Authors Note: Hello dear readers! This is my second Fanfiction story and was inspired by the many stories where they insert OCs into the Naruto world. Sakura Haruno is one of my favorite characters so I decided my insert OC would be placed into her body; and I would really like to see a different view from her side...sort of. She will be the heroine but other characters like Naruto will have big roles. I really am excited to see how I fare with this type of story. I know there are other stories like this but I just can't help myself from writing one. And for the readers who are reading my other story, do not worry for I will continue the story, I promise. I'm just really excited for this one. If you have questions or just like it than review. I will gladly read it.
Talking "Yo!"
Thoughts 'Yo!'
Inner/Demons "Yo!"
Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto or its characters only my OCs and plot.
Starting all over
Sakura/Kazumi's POV
'This is not my bed.'
That, was the first thought that went through my head as I awoke from my unconscious state of slumber.
The bed in question was fine. The bed was soft, warm, heck it even smelled nice; but it wasn't my bed. I didn't even try to open my eyes as I tried to process the situation. I laid in bed and felt around me for any sense of similarity. The reason I know it's not my bed is because my bed is a queen size bed, in my eighteen-year-old body I fit perfectly in it. There's room to move around if I want in my own bed; however, this bed is far too small and I can feel the difference. The fact that I can touch the wall with my foot and my hand dangles down the other side while a stretch means it's not my bed. And I don't place my bed against the wall.
I took in a deep breath and fluttered my eyes open. My sight, which was adjusting to the sunlight coming in from a window, was greeted by a very light pink ceiling. My room has never been pink whatever shade it may be, my sister's yes, but never mine. I took in another deep breath and slowly traveled my eyes around the room. I found the bed I was on was pushed towards the wall, the bottom part of the bed stopped right underneath the bottom of a window.
The half of the window closest to me was shaded by the pastel pink curtain that draped it, while the other half of the curtain was tied back letting in the sunlight. I turned my head and noticed a table on the floor in the middle of the room not too far away, as well as the table to my left, beside the bed that held a lamp and clock. It was eight o'clock in the morning according to the clock.
Beside the bedside table there was an empty space, then a big drawer with five handles in the middle. After the drawer there was a dip in the wall to form a nook around another window. There was a comfy sofa surrounding the nook, most likely a tiny reading nook.
The rooms square shape turned and on the wall there was a desk and then space for another five layered drawers. There was a door next which I presumed led to the rest of the house.
As the room turned again to the final wall, there were two rooms one which had no door, I presumed was a walk in closet, then the final door must lead to a bathroom or connects to another room. In the middle of the two doors was a full length mirror that could probably be about five feet in height and two or three in length. As much as the room was nice and spacious, again it wasn't mine.
And that wasn't all to panic over. I had these red flag like feelings that something else wasn't right. I closed my eyes, tending to concentrate better this way. The first conscious thought was that I could feel my hair down, which I don't usually sleep with it down. I have really long hair, so it tends to get tangled because it's wavy. Usually I braid it and sleep that way, it's just more manageable that way to me.
So besides my hair, the next was the incredibly light way my body felt. I sat up, my sight dead set on the mirror across the room. I closed my eyes again, feeling really anxious to see what I would discover. I swung my legs to the side of the bed, incredibly conscious of feeling that lightness to my body. I jumped out of bed and had to balance myself for a moment as I landed later than predicted.
As I made my way to the mirror, that foreboding feeling came strong along with the fluttering of those anxious feelings. Walking across the room, all the furniture was bigger than I expected.
When my hands finally touched the cool surface of the glass I immediately knew something was terribly wrong without even looking. I, am proud to say that I am very observant to the things around me, to the people and most definitely myself. To the feel of my body, to the pressure on my hands against the mirror, to the brush of my hair on my back, to the crinkle of my toes...something was terribly wrong. I took two deep breathes and counted to three before I allowed my eyes to reopen.
When my eyes opened the only thing I could do was stare...stare...and stare. Before my very eyes was a very tiny child. Being the rational and observant person that I was, I took in everything. The child of about two or three years old with vibrant, very observing viridian eyes stared back. She stood with a very small body leaning forwards, tiny hands pressed against the mirror. She had short bright pink hair that reached just passed her shoulders, with messy bangs. The child, although with a slightly larger forehead was undeniably cute. She wore her cute pink nightgown that reached her ankles, exposing her little toes that wiggled on the carpet experimentally. As I pulled my hands back away from the mirror, so did the child in the mirror.
'This cannot be happening!' I thought in panic as I held my aching head. My face scrunched up into dread as The child further copied my actions.
'No wonder I felt weird...I'm stuck in a child's body!' And that wasn't the weirdest part, the fact remained that I knew who I was in. I looked at the girl in front of me who was also clutching her head.
'I, Kazumi Yukimura, of eighteen years old am stuck in Sakura Haruno's body.' I stared unblinkingly, before closing my eyes and opening them, each time squeezing them shut a little harder than the last. Realization hit me like a ton of bricks when everything came crashing down.
'I AM STUCK IN SAKURA'S BODY!' I started to completely panic. Forgetting the mirror momentarily to race around in circles.
'How did this happen? Why me? Why her? Who did this? Oh my god, what about my family!?'
My family was the most precious thing in the world to me, besides life of course, but this was ridiculous. What was I supposed to do? Change the plot? Leave it? Am I even in the anime? Manga? What if it was a completely different dimension!?
I was experiencing a huge case of vertigo that made me have to sit down. All my racing thoughts couldn't keep up as fast.
Gods! What if I couldn't go back? What was I going to do?
"Hey! What the heck is your problem!?" I jumped and looked around. There was no one around, but I had clearly heard a voice.
'I wasn't talking out loud, was I?' Then that's when I remembered who and where I was.
"...Inner Sakura...?" I whispered. Hearing child Sakura's voice for the first time. It was soft and packed with sweet shyness but it only further distressed me.
"Duhhh! Who else would I be!?" she yelled making me want to physically cover my ears but then I realized it wouldn't matter since the voice was in my...I mean Sakura's head.
" know I'm not the real Sakura right?" For some reason I swear I could feel her roll her eyes at me.
"Of course, I'm in your head! I would know if there was something wrong." It was quiet for a while until I decided to break the silence.
"So... I'm really in the Naruto world huh?"
"What are you talking about?" I felt my eyebrow raise at her question.
"Are you serious? Don't tell me you don't find any of this weird?" I felt her tap her chin with her index finger.
"Well yeah, I mean you're obviously not Sakura, since you can speak fluently in a two-year old's body. And you're freaking out about everything and anything."
"What!?" She exclaimed, and I just shook my head at her childishness.
"Well, there's that…. but, I'm not from here either." I started, gripping my hands on the soft carpet underneath me.
"Didn't we already establish that?" she asked with a raised eyebrow and a hand on her hips.
"No, I didn't mean in Sakura's body, I meant in this world." I felt her drop her hand and look confused.
"I don't understand?" She asked.
"This." I gestured to my body and the things around me.
"Is known to me only as a show/book, this isn't real in my world...Which brings me to the conclusion that it's another dimension because I already know what's going to the writer can't be writing about me coming here." It was quiet while we processed this information.
"...So what are you going to do?" I couldn't answer her question right away. I hadn't had much time to think on what next to do.
"...I don't know..." I looked down to the tiny hands that I now possessed.
"Well whatever it is...I can help you." I looked up towards the reflection of the tiny Sakura.
"Really!?" I felt her nod her head vigorously.
"Yeah, I mean what else am I supposed to do?" She replied jokingly.
That's right, it's not like she could go anywhere...besides become quiet if she wanted too, I suppose.
"I know; I was going to ask you for your help since I just didn't want to be rude and burden you..." I felt her eyes widen at my declaration. It wasn't any easy feat I was stuck in, so many things would surely have to be sacrificed. Whether she could even help would still be in question.
"Oh wow, you're so considerate! Well don't worry I'll help out! So…you said you know what will am I in the future?" that all she wanted to know. It shouldn't hurt right? Considering this might be a good thing to disclose, a little flattering should help boost her confidence.
"Well...Sakura, or you since you are technically a part of her I guess, grow up to be a very impressive kunoichi." I said while smiling. I could feel her excitement rising by the second.
"Oh cool!" She said while I faintly heard her say "Is that all?" in the background. What else did she want to know? The Sakura in Naruto was a pretty amazing character even if others didn't think so.
"Why is it that you sound disappointed?"
"Well...what about other stuff..."
Other stuff? Like what?
"What exactly do you want to know?" I asked her, not really understanding her curiosity. She sighed exasperatingly at me.
"I'm talking about love! Am I married? Who do I get with?" She said, bursting out question after question.
Love? Before I could even answer her questions she gasped.
"Is it Sasuke!?" She asked. I raised an eyebrow, that's right, Sakura was infatuated with him...but wait?
"Wait a minute, how do you even know Sasuke? Aren't you too young to know of him yet?"
"Well Sakura's parents would take us out to the village from time to time...and in one of those times...we saw him!" I winced at the last part, she had squealed pretty loud. I was a little taken aback that she considered "Sakura" and herself as two different entities, but I didn't say anything concerning it.
"Well...wait! Can't you just see through my memories?"
"Yeah...I guess, but I believe in privacy!" she said proudly, which I actually found that to be quite admirable. All things considered, if I had to stay this way, I was glad Inner was turning out to be a good companion.
"I give you permission to see...since it is your life anyway." She nodded and I had the feeling she was seeing something within me. It was quiet for at least five minutes or so until she spoke up.
"Wow! I can't believe I get that strong! …But does that war really happen?" She asked, her happiness dying off a little towards the end. I nodded my head solemnly.
"Okay! I have decided!" I was taken aback by her sudden exclamation.
"What have you decided?" I dared to ask.
"To help you change things!" I was shocked by her reply. My eyes widened and I had to sit up straight from my sitting position.
"Whoa, who said I was changing the plot?" I asked before she could get ahead of herself.
"What? I thought you were going to help make things better?" She asked me with her face scrunching up in confusion.
"I still don't know what to do. I mean, I want to help but what if I'm not supposed to? This isn't even my body to use and mess things up with." I explained. There were many things needed to be considered thoroughly.
"I'm sure you were brought here for a reason!" Inner insisted.
"But I'm not supposed to change things. If anyone is, Naruto is the one, he's the main character!"
"But you, yourself said you didn't think you were in the same show! So why would it matter!?" I quieted down from her outburst. She was right. If it wasn't the anime/manga than I shouldn't worry that I'll mess something up. But still….
"But what about the other peoples' lives? I'm sure if I change the plot it will most likely change their lives. Something's need to happen and some don't." I argued, feeling pressure start to consume me.
"Listen, if you're afraid to mess something up, then don't be! The future I saw isn't something most people will look forward to...You can really help people if you were to change things."
I was surprised. I knew that if Sakura had an Inner she must help out sometimes like with the Chūnin exams when she fought Ino; but inner Sakura was very helpful.
"Thank you..." I whispered, finding my voice after the emotions almost bottled it up. She seemed to not be expecting that since she closed her mouth from an instant rebuttal.
"I said thank you, for helping me and for giving me a reason to fight. Right now...I was alone, with no one but my knowledge and then you came along and comforted me in my moment of weakness whether intentional or not...So I thank you for everything." I felt like she was giving me a genuine smile. A smile that I quickly returned.
"You're welcome!" I smiled at her reply, looking intensely in the mirror in front of me. For a moment, I just stared into the eyes that would possibly become my own when looking in a mirror from now on.
"I think...I'll do it. I will change the plot so people won't end up in a war...and, I will be looking for a way back home so my family doesn't have to worry. Hey…Inner?" I said, leaning away from the reflection on the mirror.
"When you looked through my memories, did you see anything about my life?"
"Eh? No, I told you I believe in privacy, so I only looked through the things pertaining to this world, as you put it. I actually didn't believe you until I shifted through the different things in your head."
"Oh…Well, do you think you can do me a favor?" I asked, cautiously going about with my request.
"No!" She exclaimed with resolve and my heart sank at her response.
"You and I don't know whether you can even change back to normal, so from now on, you are Sakura and I am your Inner. You don't need to ask for favors, just say it!" My eyes widened at her declaration and my spirits lifted by her easy reply.
"...Alright, can you look through my memories and tell me what I was doing before I was brought here. I don't quite remember and you might find something." I asked. If there was anyone who could find anything it was Inner or the Yamanakas; however, I wasn't about to expose myself to the characters just yet.
"Sure and I can just show you." She said, concentrating on her task.
"Uhm, what do I do?" I asked, having no idea what to do.
"Just close your eyes." I did what I was told and found myself thinking how amazing this was. To be able to view past memories once thought forgotten? That in itself was a superpower.
"How can you do this?" I asked, unable to keep the curiosity out of my voice.
"Well, for starters, you have a well-developed mind so that allows me to shift through memories easier. Showing you is possible because we are one in a sense."
"That makes sense; but now, isn't it that we have the same body and two completely different minds since you are a part of the original Sakura." She nodded at my conclusion.
"By the way, it's been bugging me since the beginning of our conversations. How come I can feel it when you move or have emotions?"
"It's like you said, same body different minds. I have my own sort of reign in here while you have it out there. That's why I'm Inner and you're Outer. Although I am merely a conscience for you, you have consciously given me full clearance of your mind. With that permission, I am able to create my own body or whatever I want by using your mind."
"Hmm, I see. So what else can you do?" She shrugged at my inquiry.
"I don't know, unlike you who has seen the anime/manga, I have yet to experience much."
"That's right, I was brought into Sakura's body at her age of two or so, and since you are her body's conscience you wouldn't have experienced much."
"But wait!"
"Now what!?"
"If you're her body's conscience than why do you seem to be older than two?" I asked, my eyebrow raising in sudden thought.
"That's where your memories come in. You have only sort of known of me when I would appear in the anime/manga at Sakura's age of twelve. Your mind had only known me as her so it morphed me into twelve years old instead of being two and growing alongside of you like how a two-year-old Sakura should have. And you didn't change me into an older version because your mind didn't know how to portray me like that."
"hmm." That was actually pretty deep stuff to think about. And I subconsciously did that?
"Like I said before, you have a very well developed mind. You used your knowledge to change me to the version that you were most comfortable with." Inner explained, trying to easily put out the information.
"Will you still grow?" I asked her, feeling a bit bad if the answer was no.
"Yeah, when your body turns twelve, which is the age I am in, we will both start growing together. The reason for that being is since your mind is technically that of an eighteen-year-old but your body is that of a two-year-old, you have mentally stopped me from growing past the age you changed me into; because right now, your mind is stronger than your body...sort of, do you understand?" She asked, confusing herself in the process of explaining it to me.
"Yeah, I guess." I said, scrunching up my nose as all the technical information was being processed.
"Okay! I found it!" There was suddenly a flash and just like a movie I was seeing my last moments in the real world.
I was in my room, getting ready for bed, just the regular routine. I was beginning to lose hope I would find anything as the memory went by as usual.
I laid down in my bed, pulling the purple comforter up to warm me up. I watched, with my breath held, trying to look everywhere, take in all the details that I might have missed before. Then, everything went black as I had closed my eyes to sleep. I waited in the dark, listened, smelled, but nothing worked.
I waited for what could have been seconds, minutes, even hours, and just when I was about to tell Inner it was enough, something happened. My senses returning quicker because of how light of a sleeper I am, picked up the sudden noise made by my curtains. I'm a scaredy-cat by heart and any little thing can get my blood pumping.
I could feel the cold, prickling fresh air coming in from the window. My eyes travelled to the window and noticed it was open. But it came to my attention that I had it closed before, one of the tiny details I caught on with this time around.
Looking around the room to make sure it wasn't opened by someone else; I couldn't really see anything in the lighting. Before I could get out of bed to close the window, something black was placed over my eyes, which gripped onto me tightly. The hand that had constricted my sight pushed me away roughly and just like that, the memory faded and I opened my eyes to the light pink room from before.
I hadn't realized my rapid breathing until I was snapped out of my trance-like moment by Inner.
"Hey! Are you okay?!" Although she had snapped me out of my state, her voice was soon pushed away by my rapid thoughts.
'What was that?! Who was in my room? Why can't I remember that even happening let alone what happened next!' I thought in my head.
"HEY! Calm down!" I shook my head at Inner's frantic voice.
'Was I talking out loud?'
"You don't have to be for me to communicate with you!" She explained to me.
'So it seems you can hear all my thoughts.' I thought, latching onto this conversation to help settle me down, something I felt Inner was the culprit of
"Not all of them! This is the last time I'm going to say it. I believe in privacy! Need I spell it out for you!?" I frowned at her outburst, shaking my head at the loudness of her voice.
"Quit shouting! And no you don't need to spell it out, but if you believe in privacy so much than why did you hear me just then?"
"Because, you were drowning yourself in so many emotions! If the thought has so much feeling to it, I will most likely hear it." I calmed down and took a deep breath.
"Okay, good to know." I mumbled, feeling her frown in concern.
"Yeah! And it would have been good to know that you ask a lot of questions when you're nervous! Maybe then I could have shielded myself from the onslaught of questions!"
"It was not that bad." I stated, rolling my eyes at her exaggeration.
"Yeah it was!" She insisted.
"No it wasn't!" I countered and I was pretty sure we were both glaring at each other…or trying to in my case.
"You are so stubborn!" She finalized, crossing her arms in typical teen frustration.
'You're so annoying.' I thought in my head.
"HEY! I heard that!" I narrowed my eyes at her comment.
"I thought you believed in privacy?" I rebutted.
"Ugh yeah! Privacy when it's important!" She yelled as if it was the easiest understood unsaid information.
"You said privacy, which generally implies to all thoughts except for the emotionally packed ones that you can't shut out." I said, making it my turn to cross my pudgy arms in defense.
"No! Do you know how hard that would be?! I thought it was impliedthat all thoughts would be heard except for the important, privacy needed ones." I sighed out when she finished her explanation. I rubbed my head to decrease it of its ache.
"Fine." I said agreeing so she wouldn't scream anymore inside my head. Wait, Screaming?
"Hey, you know what? I just remembered something." I began, uncrossing my arms and turning towards the door,
"What?" She asked, still sounding a little grouchy.
"I am yelling...fluently, in this two-year-old's body...So where are her parents?"
First Chapter complete! I hope you like it and I will continue to work on both this story and The Inevitable. I will try to make this story different than all the other similar stories out there, and hope you will continue to read. As always review if you liked it!