppressed a snort. They probably would want to use him as a pawn against Voldemort… if they ever believed he was back of course. I just had this feeling against Percy, but I couldn't say why. The guy just seemed to be a little too… carefree and closed-off to really be trusted.

I watched Percy saunter (yes, saunter) over to the Slytherin table easily, and slide into the spot next to Draco. The ferret laughed, and Percy's eyes brightened, mouth quirking into a sly grin and he said something in return.

"What the…" I trailed off in disbelief.

"What is he doing?" Hermione hissed frantically.

We watched as Percy's eyes scanned the hall of staring faces with a furrowed expression of paranoia and indecisiveness, but he never met our eyes. He snatched a piece of something off of Draco's plate, and I watched him assume an air of casual conversation.

Nobody should be able to worm their way into the Slytherin table (especially someone who had previously been at the Gryffindor table) so smoothly. I peered at the faces of the Slytherins nearest to Percy and Draco. Instead of the hostile expressions most newcomers would have been met with, the only emotions I could detect were those of curiosity and… was that admiration?

"The Slytherins seem to have no problem with Percy," Ron muttered darkly, moving another bite of food to his mouth without taking his eyes off the tanned Gryffindor.

"He's certainly getting cozy with Draco of all people," Hermione agreed.

If we could have been persuaded to tear our glances away from the scene in front of us, we would have exchanged glances. Silently, I felt slightly vindicated that I was not alone in my doubts. I knew Ron was never one to be particularly subtle or tactful, but he was also never one to delve any deeper than surface-level portrayals of people. It was very likely that Ron's friendliness to Percy was a following of Hermione's more socially aware lead.

I watched with narrowed eyes as Percy straightened in his seat. Beside me, Ron shifted and grumbled something through a mouth of food. So I wasn't the only one who noticed how quickly Percy changes moods.

"I'm sorry! I haven't even introduced myself!"

It was like watching a train wreck unfurl. Sure, most people probably already knew who Percy was related to (especially the Slytherins), but for him to confirm it looking so proud to the very table most strongly affiliated with the Dark Lord was not a reassuring move.

"I am Perseus Jackson, and my grandfather is the Dark Lord, Voldemort."

There it was. The Great Hall erupted in whispers and shuffling. Hermione's intelligent brown eyes, usually sparkling with questions or flashing with annoyance (usually at my lack of regard for personal safety), were calculating and tight. Ron looked shocked, his fork frozen halfway to his mouth (a sure sign he was caught off guard).

"I had been under the impression that Percy was planning on laying low concerning that little bit of information!" Hermione recovered first.

I clenched my jaw. "Me too, Mione, but apparently not."

Ron swallowed. "It is weird he would introduce himself as 'Perseus' and not 'Percy' like he did earlier."

Hermione glanced at Ron with a look of surprised admiration. It was an astute observation for Ron to make, I'll admit.

"And why announce it now? Why go sit with the Slytherins in the middle of the meal?" Hermione bit her lip, glancing over at Percy.

"Maybe he was trying to get He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Name's attention," Ginny offered.

Ron and I stared at her like she had grown an extra arm, but Hermione latched on to the idea.

"Think about it guys. What better way to insinuate your alliance with Voldemort than to tell the Slytherins your identity?"

I met her eyes. "It was almost like he wanted to Slytherins to go and tell their parents that the grandson of the Dark Lord was at Hogwarts."

Hermione and Ginny nodded.

Neville looked worried. "Maybe that wasn't his intent, guys."

Ron shot the brown-haired boy a look of disbelief. "Regardless, that's what will happen now. And if you ask me, mate, Percy doesn't look to stricken at this prospect either."

I drew a deep breath. As much as I was suspicious about Percy, I didn't hate the guy. If I had bemoaned the unthinking judgments of people about myself without getting the whole story (and I had many times), I couldn't do the same to another. Even if the person in question might possibly have unofficially declared his alliance with the Dark Lord.

"Lets just ask him," I sighed.

I was tired, but sleep would only bring more nightmares sent by Voldemort.

"Maybe he had some reason we haven't thought of."


I know that was short, but I am going on vacation for almost two weeks tomorrow and wanted to leave something for you all! I thought something short was better than nothing!

I had gotten some reviews from people rightly commenting on the lack of character development of Harry. They are right in that I have kinda ignored Harry (I find Percy easier to write tbh), but not anymore!

I know Harry comes off as very suspicious and kind of wishy-washy on his opinions of Percy. I tried to make it seem like he has had a lot of time to think about this (which he has because I haven't given him much time in the spotlight), and all these thoughts were rushing through his head when he watched Percy go over to the Slytherins. But Harry, despite Ron's influence, always seemed to me like someone who would try to get Percy's story before anything else because he knows how it feels.

Again, guys, this is a FANFICTION and while I try to make most of the characters as canon as possible, sometimes I just can't.

Anyways, thanks for reading guys! Percy is SO much easier for me to write because he is just a little ball of sass (I honestly just write my split-second snark reaction and boom! Percy's POV) but Harry seems a bit more reserved and serious but with a temper and humor... idk. Please tell me how I did?

Also, YES HARRY CAN SEE THE THESTRALS. That will be addressed again later. If you recall, he never actually said anything about not seeing them during that scene so... that was an intentional omission. Just saying.

Please review... I'm really not sure about this little chappie so please? Thanks!

-Amethyst Raindrops 16 -