The Quidditch League Fanfiction Competition ARCHIVED
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The Quidditch League

Would you return to the Quidditch League for Season 7? Please select one of the options above (if you are eligible) if you intend to or are considering returning next season. More info on the positions:

A Player is a Chaser, Beater, Keeper or Seeker on any of the 13 teams.

A Captain is the Captain of any of the 13 teams. You need to have completed 1 full season as a player in order to be a captain. A captain will be responsible for the team, i.e. keeping up the morale, sorting out issues, ensuring everyone has posted, clarifying questions, etc.

A Reserve is someone who substitutes for any player on any team at any point of time when the original player is unable to submit a story for a round, or permanently replaces them if they are unable to continue (refer to the Reserves thread for more info).

A Reporter is someone who writes for the Daily Prophet (see The Daily Prophet section for more info).

A Judge is someone who judges the stories submitted by the players each round and provide detailed scores and feedback for the same.

A Moderator is someone who runs the forum and organises everything. More information regarding applications shall be posted soon. Anybody from any of the above positions who have completed 1 full season is able to apply to be a moderator. We will be recruiting 2 new moderators for Season 7.

A Manager is a new position we will be introducing next season and will essentially be anybody from the above positions (except a moderator) who will help manage and organise a thread or specific task on behalf of the moderators. We will provide more info regarding this soon as well.

10/26/2018 #1

Yes, I would return as a player

11/12/2018 #2
Alice Brennan
Yes i would return as a player.
1/29/2019 #3
After a looong break (it's been three years, man), I'm willing to give QLFC another shot (after successfully failing the Reporter return mid-Season 5), this time as a judge.
2/4/2019 #4
Forum Moderators: Fire The Canon DolbyDigital, The Quidditch League, The Lady Arturia
  • Forums are not to be used to post stories.
  • All forum posts must be suitable for teens.
  • The owner and moderators of this forum are solely responsible for the content posted within this area.
  • All forum abuse must be reported to the moderators.
Membership Length: 2+ years 1 year 6+ months 1 month 2+ weeks new member