moon1210 This forum is a Roleplay. The basic plot is the good Titans, knowing that their rule is ending, sends the Greek Olympians to a special school run by older, Minor Gods (Pan, for example) to learn how to rule the entire universe. This school teaches them things like Archery, Swordmanship, Horsemanship, Elements, and much, much, more. In this Role Play, the Gods are young. From the ages of 14-18. I mean, that young, so it's like thay're regular kids. The School is a Boarding School, on (You guessed it) Mount Olympus. The Gods will end up loving the place of their school so much that it will become their home. As for the name of the school, I thought that we should come up with one together. Now, I realize that this conflicts with some major Greek Mythology themes, such as, the birth of Athena or Hephaestus. Please ignore all those. Just go with the flow... 2/7/2012 #1 |