AN: Ok, here it is! I'm marking this baby complete! Thank you so much for everyone who stuck with me through this journey, through delays and writers block, and all my extra characters. I hope you've enjoyed the ride!
Disclaimer: All characters belong to their respective authors. Chris and Elsa are astonishingly real; Amber is all mine.
Hey Girl- Epilogue
Two pale figures perched high in a tree overlooking the beach. They didn't move, but sparkled ever so slightly in the weak sunlight.
Bella hadn't returned to her home in Washington even once in the past century, but an invitation from Sam was something she was unable to pass up. The aged alpha called her from his deathbed, asking her to come home and meet with his great-grandson to renew their treaty.
Peter wasn't thrilled with the idea, but the new pack was only three strong, and he did owe the old wolf. He wouldn't have his Bella if Sam's pack hadn't sacrificed to keep her safe.
Bella leaned heavily against her mate as the funeral service drew to a close and Sam's body was floated out to the island where all former Quileute chiefs were buried. He was the last of his pack, the last of his generation, and her last living tie with the human world. Everyone she met in her twenty-one years as a mortal had all passed over to the other side.
With a tearful wave, she said goodbye to her past and turned back to Peter. "Let's go home."
Home had changed a bit over the years. After her first two years as a newborn, she and Peter moved back to Houston, both to keep a claim on the land, and also to make things easier for their hunting needs. Their friends and family all cycled through, and they made their own visits to their homes as well.
Garrett and Amber used his charm and charisma to bring a truce to the south, and a shaky peace to the covens there. They heeded his warning about the Volturi, and they agreed that they would be ready if the day ever came that Aro's greed outgrew his good sense.
The first close call came less than six months after the Cullens left Texas. Carlisle's inability to heal Edward's human mate led him to risk his life seeking out the truth about Sabrina. His journey to West Texas nearly cost him his head, and only Sabrina's peaceful nature and desire to help were able to save him.
The doctor and nurse set up a "homeopathic" cancer treatment center in the desert east of El Paso. Sabrina learned to control her gift, giving her the ability to slowly heal humans and avoid suspicion from both the Volturi and the human medical professionals.
A year later, word got out that both Whitlock boys were back in Texas with their mates. Some of Maria's old enemies in Mexico came north to challenge them, but they were no match for the Texans' large coven. A few of Chris's boys went south to reinforce the border, and fewer vampires crossed the Rio Grande than humans regularly did. Those that worked the border ate well, picking off drug runners and human traffickers that the human authorities missed.
Jasper and Charlotte made their home permanently with Jace and Clary, though the girls did get new houses on some land just outside of town. Char and Jasper wore a path down I-45 visiting Pete and Bella every few months. Bella and Charlotte were the closest of friends, something Peter would be forever grateful for.
So neither of them were surprised when they flew into Houston after the emotional journey to La Push, and a petite blonde flew into Bella's arms, holding her tightly as she cried. Jasper laid a steadying hand on Peter's shoulder, sending slight calming waves to the girls as they waited for their mates to separate.
"Oh, sweetie, how are you doin'?" Char's soft voice was a soothing balm to Bella's spirit, bringing her back to the present and back home.
Bella pulled back and rubbed her eyes, attempting to clear the venom from hazy vision. "I'll be okay," she replied, reaching for Peter's hand to anchor her riotous emotions. She gave Jasper a timid smile as he fed her another small dose of peace.
She was quiet as they made their way to the baggage claim, and Jasper wisely chose not to comment on the distinctly wolfy smell coming from Bella's suitcase. One of Sam's granddaughters had dug up some old photos from Bella's time with the pack, and she was kind enough to make copies for the eternally youthful pale-face. The originals remained with the tribal elders, as a reminder of the treaty they shared.
The sky outside the airport was clear, with stars showing only to those with supernatural vision. The humans couldn't make out the pinpoints of starlight over the competing nocturnal glow of the city. Her eyes took in the changes to the sprawling city, thinking back to the progress they'd seen over the past century or so.
She sighed a bit as she stepped up into Peter's truck, reflecting on Sam's journey to the afterlife and the innate difference between humans and eternal beings. Sensing her mood, Peter pulled her close. She took comfort from his presence, and their friends, determined to make peace with her life.
A younger, more naïve girl once planned her future with the son of a Quileute chief. The world she once knew was gone, but those closest to her remained. Simple choices had changed her path, but she would continue to move forward with her blond cowboy.
"Hey, Pete? Let's go home."
Peter grinned, then tipped his hat. His truck roared loudly as they drove out of town under the light of the full moon.
"Yes, ma'am."
The End