The Quidditch League Fanfiction Competition ARCHIVED
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Fire The Canon

Hi all!

This is an announcement regarding season 7 (and future seasons). After much debate, I have come to the decision to not continue on with the running of QL next season. This is due to a few things, but the main being that I have recently found out I am pregnant and know that I will not be able to to QL with a child, when it's difficult enough now!

So yes, I won't be returning next season which means that the others have been working hard on getting some stuff together to open TWO new mod positions. In the coming days, there will be some information posted regarding this and applications, so please keep an eye out if being a mod for this position is something you may be interested in :)

I'm going to see this season through and then I'll most likely probably not be all that active, especially come June 2019 onwards!

10/26/2018 #1
Emiliya Wolfe

Congratulations Ash! Hope you keep us updated :)

10/26/2018 #2
That's awesome Ash! Congratulations!! You've made this entire competition into what it is now and it's amazing to see how far it's progressed. Wishing you the very best :')
10/26/2018 #3
Lily MJ Fae

Congrats Ash! That's so awesome for you!

10/26/2018 #4
The Quidditch League

We have posted a poll for those who are interested in returning next season. Please select one of the options if you are interested in returning (or the "not interested" option if you aren't interested in returning. :)

10/26/2018 #5

Congratulations!! I'm so happy for you :D

10/27/2018 #6

Oh gosh, congratulations! You've done a great job here to help us firsties acclimate, and we're forever thankful for all that you've done!

10/27/2018 . Edited 10/27/2018 #7
Aya Diefair

Congratulations! 3

10/27/2018 #8
Claude Amelia Song

Congratulations and all the best!!

10/28/2018 #9
Congratulations Ash :)
10/28/2018 #10

That's awesome, congratulations :3 And thank you for creating such a beautiful place!!

10/30/2018 #11

Congrats!!! That's amazing. And thank you for PM-ing me all those years back to ask me to join. This comp has been a lot of fun. Best wishes to you and your family!!

11/1/2018 #12

Congratulations! That is so wonderful! All the best to you and your growing family. :D

11/6/2018 #13

Congratulations! :) I wish you the best of luck with motherhood! :D

11/7/2018 #14
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