Disclaimer: I own none of the Video Game Franchises or characters mentioned.
The decorations were up, and Din was waiting in the pocket universe that she had created with Farore's help, as Nayru was still refusing to help them. Her stubborn sister was sitting off to the side, refusing to meet her sister's eyes. Din would be setting up the portals momentarily, and she was excited. A mask sat on the picnic table beside her, and she picked it up, tossing it to Farore who swore as she caught it.
"Be careful!" Farore told Din as she tapped the mask, watching as a body grew from it till one of their sons stood before her.
He stood tall and proud, his white eyes meeting hers for a moment, looking inquiringly at her.
"Family reunion." Farore spoke quickly to him. "It's Din's idea.
The Fierce Deity nodded, looking bored as he crossed the grass to nod to Nayru, then sat down against a tree, watching the room carefully. Farore knew that he was undoubtedly scanning the area for escape route, possible threats, all of the things that she herself always searched for. He had always been the one of their children who she had identified with the most, but she knew that he was not someone to trifle with. He had been bound to the mask for a reason, one she knew that he understood, but that fact didn't lessen the danger anymore.
"Did you invite the light spirits?" Farore looked over to see Nayru acknowledging Din for the first time in days.
"Of course." Din rolled her eyes at her sister. "They refused my invitation though, something about a convention for spirits in another dimension."
"Oh." Nayru studied her sister skeptically. "And who else did you invite, exactly?"
Before Din could answer she heard her watch—a nice one she had picked up on a trip to earth—sound a beeping alarm, signaling that it was time for her to create the portals. "You'll see now."
Din created the first portal, hoping that Fi had been able to convince Hylia to come, and sure enough her younger sister staggered through the portal leaning on the sword, obviously drunk. Nayru strode over to Hylia and grabbed the wine bottle she held in her free hand, wrenching it free and tossing it away.
"Hylia! I thought I forbade you from drinking! You know that it isn't becoming of a goddess." Nayru began to berate the younger goddess who was swaying gently. "You aren't supposed to be using the portals for wasteful things like that!"
Din walked away from that portal after closing it, speaking conspiratorially to Farore as she did. "I'd be drinking too if I had to deal with Nayru nagging at me all the time."
"You do have to deal with that." Farore replied.
"Exactly." Din winked at Farore as she made the next portal, this one opening to a forest as the Happy Mask Salesman stepped through, Majora's complaints echoing across the portal.
"I swear, they'll all tremble before me! My time has finally come!" The Fierce Deity was at Din's side instantly, his sword drawn, glaring at her.
"Relax!" Din nudged him with her elbow, and he glared at her, refusing to lower his sword. "She's not going to get away with anything here."
The Fierce Deity did not move, staring the Happy Mask Salesman down as Majora's mask was pulled from the pack—complaining all the way.. The Mask Salesman—or Jeff, if you were on a first name basis with him—held out Majora to Din who touched the mask as Farore had touched the Fierce Deity's mask minutes earlier, watching as Majora's form grew, but Din had no intentions of letting her reach her true from. Instead she only allowed her to form into her human form, and angry red haired middle aged woman. Din knew this would upset her to no end, but there was no way that she was going to allow Majora to take any of her other forms, let alone her true form as a dragon. That would be foolish, even for a Goddess.
She ignored Majora's stream of complaints as the Happy Mask Salesman led her away from Din, Farore, and the Fierce Deity, trying to reason with her as he walked. Din didn't understand how her youngest daughter had ended up married to the Mask Salesman, let alone where the Mask Salesman had came from, but he seemed to be able to keep Majora's destruction to a minimum, and he had helped the goddesses in the past, so she couldn't complain about him.
Din had two more portals left to construct, so she moved on. She was saving her favorite son for last, so she would hurry and get this one open. Farore wouldn't be pleased with either of the two remaining guests, but Din couldn't help it if Farore's chosen was still alive and couldn't be brought here. She could hardly kill him off and bring him here, even if the hero who was still alive was old and senile. Hylia would undoubtedly by disappointed over his absence, but that couldn't be helped.
Din opened the second to last portal, mist pouring in from the prison where the sisters adopted son entered the pocket universe with the others, his purple hair shining in the light. There was an insane light in his red eyes, and he seemed to be appraising the situation, his eyes resting on Hylia, who was still being berated by Nayru.
"Mothers." He greeted Din and Farore, the later of who was glaring at him. "Thank you for your invitation."
"You slimy good for nothing—" Farore began, but Din elbowed her sister, interrupting her rant.
"You're welcome." Din nodded graciously, watching him carefully as he began to meander towards Hylia.
"You should not have invited him." Farore, who was usually the calmer of the two siblings looked furious. "He should still be in his prison."
"Think of it this way." Din met her sister's eyes. "So long as he is here, no one can free him from the sword, and the world below will be free from his influence"
"Fine, but I don't like it." Farore didn't look appeased. "I just wish that we could have the Hero here."
"I can send some Guerdo to kill him if you want me to." Din offered "They he can come here."
"No!" Farore spoke angrily. 'I suppose that it'll be fine."
"Well," Din began honestly, "If you didn't want Vaati here then I doubt you'll be happy about this." With those words the final portal swung open to show a darkness so deep that not even Mario on fire mushrooms would be able to light up, and Din's (sometimes) favorite son stepped out into the pocket universe, followed by his two companions, an ambiguously gay sword demon and the Hero's darker half.
"No. Just no." Farore gestured wildly from beside Din as Demise carefully embraced Din and nodded to Farore. "He is going straight back to where he came from."
"Farore, it's just for a few days, relax." Din's eyes seemed to be pleading with her sister.
"If you'll excuse us for a moment-" Farore began, grabbing Din's arm.
"Of course," Demise replied, his eyes burning like the fires of hell.
"Listen." Farore began. "You didn't say you would be bringing the Demon King here. If he gets out—"
"Thus why we went with the pocket universe. We're the only ones who can make the portals out, with Nayru and Hylia, so they can't leave without us. The world below is safer with them here."
"I just don't like it!" Farore glanced at their family. Majora was talking frantically with Demise, and Vaati of all people was sitting next to Hylia, as he glared at Ghirahim who was staring Hylia down. There always was the possibility that he wasn't gay, but she doubted it from the way he acted. It seemed far more likely that he was planning murder her. Dark Link was looking at some of mask that the Happy Mask Salesman was excitedly showing him, and Fi was standing behind the princess, oblivious to the fact that the Fierce Deity was examining her appreciatively from the side. Kaepora—Ashunera knows why he was here, or even how he even came—was flying overhead. Farore looked back at Din. "They were never supposed to meet, let alone all together like this!"
"Where's Nayru?" Din ignored Farore, looking for her other sister.
"What—Why would I know?" Farore said. "She probably left. You know she was against this."
"She'll be back." Din said, her voice sure.
"Vaati, y' need to be carefull." Hylia glared at him drunkenly. "If Nayru notices—"
"Relax. They won't be noticing me. They seem to be busy arguing." Vaati glared at Ghirahim again, daring the demon to come closer. What he wouldn't give just to wrap his hands around the other demon's neck, to feel his immortal flesh—
His train of thought was interrupted as Hylia lay her head on his shoulder, the smell of alcohol on her breath making him want to gag.
"Goddesses, Hylia, why were you drinking?" Vaati spoke, disgusted.
"Because I can, silly." She smilled up at him, and Vaati knew that he wouldn't get a straight answer out of her till she was sober. "You know what?"
"What?" He asked, embarrassed about her drunkenness and how she would react later when she remembered what she'd said.
"Link says you're a psychopath." She squinted at him.
"So?" He asked her coldly. "How do you even know that word? It's not of Hyrule."
"So that means that you're my psyco-rwhatchamacallit." Her voice was proud, and Vaati glanced up at the sword—Fi—as Zelda had drunkenly told him, and the sword seemed to be looking at him disapprovingly. "And Link told me 'bout it."
"Yes, yes I am." Vaati knew he was using her, and didn't feel the least bit guilty for using it. He was attracted to her, and had finally managed to marry her in her past life, so they were technically spouses. Zelda (as Hylia) she had sought him out after she had been killed by a darknut and he had been sealed away by the hero, and they had dated since. She would use the portals she could create to take him to another world where they would eat a strange delicacy that was known as "Froyo" to the denizens of that land. He enjoyed it, and he had managed not to kill anyone in that world. Hylia seemed to think that he was reforming, and this might make it easier for him to take over when he returned to Hyrule and was able to escape.
She also had nice skin. Vaati liked how it looked, smooth as porcelain, unblemished. If only he could just wrap his hands around her neck and then—
As Vaati's mind trailed off into violent daydreams Nayru approached them, having reentered the pocket universe, a steaming goblet in her hand, glaring at Vaati.
"Hylia. Come with me."
"But it's so nice here…." The goddess lazily touched Vaati's hair, and he twitched, and Nayru lost her patience, grabbing her sister's arm.
"Hylia, you are coming with me, now. Fi, follow us." Nayru led them away from the others, and once they passed behind a tree she handed the Hylia the goblet. "Drink this."
Hylia took the goblet, drinking it quickly. "That wasn't so ba-" She broke off mid word, retching into a bush. "What was that for?" She gasped.
"To get the alcohol out of your system."
"I hate you."
"You know you don't mean that."
"Yes, I do." Hylia rasped, her anger surprising Nayru. "You try living and dying, over and over again, going through the horrors that I do." She grabbed her sister's shoulders. "I know that Vaati's just going to try to kill me, but he pretends to at least care, and what does it even matter either way what he does in the end?"
Nayru was stunned by Hylia's outburst. "What do you mean?"
"This isn't about Vaati?" Hylia wiped vomit from her lips as she released Nayru. "It doesn't matter. I might as well tell you what I go through, every time I live again. I'm the princess, my kingdom gets destroyed, some monster comes after me, Link saves me, about half the time he succeeds, and when he doesn't I go through hell for those people, and half of that time they end up executing me themselves. I can't remember it all when I'm there, as Zelda, but I can't handle it here anymore." Hylia stood up straight, refusing to take Nayru's proffered arm. "That's why I drink." She smiled sarcastically. "Nothing else makes the pain go away."
Hylia left Nayru, allowing Fi to help her back to the others where she sat down by Vaati once more ignoring her sisters stares, and after Nayru returned, the whispers. Vaati was absentmindedly stroking her arm, and Hylia didn't move to stop him as she leaned on him again, staring down at the ground.
"Why did you have to go and argue with her now?" Farore glared at Nayru. "She isn't safe with him, and you know that!"
"She knows." Nayru looked sorrowful. "She just doesn't care."
"Well, this phase will pass," Din began knowingly, "She hasn't went through a rebellious phase yet, so this is bound to be it."
"No." Nayru spoke quietly. "She doesn't care what he'll do."
"She needs to talk to the Hero." Farore replied. "He'd talk her out of whatever she's doing."
"Except he's alive still," Din added teasingly, "And Farore won't let me kill him."
"Din..." Farore said warningly.
"Fine." Din glared at her sister. "It's not like he can do anything while we're all here, anyway. Once this is all over we can send her to visit Palutena or Impa—someone like that to keep her busy and talk some sense into her. Stop worrying!"
"I suppose you're right about him not being able to do anything here." Nayru relented. "Just hurry and get this all over with. I want to get them all back where they belong as soon as possible."
"Good." Din said, smiling strangely. "I used that google thing—you know, the one they use on earth? And I found some activities for us. You'd be surprised just how many games there are for things like this."
A/N: I'll try to focus on different characters each chapter. This one was a bit to serious for my taste, but we'll see where it leads. I do NOT endorse alcoholism. I never drink, and never will personally. Thanks to SammySpartan for the follow and NoXVZhuusox for the favorite.