Thank you Temul for sticking with me and generally just being a stand-up chick with a lot of patience.
I am beyond grateful for everything you've done.
Guys, if you like this chapter it's because of her, seriously. She talked me out of some stupid ass decision. Now that I think back on that period of time, I'm pretty sure I must have been high. She's the best beta I could have asked for.
Chapter Eleven - Drowning on Dry Land
Even though I had summoned him, and knew without a doubt that he would answer if I called the right name, his sudden appearance by my side startled the hell out of me. It had something to do with knowing, without a single doubt, that I was alone on this part of the beach, and then suddenly I wasn't.
Although I had been fairly certain about his identity, I had still harbored some lingering doubts, doubts that disappeared the second he answered my call.
"So," I whispered softly, voice filled with a strange sort of hesitation, and body completely frozen. "You're Time."
I was vividly aware of his presence beside me, but my eyes never wavered from the new batch of sand I had scooped up; watching it slide through my fingers like water.
"Yes," he confirmed gravely. "I am Time and time is me. I am eternal. I was there before the beginning, and will be there long after the end. I am everything... everywhere."
Unlike just about every other time I had spoken to him, he sounded solemn. I could feel his arm brush against mine as if he was just a regular person; as if I was sitting next to my brother or my best friend, watching the horizon.
He wasn't a regular person, though, he was... I closed my eyes and my heart lodged in my throat as my mind was flooded with images of stars going supernova. I witnessed the formation of galaxies and their subsequent destruction. I experienced the life and death of a fire ant, and watched the rise and fall of empires. For a small infinite moment in time I understood, unequivocally, the essence of time and how it encompassed all.
Then I blinked, and it was gone.
I panted harshly as if I had just finished a ten mile run. I felt feverish and achy, like I was finally starting to recover from a ten day flu. Swallowing heavily, I turned to look at him, half afraid of what I would find. It brought me no comfort to find myself sitting beside the being wearing the familiar face of my history teacher. His eyes were cold and calculating and his face looked as if it was carved from marble for all the expression it showed. It felt like I was meeting a hungry lion on a deserted road somewhere and all I could do was hope and pray that he wasn't going to swallow me whole.
Suddenly his features softened and became animated. "Rhea, don't be afraid," he whispered softly. The wind blew playfully trough his blond locks, giving him an almost human quality.
I tried to suppress a hysterical giggle, but it still escaped my lips. "I'm not afraid," I lied.
"You have nothing to fear from me," he said so earnestly that I couldn't do anything but believe him. But then he ruined it by giving me a cocky smirk. "I've told you often enough, as long as I'm not bored, you'll be fine."
This was more familiar territory, so I took a deep breath, pulled myself together and gave him an annoyed look. "How gracious of you," I said, voice filled with sarcasm.
"Gracious..." he said slowly as if tasting the word. His smirk turned playful and full of knowing, like he held a secret I wasn't privy to. "Yes, that's just the kind of guy I am."
"Why?" I asked softly, valiantly trying to ignore the playful smile and the strange forbidding feeling it caused in my stomach.
"Why what?" he turned from me and looked at the horizon, giving the illusion of a normal man enjoying a nice day at the beach.
I had so many questions that I didn't even know which 'why' to begin with. The small glimpse I caught of his true self was frightening but then he sat next to me looking at me all earnest and trustworthy, asking me not to fear him. Silently asking me to put my trust in him, to believe in someone so terrifying.
To have the attention of a being like him...
I could only ask what I did to deserve it. The worst thing was that I wasn't sure if I was asking this question in a negative or positive way.
I hummed the melody of an old Eagles song in my mind: 'This could be Heaven or this could be Hell'
Maybe it was both?
"Why this? Why me? Why—" I stammered, not sure what to ask. "Anything. Everything! I don't even know where to start or where to end."
I was so scared and confused. I wanted to believe that I could trust him so badly. But I couldn't take the risk... Could I? He did save my life and give me a new one. He gave me Percy and mom, he gave me dad and Dagwood, he gave me a second chance... But why, and at what price?
"Truthfully, Rhea," he sighed, "being all-powerful and immortal gets boring after existing for so long. There's no excitement anymore, no change. Especially not with my power. Time is my domain and everything it touches belongs to me. I know all that has been, I know all that is, and all that will be. There's no mystery. By inserting you in this... story, I'll finally get some measure of excitement." He turned to give me an assessing look. "That is, if you don't mess up, at least."
"No pressure," I muttered darkly.
"Please," he huffed, rolling his eyes. "Out of all the people that ever lived in any time, dimension or universe, I chose you. Now what do you think that means?"
"That you're an idiot?" I offered, making him snort in amusement.
"For all my power, I can't interfere in the mortal world, not the way I want to." His lips curled up into a small smirk. "Well, I could, but it wouldn't end well. I can, however, interfere with you, and you, in turn, can interfere with anything that suits my fancy. Do you understand what that means, Princess?" he demanded.
My sea green eyes were glued to his face. "That there will be a whole lot of interfering going on?" I guessed. My lips twitched upwards when he released a startled chuckle.
I exhaled loudly, shaking my head. "I don't know what possessed you to choose me, of all people. Don't get me wrong, I'm grateful that you did. I'm happy for the new chance at life, but I don't think I'm the the kind of person you're looking for. Before I died, I used to fantasize about situations like this, being reborn in another universe, or accidentally stumbling into it. I used to read stories and criticize the heroes and complain that I wouldn't be as stupid; that I would do things differently. Better. But now that it's happened to me, all I can do is be afraid. I can't do this. I'm not a hero."
I looked into his blue eyes, trying to make him understand. "I-if there's a choice between sacrificing my life or saving the world... Well I'm sorry to burst your bubble, but the world will pretty much be fucked."
"What about a choice between your life and that of your brother's, what will you do then?" he asked, with the quality of someone who already knew that answer.
"That's different," I defended. "Percy is my brother."
He shook his head with a small exasperated laugh. He turned to look at me as his laugh tapered off into a soft smile, that for once didn't seem creepy, but almost fond.
"I know who you are. I know your every thought, every feeling. I know how scared you are and I don't have one single doubt about choosing you. I don't need you to be a hero, Rhea Jackson, I simply need you to be you. You're my Champion, Rhea. You are meant to carry out my will. Gods often use their own offspring to do their bidding, but I will have you."
He paused before swallowing heavily and taking a deep breath. The action made him appear nervous, and I wondered what could possibly be having that effect on him. "Will you accept your position as my Herald, Rhea Jackson? Will you fight and kill in my name? Will you make my voice be heard?" he asked softly, but fiercely.
If he had asked me an hour ago, or hell, even a couple of minutes ago, my answer would have been a resounding 'hell no'. Now, though, I had a sudden and inexplicable urge to say yes, to accept everything he offered, embrace it even. In his eyes I could see the shadow of a future filled with exciting adventures, life, death and everything in between. It was a life filled with hardship, loss and trials, yes, but also with happiness, friendship and love. And him, always there as if he was hovering over my shoulder, always watching, experiencing life through me—
I shook off the strong urge to jump at the offer and took a deep shuddering breath. I wasn't sure what to do or what to say. I felt like I was standing in front of a precipice and if I moved only a little I would fall. The trouble was that I didn't know if falling would be a bad thing.
'When in doubt, stall,' Percy's voice sounded trough my mind. "Do I have a choice?" I asked, already knowing the answer he would give me.
"Not really, no," he replied blithely. "But sometimes I like to pretend. It gives people comfort and the illusion that I'm a reasonable man instead of a tyrannical bastard."
"I have no such illusions," I retorted smartly.
"Oh good," he replied cheerfully. "That means we can do away with all pretenses, then."
"Why not one of your own children? Why choose me?"
He slid his hand through his blond locks, giving me a lazy shrug. "I haven't had a child in eons." He gave me a pointed sideways look. "That, too, has become predictable and boring. Honestly," he sighed in exasperation as he rolled his eyes, "there's only so many times that you can take your children becoming little shits that try to overthrow you before you decide to use prophylactics."
"Wait, seriously?"
"Yes," he shrugged, trying to look casual but coming off as sheepish. "My genes usually don't translate well. They all turn into little bastards one way or the other. And the good ones," suddenly he seemed...old, maybe, or just done. "Well, the good ones always die young, don't they?" he said softly, giving me a hollow smile.
"So, what do I call you?" I asked, trying to distract him from his thoughts. It was unsettling how empty he suddenly looked, like the light was on but no one was home. "Do you go by Chronos?" I asked dubiously. "Because that could become really confusing. Also imagine my dad, or worse, Zeus' face when I tell them I'm Chronos' Champion." I whistled lowly. "I'm thinking instant lightning bolt to the face, what about you?"
He snorted loudly at the very likely scenario. "Yes, that does seem to be his response to anything that rubs him the wrong way. That boy has absolutely no sense of originality. Or self-control," he added as an afterthought.
"Well, It'll be a cold day in hell before I rub him the right way," I retorted dryly.
"Seducing Zeus?" he mused thoughtfully, as if the thought had never occurred to him. The somewhat intrigued look on his face made me wish I had never brought it up. "That doesn't seem very difficult. It could be somewhat amusing, I suppose."
"Not if I'm the one that has to do the seducing," I snapped. "The dude is my dad's brother, so it's not happening. Ever. Pick a different name I can call you by; I'm not dying because my uncle is a cranky bastard that jumps to conclusions far too easily." I looked up at the sky with a confused frown when it remained suspiciously clear. Not a cloud in the sky. How strange.
"They can't hear us," he offered after a small glance at the sky. "As if I would allow those nosy brats to listen in on my business."
"You can do that?" I asked, surprise coloring my voice.
"I can do anything, sweetheart," he boasted smugly.
Good, that was a relief. I'd briefly forgotten about anything but him and spoken freely. It was a relief to know that if they were eavesdropping: they hadn't learned any of my deepest and darkest secrets.
"If you can do anything, then why do you need me?" I drawled dryly, raising my brows. "So, name?" I asked when he sent me an irritated scowl. I so did not want to piss this dude off. I actually enjoyed living.
"I have many," he shrugged. "Humans have worshiped me since the dawn of time. They had many different names for me. Aeon will suffice, for now, I suppose." He sighed. "I take it that you've accepted your position?" he asked, semi-casual.
"I don't know. Have you been completely truthful with me?"
"Of course not." He laughed with an air of incredulity. At my angry glare he stopped laughing and sighed in exasperation. "I won't tell you everything, where's the fun in that? But, what I do tell will be nothing but the truth," he amended grudgingly. "Is that good enough for you?"
"It'll do, for now," I answered tightly. I honestly had no idea what the hell I was doing and could only hope this wouldn't come back to bite me or Percy in the ass. "Agreeing to this won't make me your slave, right? I mean I'll still be able to do what I want, whenever I want?"
"Of course," he scoffed. "I'm asking you to become my Champion, not my Renfield," he muttered with irritation. "I am worshiped far and wide, all over creation. Any demigod would jump at a chance like this. Your hesitation is insulting."
Oh my fucking gods. He was actually pouting. I might have found it cute if I wasn't too busy gaping at him like a moron.
"I'm just being careful by making sure we're both aware of some things," I said conciliatory, trying but failing to forget the image of a being of unimaginable power pouting like a six-year old. "For instance, the fact that humans may have worshiped you since the dawn of time, but that there will be none of that from my end. Unless, you know, it's in your dreams."
He gave me a sly smile. "Now where would the fun be in that? I don't want your worship or obedience. Just be yourself and do whatever you want. All I ask is that you entertain me while you're doing it."
"Whatever." I sighed at the weirdo's general... weirdness.
"Are we done?" he asked, cocking his eyebrow. "Have you made your final decision?"
"No. One last question," I replied slowly, trying to think up a way of asking without dying a painful death. "So..." I drawled mock-cheerfully, "No offence or anything, but I have to ask this. You're not secretly Kronos trying to con me into helping him take over the world or something, right?"
"What?!" he demanded, clearly offended by my question. "No! In that little shit's dreams," he grumbled.
"I know a couple of things about Chronos or Aeon, or whatever you want me to call you. You're the personification of time. Some believe you were the first being that came into existence, some don't. What most agree on, though, is that Kronos was often mistaken for you. I'm just trying to make sure he's not an incarnation of you, or something."
"Oh, please," Aeon scoffed. "He wishes! That pointy bearded little upstart can't hold a candle to me. You know what that little shit is? I'll tell you; he's basically a VCR. He can rewind, he can fast forward, he can press pause, and even that he can't do right. You know those shitty VCR players that can only hold pause for a little while before they automatically start to play again? Well he is basically one of those. The most pathetic thing of all is that he can only affect a couple of people, animals, or whatever, at a time."
"But, I mean, that's still pretty powerful, right? Isn't he supposed to be the titan of time, or Father Time as he was called?"
"Another title he stole from me," he muttered darkly before giving me an irritated look. "Also, he's nothing compared to me. It's like someone going up to Prince Zuko of the fire nation with a box of matches, lighting a match the... well, muggle way, and then claiming they're the best fire bender in the world. Basically it's a bunch of delusional bullshit."
"Prince Zuko of the Fire Nation?" I asked incredulously, raising my brow in disbelief.
"I like him. I think he's scrappy," he shrugged, seemingly unapologetic but I thought I could detect a little embarrassment in his features. "Besides, once he stopped yelling about his honor every five minutes he became pretty cool. "
"How old are you again?" I deadpanned.
"Shut up," he snapped without any actual heat. "Getting back to the point I was trying to make; I rock while Kronos sucks."
"...No seriously, how old?"
I ignored his glare while I studied him carefully. I didn't think there would ever come a time where I would understand this being sitting next to me. At times he gave off this air like he was older than dirt, tired to the core of his very being, and so very bored. And at other times he seemed as if he was my age, both physical and mental. I didn't understand him and I was slowly starting to accept that I probably never would.
"Don't worry about it, sweetheart," he said, sounding surprisingly a lot less condescending than he could have. "I'm currently beyond your ability of comprehension."
"Will you ever stop reading my mind?" I huffed with annoyance.
"No," he denied readily. "Will you ever answer my question?"
This was it, now or never. I had no idea what to answer, though. A big part of me was screaming to run the other way, but the other part told me to shove my common sense in the deepest pits of Mordor and take a chance. What to do, what to do...?
Time was running out.
I closed my eyes, took a deep breath and let my heart speak. "Yes," I said suddenly. It was mostly instinct guiding my answer, and I wasn't sure if I was doing the right thing, but I truly felt like this was my best option.
He was beyond powerful, he knew my secrets, and he had at least some interest in my continued existence. It was more than I could say for any other god other than my dad.
"Yes, what?" He wasn't asking. He already knew what I meant, but he clearly wanted to hear me say it.
I felt this inexplicable need to voice my agreement so that there wouldn't be any doubt.
"I'll be your Champion... Your... Herald," I added, saying the word slowly, as if tasting it on my tongue. I liked it more than Champion, it fit better somehow.
For a moment his eyes lit up with so much happiness that they seemed even more blue than usual and he smiled at me all soft and humble like. I felt a soft warm glow settle in my stomach and it only strengthened the feeling that I had made the right decision. Then suddenly it was like he flipped a switch and all emotion vanished from his features. He looked like a marble statue, the pretty kind, sure, but also cold and unyielding.
He stood up so smoothly that I couldn't help the flash of envy. I had been taking ballet classes for over six years but I'd be hard pressed to mimic the graceful movement.
"Kneel before me, Rhea Jackson," he demanded in such an stern voice that I could do nothing but agree. This was the Primordial speaking, and it felt completely separate from the being I had been dealing with before. There was no room for banter or objections here. Where he seemed at least somewhat approachable before, he seemed cold and closed off now.
I shifted my body in the sand until I was on my knees before him. My eyes were glued to his, unable to look away. It was as if he looked right through me, straight to the very core of my being. It frightened me, but not because it felt like he was about to hurt me. The scary feeling came from being under the scrutiny of a being of infinite power.
"I am grateful for your service, Rhea Jackson," he inclined his head slowly, never breaking eye contact. He took my left hand in his and twisted it slightly so that my palm was facing upwards. He tugged on the sleeve of my hoody and carefully started to fold it up, not stopping until he reached my upper arm, just above my elbow. His hand returned to mine and he gave it a small reassuring squeeze before taking a deep breath.
"I now claim you as my own," he declared, still not breaking eye contact. I was a little confused but I had a feeling whatever he was doing wasn't finished yet, so I stayed silent and tried my hardest not to move.
Aeon took a slow deep breath that, startlingly enough, seemed to make his eyes glow a fiery orange colour, before slowly exhaling a bright hot stream of fire. My eyes widened in shock and I instinctively tried to back away from the fire. I tried to tug my hand out of his, planning on beating a hasty retreat but he held my hand in a tight grip. The stream of fire slowly turned into a bird made out of flames. It hovered in the air between us for a couple of seconds before it pretty much flew at me, literally disappearing into my arm.
I felt a sudden burst of pain coming from the inside of my forearm, as if someone threw a pot of boiling water onto it, and screamed. It felt like my fucking arm was on fire. My right hand reflexively came up to extinguish a flame that I couldn't see, but could definitely feel. It hurt so fucking much, I couldn't stop screaming. I needed cold water. I tried to rip my arm from his grip so I could run to the ocean where I knew my dad could help me, but he wouldn't let go.
"Breathe, Rhea, just breathe," he murmured softly.
"Stop it, it hurts!" I screamed. "Please, let me go!"
"I know," he crooned comfortingly. "I know. It will be over soon, I promise."
The fire spread out from my left arm and slowly started to envelop my entire body. I had never actually experienced being burned by hellfire before, but I was certain that it would feel a lot less painful than whatever the fuck this was. Every inch of my body hurt, but it was nothing compared to the pain I felt in my arm.
I kept screaming until my voice was hoarse and struggling until I tired myself out. It hurt so much that I couldn't understand how I was still conscious. A normal human being would have passed out from the pain long ago. Once the burning fire reached my brain, my mind went completely blank. Gradually I felt the pain diminish until all there was left was a nagging ache in my left forearm.
When I came back to myself, I could hear soft whimpering sounds. The sudden realization that those sounds came from me was coupled with the knowledge that Aeon was holding me in his arms, whispering how brave I was and how the pain would stop soon. Given that the asshole was responsible for the pain I was still feeling, his arms and words shouldn't have felt even half as good as they did.
"What was that," I croaked hoarsely, wincing at the sound of my own voice.
"As I said before, I have claimed you as my own."
"I thought you already did that?" I groaned, trying to shift in his arms, but stopping when my body felt too heavy to move.
"I did," he agreed softly. "I just decided to make it more permanent, that's all."
"Oh, that's all, is it?" The sarcasm could pretty much be cut, that's how thick it was. "What the fuck did you do to me?" I demanded in a harsh whisper. I could feel that something had fundamentally changed in me.
"Something significant," he replied easily, acting as if he hadn't just traumatized me for life.
It took some time and effort, but I shifted my head until I could look him in the eyes and glared at him with all the heat I could muster. Considering the fact that I felt as if someone had just deep fried my entire being, it was not inconsiderable.
"There was a slight complication that required a change of plans," he explained casually, with an air of nonchalance. I didn't know who he was trying to fool, but no matter how hard he was to read, this time I could look right through him. Whatever the hell just happened, wasn't done lightly, nor was it unplanned. It felt significant, as if something had changed and the world was different for it. Not better off, not worse, just different.
My eyes narrowed, which took a lot more effort than it should have. I looked him in the eyes, trying to convey how unimpressed I was with his explanation skills.
He hesitated for a moment, looking torn, before giving a small amused huff. "I find that I like you, Rhea," he explained with a small shrug, almost looking surprised by his own admission. "More than I ever thought I would. In the beginning I simply planned to drop you in this life and sit back to enjoy the show. As far as I was concerned, you would never have known of my existence. But, circumstances change; plans change. So..." he shrugged, as if that explained everything.
"What does that mean?"
"Nothing that's relevant to you, for now."
"Sure, because that doesn't sound like it'll come back to bite me in the ass, at all," I muttered hoarsely, rolling my eyes.
"Stop complaining," he demanded exasperatedly, "It's a good thing, trust me." Somehow, I wasn't convinced. He shifted me into a more comfortable position and sighed in exasperation. "It wasn't that bad. Besides, I knew you were strong enough to handle it."
Wasn't that bad, my ass! I still couldn't move without feeling like my skin was on fire. Stupid fucking bastard who probably wouldn't know what pain was if it hit him in the ass. Literally!
"You're such a whiner," he complained with an amused huff, probably in response to my thoughts. At least he wasn't going to kill me for cursing him out inside the privacy of my own mind, that counted for something. His face turned blank and his eyes hard. "You survived, girl; be grateful. Not many do," he added ominously.
This guy was such a fucking wackjob. The way his personality kept shifting like a cheap mood-ring was freaking me the fuck out. This was like Obito-Tobi-Madara levels of messed up. Also, it was slightly terrifying because I had no idea which part was real.
He sighed loudly as he shook his head. "Really, girl," he said, graciously ignoring, or not having 'overheard' my less than stellar assessment of his sanity. "This was nothing compared to what happened to poor Zuko when he faced his father in an Agni Kai."
Another personality shift for the win. This one apparently had a soft spot for Prince Zuko; I honestly had no words. "And we're talking about Avatar again." I sighed tiredly. "Are you seriously comparing my pain to that of a fictional character?" I asked seemingly casual after taking a moment to think about how to react.
If he said yes, I would try my hardest to kill him. I was sitting right next to a freaking ocean; I would still lose epically but I'd do some damage... Hopefully.
'Aw, who am I kidding. The best I can do is splash him with water," I thought sullenly. 'He'd probably end me after that for messing up his perfect hair.'
He smiled and slid his hand through his hair making me freeze. 'Please, gods, tell me he's not being an asshole and reading my mind right now?'
His smile widened and his eyes glittered in a way that told me there was no use in hiding anything from him because he knew everything I knew, everything I didn't, and more, but he was humoring me. For now.
"Why not Avatar?" he shrugged easily. "It's a story about a bunch of kids fighting to bring peace to the world and ultimately succeeding. What's not to like? It reminds me a lot of your situation, actually. Why," his lips curled up into a sly smile while his eyes narrowed into slits, "you even have your very own Prince Zuko."
"We do?" I asked, somewhat dumbfounded.
"Yes," he hummed, nodding slightly. "Someone that starts out as your enemy wanting your destruction and in the end changes and becomes your ally. It's almost exactly the same." He smiled widely, reminding me once again of the creepy version of the Cheshire Cat.
My mind raced a mile a minute trying to fit the pieces together. If he was telling the truth and we had our own Zuko, then who was it? Was he talking about the Lightning Thief? The original Luke was Percy's enemy but he redeemed himself in the end by ending his own life and that of Kronos before the latter could take over completely and wipe Percy off the face of the earth.
I hated this. In the beginning I was so certain that I had an advantage over everyone, knowing what was going to happen; but in the end I knew very little. Everything could change in the blink of an eye, and many things had. Luke being female and obviously younger changed things. I couldn't be sure that she was the thief, and at the same time, I couldn't be sure that she wasn't.
"Well, your enemy turned ally won't be crowned as the new Fire Lord, of course, but everything else... They'll even walk the earth, searching for redemption."
"Zuko didn't walk the earth searching for redemption, though," I objected absentmindedly, mind still stuck on the whole Luke with breasts issue and how it changed the world around me. To think that a pair of breasts could possibly have that much influence...
"Of course he did. What did you think he was doing after he joined team Avatar?"
"Wait a minute," I muttered, mind screeching to a halt. "How do you know that Zuko joined the Avatar or that he was crowned as Fire Lord? That never happened!"
It did happen of course, but not in this world. In this world the cartoon didn't even exist. Hell, the movie was never made, thank god for small mercies. The only thing I could find of The Avatar was a comic book series that stopped publishing after Book Two: Chapter Earth. It wasn't as popular as it had been in my world; no cartoon, no movie, no video games or action figures and no sequel. So how would he know what happened in the third season?
"Have you been eavesdropping on the bedtime stories I tell my brother?" I asked incredulously.
"...No. Of course not. I would never do such a thing," he said in the most insincere tone ever. "In this dimension they may have stopped the publication at Book Two, but in your world and many others they didn't. Besides," he sniffed haughtily, "unlike you, I have no need to watch a cartoon or read a comic or book to know everything there is to know. I can just visit any dimension I want and watch the true story unfold."
"So... You've actually seen the real Avatar, you-you've seen Aang?" I asked, breath catching in my throat. "You can do that?"
He snorted and gave me a look that said everything that needed to be said about my intelligence, or lack thereof, as the case may be. "Of course I have, and I told you this before; I can do anything. He's surprisingly enough even shorter in real life, but he grows out of it...or should that be into it?" he asked himself with a small frown. "Or maybe just grows?"
"How?" I demanded, feeling as if someone just pulled out the rug from under me.
He sighed as if he found the whole 'how' question tedious, but answered anyway. "My power is Time. Do you think they didn't have time in Zuko's dimension, or in Superman's, or balls I don't know, Frankenstein's? Where there is time there is me," he explained long-sufferingly.
"But what does that mean? Every 'dimension' you just named is fictional. It doesn't exist, so why would it matter if time was a factor there? How is it possible to visit a fictional world..."
My eyes widened in shock when I realized what I just said. It wasn't as if I was reborn into a fictional world or anything. "...Oh."
"Yes, oh," he smirked.
"So, they do exist," I said hesitantly, still not truly understanding the how or why. I may have been reborn into a fictional world, but that didn't mean every work of fiction ever made was somehow real.
"You're telling me Rick Riordan created this entire world by writing a story?" I asked skeptically. That seemed like a lot of power for anyone to have.
"Of course not," Aeon practically sneered. "Some people are simply more attuned to the voice of the cosmos than others," he offered, with an air of mystery.
Alright, now he was deliberately trying to annoy me. I groaned as I heaved myself out of his arms. I was not going to have this discussion while lying in his arms like a child. I sat myself beside him and scowled. "Don't give me any of that New Age, hocus-pocus bullshit. I'm asking a serious question here."
He sighed deeply. "Fine. Some people, mind you not all, can tap into the tapestry of the multiverse and get impressions. They come to them in their sleep, in the shower, or sometimes when they're daydreaming. They get small snippets that, with a lot of work, can turn into a good story. Some get more than a small glimpse and have a whole world living in their minds, very much like Tolkien, Lucas, and Roddenberry," he explained seriously. "Percy Jackson doesn't exist because Rick Riordan wrote the books; it's the other way around.
"Your 'Uncle Rick' caught the most important parts, but I guess the details were a little fuzzy or he decided to write the story in his own way, like a lot of authors do." He shrugged easily. "Or perhaps he was tuned into another reality altogether. It's probably the reason why, in this reality at least, some things are similar to the books and movies, but others aren't. I know you've been worried about that," he added offhandedly.
"There are other realities of this world that are different?" I asked uncertainly.
"Naturally," he said, slowly inclining his head in agreement. "In some Percy died facing Kronos, in some he was taken to Camp Half-Blood when he was but a small child, and in others he lived in his father's palace and attended Camp Fish-Blood instead. The possibilities are endless."
His lips curled up into a mischievous smile. "There are plenty of differences between realities, and lots of similarities. The one thing that no reality but this one has, though, is you." I froze. "There is only one Rhea Jackson, daughter of Poseidon, in existence," he offered, looking like the cat who ate the entire canary species.
"...Oh," I exhaled shakily, trying to process everything.
"You know," he mused thoughtfully, "you say that a lot."
I ignored his useless observation and focused on reacting to the flood of information he just imparted to me.
"Seriously?" It was in all honesty the only thing that ran through my mind. Well either that or 'Does not compute!'.
"Seriously," he confirmed, wearing a small amused grin. 'Oh I bet he's just loving this,' I grumbled internally.
"I am," he confirmed my thoughts, small grin turned into a smirk. "Blowing your mind is surprisingly amusing," he confessed. "I'll endeavor to do it more often."
"Oh, that's just great," I muttered sarcastically.
"Isn't it?" He smiled genuinely as if my sarcasm was nonexistent. Asshole.
"So, you're basically telling me every book that's ever been written is a different dimension or world where that shit actually happened? I don't buy it." I shook my head dismissively. "Besides, the multiverse theory hasn't been proven."
"Not by mortals," he snorted. "I think you and I both know that I've forgotten more about the way the multiverse, or universe if you will, works than every scientist in existence could ever hope to discover with their silly little mathematical equations and theories."
"I don't know anything, dude," I protested dismissively.
"Well you should," he snapped, appearing strangely offended. "You, more than any being in this world, should know."
"What, because I was reincarnated? I hate to break it to you, but reincarnation was a subject of speculation long before it ever happened to me."
"No! Because you were reincarnated into a different world, you nitwit. One you've read about before your death, one you know only as a work of fiction. Well, you did until you got your head out of your ass and started to accept reality. I think it was around the time you saw your father, you know, the god Poseidon, materialize out of thin air," he sneered.
I scowled angrily. "If you were nosing around to see all that, then you should also know that I only believe once I've seen the proof with my own eyes. Where is the proof of everything you've been saying, huh?"
He clenched his jaw in agitation. "Perhaps the fact that you're living your life as Rhea Jackson, sister of Percy Jackson, a fictional character, should be proof enough."
"Don't you call my brother a fictional character, you asshole!"
"Fine!" he yelled, making me lean back and remember I was yelling at a primordial being. "You want proof? Fine," he said, looking frustrated but also strangely satisfied, almost as if something had just been confirmed in a way that pleased him.
"Wait, wait," I protested. "Whatever you're thinking of doing, don't!" I yelled, hastily scrambling to my feet.
"Why ever not?" he drawled with amusement, his eyes glinting with something I thought I recognized as anticipation.
"Because I don't like the way you're looking at me right now," I admitted with a small squeak.
"Smart girl," he nodded approvingly, making me even more nervous. "Give me your arm," he said softly, but firmly.
"No," I yelped, as I cradled my arm close to my body. "You'll probably bite it off or something," I muttered defensively, eyeing him uneasily. For all I knew this time he was planning on sending not only a bird, but an entire petting zoo made out of fire into my arm; fuck that.
"I am not," he said with a hint of outrage, like he had even one fucking leg to stand on.
"I don't believe you," I muttered, still not giving in.
"Do you truly believe that you'll win this?" he asked, arching his eyebrow imperiously.
"...No," I muttered sullenly.
"Then give it to me, I need to check something."
"Fine," I snapped with an air of defeat. "But this better not hurt, or I'll... do something."
I slowly uncurled my arm from around my waist and showed it to him, my eyes not leaving his face in case his eyes started glowing orange again. As far as early warning systems went, that one was pretty distinctive.
He snorted with amusement. "Your threats need some work, Princess," he murmured absently as he studied my arm. He hummed approvingly as he started to unfold the sleeve of my hoody.
"Good, that's good. Now, as for proof—" he started, but stopped when I interrupted.
"No need, really. I believe you," I lied through my teeth. Given the unimpressed look he gave me, he figured that part out easily. He gave me a long considering look.
"You do have a lot going on at the moment," he said slowly, "More than even you are aware of." I opened my mouth to ask what it meant but quickly changed my mind when I saw his eyebrows raise in challenge. Sometimes it was best not to tickle a sleeping dragon. "It would probably be wise to give you some time to let everything sink in."
"Yes, I should definitely have some time to let everything sink in, maybe have a large shipwreck, really," I laughed nervously. What the hell was I even saying?
Aeon simply snorted. "Stop talking," he advised, wisely in this case.
"Very well." He finally nodded decisively, making me heave a relieved breath. The relief didn't last long as he reached out with his right arm and put his hand on my chest. I didn't even have time to reflexively scream out pervert—not that I thought he was one since I had no breasts to speak of—when a warm glow entered my chest and turned me into a drooling puddle of mess on the floor. I didn't know what just happened to make my limbs decide to stop working all of a sudden, but I certainly didn't mind.
I absentmindedly noted my body being lifted off the floor and into someone's lap, someone I identified as Aeon when he chuckled mirthfully at the incoherent sounds coming from my mouth.
I don't know what he did to me, but unlike the firebird, this he could do whenever he wanted. I had never felt so good in my life.
"You're welcome, Rhea," he rumbled, the vibrations in his chest feeling oddly comforting. It reminded me of laundry day when I was still a child and secretly resting my chest on the dryer instead of helping my mom fold laundry whenever I thought she wasn't looking.
The comparison only made him chuckle louder. "Such a strange girl, you are," he contemplated, as he looked down at me with a fond smile, eyes shining with a strange glint I couldn't identify.
'What the hell did he do to me?' I felt larger somehow, more powerful, but not necessarily different. It simply felt like there was more of me. It didn't scare me as it rightly should, instead, I found that I rather liked the feeling, and that made me wary enough to snap out of the bliss-induced haze.
"What did you do to me?" I asked softly. His face lost all traces of mirth and became unreadable as he moved his eyes away from mine, and stared at the horizon.
"You wanted proof," he supplied nonchalantly.
"I don't know what that has to do with anything, it's not like I suddenly believe you now."
His eyes moved back from the horizon and met mine. "You will," he smiled knowingly. "I opened you up to infinite possibilities."
"Which, when spoken in the language of sanity, means what exactly?" I demanded archly.
"I filled you with more of my power," he explained. "You wanted proof, you will have it." He smiled mysteriously. "In time."
"Now," he said with a hint of satisfaction. "I remember promising you a gift."
"After your little firebird torture session I'm not eager to find out what your definition of a 'gift' is," I admitted honestly.
"What about after the pleasure I just granted you?"
I cringed. "Don't say it like that, million-times-over Grandfather," I complained, pointedly using his title. "You make it sound wrong and ick-worthy on every kind of level imaginable."
"I am not your million-times-over great-grandfather," he protested, eyes glinting with amusement. "It's only like three greats before grandfather. Two of my children Aether and Hemera had Gaea and Ouranus who had Kronos and Rhea, who had Poseidon who talked his way into your mother's good graces and spawned you and your brother," he explained easily, making my head spin in the process.
"Wait, that crazy chick that'll try to kill my brother is your granddaughter?" I curbed the urge to go find a wall and repeatedly bang my head against it. Of course she fucking was. It explained so much; the crazy had to have come from somewhere.
He arched an eyebrow. "If you're referring to Gaea, then yes, she is."
"Is there anyone in your family that isn't going to try and kill us?" I despaired.
"Well," he hummed thoughtfully. "I don't think Aether and Hemera are going to be a problem if you ever meet them. I believe they'd rather dote on you, if it came to that. My son Chaos would most certainly try to seduce you." He grinned roguishly. "You and your brother," he added with a wink, making me shudder.
"I think I just threw up in my mouth," I said queasily.
"Your grandmother Rhea would probably steal you away and lock you up in a tower where nothing and no one could ever harm you," he said contemplatively, ignoring my revolted expression. "I'm afraid she was quite traumatized after witnessing her husband-brother eat their own offspring, the poor girl," he added, sounding anything but sympathetic.
I opened my mouth to answer but after a couple of seconds of grasping for a reply, closed it with an audible click. What the hell was I supposed to say to that?
After a couple of seconds I settled on the one thought I believed wholeheartedly. "Dude, your family is fucked up."
"Don't forget, little Rhea, they're your family, too."
"Ugh," I groaned. "Don't remind me."
"Now," Aeon said firmly. "Enough stalling, time to accept my gift."
"Great," I muttered apprehensively, feeling anything but happy.
"No need to be rude," he grumbled as his lips curled into a small pout. "I give amazing gifts, you'll see."
"...Yeah. Somehow, I don't feel reassured," I retorted softly as I patted the arm he had slung across my waist. "I can manage on my own."
"I don't mind," he shrugged, eyes glinting with humor. I scowled with annoyance when he didn't remove his arm. He got the message and lifted his arm heaving an exasperated sigh while I clumsily crawled to sit next to him.
"Well I do. No damsel here, dude."
"You wouldn't be here if you were; I personally find damsels to be particularity annoying."
"Good," I retorted, just saying something for the sake of having more time to prepare myself for the 'gift' I was about to receive.
Aeon simply looked at me as if he knew exactly what I was doing and found it amusing. It irritated the hell out of me. He pulled out a flat square box out of thin air, and handed it to me. I automatically accepted it, eyeing it like a child of Athena would a giant spider. It certainly seemed like a gift from the outside. It didn't look any different than a normal jewel gift box, but I was still in no way reassured.
"Just open it." He sighed in exasperation.
"Yeah, alright," I agreed halfheartedly. I took a deep breath and prepared myself for the worst. I stilled when I got my first look at my gift. It was a bracelet. A simple charm bracelet, or it would have been if it hadn't been black and lacking any charms.
"...Okay. Ehm. Thanks?" I stammered, knowing I should feel relieved, but having the distinct impression that 'what you see', was in that case definitely not 'what you get'.
"You're welcome," he replied pleasantly. "May I help you put it on?"
"Ehm, well you see, I have literally nothing that goes with this."
"You don't like it?" he said flatly.
"No, of course I like it," I replied insincerely. For such a good liar I was doing a piss poor job of trying to convince this powerful being before me.
"Just, you know, no offence or anything, but is that all?" It was pretty enough, sure, but nothing like I was expecting.
"Were you expecting more?" he asked, arching his eyebrow.
"What?" I exclaimed in horrified surprise. "No! I mean, you've been very generous. It would be ungraci—"
"Because you would not be wrong." Oh shit. When would I learn to keep my fucking mouth shut?
"What's your dominant hand?" he asked as he leaned forward to take the bracelet from its box.
"My right," I sighed resignedly, knowing I was caught with my back against the wall.
"Then give me your left arm," he demanded. The chain felt cold against my arm as he put it on. I frowned thoughtfully, trying to figure out what was so strange about it, rolling my arm as I watched the bracelet slide with the movement.
"A charm bracelet is nothing without a charm, so let me gift you your first."
I looked up distractedly and choked on a breath when I saw him hold his palm out to me with a charm resting on it. I was by no means an expert in gemstones but I recognized something expensive when I saw it. He smiled amusedly at my reaction as he attached the charm to the bracelet.
"What is it?" I whispered reverently as I lifted my arm and watched, entranced, as it dangled from my bracelet. I suddenly had no more problems with accepting this particular gift. It was just so damn pretty.
"It's a black diamond," he said softly, the corner of his mouth curling up in amusement as I looked at him with wide eyes. "Take the charm in your hand and pull on it."
I gave him a questioning look, but he just nodded with encouragement, so I pulled at the charm. Nothing happened. I looked at Aeon in question.
"Harder. Don't worry, it's impossible to break," he reassured me.
When I tried pulling harder, I felt it tear from the bracelet. I cringed instinctively, thinking I broke it, but stopped in surprise when the charm transformed in my hand and turned into a large sword.
"Oh," I breathed.
"Yes," Aeon grinned happily at my reaction. I looked at him and for the first time that day I was certain that his grin was genuine.
A thousand thoughts ran through my mind and I wasn't sure what to say. "This is not Greek," I finally decided on, not wanting to stay silent any longer.
"Neither am I, lovely one," he said indulgently, but somehow not patronizingly. "The fact that the Greek worshiped us most does not mean they were the only ones. I have followers on every continent, and in every world, galaxy, and universe."
"Not only is it not Greek," I continued as if he hadn't spoken, "But it also gives me the distinct impression that you're trying to get me killed."
He lifted his eyebrows in surprise. "Why would you say that?" he drawled.
I lifted the weapon in the air. "This is a sikkel," I said flatly. "My grandfather Kronos uses a sikkel. My evil grandfather Kronos, who shares your name, your title, and apparently has the diet coke version of your timey-whimy ability, who is also like my dad's and more importantly, my lightning bolt wielding uncle's arch-nemesis."
"It's not a sikkel," he protested calmly, making me feel like he wasn't really getting the severity of the situation. "It's a khopesh."
"Which was a weapon that was inspired by the sikkel." I admittedly only knew this because I had watched The Mummy and thought the wicked blade looked cool enough to find out its history.
"That little upstart doesn't use a khopesh or a sikkel, he uses a scythe. You've read the books, Rhea," he explained patiently, as if I was the one being unreasonable.
"In the books Luke has a penis," I retorted dryly. "It's pretty obvious that I can't trust anything I've read in the books. The myths say that Kronos is associated with both the sikkel and the scythe."
"Which is still nothing like the beautiful khopesh I just gifted you. There's a difference, an idiot could see that."
I watched him with wide eyes and gaping mouth. Was he kidding right now?
"My brother had no idea that the gods were real or how to make it up to Olympus, hell, he had never even been to the empire state building in his life. But he somehow still got accused of executing the heist of the century by my lightning bolt wielding bastard of an uncle. Excuse me for not trusting Zeus' idiotic ass to be logical about me being a sikkel wielding champion of Chronos."
"It's still not a sikkel!" he yelled exasperatedly.
"What the hell am I even going to do with it anyway?" I questioned, eyeing the blade. It was admittedly beautiful and certainly deadly looking, but all I could picture was me sticking it in some monster and then using all of my power to try to pull it out after it got stuck.
I always figured that if I had to have a close range weapon it would be a sword or, like, an ax. Something that would mean all I had to do was repeatedly hit something with my weapon. I could do that shit on instinct. This weapon looked like it could be complicated to use.
"Also, why is it black? It's not made of that stuff Nico's sword is made of, right? Because I'm pretty sure only people associated with death can safely use that."
He gave me a contemplative look. "You are associated with death through your association with me. I couldn't have taken your soul to be reborn in the world of my choosing if I hadn't been. Well, I could have, but it would have taken some effort on my part."
"What does that mean?" I asked uncertainly.
"It means that you could probably wield Stygian Iron without any difficulties."
"So this khopesh is made out of Stygian Iron?" I asked hesitantly. I wasn't sure how to feel about that. It would be just another thing in a long line of things that brought attention to me. The point was to blend in and survive. The demigods that stood out usually died young and horribly, except for the original Perseus.
"No. It's made from adamantine." His face was completely closed off and it brought a chill to the back of my neck.
I didn't like the way he looked at me, it made me nervous. "Like Wolverine's claws?"
His lips curled up in amusement while his eyes looked at me with a strange glint. I couldn't be sure but I had the feeling my answer and his reaction to it surprised him.
"No, that's the human equivalent of adamantine, which is very strong in its own right, but still nothing compared to the metal this sword is made of. This," he said, slowly sliding his finger over the flat of the blade, "Is a metal not from this earth and the only time it is found here is when it falls from the sky."
"So it's from a comet?"
"In a manner of speaking," he said slowly. "It falls from the heavens when I decide it's needed here on earth. And I have decided to gift it to you."
'That sounds familiar somehow... Something to do with Gaea. A metal from the earth... Stronger than anything... Fell from the sky...'
I couldn't put my finger on it, but I had a feeling it was important. 'Aw well, I'm sure it'll come to me later.'
"Look, no offense or anything, but couldn't you just give me a normal sword made out of Celestial Bronze?" I looked up at him with a hopeful expression. "Or maybe even a long range weapon?"
Aeon frowned, mouth slowly arranging itself into a displeased expression. "A long range weapon," he said slowly. "Do you mean something like a bow and arrow?" his frown grew more pronounced. "Because I've seen what Poseidon's ilk can do with a bow and arrow and I'm not impressed. Maybe your father doesn't mind if his children go around looking like fucking idiots, but the hell am I going to let someone that has my favor go around embarrassing me like that."
I swallow heavily at his ire. I didn't think I'd ever really heard him curse before. "Um, well, I was thinking more along the lines of a bazooka armed with like, everlasting rockets made out of celestial bronze, but sure, let's start with a bow and arrow."
"No," he deadpanned.
"Alright, alright," I said, holding my hands up to show I didn't mean any insult. I honestly didn't. I was just thinking about fitting in, not standing out, and using a weapon that wouldn't get me killed.
"I'm just saying; I wouldn't exactly say no to a long range weapon, that's all."
He frowned in clear irritation. "You want a long range weapon?" he demanded. "Give me that!" He took my sword from my hands and despite his bad mood, he did it carefully, making sure not to hurt me. It was strangely enough the best testimony that I could have received that he truly wouldn't hurt me just for the sake of hurting. It made me feel infinitely better about the choices I had made.
He took my very pretty, wicked looking sword by the hilt, turned towards the ocean, and threw it like one might a throwing knife. I choked out a protest, looking at him incredulously, as I watched my sword sail through the air until it went so far that my eyes could no longer pick it out of the sky.
"What. The fuck," I said flatly. That was my sword. He threw away my damn sword! Before I could get angry and ask him what the hell he was playing at, he slashed his hand through the air as if to shush me. He took my left hand and lifted it until he held it in front of my face. I looked incomprehensibly at the black diamond khopesh charm dangling from my bracelet. I lifted my right hand to pull the charm and suddenly I was holding my beautiful black sword again. I wondered if I'd look like an idiot if I hugged and kissed my sword.
'Apparently I'm more attached to this thing than I thought.'
"See, instant long range weapon," Aeon explained, his tone of voice filled with smug satisfaction.
'The curse of recall... just like Riptide.' I opened my mouth trying to speak, but my voice croaked. I cleared my throat and tried again. "That was so not what I had in mind when I said long range weapon," I started slowly. "But that was fucking awesome!" I yelled with elation. That was so useful, and way better than some stupid plastic pen anyway.
"I'm glad you like it," he smiled, still radiating smug satisfaction. "Now listen very carefully," he continued sternly. "You will learn to use your khopesh as if it was the first thing they put into your hand after you were born. You will not embarrass me, because if you do, I'll make sure you regret ever meeting me." He politely ignored my very loud "Ha, too late for that!"
"These three things you need to know: The first; your behavior reflects on me; carry yourself as one befitting to be my champion. Live your life as you see fit, but remember that you live and die at my discretion. All that you are belongs to me."
I didn't like hearing that, it raised my hackles like nothing ever had, but I stayed silent. I may not like the reality of the situation, but that didn't make it any less true.
"The second is that my gift to you is dangerous. Learn to control my powers well, and learn to wield your sword. Most importantly, and this counts for both your gifts with time and your khopesh, learn when to use them and when not to use them."
He looked at me contemplatively. "It's a piece of wisdom no one can teach you. It will come with time and experience. Using your sword or power when you shouldn't have will bring you heartache if you let it. Your sword is not made out of Celestial bronze, Imperial gold, nor Stygian Iron. Your sword can and will kill anything, if you learn how to use it effectively. Be very careful with that, my lovely one. It's a heavy weight to bear."
'Oh shit, it can kill anything, like humans? Percy sword couldn't, but my sword can? Is it too late to give it back?'
The hard uncompromising look in Aeon's eyes told me that it was. Maybe instead of taking the sword back he could simply erase the whole 'able to kill humans with this sword' part from the equation.
"The third and final," Aeon continued, dashing all hope that he'd grant me that small favor, "remember that I'm always watching. Always."
He gave me a small wicked smirk, eyes shining with hidden mirth before fading into ash.
All thoughts of my sword being able to kill mortals faded from my mind. "Wait! What do you mean always? Like, even in the shower?!" I yelled, horrified, looking around and finally addressing my grievance to the sky.
"If you're looking at me while I'm in the shower I'm going to stick my new sword where the sun don't shine, you hear me Mr. High and Mighty?!"
The sky began to rumble in offense. Before this very day I had no idea skies could do that. 'Aw, crap! I guess I'm no longer hidden from the gods. Fuck my life.'
"I wasn't talking to you, Lord Zeus," I hurriedly explained. "I'm sure you don't use your godly power to watch chicks taking a shower..." Wait a minute... That was exactly what the man-whoring pervert would do!
"I mean, I'd hate to be you if your wife found out that you would do something so despicable," I said pointedly.
"Jackson!" I heard Dag's voice yell from behind me, the urgency in his tone of voice making me hastily turn around. "Jackson!" Dag yelled as he ran into my field of vision.
"I'm flattered by your trust in me, Dag, really. But I'm gonna need more than a half hour to put my head back on straight," I joked dryly.
"Rhea," he panted as he practically screeched to a halt in front of me. He opened up his mouth to speak before halting and scrunching his eyebrows in confusion. "What are you talking about, it's only been like five minutes?" he asked confusedly.
'Ah, I suppose Father Time strikes again.'
"Ugh, never mind that," he dismissed after a beat, "your brother is awake!"
I immediately perked up at the news, my frown turning into a wide relieved smile.
"You better come quickly, though." He frowned as he offered me a hand. "He's not handling waking up without you or your mom around very well."
"Yeah, I figured he wouldn't," I sighed as I took Dag's hand and allowed him to pull me up. "That's why I asked Chiron if I could sleep in the infirmary."
"No, I mean like really, really not well," he clarified. "I've hung around you long enough to recognize a Jackson when they're plotting and that dude is making contingency plans left and right. I'm pretty sure some of them entailed hitting me over the head and taking me hostage until we gave you back." He grimaced. "I got out of there as soon as I saw him eyeing that big piece of Minotaur horn Grover presented to him."
I gave Dag a wide eyed incredulous look before bursting out in laughter.
"Of course," Dag sighed in defeat. "I tell you your brother is probably planning to hit me over the head all caveman style and you laugh in my face. Why am I not surprised?"
"Because you actually know me?" I offered cheerfully.
"So true." He sighed, resigned. "Now let's go! I'm pretty sure Grover is exempt from getting hit on the head on account of their friendship, but I wouldn't bet my favorite cans on it."
"Yeah, yeah." I sighed tiredly as I ran after Dag. "Let's go stop my brother from making an ass of himself and inflicting people with needless head wounds," I told Dagwood, smiling at the thought of my brother.
Dagwood rolled his eyes muttering something about hopeless demigods before turning around and walking back towards camp. I lifted my arm and watched the small diamond sword charm dangle in the air, glinting in the sunlight. My proof that I hadn't hallucinated the conversation with my patron. I softly massaged my left arm. It didn't feel painful anymore, but there still was a small ache. 'More proof that I haven't gone insane, I suppose.'
"Rhea!" Dag called impatiently.
"No rest for the wicked," I muttered near silently, with one last look at the beach, before following my friend.
A/N: Thank you for your patience, it means a lot that you're still here.
Answer: I like Dagwood. Funnily enough that wasn't always the case, but he kinda grew on me, like a fungus. He was supposed to be a background character but he took over and pretty much refused to be shoved in the back seat. So now he's here, and he's not leaving. I'm glad that you guys seem to like him though.
Question: Alright I'm gonna ask... Pairings. Give it to me dudes, don't be shy.