This is the third (and final aw) part of the trilogy one shot thing I was writing in chapters seven and seventeen. Sorry it took so long for an update, I've taken some advice that I should only write if I am motivated to. I've found that writing without drive results in empty words, which no one enjoys reading. I hope you like this chapter. By the way, I do understand that I've slowly made Annabeth and Percy more mushy throughout this trilogy but shut up because i'm the writer and I decide how they act. I am recognizing that this is not 100% true to their characters but this is cute and not outrageous so read on:

I was waiting just outside the front doors with Cristie, planning to ambush Percy and Annabeth on their way to the parking lot. The doors stayed open as a continual stream of children poured out, and soon the hands popping it open belonged to Percy. Annabeth thanked him quickly and continued on rambling about her issues with her art teacher. Percy just nodded and "mhmm"ed in the appropriate pauses. As soon as Percy noticed us waiting for him he smiled brightly, but Annabeth stopped mid sentence as all emotion slid off her face.

"No, no, no," She told us, "No more interrogations."

"Aw Annabeth, don't be grumpy" Percy teased in a baby's voice.

Annabeth turned and slapped him. He responded by jabbing her in the side. She tried to keep a straight face but failed: apparently Annabeth is very ticklish. She recognized the mischievous look on Percy's face instantly but as she turned around to run he wrapped his arms around her waist and lifted her off the ground while tickling her sides. She was laughing so hard she had tears on her face, but she was furiously struggling. Christie and I exchanged looks.

"Ehhemm" I coughed.

Percy and Annabeth looked at us, and she quickly made him put her down, clearly embarrassed. She put her head in her hands.

"Please," Cristie and I begged, "Just a few more. We won't ask anything too personal."

Percy laughed light heartedly and agreed while Annabeth moped. We all made our way to a tree in the courtyard where students generally hung around before, during and after school.

"I can't imagine why you could possibly be so obsessed with us," the blonde muttered, but Percy nudged her and smiled.

He told her something in greek and she sighed in a relenting manner. He must have been convincing her to chill out and act like every other normal person ever.

"Can we ask you a few questions now?" I asked sweetly.

They nodded, but Cristie jumped in before I could start.

"Did you say you had around 50 sleepovers before?" she aggressively asked.

Annabeth nodded silently.

"Okay, so why did you have so many?" she asked, dumbfounded.

Annabeth and Percy paused, as if considering how to answer.

"Well, it's not like we're gonna…you know…do anything," Percy said blushing fiercely, "And usually there's other people there too. It's just, I don't know, we really get along. And when we're at camp together we go on these camping trip things and we spend the night together, and then sometimes when we get back it accidentally happens on the beach or in the strawberry fields. It's not like we plan on it, and we definitely never have sleepovers in our cabins. It's just-"

Annabeth cut him off, "Perce, you're rambling. Truthfully, we enjoy being around each other and life is tough enough without forcing yourself to keep distance from someone you like just because of societal standards."

I was smiling to myself at the difference between them,

"Okay, my turn," I announced, "Does your dad really not care that you're sleeping in the same room? Isn't he overprotective?"

Annabeth sighed then told me "He's not overprotective, it's just that he has little control over other areas of my life so he tries to be very 'dad' when he can. And honestly, he might care a little…"

As she trailed off, Percy started laughing.

"He kinda does care. Like, he trusts us but he feels like he still can't allow it because he isn't supposed to. You know what I mean? So he used to make me sleep on the couch. But then Annabeth would stay down there with me so late that she would fall asleep down there. And then one time, we snuck up to Annabeth's room in the middle of the night and we ended up cuddling in our sleep. So in the morning he opens the bedroom door to find us in a bed we aren't supposed to be in, completely intertwined, and apparently nose to nose. Also, I might have not been wearing a shirt, which was entirely not my fault! Annabeth's brothers are like obsessed with me, so apparently they took my shirt in the middle of the night or something. Yes, it does sound completely implausible, but i'm a very heavy sleeper. Either way, after Dr. Chase freaked out he relented to just let us sleep in the same room. Besides, Annabeth doesn't even let me sleep in bed with her because she says I hog the covers and sometimes I talk in my sleep."

I blinked once, slowly, then again.

"That was so much cute information to take in I can't even handle it," I told him seriously. He just blushed.

Suddenly, Cristie asked a very good question, "What do you talk about in your sleep?"

Annabeth looked up from Percy's hand that she had been writing mathematical equations on, and then snapped her head down with a curtain of blonde hair to conceal her face.

"Oh, lots of things," Percy said in an attempt to sound casual.

"Annabeth?" I asked to get her attention.

"Has she told you?" he asked in shock.

"Wait, what? I was talking to Annabeth," I told him.

He snapped his mouth shut and looked down in shame.

"No. Way. NO WAY. NO FREAKING WAY," Cristie shouted.

"Stop!" Annabeth whined from her perch next to her tall, handsome friend. Wink wink.

"I don't talk about like, marrying her," Percy defended.

"He doesn't say anything romantic. He just says my name. Calm down," Annabeth explained, exasperated.

"What face is he making when he says it?" I asked.

"A sleeping one," Annabeth responded shortly.

I rolled my eyes.

"Fine, he smiles. Are you going to read into that too?"

"Maybe," Cristie said with a smirk.

"So, does Annabeth talk in her sleep?" I asked Percy.

He smiled fondly and nodded.

"About?" I prompted.

"Lots of things…Architecture, camp, me, friends."

"Hmm…interesting. Okay, I have a question for you Annabeth."

She just met my eyes then looked back down at her notes.

"Who do you feel most comfortable around?"

"Percy," she answered immediately.

"Why is that?" I asked.

"Are you going to really make me answer that?"

I just crossed my arms over my chest.

"I'm most comfortable around Percy because he understands me. He listens to me ramble about architecture and math like I listen to him go on about sea life and video games. We also just fit well together. He isn't organized, I am. He's much more goodnatured than I am. He's tall, I'm short. I'm smart about life, he's smart about people. I was a lot more clueless about a lot of things before I met him. Honestly, I can't imagine my life without him anymore, as annoying as he can be," she finished with a sweet smile at Percy, who had been absentmindedly twisting her hair as she talked. He looked up and smiled back at her.

He wrapped his arms around her shoulders and pulled her tight. She clung to him and buried her face in his shoulder. They stayed there for probably fifteen seconds.

"Sorry," Annabeth apologized when they pulled apart, "We just haven't seen each other in a while."

"Okay, well Cristie and I have to go…I'm sorry for bothering you guys so much. Have fun this weekend." I lied. I felt bad making them answer us when they obvious just wanted to be together.

They stood up together and started to walk away. They started bickering back and forth, when Percy smacked Annabeth's arm. This resulted in her jumping on his back and making him carry her to their car. Why was I not surprised.