Sick Sad World
This forum is to talk about Daria, the fics, and the sick sad world they live in.
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I'd have some new idea for a Daria crossover fic and here are some suggestion

Daria x Young Justice

Daria x Spectacular Spiderman

Daria x Yugioh

4/13/2011 #1

Daria x Smallville makes more sense. I think it could be interesting to see the interaction of Lawndale characters with Smallville characters (Daria/Jane and Chloe, Jodie and Clark, Brittany and Lana, Martha Kent and Helen getting Law decree together, Mrs. Lee trying to convince Lex/Lionel to donate some money to Lawndale High etc).

7/11/2011 #2

I'm not so sure about that.

12/24/2011 #3

How about Daria/Gen 13 crossover?

Daria going through Fairchild-like transformation (and being incredibly annoyed by it because of all the male attention), or Trent getting 'sponging' powers, so he assumes rock form while sleeping and Jane have to use sledgehammer to wake him up.

12/27/2011 #4
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