So here comes DxDecember. What is DxDecember you ask? I will update a different one of my Dxd stories, one update each day, for 5 days in order to summon Highschool dxd season 5 into existence.
One thing to note is I have a backlog of 30+ chapters on my pat reon, including the next six chapters for my last updated Naruto story NSUU, as well as a few others across DxD, Bleach, DBZ, Pokémon, and Fairy Tail archives, as well as a NEW Danmachi fic I am posting there exclusively for free until fanfiction gets itself back to a stable base.

Also feel free to join my discord. gg/ mgAZ9GGuFG.

There is also another discord worth joining for more banter with a lot more writers and readers discord. gg/ veQrzjgNYh.

With all that said, enjoy Day 1 of DxDecember.
SSJ3 Kyuubi Gohan.

Issei would wake with Xenovia next to him, waiting for him to get ready to head out. Expressing some uncertainty of the events to follow, Issei advised Xenovia to enjoy herself, somewhat easing her nerves. The group would head to dinner and enjoy their time with Al, also going across to observe and later play with the new batch of puppies. After the group had left, John White would approach Al for a conversation. Issei, Serafall, and Kuroka, would debrief in Issei's room about their recent interactions with the Conduits and discuss if the werewolves were involved with the Conduits, before calling it a night.

Disclaimer – I don't own anything from the High School DxD anime/manga/light novel. All I own are my original characters and plot twists.



'Ddraig talking and Sacred Gear sounds'

"Ddraig thinking"



Chapter 34 – Showtime

Issei's moment was almost at hand. He had been mentally preparing himself for the past two days for what would happen in the next hour. Yes, it was almost time for the strip show.

'I still don't see what your hesitance is about, are you embarrassed?' Asked Ddraig.

"I guess not, but it isn't something I ever thought I would end up doing." Admitted Issei.

'And I never thought you would end up doing Ophis, but here we are.' Grumbled Ddraig.

'Yeah.' Muttered Issei, before deciding to take the conversation into his mind.

Making his way through the rocky terrain of his mind, Issei eventually found himself outside a cave next to a mountain. A moment later, Ddraig poked his snout out, before exiting the cave.

'It's been a while since you came in here for a chat. Is your upcoming strip show that terrifying to you?' Asked Ddraig in amusement.

'I've been thinking Ddraig. If I already have Ophis on my side, is there really anyone who can stop me?' Asked Issei.

'I would have thought your sealing would have taught you that you in fact can be stopped.' Retorted Ddraig.

'If I can just break through it with Juggernaut Drive, does it even matter?' Asked Issei.

'True, you could always do that, even just for a moment to break through all restraints, but can you guarantee you will be able to come back?' Asked Ddraig.

'That's just it though, if something goes wrong, Ophis would help me out and any damage could be healed by Kuroka.' Said Issei.

'Let's approach this from a different perspective then. Do you think you are the strongest being around?' Asked Ddraig.

'Not in my base form, but with enough time, I doubt anyone can stop me.' Said Issei.

'And what guarantee do you have that you will be given the time you need?' Asked Ddraig.

'I guess… I guess I just don't have that push any more. Before it was all about getting my revenge and even though he is still out there, I know I can beat him if I overwhelm him quickly. Vali might be my rival, but it's not like I am actually worried about fighting him, at worst it would just be an intense spar. I've got Irina back now as well and she's gotten strong as well. There isn't really much left to do, you know…' Said Issei.

'I think this is what they call early retirement. Unfortunately, there is no retirement age for a dragon. You may choose to stagnate, but others will keep trying to overcome you. To really distance yourself from others, you would need to become an unfathomable force of nature and even with my power, the time to get there is too long. Even one of the combat focused lesser deities could take you down.' Said Ddraig.

'So I just keep getting stronger for a hypothetical enemy that might never come?' Asked Issei.

'Perhaps the problem is you are looking at things too linearly. Yes, you have power, but are there other things that you can improve on? Stamina, technique, tactics. Even those aside, if you didn't want to fight anymore, what would you want to do?' Asked Ddraig.

'Work on my harem, maybe develop a new gaming system, I don't know really.' Said Issei honestly.

'Let's put the gaming system aside, what do you think your harem would want to do?' Asked Ddraig.

'I mean, I know Irina wants to keep serving the church, Raynare probably wants to get stronger and have sex, not necessarily in that order… Kuroka wants kittens and to rebuild her relationship with her sister… the others… I don't know…' Said Issei, looking up at the darkened sky.

'If you have lost the drive to become stronger for your own sake, why not become strong for your harem? After all, what if someone tries to take your harem from you?' Asked Ddraig.

'I'll kill them.' Said Issei flatly.

'And if you can't?' Asked Ddraig.

'I would do everything possible to make them suffer.' Said Issei darkly, clenching his fists.

'Then there is your motivator. Love, hate, fear, spite, envy, pride, lust, greed, rage… there are many things that can push someone, it is just a matter of finding which one works for you. If you have lost your pride as a dragon, find a new reason to grow stronger. I guarantee you will find an enemy stronger than yourself at some point and it is best that you are prepared, whenever that time comes.' Advised Ddraig.

Issei exited the mindscape and woke to find himself alone. Mulling his thoughts over for a minute, Issei decided to get dressed and see what the others were up to. Making his way next door, Issei knocked on the door, which was opened by Raynare.

'Couldn't wait to see the show and wanted to catch a peek?' Asked Raynare, teasingly.

'Actually, I wanted to see if you wanted to go for a walk, I figure with your base clothes, you probably don't need as much prep time as the others.' Said Issei with a smile.

Raynare was momentarily surprised, before smiling and stepping out with Issei, shutting the door behind her.

'Sure.' Said Raynare.

The pair were both dressed casually, Raynare in a purple blouse with blue jeans, while Issei wore camo pants and a dark blue, short sleeve top, with a black leather jacket on top. The pair made their way to the elevator and headed downstairs. Deciding to avoid the hustle and bustle of the city, the pair headed towards one of the more isolated parks in a suburban area. As the pair walked, Issei struggled to find anything to say, so it was Raynare who started the conversation.

'Are you okay Issei?' Asked Raynare.

'What makes you ask that?' Replied Issei with a raised eyebrow.

'You seem too aloof these days. I mean, I can understand how getting laid might have cooled you off, but you seem kind of flat.' Said Raynare.

Issei stopped walking at this and turned to face Raynare, blinking a few times in disbelief.

'Have you gotten a lot smarter, or am I just that obvious?' Asked Issei.

'A bit of both really. Even your sass has lost its touch.' Admitted Raynare.

'How do you know my sass hasn't just decreased because you've stopped being so stupid?' Retorted Raynare.

'Because I'm still about as stupid, but you don't seem to make a big fuss about it anymore. From how things are going, it is like we've already had sex.' Said Raynare.

'Hmm, so you're saying I've become a big softie?' Asked Issei, as he started walking again.

'I sure hope not, we still haven't actually had sex yet, so don't go soft just yet.' Said Raynare.

Issei laughed at this, as the pair finally arrived at the park, before coming to sit on a bench in the shade of a tree. Raynare sat beside Issei, who was vacantly staring at the sky.

'Raynare, I know we spoke about this the last time we went for a walk back when the devils were getting their familiars, but what is motivating you right now? Especially since you've seen Azazel now.' Asked Issei.

'Well, I'm still pretty motivated to screw you into the bedsheets, but aside from that, I want to get stronger so I can't be looked down on. Dohnaseek getting to six wings before me was a real slap in the face.' Said Raynare.

'So where do you stop then? Eight wings? Ten? You have dragon wings now after all, and I don't think the wing thing is going to be an issue anymore.' Asked Issei.

'I don't think I ever plan to stop, having sex and getting stronger are my main goals in life really.' Admitted Raynare.

'Hmm, I'm kind of jealous.' Laughed Issei.

'Jealous?' Asked Raynare in confusion.

'Jealous that you are still so motivated. I think I've run out of motivation if I'm being honest.' Said Issei.

'What do you mean? You were one of the most focused people I've ever met when I first encountered you.' Said Raynare.

'Can I tell you something private Raynare, something just between the two of us that you won't tell the others?' Asked Issei.

Raynare didn't verbally answer, instead turning Issei's gaze towards her and giving a small nod.

'My plan, before everything happened, was to destroy the devils. After that, it became about destroying the three factions to elevate dragons. I'm pretty sure you can see that didn't happen and it was because Michael came and spoke to me before the meeting and convinced me that it was better to let go of my grudge and instead focus on those I care about.' Said Issei.

'So you really didn't screw the loli?' Asked Raynare, causing Issei to laugh.

'No… but after that, Katerea showed up and I couldn't hold myself back and let out most of my anger. After that, you already know I went into heat and got through it with Irina and Ophis' help. Since then, I was still tinkering with my plans for the dragon fangs… but everything seems fine now. As weird as it was, I even went on a few dates that didn't end with me getting stabbed, although Akeno's sure was a jolt to the system.' Said Issei.

'You're starting to ramble a bit.' Interjected Raynare.

'Thanks. I guess what I am saying is, I am content, and I haven't felt like this since I was a little kid. No. Even when I was kid, I was still motivated to grow up and become a superhero. It's like I found an outlet for everything and haven't filled back up.' Said Issei.

It took all of Raynare's willpower not to make a comment there, but instead, placed a hand on Issei's lap.

'There isn't anything wrong with being happy. You don't always have to keep pushing forward. Even if you want to do something, you can always go to the side. Azazel doesn't try and get stronger anymore, he just likes to work on researching the Sacred Gears. Not to say he isn't strong, but he isn't actively pursuing strength anymore. Maybe you aren't as strong as Azazel yet, but you've lost the urge to push forward, and you don't have anything you want to do on the side just yet.' Said Raynare.

'So what am I supposed to do then?' Asked Issei, causing Raynare to bite her lip to control her knee-jerk response.

'What do you think you would enjoy doing?' Asked Raynare.

'I honestly have no clue. I liked playing hero as a kid and I like playing games now… but is that really the answer, go on a gaming binge until I want to do something different? What if that becomes boring too, what then?' Asked Issei.

'Ok, I need to say this because I can hold it in much longer. You could do me; you could use me as an outlet, you could fill me up, and you could do me on my side. There, I said it! Really though, didn't you have any goals when you were younger?' Asked Raynare, with a deep exhale.

'The devil thing was my goal when I was young, that and getting strong enough to protect my friends. I didn't have those dreams kids normally have like being an astronaut, or a firefighter, or something. My goal as a kid up to a few weeks ago was to destroy the devils.' Said Issei.

'Well, if I can offer a suggestion. Do me until you decide you want to do something else. I won't mind.' Said Raynare.

'I'll consider it if I can't come up with anything else.' Said Issei, causing Raynare's eyes to widen.

'Seriously?' Asked Raynare.

'Well, if I don't have any goals right now, I don't mind helping you achieve your goals.' Said Issei, standing up.

'Besides, I'd consider this as a sort of date, and it didn't end with you skewering me so…' Said Issei.

Raynare stood up and prepared to speak, before the sound of crunching was heard.

'We can help with the skewering part.' Said a voice.

Issei narrowed his eyes, noticing the multitude of figures who emerged from the foliage.

'Back for more I guess?' Scoffed Issei, noting the figures were comprised of two dozen werewolves.

'You went too far this time, vampire lover.' Said one of them.

'What now?' Asked Issei.

'You know what you did and now you're going to pay!' Shouted one of the werewolves, before lunging at Issei.

Issei quickly moved into his attacker's guard and punched him in the gut, knocking the wind out of him. The werewolf recovered quickly though and tried to bite Issei's shoulder, only to get blasted back by a spear of light.

'No one gets to bite Issei before I do.' Quipped Raynare.

'Get her too!' Shouted another werewolf.

The remaining wolves split into two groups, a dozen going after Raynare, while eleven others backed up the one who had tried to bite Issei. Issei donned his armour and prepared to lay them out one by one. Sparing a glance to the side, he saw Raynare had created her large light spear which she spun around to keep her attackers at bay, stabbing out at them occasionally. Issei landed a series of punches to the werewolf in front of him, before feeling one jump at his back. A quick spin and both his target and attacker each ate a backhanded fist, launching them away. The attackers around Issei backed off slightly, before six charged at Issei, the other six pulling back. Issei focused on the six coming for him and used his jets to launch him out of the incoming dogpile, before launching a dragon shot down, smashing them into the ground.

'Get away from me!' Shouted Raynare angrily, as the six which had been attacking Issei joined the dozen attacking her, pressuring her back and causing her to release her dragon wings and give a big flap, blowing them back and lifting herself into the air. The werewolves were undeterred, having grown up fighting aerial enemies in the form of bats and jumped at Raynare, using the trees and branches for leverage. The group dogpiled Raynare, bringing her down to the ground as they pinned her wings to the ground with their bodyweight.

'Boost, Boost, Boost.' Said Ddraig through the Boosted Gear.

Seconds later, all the werewolves were laid out and Raynare was held in Issei's arms. Raynare took a moment to regain her bearings, before looking around and then shifting her gaze to Issei.

'You know, you do make a good hero.' Said Raynare, before noting Issei's gaze.

Issei's eyes were tinged with a green glow, which slowly started to fade, as he noted all the attackers were unmoving. Issei shifted his gaze to Raynare, who looked slightly dazed.

'Don't tell me you plan to slack off on your training to have me rescue you?' Asked Issei.

'Of course not, next time I'm sweeping you off your feet and I already know how you are going to reward me.' Said Raynare, shifting to stand on her own two feet.

'Any idea what this was all about?' Asked Raynare.

'No… but I think our next date needs to be indoors.' Said Issei.

'Oh I agree.' Said Raynare, before dragging Issei away from the scene.

'Did you even need to boost back there?' Asked Raynare, as the pair walked back to the hotel.

'Not really, but I wanted to end it as quickly as possible.' Admitted Issei.

'So it was just to get back at them for interrupting our time together?' Asked Raynare teasingly.

'Why not, I like our time together, if you weren't so sex-focused, we would have a lot of fun together. I could see us trying to help you become better at dating sims too.' Said Issei.

'Issei, you keep this up and we aren't going to make it to the strip show.' Said Raynare.

'Really? Wouldn't you regret missing out on the chance to see me do one?' Asked Issei.

'Not if I got a personal show instead.' Said Raynare.

'Well, let's just see how things go then.' Said Issei, as the pair returned to the hotel and entered the elevator.

'What if the elevator jammed for a few minutes?' Asked Raynare.

'We're going to need more than a few minutes… you haven't been speaking to Grayfia, have you?' Asked Issei, narrowing his eyes.

'No, but maybe I should.' Said Raynare teasingly.

'You won't need to.' Said Issei.

'Okay then. I'll hold off for now.' Said Raynare teasingly, before the two returned to the girls' room, only to find it empty.

There was a note on the door which said to come to another room and to bring whatever they needed for the show. Issei quickly ducked back into his room and grabbed a bag of clothes, before returning to find Raynare waiting for him.

'Come on, I think it is down the hall.' Said Raynare, before the pair walked to the room listed in the note.

Knocking on the door, the sound of movement could be heard, before it was opened by a cheerful Serafall.

'You were almost late, come in now.' Said Serafall.

'This is what the third room was for? I thought you said it was for meetings.' Said Issei in disbelief.

'It is multipurpose.' Said Serafall.

The room looked like a small night club currently, with a bar to the right and a stage to the left and numerous chairs spread out with a table in the middle.

'So you mean to tell me you had meetings with an official in this room?' Asked Issei sceptically.

'Some of them like this kind of setting.' Said Serafall.

'Now come on and take your seats so we can get started.' Said Serafall, ushering the two to join the others who were already seated.

Once the two were seated, Serafall bounced to the stage and grabbed a microphone that was on a stand.

'Welcome everyone. I am your MC and first performer, the amazing Serafall Leviathan! Miracle Levia-tan would have loved to participate, but this show isn't for kids.' Said Serafall.

'Aren't we still technically kids though?' Asked Issei.

'Speak for yourself.' Said Raynare.

'I probably shouldn't press this any further.' Said Issei.

'That's right, everyone here is an adult in one way or another.' Said Raynare.

'Now, the rules for the show need to be announced first. Rule number one, no full nudity, we are keeping this tasteful.' Said Serafall.

'Seriously?' Asked Raynare.

'Guess your show is going to be pretty quick then.' Joked Issei.

'Rule number two! No touching. Look, but don't touch, unless you are invited into the act of course.' Said Serafall, continuing on.

'Rule number three, to keep things moving, there is a five-minute time limit on each performance.' Said Serafall.

'Finally! Rule number four, have fun!' Said Serafall, before hooking the microphone back to the stand.

After some rustling in the back, the sound of dance music could be heard coming through a pair of speakers at the foot of the stage. Moments later a spotlight appeared on the curtains at the back of the stage, before parting, to reveal Serafall in a black maid costume. Serafall's outfit included a white headband, black top with white frills on the edges, black skirt with a white bow across the waist and a pair of black stockings. As the music played, Serafall made her way to the front of the stage slowly. Serafall started by removing the white bow across her waist and raising her hands slightly, giving a teasing glance at her navel, before flinging the bow off to the side and letting her top cover her again. Serafall then slid down on to her side and raised her right leg high into the air, before peeling the stocking off slowly. If anyone had been sitting on the side, they would have seen Serafall's black panties, which briefly passed their vision as she rolled over, before removing her other stocking in a similar manner. After this, Serafall turned on to her stomach, before creeping up to her knees and pulling the midsection of the top apart, revealing her toned stomach, before throwing it off to the side. Making her way to her feet, Serafall walked to the very edge of the stage, being only half a metre away from the spectators, before turning her back on them. Slowly, Serafall then lowered the skirt down, stepping her left leg out of the garment, before using her right to fling it into the crowd, catching Issei in the face. Issei removed the garment, only to see Serafall wink at him, before walking back to the curtain. Just before the curtain closed, Serafall removed the top and turned back slightly, her arms over her chest, revealing she hadn't worn a bra for the performance, before the curtain closed. There was a moment of silence, before Xenovia started to clap, causing the others to turn towards her.

'Do we not clap at the end of the performance?' Asked Xenovia.

'I guess we can…' Said Issei, before giving a shrug and applauding as well, with the others joining in.

'Pretty good right!' Said Serafall, bounding over to the group in a white top with a matching white skirt.

'I can honestly say I wasn't expecting a performance like that.' Said Issei.

'Yeah, I was expecting some high-energy peppy show.' Said Raynare.

'Never forget, the great Serafall is multi-talented.' Said Serafall, before showing the group a pair of sticks.

'Now then, time to draw the lots. Here are eight sticks, each of a different length, everyone picks one and then we lay them out again.' Said Serafall, clenching the sticks in one hand and offering it to the group.

'Doesn't really matter when I go up, it'll be a show to remember either way.' Sighed Issei, before taking the first stick, afterwards, the rest followed his lead.

'Well, I think we know who is next.' Said Serafall, noting Ravel had the smallest stick.

'Smallest stick for the smallest girl, that seems fair.' Said Raynare, causing the girl to huff.

'Don't worry, I'm following you, so no matter how things go, I'll make sure everyone forgets about it.' Said Raynare, showing her own stick.

'And I guess I am following you… guess it could be worse, I'm sure your show will be quick.' Said Issei.

'I am glad to go last, this will give me enough time to refine my technique.' Said Xenovia, holding the longest stick.

'I didn't want to go right after Issei, I might need time to settle down first.' Whined Irina.

'I guess it will be fine to see most of the performances first.' Said Xuelan, having drawn the second longest.

'I would have rather gotten it over and done with to then relax and enjoy the show.' Said Karlamine, having drawn the third longest.

'I guess I follow the angel then, starting with nice and going to naughty sounds fun.' Said Kuroka.

'Ok, so the order has been decided. Ravel is up first followed by Raynare, Issei, Irina, Kuroka, Karlamine, Xuelan, and lastly, Xenovia. I will of course be the MC, so if you have any musical requests, please let me know before the curtain opens.' Said Serafall, before jumping back on to the platform and grabbing the microphone.

'You can do it Ravel, just don't take it too seriously.' Said Issei encouragingly, but only served to fluster Ravel further, realising he would be watching.

'Yeah, no matter how bad you do, I'll make them forget all about it.' Added Raynare, causing Ravel to huff.

'That lit a fire under her.' Muttered Raynare in amusement.

'Lady Ravel does not like to be upstaged.' Said Xuelan, once the subject in question had made her way to the stage.

After a few moments a more upbeat song sounded out. As the curtains opened, Ravel was revealed in an outfit few of nobility would ever wear. It was a bunny costume, but with a twist, the bunny looked like a casino employee with a bow tie, little top hat, and a cane. The top part consisted of a white corset that covered all of Ravel's torso, leaving only two openings for her legs, which were covered in black stockings. Unlike Serafall, Ravel had footwear as part of the costume, consisting of white ballet flats. It seemed Ravel had decided to play to her strengths and had chosen a cute outfit, rather than an alluring one and it worked surprisingly well. Ravel started to twirl the cane before placing it on the ground and leaning against it, giving a small sway from side to side, causing the white bunny ears on top of her head to sway, along with the rest of her. Moving closer down the stage, Ravel gave a flourish and turned, again planting herself on the cane and giving another shake, causing the little ball of fluff, comprising a tail, to sway and attract more attention to her behind. Ravel continued to make her way down the stage, now halfway to the edge, before giving her hat a little downward tilt, before undoing her bowtie and exposing her neckline. Ravel then used the cane to push the edges of the corset to the sides, showing her collarbone. Making her way forward again, Ravel planted the cane and gave a quick twirl around it again, before taking her top hat off and holding it to her chest. Continuing forward until reaching the edge of the stage, Ravel placed the top hat on the cane and squatted down beside it before bouncing back up and putting the hat back on. After this, Ravel snapped the cane in half, and it combusted. Now twirling the two halves of the cane, it seemed that the fire was slowing eating away at Ravel's remaining apparel, first turning the corset into a two piece, before causing the stockings to disappear completely, showcasing an expanse of pale flesh to the audience. Placing her top hat on top of one half of the cane it stopped burning instantly and Ravel slid down beside it as she stood it up, before using the other half to set the bunny tail on fire. As the tail slowly started to burn away, Ravel walked back up the platform and just before the curtain closed, was enclosed in a cocoon of fire.

'I'll admit it, that was more entraining than I thought, and she's got a lot of confidence for a little girl.' Said Raynare.

'She's hardly little though.' Said Issei.

'From my estimate, she is only a little bit smaller than myself.' Added Xenovia.

'True, but I'm much bigger than both of you.' Said Raynare.

'You are also the tallest of us, so proportionally that means Ravel must be quite top heavy.' Said Xenovia.

'She really is, which isn't uncommon among the Phoenix women.' Said Xuelan.

'Also, I'm pretty sure you are taller than me, I'm just always wearing heels.' Added Raynare.

'That was quite a performance from Ravel Phoenix! A high-class devil with high-class skills! Now then, to swing to the suspected most experienced, we have Raynare.' Announced Serafall.

As Raynare and Ravel passed each other, Raynare said a few words to Ravel who huffed and gave a nod before re-joining the group.

'What did she say?' Asked Issei.

'She said I did good, but now she will do great.' Said Ravel, before refocusing on Issei.

'Was my performance good?' Asked Ravel.

'I thought it was really good, you took advantage of your strengths and used them well.' Said Issei, causing Ravel to smile.

'Of course, I always bring my best efforts.' Said Ravel.

'Is that Jingle Bells playing?' Asked Irina, as the music started to play.

'That seems like an odd musical choice for a strip show.' Commented Karlamine, only for the curtain to open.

'Well, I guess she is being faithful to the theme.' Commented Xenovia.

Raynare was wearing a modified Santa costume. It consisted of a red leather top, which only reached to the upper half of her bust, and a red leather skirt with a white cotton frill at the bottom, which reached to mid-thigh. In addition, she had two pairs of leather gloves reaching to mid-bicep, with a white cotton frill at the top and two pairs of high-heeled red leather boots reaching to mid-thigh.

'Got to admit, her outfits sure are consistent with her battle attire… although I think this actually covers more.' Said Issei.

As the music continued to play, Raynare strolled down to the end of the stage, coming to stand directly in front of Issei's eye line. Squatting down, Raynare slowly lifted herself back up, giving herself a light spank at the top, before crossing her arms over her chest and used her right hand to peel down the left glove, throwing it towards Issei. Raynare then switched arms and slid the right glove off and threw it to Xenovia, who looked at in confusion. Raynare then crouched down, before turning on her back and letting her upper body hang off the edge of the stage, her chest at Issei's eye-level. Issei couldn't help but note if she was wearing anything other than leather right now, she likely would have had a wardrobe malfunction with that outfit and posture. Letting herself slide even lower, Raynare did a small somersault, taking a seat on Issei's lap.

'Isn't this breaking the rules?' Asked Ravel, only for Raynare to sway her body from side to side.

'You can look, I can touch.' Said Raynare, before turning around on Issei's lap, bringing her chest against his, before leaning back and somersaulting off. Raynare then slid back up onto the stage, before walking towards the entrance, taking her top of towards the end and throwing it off the stage, before the curtain closed.

'Hmm, as far as the stripping aspect is considered, that was quite a poor performance, but it seems to have been effective.' Commented Xenovia.

'She only took her gloves off until the very end.' Protested Ravel.

'Still counts I suppose, but what a wasted opportunity.' Commented Kuroka.

'I don't think so, especially since Issei is up next.' Said the returning Raynare, wearing a lavender night gown, that was quite transparent.

'So you mean you did all of that just to bother Issei before his performance?' Asked Kuroka.

'Oh, you don't know Issei at all, do you? Spite is a great motivator for him.' Continued Kuroka.

Giving his head a light shake, Issei stood up and made his way to the stage for his performance. Issei quickly exchanged a few words with Serafall who nodded. As Issei disappeared, Serafall went and took his seat.

'What did he say to you?' Asked Irina.

'He said I should enjoy the show from the audience side.' Said Serafall, before hip-hop music started to play.

As the curtains opened, Issei was revealed wearing a black top hat, black trench coat and black pants.

'Man, I didn't think I'd be seeing Dohnaseek's fashion sense catching on.' Sighed Raynare.

Issei seemed to slide down the walkway, before dropping to a knee. Popping the hat off, Issei twirled it to the crowd, with it coming to rest on Ravel's head, obscuring her vision slightly. Issei then stood back up and made his way to the end of the stage, before opening his jacket and revealing he was wearing nothing but suspenders underneath. Taking the coat off, Issei gave it a twirl before throwing it, only for it to be caught by Xuelan. In the next moment, Issei had also slid off the stage and started his focus on Serafall, swinging his hips in front of her before moving on. Issei slowly slid his right suspender off to the side, before unclipping it and giving it to Raynare. Next, Issei removed his left suspender in a similar manner and handed it to Karlamine. Now standing in front of Ravel, Issei knelt down in front of the startled girl, before slowly bringing himself to stand and grabbing on to his pants, which he tore off, leaving him in nothing but a pair of shorts. Dropping the pants in the lap of a stunned Ravel, Issei then moved on to Kuroka, swaying from side to side before giving a thrust and moving on. Issei then stood in front of Irina and turned his back on her, before pulling his shorts off, startling the girl, only to see he still had some underwear underneath, in the form of black briefs. Leaving the shorts with Irina, Issei then moved on to Xenovia and stood in front of her, before leaning in, to whisper something in her ear. Lastly, Issei moved over to Xuelan and slipped under her grasp, coming very close to her face, before bringing his arms out to the side and slipping back into his coat which he closed over his body, before making his way back to the stage. Walking to the edge of the platform Issei turned around and opened the coat one more time, before the curtain closed.

'Wow, what an unexpected performance with lots of crowd participation!' Said Serafall, bouncing her way back to the stage.

'Next up is an angel in our midst, will she make it through her performance!' Cheered Serafall, as Issei took her seat.

As a soft melody started to play and the curtain was drawn back, Irina was revealed in a hybrid nurses' outfit. It had a cap with two white wrist cuffs, a nearly see-through pink side button gown with a white dress underneath, with the look being finished off with a pair of white stockings and white high heels.

'Well, Irina does like her white outfits.' Commented Xenovia.

Irina slowly made her way down the stage, undoing button after button on the top, before reaching the stage and opening the top, letting it drop. She was now revealed to be wearing a white dress which had strategic holes in the chest and hip area, giving glimpses at what was beneath. Irina slowly took the cuffs of her wrists, before letting them fall to the floor. Irina then dropped down and spread her legs to the side, slowly kicking off her left heel, before doing the same with the right. Irina then raised her legs up and removed both stockings at the same time, slowly revealing more and more of her creamy legs. As she reached the top, she let her legs drop and pulled them the last bit of the way off, before letting her wings out, letting her float over to the audience, coming to rest against Issei's lap. Irina took the cap off and placed it on Issei's head, giving him a wink, before floating back on to the stage. Irina then made her way her way back to the curtain which closed.

'Another interactive one, this time involving wings too. Things are sure getting more collaborative.' Commented Serafall.

As Irina returned looking somewhat flustered, Kuroka slid her way backstage.

'I wonder if she will even make it to the end of the platform before needing a nap.' Joked Raynare

As the curtain opened, Kuroka was revealed an attire that she had never worn before.

'A schoolgirl outfit? What a cop-out.' Said Raynare.

'I mean, she wouldn't have ever worn one.' Said Issei.

Kuroka immediately dropped down to all fours and prowled down the stage. Her attire would certainly not have passed for standard attire in Kuoh Academy, consisting of a dark blue top, which looked more like half a bra than a top, blue elastic suspenders, which ran under her skirt and top to meet at the back, and a black and red checkered skirt with a tie to match under a small white shirt collar.

'It is probably a good thing our school uniform is nothing like this.' Said Raynare.

'Because you would be too cold?' Asked Ravel, causing Raynare to laugh.

'Have you seen what I normally wear? No. It would be too distracting. No one would get anything done… although...' Said Raynare, trailing off at the end.

'When does the stripping part come into effect?' Asked Xenovia, as Kuroka had now passed the halfway point of the stage.

'Uh, I don't think there is much to remove.' Commented Irina.

'There is always something that can be removed.' Said Karlamine, as Kuroka reached the end of the stage.

As if to prove the point, Kuroka reached the end of the stage and removed her tie, throwing it at Raynare. Kuroka then put her hand at the centre of her top and used some magic to split it in half, causing it to open up, showing more of her chest, but still keeping certain areas covered under the suspenders.

'That was a powerful move.' Commented Xenovia, before Kuroka turned away from the group, followed by unclipping her skirt and letting it fall to the ground. Kuroka deliberately added more sway to her movement, practically hypnotising the crowd as she made her way back up the stage.

'A short performance, but one that definitely leaves a strong impression!' Announced Serafall.

'My turn.' Said Karlamine, as she made her way up the stage.

'You know, you can change back after the performance.' Said Raynare, as Kuroka returned still in her outfit.

'Nya, I didn't feel like it, but I'm happy for you to help me take it off if you want.' Said Kuroka, running her fingers down the suspenders.

'Maybe another time.' Said Raynare.

As the curtain was drawn, Karlamine was wearing a teal blazer and short-shorts with a black belt. Under the blazer was a yellow micro-bra with a white towel under the blazer over the chest. Karlamine opened the jacket teasingly, showing how little clothing was actually on, as she made her way forward. Letting the jacket slide off her shoulders, Karlamine let it drop to the floor, leaving only the towel and bra covering her chest. As Karlamine reached the edge of the stage, she pulled the belt off and let it drop to the floor with a thud, before turning around and sliding her shorts down, revealing she was wearing a yellow micro bikini which did nothing to hide her taut bottom. Without turning around, Karlamine unhooked her bra from the back and let it slide down to the floor. Giving a small turn, the group noticed the towel just protected Karlamine's modesty, proven as she slowly tugged on each end, giving the barest peek of what lay beneath the towel, before covering back up again. Finally, making her way back up the platform, Karlamine swished the towel either side of her neck, implying she was now revealed, but didn't turn around, leaving the tension to linger.

'For someone who I thought was into combat, that was an excellent performance.' Said Xenovia.

'Karlamine likes going to the beach a lot.' Said Ravel.

'It's great for building up core strength.' Said Karlamine, returning to the group, still in her attire from the show, only now the towel was protecting her modesty.

'Why didn't you get redressed?' Asked Xuelan.

'It's too hot in here.' Replied Karlamine.

'Well, guess it is my turn now anyway.' Said Xuelan, before making her way backstage.

'I'm very curious to see what Xuelan does.' Admitted Karlamine, before an energetic beat started to play.

Instead of walking out to the stage, Xuelan seemed to leap onto the stage in a blue and white cheerleader outfit, complete with red and white pompoms. The white and blue stripped skirt reached to just under Xuelan's navel with a blue and white polyester bra tied up with a bow in the front. To complete the look, Xuelan wore a pair of white knee-high boots with blue frills on the top. Xuelan danced her way down the stage throwing in a few kicks and moves that impressed the audience, but also revealed her secret.

'I forgot Xuelan didn't like to wear undergarments, but it is certainly different when she is wearing looser garments.' Said Ravel, a small blush on her face.

'Isn't this a violation of the rules?' Asked Raynare.

'Technically she is still wearing clothes.' Said Kuroka.

As Xuelan had finally reached the end of the stage Xuelan did a split and faced the group.

'Isn't the stage cold?' Asked Irina, only for Xuelan to shake her pompoms before pulling the string at the front of her bra, leaving it to open, but keeping her pompoms in place.

Xuelan, in an impressive display of dexterity, seemed to shift her ankles and bounced herself back into standing position, continuing to shake the pompoms, before raising her hands and giving a high kick, before running back up the stage.

'Well, she always has been really flexible. I didn't expect so much energy though.' Said Karlamine.

'A daring performance if I have ever seen one. Now to close the show, Xenovia.' Said Serafall.

Breaking the trend, Xuelan did return in a loose version of her Cheongsam, instead of keeping the cheerleader outfit.

'That was impressive. I didn't even think of going commando.' Said Kuroka.

'I don't think it was a deliberate decision.' Said Issei.

The spotlight locked on to the curtain and Xenovia emerged.

'I don't know if this is you actually using restraint.' Said Issei, turning towards Raynare.

'Hey, she has good taste.' Said Raynare.

Xenovia was wearing an open breasted leather outfit, similar to Irina's in that it made use of strategically placed holes, but was complemented with black leather thigh-high boots, a purple leather tail with a love heart tip, and a pair of purple leather horns, complete with a black and red leather cowl.

'And the sense of design?' Queried Issei.

'She asked me, what is the best design for seducing, I figured a succubus was the best way to go, not like she would be able to pull off a fallen angel.' Said Raynare.

'Why the cape?' Asked Irina.

'She is a hero succubus… again, why she would not pull off a seductive fallen angel, but it makes for an interesting performance.' Shrugged Raynare.

Xenovia dropped the cape to the floor, before dropping down to the ground, slinking along the stage, letting her tail wave from side to side. Xenovia then slid backwards, and lifted her right leg up, reaching upwards to unzip the boot. Xenovia then repeated this with her left leg, before standing to her feet. Xenovia then faced away from the crowd and bent over deeply to remove her boots. After straightening back up, Xenovia then walked to the edge of the stage and sat down against the edge. Xenovia then used her hands to nudge open the hole in the garment over her chest, giving view to what lay beneath. Xenovia then jumped off the stage and sat in Issei's lap, before pulling her top off her shoulders completely, letting her chest dangle close to Issei's own. Giving a somersault off Issei's lap, Xenovia landed back on the stage and gave her tail a small flick, before walking back up the stage, picking her cape up as she went.

'And with that we bring this exciting show to a close!' Said Serafall, as the lights went out on the stage.

Serafall bounced off the stage as Xenovia arrived.

'Great show everyone.' Said Serafall.

'I enjoyed it very much. I tried to incorporate everything I saw.' Said Xenovia.

'I mean, I guess it wasn't the worst thing I've done.' Said Issei, causing Irina to gasp.

'What did you do that was worse than this?' Asked Irina.

'Did you forget I destroyed a Leviathan just a few weeks back?' Asked Issei.

'I meant in terms of perverted things.' Clarified Irina.

'Oh, well then you and I have definitely done worse things, or did you forget?' Retorted Issei, causing Irina to stammer, before going silent.

'Really? You beat me, I'll never understand that. Come on, I've waited long enough.' Said Raynare, before dragging Issei away.

'Irina, you better go after them.' Said Xenovia.

'Don't worry, I have a plan.' Said Irina, pulling herself together and heading after the pair.