Disclaimer: I own nothing!

Chapter 20

Ana had thought the Asgardian armour a cross between art and practicality before, but this only compounded that belief. The armoured breast plate rippled when the light hit it, almost like there was heat rising off it. The same could be said for the rest of the armour. The leather underneath it was black, and stitched with golden runes, and she could feel the protective enchantments in that too. A green cape was attached at the shoulders, and fell to the floor. The sword that was laid on the table next to it was lightweight and small. It suited her small frame perfectly, and a green gem was inset into the pommel. Its simple elegance saw her smiling.

"If you are determined to join us in battle, you must be properly attired for it," Loki said, approaching her from behind and wrapping his arms around her. "The armour itself is enchanted to follow your transformation, and not hinder you in flight."

"This is amazing."

"You need to try it on, and try it when you change, as well as begin to practise while wearing it. You need to be sure you can move while wearing it."

"Well, first of all, I need to figure out how to get the actual armour on."

Loki chuckled. "Go and get changed into the leather parts, and then I will help you."

The plan was set. The first part would be the easiest part. It would see Loki, Anastasia and other magic wielders from Asgard throw up wards to keep everyone who was already within Hogwarts grounds within the grounds. Especially demons. It would stop the three from escaping, so that they could be dealt with. Even if nothing else was accomplished, that at least would be something. A strong achievement.

After the wards were up, they would enter the grounds from all sides, the Avengers, Shield Agents and Asgardian Warriors, all working together. When they were heading in, Anastasia's next task would be carried out in Phoenix form. While painful for the standard, run of the mill evil-doers, her song, especially in phoenix form, would be agony for the demons. Getting them, Voldemort and his Death Eaters off guard would be easier with a phoenix song. Something she could easily provide. And she was sure many of the 'Light' side would also be caught off guard in discomfort, at the very least.

After that, everything else was down to chance. They had formations in place to be able to fight the opposition and defend themselves, but from then on, it was hope for the best. They would have them surrounded, and without a chance of escape, with the wards even cutting off the secret passageways, but they could still take heavy casualties.

The three demons started as they felt wards go up and hissed. "We are under attack," the man said. "Wards have been put in place to prevent us from leaving."

Dumbledore closed his eyes and felt the new wards, just outside the walls of the grounds. "They are here. Asgard's warriors have finally come."

Ana kissed Loki quickly before changing forms. She could now fly in her armour, but for this part would be perched on Loki's shoulder. As they entered the grounds, she began to sing. That this also boosted their side was simply an added bonus.

The meeting had been held on the grass before the lake, and she saw the mass of people prepare for the coming fight. The sound of a jet startled some, as they turned to the lake to see several Quinjets appear over the lake, and another over Hogwarts castle itself.

"This is SHIELD, you are surrounded. Lay down your weapons and place your hands behind your heads."

A spell was fired off at one of the Quinjets, only to reflect off the shield it generated, hitting the caster. The blasting hex did its job, blowing the man apart.

Ana could see the three demons, their hands over their ears as they fell to the ground, trying to block out her song. Many in the crowd were shifting uneasily, and Voldemort was shaking his head, as if trying to get something out of his ear, while his face said he had the mother of all headaches.


The green giant landed amongst the group and with a broad swipe of his arm, scattered them. He had landed amongst the aurors, practically wiping out the ministries force with the move, and scattering the other two factions in a panic. One of the demons stood up screaming at him, her hand coming out in a clawing motion. The resulting magic hit him into the lake. Ana let loose another call, watched the demon flinch and willed her magic to lash out, striking the demon to the ground, just as the Hulk jumped out of the lake, and grabbed the demon, before pounding her into the ground. Ana felt and saw Loki flinch slightly and had a flash of the Hulk doing the very same thing to him. But then, they reached the reforming group of Death Eaters, Order members and the few remaining Aurors.

Ana glided down and changed back pulling out her sword and gathering her magic. She remained close to Loki as they fought but was surprised when they encountered Voldemort and he hesitated, before throwing a barrage of spells.

'What is it?' She asked him, concentrating on others that came their way.

'His soul is torn. He has anchors keeping him from passing on. If we want to kill him, it cannot be done here or now. There is a ritual, but it takes time.'

'You're trying to imprison him?'

'It is the only way to get rid of this one for good.'

"Thank you, for bringing the girl here," Voldemort taunted. "I had grown fed up with toying with the false prophecy child." He changed his tactics and threw curses at Ana, two of them were the killing curse.

She felt Loki in her mind in an instant, guiding her to throw up the right shield. Only one curse got through, but it hit the breast plate of her armour. She gasped as she felt the wind get knocked out of her, but nothing more serious than that.

Loki used the attempt to slip past Voldemort's defences, bringing him down and his magic encased him in chains, before Voldemort disappeared. She knew it was to one of the SHIELD holding cells that had been prepared for any captives.

Suddenly a hand wrapped round her throat and she was face to face with one of the demons. The man. He was grinning. "Well little phoenix, I was hoping to be the one to catch you."

"Fuck you," she spat, before jamming her sword upwards, through his torso. Ana saw the eyes flash, and the body slumped to the ground, bringing her with it. Loki was there then, pulling her up, and she yanked her sword from the body.

"Are you alright, Anastasia?"

"Fine. I don't think he was counting on the sword."

A blast of magic threw them apart, and the other female demon, the one not being beaten to a pulp by the Hulk, was on top of her, throwing the sword away as she did. She saw the demon's mouth open, and felt Loki's panic, and her own. Ana closed her eyes and let instinct take over. Where she was now, was light, and flames.

Loki watched as Anastasia burst into flames, and the demon screamed as she burnt to ash. Anastasia stood, and looked round, viewing the carnage, the ongoing battle, still aflame, but he could make her out amongst the fire, her face impassive. He could sense her… but not the Anastasia he knew. This was the phoenix that had given her powers to keep Anastasia from dying in that chamber. She was weighing every fighter and judging.

Anastasia raised her arm and the final demon caught fire as the Hulk brought her down once more, and left her there. Then, the Death Eaters followed, along with Dumbledore. The wizards and witches left were all on the ground already, beaten.

'Anastasia,' He said, speaking to her through their connection, aware of those on their side turning to face them. He still felt the panic, knowing that if the phoenix side of her decided to leave this plane of existence, he would lose her forever. "Anastasia, it is over now. The battle is won. Come back to me. Please.' She likely had no idea that she could do this. Had no idea of her own true power, but he could see it now, and it terrified him, if only because her losing control of it today could see him lose her.

She looked at him, and he felt hope surge as he felt her again. Felt his Anastasia, his wife's presence amidst the endless flames. "Loki," she said, her voice more melodious than ever. The fire went out and she stumbled, but he was there to catch her. "Is it done?"

"It is done. You killed all three demons. You ended it before we took any heavy hits, my darling firebird."

Her eyes rolled back and she slumped in his arms.

The battle had been so short, Thor thought it hardly deserved the name. He had barely managed to take out four opponents before Anastasia had stepped in and ended it. Warriors and SHIELD agents had secured the castle and others had been sent and secured the Ministry.

Voldemort was being transported to Asgard to be held there, until the ritual could be prepared to summon the rest of his soul fragments back to him so he could be executed. Then there were the Potters to consider. James and Lily Potter were also on Asgard now, and would stand trial soon enough. At least, when Anastasia had awoken and recovered.

None of them were sure how moving her via the Bifrost would affect her, so Loki had opted to place her in a room in the school, which was heavily guarded. Eir even made the trip down to Midgard to do what she could. Three days passed, and still Anastasia had not awoken, and Loki had not left the room she was in. Thor knocked on the door.

"Come in."

He opened the door to see his brother, sat on the bed, looking grey. "You have not slept again."

"I cannot. If something were to happen…"

"You would be useless to her. Go to sleep, Loki. She needs you rested. I will stay here. Should anything happen, I will wake you immediately and call for Eir. Just lie down on that bed for Norns sakes."

"I cannot lose her, Thor."

"You will not. She just used too much energy. Almost ascending to a higher plane will do that to you. But she is here, and breathing. She will be fine, and come back to you."

Loki nodded, before all but collapsing into the bed. He was asleep in seconds, and Thor shook his head, taking the now vacant chair. He was tempted to call Loki a stubborn idiot, but knew if it was Jane, he would be doing the same thing.

The door opened, and he smiled softly as Jane came in. The moment it had been declared safe, Jane had asked Heimdal to come, and done all she could to help, where she could. He held out his hand and she accepted it, allowing him to pull her onto his lap. "Lady Eir just told me that she believes Ana's powers are almost back to full strength. She should wake up soon."

"I hope so. For Loki's sake."

Loki opened his eyes to find himself in the exact same spot as where he proposed to Anastasia, and was looking out over the water as the sun set, and the flames danced. She was tucked into his side, smiling up at him.

"You took your time."


"I've been waiting for you."

"You have?"

"Yes. Don't tell me you weren't sleeping. Honestly. I'm too tired to wake up, so needed you to be asleep to talk to you properly."

"This is not a dream?"

"Well of course it is. But because of our bond, we can control it, make whatever we want of it and talk," Ana smiled again. "I'm sorry about earlier. I panicked, and didn't know what I was doing. Now I'm just so tired and I need to rest. I didn't want to worry you."

"Oh my darling, so long as you are going to be fine, I do not give a damn."

"There's also something else I want to talk to you about, without the chance of anyone overhearing us."

"And what is that?"

"Now that the main part is done, I want children."

"We can have as many as you want, and can start as soon as you are recovered, if that is what you wish."

Thor's yell of happiness was heard as far as the gates, when he saw Anastasia's eyes flutter open. Loki shot up, disorientated for a moment, before hearing the weak laugh. "Thor, could you keep it down, some of us are trying to sleep here," her voice was half a yawn, but Loki had never thought it more beautiful than then. It had not just been his dream, but one they had shared. She was awake, and was going to be fine.

Three years later.

Anastasia smiled as she saw the young red haired boy screaming with laughter as his father dangled him upside down. Loki was grinning as he tickled Leif, adding to his laughter. A muttering and wriggling had her looking down at Eira and her smile grew.

"Are you hungry?" The two month old gurgled, almost a cry and she shifted into a more comfortable position. Her daughter was certainly hungry. She shifted her top to allow her to feed her daughter, and only when Eira was settled, did she look back up. Leif was now on top of Loki's shoulders.

There were no more threats to them now. Her brother was a squib, and stuck on Midgard, her parents were gone. Loki had settled for nothing less than their lives at the trial. She had to say, she felt some relief, knowing they could not hurt her. Voldemort had been executed as well, as soon as all his soul fragments had been reunited with the part still in his body.

With nothing left to threaten them now, and magical Britain under Asgardian rule for the time being, there was no worry about another fight. The moment she had felt well enough, Loki had taken her to bed and Leif had come along nine months later.

And now they had Astrid as well and soon enough, their children would have their first cousin. Yes, as far as she was concerned, her life just could not get better. Whenever they returned to Midgard, Darcy, true to her word, was there to play with and make a fuss of Leif, and make a fuss of Eira. She was itching for Eira to be old enough to play with as well, Ana knew.

Hermione and Ullr had twins only a year ago, not long after getting married, and it was a running joke between Ana, Jane, Hermione and Darcy that there would soon be an Asgardian day care in Avengers Tower with Darcy presiding over it all, and Steve worriedly monitoring it. The soldier had baby and child proofed everything there.

"What are you thinking?" Loki asked, sitting down, their son still on his shoulders.

"Just that things really got better since you walked into that bar I worked in."

He grinned, before leaning down and kissing her.

A/N: Well, that's that. I'm glad to finally have it done to be honest, it's kept bugging me for ages, but with work getting in the way, it really didn't help the story any. I just hope you all enjoyed. Thanks for reading.