This is the first fanfiction I have ever published online, so let me know how it is please! Honest R&R would be appreciated. This is the POV of Henry-a mortal friend of Percy's
I was sitting in Percy's living room with a couple of friends, watching reruns of the Walking Dead, when I heard a voice.
"Percy! Where the Hades did you put my blueprints? I know you hid them!" the voice didn't sound like Percy's mom. It was younger, more girly.
"Hey, Percy, I thought your mom was at work," our friend Jeff said.
Percy grinned, and ignored us, "Wise Girl, why would you accuse me of such a thing?"
Suddenly a gorgeous blonde girl came stomping down the steps. She was wearing leggings and a Goode High Swim Team sweatshirt. Her hair was curly and went almost all the way down her back. Percy hopped off the couch and walked over to her. I almost had a heart attack because I hadn't known there was anyone else in the house.
She just glared at him and said, "I know you stole my blueprints and hid them so I would stop working. You did it yesterday!"
He put a hand over his heart in mock hurt. Then he said, "I'll give them back if you promise to hang out with me and my friends-"
He was cut off by the girl muttering, "-my friends and I-"
Then he continued on as if she had said nothing, "-for the rest of the day."
She sighed. He smiled and put his hands around her waist.
"Doesn't seem like I have much of a choice, so fine!" she threw her hands up in the air.
I coughed and they whirled around to face us, because we were still on the couch.
"Oh, yeah, Annabeth, meet my friends. Friends, meet Annabeth."
"I'm his girlfriend," she said smiling. He kissed her on the cheek, then dragged her to the couch.
"Uh, do you want to change the channel?" I asked, wondering if a girl would like this show.
She just smirked at me. "I'm the one that got Percy hooked. He used to be scared of the zombies."
Percy slapped her on the arm, which I thought she would get upset about, but she didn't even flinch.
"Dude, you shouldn't hit a girl," Jeff protested, trying to sound heroic, no doubt.
Annabeth glared at him, and let me just say: if looks could kill, Jeff would belong on the Walking Dead.
"Why not?" she said, "It's just a sexist defense for weak girls. One slap on the arm doesn't hurt, and besides, I can beat the crap out of Percy if I want to. I've done it before."
Percy looked at her and whined, "Wise Girl, you said you wouldn't tell! It was once, okay? Once! And it wasn't really fair because you had an extra five years of training!"
"Yeah, yeah, sure. Blame it on the runaway girl. You're lucky-you came camp and went right back out on a quest. I spent five years twiddling my thumbs, waiting for you," she jabbed a finger in his face, "to come around. And it wasn't fun." Percy just threw back his head and laughed.
"Whoa, hold up. You're a runaway? Do your parents even know you're here? Does Percy's mom know you're here? Why are you here?" I asked, all at once. I thought she would have to ask me to repeat the questions, but after three seconds she started rattling off answers.
"1-I'm no longer a runaway. That was when I was a kid. 2-Yes, my parents know I'm here. 3-Sally obviously knows I'm here, I have been living in her guest room for two weeks. And 4-I'm here because I had business to attend to in New York and this was the most sensible place to stay. Now have I answered all your questions, or do you have anymore?" She said this all in a bored tone of voice, as if it was the last thing she wanted to be doing. One of our other friends, Zach, raised his hand like he was in a classroom. She rolled her eyes.
"Yeah, you." she gestured to Zach.
"Why are you dating Percy?" he asked with a dumbfounded look on his face. At this Annabeth burst out laughing and Percy looked like he'd been betrayed. Zach continued on, trying to explain himself, "I just mean that you're hot! I mean-," he trailed off, not sure what to say.
Percy made a scandalized face and waved his hand in front of his face, as if fanning himself. I realized he was impersonating someone, but I had no idea who. But Annabeth must have because she literally fell on the floor laughing. She stood up and said she was IMing someone named Hazel, and then ran away. She returned three minutes later, still laughing. She sat on Percy's lap and yelled at Daryl to kill more zombies all afternoon.
And that was how I met Annabeth Chase.